Why does Yas Forums think having white kids is going to change anything? They're just going to get blacked anyway...

Why does Yas Forums think having white kids is going to change anything? They're just going to get blacked anyway. There's nothing you can do about it. All your grandkids will be mutts and at that point you'll realize you wasted your money and life raising them for this.

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Dude, watch less porn.

most people on Yas Forums are 12

Have more kids so they can wield weapons and help you kill all the blacks, and chinks, and kikes.


cringe jidf posting

The problem with this logic is that most people tend to stick with their own races when not confronted with either segregation or forced, media-sponsored integration, both of which are tools of the Jew.

not everyone has porn on their mind 24/7 you coombrain

they think through kids they will save le white race

it's just mindless reproducing like cattle & niggers

Demoralization thread.

t.the nigger seething

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The problem is that we have shitskins in this country, it isn't that we don't have enough white people to dilute their presence. It is incredibly fucking obvious to me that we want a moderately sized, sustainable population of white people with no shitskins, not a country stacked to the brim with both. You guys are a bunch of autists who take statistics way too seriously instead of thinking about what might actually work on a human level.

You do know /trash/ has blacked threads right?
You can go there to fantasize about black cocks.

another chink thread

Why do American have such an obsession with racemixing?

you are aware more white children is only half the answer.

the other half is to either remove the male population of the other races or render them sterile so they can't breed

then it's simply a matter of breeding more white babies and bleaching colored women

just remember to eliminate all male children that result from the bleaching to ensure the white women have no choice but be bred by white men


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I'm 11 so shut the fuck up.

Because half of all Americans aren't white

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nice larp faggot

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Because you lost WW2. Thanks a bunch.

Hitler rises

No, the strongest people were all mutts. Romans, Americans, Mongolians, Russians, hell the British are arguably germanic/celtic mutts, Spaniards tend to be a bit mutty too, thanks to lingering Moor admixture. These guys made the biggest and most influential empires. They were all muddled up conquerors who fucked exotic women and sent their double-mutt sons to kill and enslave the purebreds. Humans are similar to dogs in this way, being a purebred is nice but the healthiest and strongest dogs are mutts. Like it or not this is the truth. A pure Germanic just doesn't have the potential of a man with the best parts of every race inside him. One day the world will be conquered by genetically superior ultra-mutts, who have the best qualities of every race and none of the bad qualities. They might come about naturally or be engineered in a lab like in Brave New World. The Ultra-Mutts will liberate us from racial strife as they spread their genetics into the whole world and make humanity stronger as a whole.

Strength of purity is an illusion and only serves to hold you back. No race is superior to all others in every aspect, and if you don't think this you're lying to yourself because this so-called "Superior Race" would have already conquered the world by now if they really were so great. So far those who have come closest were mutts.

Because of (((Americans)))

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Yas Forums in a nutshell

Yeah, I’d say that this is your fault for losing the war. Nice going.

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Can confirm

>Why does Yas Forums think having white kids is going to change anything? They're just going to get blacked anyway.
mutt's law

It's only a matter of time before white women realize getting blacked was a huge mistake.
Black men will beat white women when they realize the women are only into them because the media says so.
Their relationships are empty, pathetic attempts at virtue signaling and not genuine attraction.
Niggers will become furious when they realize this and chimp out.

Yes it is.

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>any minute now
>does nothing
Yas Forumstard du jour

If it comes to it and I am wrong my AR-15 will set things right. I'll set it all right then right myself if you know what I mean.

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fuck that's hot..
you have any more pics?

It's funny watching cumskins seethe over their race losing the power they once had. Eat BBC cumskins, your time is up.

I really wish for you to die a most painful death. Honestly, from the bottom of my heart, I hope you catch Covid19 and drown on your own bodily fluids.

More like lock and load time for some ethnic cleansing.

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whites can nuke all of you off the planet, over a cheeky weekend

To me its not necessarily about race. More culture, African culture ideas and breeding is literally thousands of years behind Europe. So importing whole sale Africans who bring their ideas puts us back another 1000 years. Breeding and education is passed down the generations.

I'm having white 2.0 kids

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No cuck genes from white women in my kids.

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It's already happened countless times.
Welcome, newfriend.

Americans are honorary jews and SJWs, even those who voted Trump.

history has a habit of repeating itself don't tempt us nigger

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Asian wife, happy life.

Kikes on pikes.

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>whites 2.0
It's impressive the lengths Americuckolds go to justify racemixing.
Thank god coronavirus will destroy your nation.


The only cuckold is the one who simps to white women. Thanks for the (you).

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That looks like a chink.

I forgot that Amerimutts unironically think ms paint comics are arguments.
Now lets check voting patterns to see who is an ally and who is a traitor.

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I'm not American, i'm free of your cuckoldry.
The rest of whites watch the US with a smug sense of superiority as you collapse and muttify yourselves to death.

It's about time the real whites take over again, and not your false nation created by insurgent terrorists and traitors.

do your job jannies
youre going to ban me if i "reply to off topic garbage" so please do your unpaid job and delete shit bbc threads

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I find black people aesthically unattractive. Same for fat people.

