Recently unemployed Republicans now want SOCIALISM!

> Recently unemployed Republicans now want SOCIALISM!

Holy shit my fucking sides are in orbit .

He was right all along

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the flu just highlighted the flaws of the American system.
Our own president himself said that leaving crucial things like healthcare should be sheltered from the "free market", which is huge coming from a neolib shitter

>Republicans vote against their self-interests
In other news: Water is wet

Socialism = Stateism

The best is their argument for why they are accepting socialism.

Just say "I was fucking wrong" not one will say this. Truly these people have very big egos.

They thought liberal tears were gonna be bad with Trump and they end up electing a dark horse oops.

I think they just do not understand what socialism is.

Since FDR died, they've been forbidden to have this conversation so it just became a boogeyman to them

>Recently unemployed Republicans now want SOCIALISM!

Total lie -- compensating people and businesses who have lost income because of government action is nothing even close to socialism.

But of course, commies gonna commie, and lie all fucking day long.

Hyperbolic statement there, my fair Nigger. Republican here that knows the amount of waste and corruption across the entire medical sector is a root issue. $50 for a bag of saline, need to toss a metal scalpel versus sterilization, etc. As you should know, again if you weren't a Nigger, that most western countries are a blended system.

Bootlickers gonna bootlick even when all the flaws in our corrupt neoliberal oligarch system are highlighted

>economic relief during a global pandemic is the same and free shit for niggers
top off

Welfare isn’t socialism. Socialism guarantees employment, not gibs. Read the communist manifesto

>the people who dont want an all powerful government to take resources from people and redistribute as they see fit are the real bootlickers
lmaoooo oh OK

> we should have more billionaires and give them free tax cuts
> not A real bootlicker guys amrite guys?!

t.the commie

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But all of the socialist countries have bar far the most corona deaths.

>lol everyone else is a bootlicker though
Kill yourself

>force a good amount of your working force out of work
>take care of said workers the government forced out of work
>worthless fucks who don't even work 90% of the time think this is socialism
Once again proving how economically inept you are.

Just put your money where your mouth is, stand up for your fellow white male and do not cash those trumpbux!

Do it for Q!

Government should not as much "give" as stopping the billionaire class from taking away.

you moved to bootlicking to dick sucking. Bernie is going to never give your refunds back so you might as well stop.

>1 post by this ID
Wow, I never really thought of it like that before. I'm with her now!

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>the flu just highlighted the flaws of the American system.
congratulations, the toilet paper shelves are empty, you found capitalism under extraordinary amounts of crisis pressure

Now do socialism.

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It's not really about Bernie, it's about having a government that protects you from the abuse that the billionaire class is forcing upon working class people, which I'm assuming you are also a part of.

You don't have many alternatives, Trump is a billionaire protecting billionaire interests, and Joe Biden is yet another corporate democrat that will just keep the abusive system in place, and cover it with a thin layer of virtue signaling.

The fact that coronavirus testing was made free when it actually became a global threat seems to point that socialist policies are better for dealing against such pressure.

The workers of most countries are starting to understand how essential they are and I hope for the future that policies will be made to protect them a little bit more, hence socialism.

There’s a difference the billionaires don’t have guns the government does you intellectual shit Nigger

Look you nigger the billionaire class doesn’t take away anything. nobody is forced to buy anything from a billionaire the government takes away money and rights at the end of a gun. grow up you intellectual subhuman.

Thomas Friedman quotes that have aged like a fine shit
“ No matter what your profession – doctor, lawyer, architect, accountant – if you are an American, you better be good at the touchy-feely service stuff, because anything that can be digitized can be outsourced to either the smartest or the cheapest producer”

The Q thing is retarded and I don't qualify for the bux. Have to make less than 75k. Though if I did, I would absolutely take it bc why the fuck not?

Every time you see a business or political article use the term ‘workers’ just replace it with ‘slaves’ to understand what the author really thinks of you.
Replace ‘workers’ with ‘the only members of society who actually produce anything the rest depend on for their existence’ to understand the truth of the situation

>Everything is socialism
Kill yourself

>Trump is a billionaire protecting billionaire interests
Yea damn him for lowering my taxes and telling Paris climate niggers to pound sand and getting out of that trans pacific trade what the fuck ever.

>Have to make less than 75k.
Less than 99k. It's starts decreasing at 75

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>The workers of most countries are starting to understand how essential they are
I fully expect this to destroy many countries
They are important in a crisis
They are expendable the other 99.99% of the time

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Anyone who votes for a president who says “America will never be a socialist country” without reading the Communist Manifesto where right in chapter two every pillar Marx recommends for turning capitalism into socialism has been instituted for 100 years+...
Every faggot ass living in the suburbs completely unaware the entire suburb program is prescribed in the communist manifesto to reduce division between city and country...

