Puerto rican government keeps stealing during the coof

>puerto rican government keeps stealing during the coof

what went wrong bros?

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How about you spread that rican shitter for me sweetie>?

you should be granted full independence and all puerto ricans deported back to your island
one month later we can take back an empty island

>having women be at the top level of any organization
I don't but it seems every single one of them is corrupt. What kind of retard puts women in positions of leadership?

Spanish American War

Send all the Africans-Americans back to Africa first.

Fuckin Mexicans

To a puerto rican, stealing is as natural as breathing.

I hate how Ricans are so absurdly patriotic to their shithole island. I see Puerto Rican flags on cats everywhere, like dude why did you leave then? Oh yeah it's a corrupt shithole.

yeah but it's OUR corrupt shithole

basado y rojapillado or as Africans would call it
ላይ የተመሠረተ ቀይክኒን

Fuckin donate PR to Spain, holy shit get rid of that dump

It's a corrupt shithole but the land itself is beautiful.

That is what racemixing and individualism does to a society

Based leaf.

At least they are just putting a flag on them and not eating them like chinks would

The problem with Puerto Rico is Puerto Ricans. You're a nigger tier race.

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Puerto Ricans stealing?!? Fuck me that's something new.

>You're a nigger tier race.
>You're a... race
I wish, we're just literal mutts. We're pretty much what the rest of the U.S. will eventually become because white women dictate what's socially acceptable and they're mostly controlled by Jews.

puerto rico is shitty because its filled with puerto ricans.

if we sent all the mexicans and other browns to south america, the rest of america would be a really great place

That reminds me of the PR mayor that said "TRUMP DIDN'T SEND ANY SUPPLIES AND HELP" while standing in front of palletes of supplies from the US

>they voted multiple times to reject statehood, yet keep on expecting American handouts to support their baby-factory nation

It's bullshit. Cut them off. Let them sell sugar, tobacco, and rum to prop up their economy.

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Btw, America should take some responsibility for the shittiness of the Puerto Rican people. We were used as a source of cheap labor but the hard working Puerto Rican women who came to U.S. to work in the factories were sterilized. So basically, a dysgenics program was carried out that ensured that the lazy asses would procreate and the hard workers would have no children.

Just another amazing example of American foresight when it comes to slave labor.

>were sterilized.
If true then they didn't do a good job since PRs breed like Mexicans and Africans.

>cheap labor
More like local officials got rich themselves by deliberately suppressing labor wages to attract factories from America.

oh christ, you whiny shitskins will never take responsibility for anything. you have the mentality of children, and thats why ever single country run by you brown turds is absolute shit.

you all need the white mans help

Puerto Ricans gonna Puerto Rican.
You just can't help yourself, can you? You do this every time there's a crisis.

>If true then they didn't do a good job since PRs breed like Mexicans and Africans.
25% of Puerto Rican females were sterilized. They did a great job at removing the useful ones because the lazy ones, the ones who rather steal than work got to pump out kids while the ones breaking their backs in factories for pennies to achieve the American dream had none. Maybe if the ones who refused to work were the ones sterilized and the hard working ones propped up instead, then maybe Puerto Rico would be vastly different today.

I sure hope you don't harp on about white genocide and the muttification of white in the U.S. by Jews.

Is any of this surprising, though? After what happened during hurricane Maria everyone should have seen this coming.

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I thought they'd take a break during the pandemic honestly

shows how retarded I am

animals pretending to be human

People are attached to their homeland and rightfully so. Puerto Rico needs to become independent and the diaspora needs to return and help make it a decent country. The problem with immigration is all the best and most ambitious people leave, and the place they leave behind stagnates.

just go the fuck back to wherever you belong

>The problem with immigration is all the best and most ambitious people leave
yeah, that sure must explain all the useless beaners sitting around on their asses doing nothing

Unfortunately, that is their best.

>become independent

half the island are on food stamps, we become independent and half the island would starve to death

>puerto rican government
>what went wrong
>puerto rican government
found the problem

Well that shows how big the problem is then yeah? A lot of countries in Latin America and the islands are completely dependent on gibs and remittences from exporting their population. It's pathetic and Africa-tier and won't change until the gibs addiction is broken.

i honestly wouldnt doubt it.
>we become independent and half the island would starve to death
oh look, you need the white man to come save you. just like every other nonwhite country

Ffs just nuke us already

After you

i am, you literal ape. my ancestors killed most of the savages here. the only mistake they made was not stopping where they did.
they should have gone all the way to the bottom of south america.

white people would be on their way to mars right now if we didnt have to keep helping low iq shitskins.

