Redpill me on Satanists?

People who literally worship Satan - how can they live with themselves? They are literally worshipping the embodiment of evil.
>My stupid mother was in a relationship with one of them for years after she left my dad
>She knew from the get go that this guy had all sorts of satanic paraphernalia, he wasn't even trying to keep it secret
>Ouija boards, pentagrams, books on black magic, that kind of thing
>Guy is literally worshipping the Antichrist, Lucifer, the deification of evil and chaos
>Then she acts all surprised when the guy turns out to be a psycho and starts hitting her
>I hate him for hurting my mum, but I also hate my mum for exposing me to that as a kid
>Play with fire, you get burned

I'll never trust a satanist, I fucking hate them. Does anyone on Yas Forums have more information about them? I want to fuel my hatred.

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There’s a horribly biased documentary on Netflix. Their leader has ties to neo-nazi groups. It’s like a baby bitch version of chanology.

sorry OP but christcucks don't belong on Yas Forums, you have to go back

Cringetards were put on earth so we can laugh and cringe at them

kys christcuck

I'm not religious gypsy

You have different satanic groups. Some just Satan as a meme. Some view him as a god. Some view him as a symbol to embody. Some are violent and antisocial. Others are politically correct and inclusive. (The lame ones)

Powerful. Stunning. Brave.

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doesn't matter you still smell of judeo-christianity. you don't really belong here

>I'll never trust a satanist, I fucking hate them

Someone is mad at God today. Take a deep breath it's going to be ok you little manchild.

They are edgy hedonists hiding behind an existing mythos, same as wiccans. All fags who think they are different.

They are very very dumb because they think that Satan can beat God or they think that it's worth to contemplate total demonic hedonism on earth for a few years even if it means spending their eternity in hell after.

This guy just sounds like an edgy loser. Rape him with a broom handle or stab him in his sleep next time he acts up.

we don't care about your god. stop projecting your insecurities on others, christcuck

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You have shitty genes OP. Don't reproduce.

Lucifer is literally the Lord of light, the one true God cast out of heaven by an imposter, Pope Francis is an example of what this false God does for our people

Nothing to do with insecurities. He's everyone's God. You are a manchild.

ChristCuck GTFO.

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People who literally worship Christ - how can they live with themselves? They are literally worshipping the embodiment of hate.
>My stupid mother was in a relationship with one of them for years after she left my dad
>She knew from the get go that this guy had all sorts of christian paraphernalia, he wasn't even trying to keep it secret
>Statues of mary, crosses, bible books, that kind of thing
>Guy is literally worshipping christ the saviour, the deification of hate and fundamentalism
>Then she acts all surprised when the guy turns out to be a psycho and starts hitting her
>I hate him for hurting my mum, but I also hate my mum for exposing me to that as a kid
>Play with water, you get drowned

I'll never trust a christian, I fucking hate them. Does anyone on Yas Forums have more information about them? I want to fuel my evil.

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You just smell like a desperate, filthy, shit-stained gypsy. Go steal some hubcaps you degenerate

sorry I don't follow slave morality. I find the notion that someone else had to die for your sins, that you inherited anyway, extremely disgusting. stop trowing words around lolcow.

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Angsty faggots who hate their parents

racism is a sin you piece of shit. go suck some (christian) nigger dick some more brainlet. clearely white nationalism is not your cup of tea.

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LaVey Satanism is edgy atheism with no real deep understanding of the occult and ancient religion as far as I can tell. It entirely false basically. Also there is no real definition of Satan in the bible, its all just meme'd together from various personalities. The characters which it could be named after dont really deserve it at all. Enki, Samael (Venom of God) or Lucifer none of them smote mankind like the wrathful biblical god Jehovah. Satan means accuser in Hebrew, its just a way to demonise someone you dont like. Evil spirits exist in my experience but the only spirit they are forced to obey ultimately is the Holy Spirit and those acting in its service.

tldr Black Magic and Evil exist, The Devil doesnt really imo its a metaphor

>even if it means spending their eternity in hell after.
hell is empty.