It's not that they physically take away, it's that they do not give you in the first place.

If you look at how most billionaires get their fortune (provided they weren't born billionaires, which most of them are), they get it from extracting wealth from people creating value from them.

The evidence can be found in the disparity between a workers pay and the board of directors (a ratio that goes up from 300 to 1).

The government could be an effective force for fighting against it, an interesting idea would be to limit the wage gap between the workers and the CEO by implementing a limit of 20 to 1 (which is still a lot but already much more acceptable).

>He was right all along
No, the old commie kike isn't going to save you and bring your hourly wage to 15 an hour of which you would never, ever achieve on your own merit.

A 5 year old boy wants a mohawk, doesn't mean it'd be a good thing that he gets it.

Right socialism does deal in reality whereas what we are seeing today really is a continuation of the liberal delusion that rights values prices and wealth must be stabilized as a false reality by means of exploitation of workers who are beaten liquidated or harvested...

Gee it's like there is a difference between temporary and permanent


No bitch. People are complaining because if you are not going to let them out of the house to produce goods and services, at least fucking pay them.

This is correct. :( also checked.

Regular Welfare>Corporate Welfare, deal with it tranny, go dilate.

Who is that? Is that the guy that lost to Joe Biden?

Capitalism works... until it doesnt.

Depending on where you are income wise, Trump gave you a much bigger tax break if you are already very rich, and a laughable 100$ tax break if you're among the poorest, crumbs that were given so you'd easily accept the real gift given to the rich.

The Paris, Kyoto and whatever accords are completely irrelevant in global consumption of energy and will do nothing about climate change, success or not, but that's irrelevant to our conversation.

The workers are the ones creating value, the production doesn't really go down if the dividends go down.

Based retard post

Nobody with a brain wants socialism, this bill is an excellent example of why socialism and government control is shit. That 1,200 neet bux you're getting? Yeah you're going to be PAYING more like 13,000 in increased taxes.

>>Bernie says bailing out Big Corporations is bad

Holy shit my fucking sides are in orbit .

He was fucking right all along

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No one has money in America unless you hoarded precious metals. All you have is currency, which capitalists manipulate to ensure that you can’t afford to own anything of real value because they use your savings as reserves to print themselves loans at many multiples of your savings there bye diluting your savings’ purchasing power so that you can only afford to rent what the capitalists own and use your rent to service the interest on the loans they used to buy shit to rent to you.

And roasties, don't forget roasties. Bernie Cuck wants you to pay for their birth control and abortions.

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>someone else's 2% is much bigger than my 2% :(
>orange man bad
that's how stupid you sound

>Paris climate shit is irrelevant
No, it's not, because it was literally a global wealth redistribution scheme. Tell them to fuck off at least means less of my taxes will get shipped to some shit hole and we won't neuter our own industry so India and China can continue to pollute like crazy

>No one has money in America unless you hoarded precious metals. All you have is currency,
I stopped reading here.

Simple example:
>hard working god fearing Republican saves $10k hoping to buy a new home one day
>bank uses that $10k savings to create currency by loaning its investment arm $1mil to invest in the home you wanted to buy, diluting the purchasing power of your $10k savings
>since you can’t afford to buy home with inflated price anymore you have to rent home from investment bank
>investment bank uses your rent to service interest on the loan it created from your savings
Good game!


Stop making this thread everyday

>the bank is bad
no shit

The only bad thing of the Paris Accords was the lack of enforcement mechanisms

OK jew

>posts quote from the very embodiment of 'selfish boomer'

God I hate how fucking brainwashed this board has become.

If you think about it from a mathematical point of view, any tax break given to you leaves more money from people who already have more than you.

I would really take it as a slap in the face if I was considered as a mere afterthought when it comes to policy, but we both know that you don't like Trump because of his tax breaks.

>No, it's not
yes it is. The consumption of energy is in fact so linear that if I gave you a graph right now, you wouldn't be able to tell me when the Paris accords, or the Kyoto accords happened if I took away the dates on it.

1200 neet bucks is not socialism.
This whole ‘stimulus’ was literally a bunch of non-producing talking heads (who don’t even own means of production anymore because they moved it to China and China is keeping those factories) debating how much of actual producers labor-value that producers will be allowed to keep in exchange for letting non-producers with nothing but debt continue to extract value from them.

>t. Seething spoiled child.

HAHAHAH my fucking sides. Bernie got cucked again!!!!!! Will never be president!!!!! He was a weak little cuck failure all alongAHAHAHAHAHA my fucking sides!!!!!!!

No money for you, conservacucks!!

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>any tax break given to you leaves more money from people who already have more than you.
Kill yourself.
>still thinks it's actually about energy or some shit.