>you must love white women

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If you are a true white, sure.
Not you Americans, your gene pool is too poluted.

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another shit interracial slide thread

It's literally forced down our throats by every media outlet, commercial and advertisement.
Posters, billboards, radio, you name it.
It's enough to drive a man aware of what's happening insane.
Dont forget your spiced herbs btw.

Let me show you why white women are shit,. and that you are a betacuck for worshiping them

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By the way, do you realize that the picture you posted sides with me?

American culture is centered around niggers. They have holidays for niggers. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free niggers. They listen to nigger music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like niggers. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from niggers. They post sassy gifs about niggers. They watch sportsball in worship of niggers. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of niggers playing sports. They use nigger slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the nigger. Their cities are completely overrun with niggers. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with niggers and their global police force of soldiers filled with niggers. Their men sit around watching nigger ball while their women sit around watching nigger talk shows. They worship niggers like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and Jackie Robinson while attacking the whites who actually built their country before niggers took over. Their movies are filled with niggers and their music charts are topped by niggers. They send niggers to the Olympics and celebrate when the niggers win because those niggers are true red blooded american niggers. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about nigger penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate niggers and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love niggers but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of nigger loving niggers.

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It’s inevitable, getting your lineage blacked

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to be honest it depends what's mixed with what. You analogy of dogs you need to consider that many new breeds were created by carefully selectiving traits not just whoring out bitches.

The picture I posted sides with me, you just can't read anything besides the simp at the top.

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Literally nobody does. It’s literally kikes, discord trannies, and Chinese people from Canada posting shit like this.

Demoralization posting like this is both transparent and futile.

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No, what you are going to show me are cherrypicked examples.
You don't have any data.
For fucks sake, look at this
it's a literal pic made in MS paint made by some American.

And, as we all know, Americans seek the destruction of whites at any chance.
Americans are the enemy.

This is the final redpill: it's not the jews, it's not the muslims. It's Americans.
Fortunately, your beloved asians have lent a hand in destroying you.

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Fried chicken anyone?

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ignore this stupid nigger/ chink
Fuck nigger/chink

>Literally built for my 3 inch cock extender

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>This is the final redpill: it's not the jews, it's not the muslims. It's Americans.
Hi rabbi.

Well, while you keep posting random pics, i'm going to post objective data.

For example, here we have proof that most cuckolds in the world are American, not a surprise.

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Seeing a historical pattern here?

I know simps are hardpressed to read into things, because they are so thirsty and all, but at least try.

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Imagine as he slides his BBC in her

I love pounding my white girl, I make her wear leggings with a hole so I can enter whenever

Make her braid her hair and slap the ass till red. She needs the cum and my big dick (not black thank God) and she loves it

Why is it always the most beautiful white girls that go for black guys?

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There will be no Niggers in the future. Only white people and maybe some asians will be left.

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ill give you an honest non meme answer. Its because its actually becoming more wide spread than ever and unlike germany, negros here are becoming god like entities so I think the best way for us to cope is by posting these shitty hur durr bbc memes. I go to a southeast US university and frequent the college pubs/clubs and 80% of the white kids talk like fucking niggers, about 30% of the couples in the club are BMWF like literally you see a bunch of awkward white kids in a group and then some 8-9/10 white girl with this beefed up negro just like the fucking memes, and its only BMWF you rarelly see hispanic kid and WF, or asian and WF. Start taking this shit seriously, start to lift and man the fuck up before we become a bunch of fucking puerto rican looking mongrels.

Hi warrior of Israel.
How do you expect me to not side against you, when you are the ones who fought against the nazis and who fight for Israel?
Jews wouldn't be anything without you.

America must be wiped out, as long as America and even a single American exists, the west will not be safe.

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These are all fair critiques. It fuckin sucks.

It's because of this, what you're doing right now, that you are now wrong.
My 4 children (working on 5) already know to distrust niggers, and kikes, and the rest of your weaponized "minorities".
My 12 year old daughter can pop an eye at 300 yds., build a shelter, primitive fire, and hunt and fish.
All of you city dwelling lefty lemmings, lost in your concrete rat maze, have no fucking clue how very fucked you are. Lost, and delusional in your own bubble of shit.
Keep poking with these retarded sllde threads. You have incoherently chased us offline, and into organizing in real life.
Uh oh.
I know you idiots believe you can control this like you were able to with WWII, but you have no clue what's really going on.
We have been patient, and silent for decades.
You have no fucking clue what's out here.

You are surrounded, neanderkike niggers.
Sleep well.
You do not survive what you have created.

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Isn't that a guy?

This holy fuck. I will admit some of these coal burners are so beautiful I'd completely disregard the fact they've had black cock just to be with them, they so perfect and beautiful to me still.

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Imagine the noose being put over your neck

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White women are shit

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Basically this, this white vs black is what caused mixed kids to begin with. Reverse psychology on a massive scale.

Based turk