You should honor your ancestors by killing some low IQ shitskins. Hit up your local public school and make them proud.

go back home and get featured in a cartel video, you weak coward.
running away from your shitty homeland like a true cuck

Oh what's that? You're not brave enough to do what your ancestors did? They had it worse, you know? If they got caught by the enemy they would have been tortured and scalped. Guess you don't live up to their standards, they'd probably be disappointed in what became of their conqueror seed. Too bad.

youre an idiot. but i expected nothing less from one of you.

go mow my lawn

Ah yes, the ad hominem "argument." I'm okay with bringing the discourse down to your level.

ur gay lol

>tells me to go murder subhumans
>gets called an idiot
>oh no ad hominem!

wew l a d

I guess your ancestors were idiots then.




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This now an old school reggaeton thread

Wait you fags wouldnt know about this lol

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>Wait you fags wouldnt know about this lol
And thank fuck for that, we don't listen to island nigger beats.

Its quite popular In Europe from what I've heard.


You heard wrong.

This shit is peak degenerate but fuck it. Makes me want to savagely grind on a giant ass like an animal.

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Only gays listen to that shit.
Leave and take your gay club music with you.

>checks flag

The flyover country of Europe, I see

their low IQ, low inhibition "leaders" can't help themselves

Every song is about gangbanging or half raping a bitch at the club lmfao

Faggot. This is patrician music

Said the island nigger, whose island is best known for officials looting shit during times of emergency.

I feel sad for anons that haven't graced their ears with this masterpiece. Top 10 album of all time in any genre.

Too bad this faggot started making commercial pop music.

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I'm not even Puerto Rican lol

thats some of the most low iq music out there
my god spics are so fucking stupid


Why do you act like one then? That's even worse, man.

Latin Americans can’t help being corrupt. It’s in their DNA. “The Mordida.”

I love low iq hoes

They tend to have some fat asses and tiddies . PR needs to become a prison island though, pure niggadry comes out of there.

Have you ever even met one? I'm not acting like one at all lmaoo I just like their music dumbfuck


What fucking Democrats are there in Puerto Rico? There's only Partido Popular Democratico and Partido Nuevo Progresista. PNP is currently in charge and they're the "Republicans" here.

Great, now we just need to figure out what to do with the other half.

IQ gets in the way of smashing. Girls don't want to hear about your thesis, they want to hear about how hard you're going to fuck them. The music is purely for getting laid.

>I'm not acting like one at all lmaoo I just like their music dumbfuck
Oh but you are. I rest my fucking case.
Look at this fucking nigger.

Checked for truth. But pic related. Idgaf user not everything has to be high IQ all the time.

It's pretty fucking bottom of the barrel IQ-tier though. But idgaf mayne

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Honesty sending the Mexicans to Rica would make it better

What do you mean we'd starve to death? Just farm, bro. A cortar caña se ha dicho.

Good lord your country is a shithole

Should just call it Puerto Potty

Based and redpilled. This is what it boils down to lmao. Like yeah I'll spit some redpills when having high IQ talks with the bois

But shit sometimes I just need to get my dick wet

>muh dik

You say that, but I'm glad I live in Puerto Rico and not New York.

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Based low-IQ chads

don't worry you'll find all the stuff they stole in the next earthquake

Move to a red state then

Theres tons of beautiful American frontier


You're not gonna swoon a girl over with some Bach bro.

Even if you're monogamous like I am.sometimes my girlfriend just wants to be sexually ravaged by an animal to this type of music. Live a little, user.

Spic's gonna spic!!!!!

I went to PR last spring and while it clearly has problems, it is more well off than any other island near it. (Also went to St. Maarten, which while nice as a tourist, is 100x more of a shithole than PR could ever hope to be).

Just be careful because (((they))) are everywhere, including PR

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Half medical devices in America are made in the island to avoid taxes so we lose.

Yeah, sounds like faggots.
Go back to the gay club with your queer shit.

I can confirm that Puerto Ricans are goblin tier gypsies
>t. white Puerto Rican who actually grew up in a proper nuclear family with generational wealth

Nope. There's no place like home.

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>what went wrong bros?
bean niggers gonna bean nigger
but we only allowed the corruption in the first place because of jews

so, ultimately, jews.

One of his last good songs, a little too electronic for me but still gud