Check and mate, envirotards

check and mate, envirotards

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What is this supposed to prove? Nobody ever said that climate change was entirely due to cows

just how polluting are cruise ships? Are there really that many?

It's not, but you wouldn't believe how many people actually suggest that it's because of cow farts

pollution =/= methane emissions

And this is why Earth flips into massive ice age.

Checked and keked
Veganfaggots forever and eternally BTFO


>omg u guys like we were harming the planet and now we are not. This virus is a good thing, see!!! Time to go inside I think mommy just got done cooking some bugs :) #wearerhevirus

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the sole purpose of veganism is to create an underclass of developmentally crippled males with prepubescent features that can be fucked by pederasts legally.

oh so now this makes sense:

that's why they want us to stay inside.

You have to eat the bugs. Cow and meat industry bad for the environment. Actually forgot just cows, all animals that emit co2 have to die so no pollution and earth can be green. Get gun and killself

I mean there’re bound to have some effect over the environment because of how much cattle there is in the world, so being so reductive by saying “le cow farts” is very gay and boomer-ish of you

I need to do my part and eat more cows

this is fucking stupid, it's just lies told by social media

literally nothing is stopping, there's fucking oil plants still going on and airplanes soaring in the air

There's a huge demand for resources when raising meat. It's not just le cow farts although it's part of it to some extent. Defeat the argument without making a strawman you'll look less retarded.

All according to plan.

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It is necessary to kill approximately 5 billion people to preserve the planet. I think we should start with niggers, chinks, and poos. After that, we'll focus on jews and beaners.

>The only animal that farts is the cow. And that’s a bad thing

Let's see if it gets colder...

No one said this.

>fucked by pederasts legally
They fuck kids in the open shill, trans-kids are their thing.
Cholesterol is need to make hormones; female vegans often stop menstruating. It's about destroying reproduction.

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Lots of people claim it. Pay attention.

No start with spics chinks and niggers. Poos are basically considered niggers. But the wet backs are definitely the worst out of them

Theyre literally the lmbiggest offenders. Look it up.

20 million less Chinese polluting the world and still no appreciable change in the world climate.

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My coworker said the main reason he went vegan is because he doesn't want to support the existence of cows due to the "pollution they cause"

I noticed this very much. the air smells so FRESH and WONDERFUL because there's less cars and no air traffic.

this needs to be a thing, we need to utterly ban cars and planes. My quality of life significantly improved without putrid stench and fumes from those garbage machines.

Toxic as hell

you do realize that not all pollution is equal, and that methane gas being a factor to greenhouse gases is still viable

this statement literally just says 3 of pullutants stopped so pollution is down.....this disproves nothing

What a total faggot.

Ok..... So, are you on board for rewiring the modern workweek to either be a 4day/10 he week and/or at least 2 days for anyjobs that one doesn't need to be present are done remotely?

>20 million less Chinese polluting the world
They are still polluting the world, gotta wait for the smoke from their burning to settle.

>disproves nothing
then there's the whole matter of the co2 conjecture never even having been close to being proven

Give me an example. Redpill me.
Once boomers are kill maybe we can actually make that second one happen. Boomers hate being around their families so they force it.

>Tfw no change in air quality at all
It must suck living somewhere that the air is so polluted that you notice a difference.

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Cruise ships are the ultimate expression of boomerism. A giant floating city that at least triples the carbon footprint of any passenger on board and leaves a wake of trash as it lazily chugs along through delicate eco systems. I'm not even an envirofag but these things piss me off.

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Why do they keep mooving the goalposts?

No. They want to see the end of Dragon Ball Super, and that is admirable. Let them have their fun. I agree that they are definitely subhumans, but it does give me some joy watching them go crazy for a show about Japanese people ascending to Aryandom.

>pollution levels dropping at record breaking rates
I refuse to believe that people not going to work for a week has an immediately measurable effect. Show the data or fuck off.


Governments have been pushing this recently so they could get justification for building housing estates on farmland. The "cows cause pollution" meme is also why plant-based meat alternatives have been shilled hard lately.

We could actually tilt it a little more than that.

4 days and 32 hours is the average job + 3 days of basic income + whatever you can earn by gigging in between

What if 9/11 was reenacted with cruise ships instead of skyscrapers that'd be dope

Trust me it does.I have asthma and i'm sensitive to anything air related. The air hasn't been this clean and fresh and lovely to breathe since the early 90s.

THIS NEEDS TO BE A THING, WE NEED TO GET RID OF CARS AND PLANES. The difference between then and now is gigantic.

What’s the endgame for this environmental faggotry?

To stop the warming of the planet? We are coming out of an interglacial period and the world is going to continue to warm even if we were all wiped out tomorrow

To stop the ocean levels rising? We are currently 25 feet below what the maximum recorded ocean level was historically

To stop extinction of animals? We have already had 6 major extinction level events, the one 300 million years ago wiped 90% of the planets life forms off

So why are only cow farts ever mentioned?

yeah, the only change in air quality around here is that there's much less vibrations in it

I have heard that going vegetarian is the most consequential change you can make to the carbon footprint

>source:dude trust me
asphyxiate yourself

Haha yeah someone should it in Minecraft or maybe Roblox lol

The end-game is an economy that can allow humans to survive.

Right now the argument is over whether to enjoy the last bit of oil for ourselves or if we should spend it on our children.

anyone who thinks a "carbon footprint" means anything but simply utterly brainwashed

How could I possibly know what you're referring to? Here I googled it for you

>Trust me

If you are working from home there's much more flexibility in your time and thus are more paid by job instead of by hours. That could lead to either higher productivity or more free time overall. Gigging is good if you really find the extra income necessary or if you do it more as a paid hobby but ultimately a life that doesn't just revolve around work is much more natural. This could also be used for schooling with all levels being done as a hybrid between online and physically there, this lowering property taxes. I still feel having a day here or there to actually go to work with other people is good to have communications within a company and build chemistry (possibly friendship or love) is healthy.

Who put millions more people in the country with immigrants and "refugees" and gave them all money and good jobs to buy fuckloads of polluting cars with while increasing the need for more of nature destroyed to pave more roads to accomodate it?

Double-checkmate, leftard.

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yeah but good luck trying to convince people to actually charge polluting companies on any other basis

'carbon footprint' is the compromise because we know that they will never pay to clean up if they can itemize that list themselves

It snowed today here.. please resume driving

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>What’s the endgame for this environmental faggotry?
To force compliance and imprison all those who dissent. These people think they are acting gallantly by giving up their rights and freedoms while forcing others to give them up through autocratic fascist political movements. They only want you dead and your children enslaved. They will only wake up when their back is against the wall and the firing squad they helped assemble finally puts a bullet in their head.

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Jews will be the ones who will try to stop us, they must be first. Once the internal threat is gone we would be able to do as we please

What do you mean? The buildings would be cruise ships or the planes? Or maybe both?