I can smell your pathetic existence through my screen. You wouldn't even be fit for a slave


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Nobady who truly believes in Satan would worship him. If they believe in Satan, they believe in God. They should be familiar with the prophecies. He will lose the war, and his followers will be caste away with him. The bible says there will be people who are surprised to find themselves in hell.

I am a Satanist but I don't worship Satan. I simply communicate with a variety of spirits that are considered to be 'demons'. They aren't to be worshiped in my opinion, but we can have conversations with them and learn some different points of view. The satanists that I can't stand are the narcissistic authoritarian ones, who often happen to be lefty SJW LGBT activists.
Lots of different people with different philosophies can call themselves satanist. It is an extremely broad umbrella.

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Yes, by all means, hold on to that anger and resentment. It will eat you alive. Or, take a tip from the dude who was nailed to a block of wood and forgive. Works magic, bro.

Almost everyone goes to Hell, Hell is just the generic underworld all souls go to before they reincarnate.

It's for faggots in middle school.

What a shit thread

>Gay retard in denial detected

Burn kyke

>hold on to that anger and resentment.
Does that also aply to the OP I was mocking?

Or is your morality selective.

>Manchild fedora tipping seethe

Yas Forums has always been a Christian board.

Technically his a Christian. Just worshiping a diff god in Christianity. Same sport just rooting for a different team.

Just as well wear all black clothes and jerk off to grimoires. Satanism is baby's first alternative religion.

not into human affairs
Alien culture it's the new era

Satanists Worship Themselves Because They Are Inherently Selfish People

Gay retard here. I accept it. POSD

As long as you are properly dogmatic, not the cucked catholic church

Satan isn’t real.

That is the first step.

Reinfaire normie

Wrong. Youre thinking of Sheol. The place of sleeping souls. Im not talking about when we die. Im talking about after resurrection.

Dam I love molesting gay retards nohomo

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Hell is what the Kikes have done to your nation
Heaven is when you live in a homologous white community

*tips kippah*

all of my stuff in one posts sorted by subject

Their believes and philosophical framework
True Tinfoil stuff

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Pro-tip, neither do you. You are like a turbo christcuck but with edgyboi cringe instead of pearl clutching cringe.

"Will someone please think of the children" = "Please let me sacrifice the children"

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Many dont view satan as evil. The biggest satanist group actually is all about spiritual development through meditation, and becoming god.

They view bible as tool of jews to supress ancient knowledge pagans once had. According to them, demons lived in harmony with pagans since millenia.

That all being said, the entire "joyofsatan" turned out to be indoctrination tool led by a hardcore neonazi, hence the hatred for jews.

Satanism is mostly for teens, they soon find out they are being cheated and leave.

The fucker that beat your mum prolly was one of very few hardcore satanists who drink animal blood and worship evil. Never actually heard of one/ seen one irl.

Hope this helps, user

Yes this is the actual definition of "Satanism" on a surface level. It's basically anti-religion, Selfish-ism should be its correct title however on deeper levels it is concerned with the dark occult but can lure in people with its feel good "just do your own thing!" type bullshit.

Based child of dracula btfoing christcucks.


Keep crying faggots

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Satanism is about the rejection of God and his values, embracement of his teachings.
>19The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; 20idolatry and sorcery; hatred, discord, jealousy, and rage; rivalries, divisions, factions, 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.
>22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
Also all the stuff God forbids throughout the bible, from faggotry to racemixing, and general degeneracy, is what satanism is all about, complete egoism, materialism and hedonism So Satanism is embracement of all the degeneracy that God forbids and which the kikes push and and enduldge in.
By allying with Satan you ally in any way you ally with the kikes.
At the foundation of all satanism there are a bunch of ultra retarded SJW whose entire philosophical basis is that God is a tyrannical fascist and a bigot for not allowing them to stick their dick where ever they want. God demands selfmoderation and aspiration to become something great. (((they))) believe these laws, instead of guidelines and advices for prosperity and a good life, are chains and limitations holding them back from doing what they want, from their self fulfillment, from basically sticking their dick into every hole they can find. That is the foundation of Satanism, forsaking Morals and laws so you can be a degenerate piece of shit, living like an animal according to the flesh, living as the BEAST
So in the end its mostly about "muh dick"

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Sinning bastards ruing the country with fucking hexs and shit cum sucking pedos

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>said the man that has gay porn saved on his computer. unlike you homo, I don't have pictures of naked men saved on my computer
>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
ok boomer

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Fucking gypsy of course you meddle with magick you satanist bitch.
OP the truth is, unless you are a man of power and status you'll just LARP or be a minion for the actual satanists.
The actual esoteric stuff with the big plans and shit is, obviously, a close guarded secret.