>giving people back their own money
lol k

Its an early tax return. You simp

Bernie will win and America will finally be closer to communism

>t. brainwashed slave

I guess you are as smart as Peter Schiff who doesn’t understand the difference between money and currency.
He’s the guy who said that having your money but it losing it’s purchasing power is worse than losing your money.
Inflation is only bad for banks who own debt, not people in debt.
The value of money is always real terms. It does not inflate. Only currency inflates. Nominal.

Still not the President and solidly impeached for the rest of history. Failure is all Donald Trump has ever known.

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Fascist here; not all forms of state control are MUH COMMUNISM

>cucks out on immigration
>cucks to niggers
>cucks to a dementia patient
>now cucks to big corporations
Is there ANYTHING he won't let him get cucked by?

It’s not a permanent payment.

>im not a slave because I want to be totally dependent on the government!

cucked to hilary, cucked to the DNC...

If you're among the poorest you have little to no tax liability anyways. You can't cut taxes a person wasn't paying, you can only give credits.

If you live in a country with a central bank, you live in a Marxist socialist country. The end.

Centralization of all credit in the hands of the state.

Communist manifesto chapter two buddy.
“But but who is gonna pay for it? How can we afford it?”
>that’s the fucking point

Yeah, these polls said the same thing about Trump losing. I have a VERY strong feeling that Bernie is indeed going to be the next POTUS. It sure as hell won't be Trump!

No I just stopped because the point is moot

>I'm not a slave, Master Wong told me so!

>A one time stimulus payment in the event of an economy-busting national crisis is socialism
The thing that's sad about it is that probably only 10% of the people suggesting this are actually trolling.

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We've already been over banks are bad

>resorts to cope posts

It is not fair, I mean it's irrelevant to me since I'm not on the receiving end of the taxes (being from France and all), but I have compassion for the working class of America who really has it hard in these days.
>still thinks it's actually about energy or some shit.
I understand it is not, I'm not very optimistic for climate change.

You are absolutely dependent to whatever corporation you work 9 to 5 for. The difference is that you can vote for your government, but not for whoever you call boss.

>bernie still has a chance
AHHAHAHAHAHAHHA the salty cope is delicious!!!!!! you fucking delusional little moron. tell us more!!!!!!!

Trump is a coward right down to the marrow in his bones. He needs to leave us all alone and walk away. Forever.

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If you think this you're absolutely retarded and not worth the salt in your pit stained t-shit.

Please just kill yourself.

But we better not do anything about them! Cuz that's that scurry socialism my daddy warned me about!

He poured concrete for 30 years and never made a dime in savings! He knows what he's talking about!

>3rd world raping your children is in your best interest
oy vey

It's not about energy usage. It's about the fact that our tax dollars would go towards 3rd world countries, and our energy industry would be decimated and essentially outsourced to countries that are worse polluters. We all already knew it wouldn't help the environment.

>The difference is that you can vote for your government, but not for whoever you call boss.
Are you seriously retarded? If some kike nigger jew gets elected by a bunch of retards, you can't do shit. If you don't like your boss, you can get up and leave and find a new one.
that's the most retarded ass backwards shit I've seen here this week

>has no real argument
>yet is obsessed with appearing retarded

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>It is not fair,
Correct. And that's good. Inequality is not only natural, but desirable.

I'm voting BLUE right down the ticket as always! Real Americans DO NOT VOTE REPUBLICAN!

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>we're gonna do socialism that'll hurt the bank!
lmaoooo how naive

>copes so hard he needs a laughing image to support his post

>Implying we haven't deported more illegals and cut down on immigration massively.
>Implying we haven't gotten 30% of their vote to keep more anti-black judges in place.
>Implying that pooping old fag is going to win in November
>Implying he wasn't pro-business in the first place.

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>just find a new job, Goy!

And your true colors are revealed, kike.

>Don't give your workers any relief, goy, but if my countries aid check is even a microsecond late, it's antisemitism and an act of war!

Faggot simp Trump is going to die in a prison cell.

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>>A one time stimulus payment in the event of an economy-busting national crisis
>one time
lol, the checks will keep coming as this drags on if they don't want all the newly minted blue collar neets to burn it the fuck down. Another danegeld to pacify the masses, the white version of welfare for the ghetto.

Tell me Yas Forums, if the dems suggested the 1200 payment, you would call it socialism wouldn't you?

it's not socialism.
socialists want to steal from people they think own too much stuff and give it to niggers.
this is the government taking more debt to give money to everybody one time

>...anytime now...

wtf? I want an 80 year old communist running the country now.

Imagine being this much of a slimy jew and also retarded to boot.

>suggesting getting a new job if your boss is a jew means you're a kike
lmao shoo JIDF, you're bad at this.