They're basically edgy faggots but here's what I've learned from speaking with a few of them. They believe some or all of a mishmash of these things, some of which contradict each other:
>there is no god
>there is a god but he's not all-powerful thus it's heroic and natural to rebel against him
>Lucifer was just sticking it to the man, man!
>Let this be the whole of the law: do what thou wilt
aka "if it feels good do it" is some kind of really deep philosophical construct that leads to good outcomes
>there is no afterlifeno reward or punishment therefore what we as humans do on earth is very important bc you only get one chance
basically retards

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ave satanas

gib gib big diddy goth gf

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spotted the zionist

you are a newfag and you don't belong here. stop trying to gaslight people in your shitty jewish religion

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>Redpill me on Satanists?
Jews are the satanists.

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usually full grown edgelords, annoying as fuck, pretentious, degenerate, self righteous faggots.

I don't know about those elite satanists tho, the ones that can get away with doing that allister crowley shit, they are probably some of the sickest and most ambitious people like CEOs, politicians and high ranking officers, those mother fuckers are probably evil incarnate.

Bottom line, satanists are dog shit, avoid them, they are either annoying fags, or actually evil.

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Satanism is 90% humanism/atheism/optional but common nihilism with an edgy contrarian aesthetic
The pentagram was a catholic symbol
99% of these people have the robes, the books, all the weird shit essentially for the larp. Its like if goth or punk styled itself as a religion or philosophy. It shouldn't be taken seriously the vast majority of the time

If you are able to be confused into thinking the weird edgy guy is your true enemy, you will miss the actual real occult shit and real demon worship. Satanists are such perfect red herrings for retarded normie Christians and their obsession with them is just as cringey as red pilled middle aged moms ranting about how the feminists and SJWs are the cause of all our problems

Make a religion strawpoll thread. you won’t, because you know Christianity will win.

Lucifer isthe lightBRINGER, God/Christ is the light itself. How dumb do you have to be to believe the allmighty God can be kicked out somewhere.

true. They never experienced proper paranting, thus when God puts them through them, instead of realizing he is teaching them some manners and lessons that they become better they view it as oppressive and tyrannical.


>satan not evil
>group all about...becoming god

that's literally what satan tried to do and why he's evil. those retards are retarded.

Satanists are just the other evolved form of atheists. As they level up, they can evovle into pagans, or satanists. Both cringey and annoying. What you want to look more into are Lucifians.

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>Wrong. Youre thinking of Sheol.
No, Hell comes from the Germanic word for underworld.

>Heaven is when you live in a homologous white community
Thats bullshit, because Christainity is an universalist religion, so its not going to be all White people.

Leveyan Satanism takes the biblical story and flips the script. It takes the belief that God is the asshole who set humanity up to fail and then blames humanity. Satan instead offers the choice to for each individual to decide what they become.

That ideology isn't too nutty. Quite frankly, without Satan to tempt us it means nothing to be a follower of Christ. You can be a devout Christian and love that Satan exists and uses his power to give you a chance to prove yourself to God.

"There hath no temptation taken hold of you but such as is common to man. But God is faithful; He will not suffer you to be tempted beyond that which ye are able to bear, but with the temptation will also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it." 1 Cor 10:13

Satan plays an integral role in this process. "Thou shalt have no god before me", but Satan is a part of God's process.

All that said Satanism as it is practiced is just a spin off of Wicca. It focuses a lot on using dark magic to curse people. This is effectively just prayer, but instead of praying for good things you are praying for bad things to other people. You have to invite dark spirits into your mind, and those spirits might have other plans for your psyche.