Come in bros, this is your pit-stop from all shit throwing hate, D&C threads.
Sit a while with your European brothers, show some love. Post your favorite European art, music, what you are proud of, what you like about others.

No D&C bullshit please, lets keep it nice and comfy, if you really want to make jews angry, show them you love Europe and stand with all your european brothers.

When trouble comes, who else do we have, but each other?

Attached: LoveEurope.png (1280x720, 2.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:!9o4QEIIK!P3piz8Bfw-z7jgb7Q8NWDg

Gas the kikes
Gas the poo spammer


Ancient Roman Recipes, jummie

When are we going to bring back fashion like this

Attached: Fashion.jpg (598x899, 88.48K)

I DEMAND that CANADA be included. Europe, you NEED us. FUCK AMERICA


How many times do I have to say this;

Fuck all of you for thinking Canada is "irrelevant"

Seriously, if I could, I would each and very single one of you the middle finger.

Fuck it.

I'd actually just punch the shit out of you, you fat fucks. You deserve it for being a nation built on EVIL.

You have estrogen in your water for fucks sake.



If I could run across a football field and punch all of you in the fucking face, really fucking hard, I would.

Yes you fat fucks, in the superior country of CANADA, we can run the length of a field due to having fitness standards.

Also all of your women are slutty as fuck.

In Canada, our women are raised with traditional values. They could also eat the fuck out of yours too, due to all your women being fat as fuck, or small and slutty, making them mobile/easy to carry as they go around fucking everything in sight, as typical with American women.

A nations values are based on how strong our family values are; and evidently with divorce being as high as it is in USA, you people are a ruinous country.

Have fun getting distracted by your liberal news, your cancerous and racist right wing, and our dumb pop culture while the Canadians continue to excel in strides.

Lol fuck America, and fuck all the Americans reading this comment.

You are all high octane cancer.

You fat fucks are more harmful for the planet than the last 20 war lingering civilizations combined.

When we start to colonize space, don't be surprised when the superior CANADIAN military gets the jump on you and destroys you in the void of space.

We'll inherit the galaxy while you stay on the earth, getting fatter and sluttier.

Haha, stupid fat ass Americans.

Get fucked.

You all suck Saudi Arabian dick.

Iw got 99 problems, but the jew aint one.

Attached: 1570902099955.jpg (650x469, 77.75K)

Remember lads,
The Jew has no problem whatsoever identifying who is white (an enemy), so given that, you should never be lead astray by shills that cast doubt on your white credentials.
If the enemy can identify you as their foe, you can always use the enemy's criteria to identify an ally.
D&C is real.

Attached: 1585328832616.jpg (864x576, 236.9K)

luv aryans
luv europ
luv rome
luv muh chariots
luv the gods
luv the sun
luv muh pupper
'ate barbarians
'ate jews
'ate dasyus
'ate christians
'ate arabs
'ate chedder men

simple as.

Attached: 1575842033581.jpg (640x540, 57.63K)

Bros these thread are shill magnets, best is to ignore them. This is what I use to counter their kike cantrips.

Attached: RomaVictor.jpg (1024x682, 136.06K)

>mutt flag not included
dare I say based
you could have made room for islands though

Attached: 1561123035651.jpg (720x960, 59.03K)

>helmet is just a bigger, metal, version of a normal face

Attached: 1539010129608.png (5028x2120, 844.95K)


Based and chariot-pilled

Attached: Solvognen.jpg (1445x1080, 180.82K)

I'm just gonna post something normal.

Attached: 1583520850814.png (480x580, 359.36K)

and GAS yourself shortly after too you fucking MUTT

You literal BEANER, you disgusting pear-shaped soft doughed FAGGOT

You have the literal face shape of a SQUASH and the racial composition of a a cosmopolitan DOG PARK

I hate you fuckers so fucking much it makes me want to kick a fucking puppy off of a fucking cliff

Let me give you a scope of how badly we HATE you fuckers up here, a scope so simplistic even your average pea-brained JAVIER from America can understand:

I served into countries military, and every time one of you fat FUCKS died in combat, we would go to the barracks and LAUGH while you all brayed like PIGS.

We would laugh because you invaded a a nation and had the gall to fucking CRY when the consequences hit you, like the American bitches you are. You DIE for Israel

I come from a long line of proud scotts, and and even longer line of military; as my father and his fathers before him did for our proud and infinitely GREATER country than yours

When I was a child, the twin towers fell in your disgusting corporatist shit hole. We all celebrated as a community by hosting a BBQ in my fathers lake house, and I eventually got to meet the mother of my children

Let me tell you something fat ass; whenever the next inevitable ""tragedy"" happens in your country, I will make sure to bring my own son to celebrate too, as is tradition

Now, kindly FUCK yourself you disgusting OBESE rodent made human form

>No D&C bullshit please
Okay. I hope we don't get infiltrated by christkeks.

Attached: 1583916657837.png (1681x2802, 245.58K)

Ok, Jew.

Attached: 1584997239555.png (1600x800, 179.61K)

Attached: 1585583243091.jpg (750x1024, 81.94K)


Keep coping, but you'll NEVER be white, "el hombre blanco"

stop appropriating my culture


Attached: 9817C3DA-BDC9-4D19-823D-FF06D325A28E.jpg (1024x768, 192.74K)

Those imperial era cavalry face helms are pretty based imo

Attached: FaceMask.jpg (474x718, 74.44K)


Attached: 1574031668106(1).jpg (720x486, 43.31K)

Ok, Jew.
Last (You).
Hold it tight.

ah! good one

I'm a European now

Attached: 11.jpg (500x478, 40.12K)

who s the guy in the clouds?

Pajeet I cant see you

Attached: PajeetMemeFlagFail.png (1035x856, 231.87K)


>e*ropean subhuman larping about muh rome

This is unironically my line of thought. If I had to move out, I would move to a Med country and earn twice less money than become a germanic insect.

Whatever you say, Ramon Miguel Gonzalez

Is there anything more PATHETIC than lying about your race to feel included?

Don't answer, we all know the truth hahah

Hey Monaco!
marx? kek

Attached: PooSlave.jpg (2400x1349, 415.95K)

>tfw I'm ethnically European
>tfw flag isn't

whats going on with this poo

I love it. The romans had unrivaled war tactics for their day and even still applicable. Remember the webm of the korean police using roman tactics to scare off protestors. It doesn't end there either.

Is there a way to filter by poster?
I reported all his posts this thread and the last but the jannies have decided this isnt flooding I guess.

Latin language mega!9o4QEIIK!P3piz8Bfw-z7jgb7Q8NWDg

Attached: 1570495901391.jpg (629x765, 71.7K)

clearly not


No shill, I am quite serious. I am a white man in a white country

You must see to it that Canada is included in your delegation. WE are the last frontier against fat FUCK Americans

You NEED us, even if you don't realize it

I have 4 healthy white children, have engaged in military service and have close ties to Europe

My main issue I implore of you is that you EXCLUDE those fucking MUTTS from the ruinous states of America

It's almost as if sub-humans get very nervous when white people start collectivising......

probably a jew with a vpn

everyone report this post specifically so that j*nnies take notice and do their job

Jannies chose to delete the thread instead

Yes, be useful for once in your god damn life and find this out for me too

I will filter and ignore as MANY of you fat FUCKS as possible; you are all literal fucking CANCER

Not to mention NOT white either

This. All the anti white hate. But when whites unify they get scared.

Fuck off. White americans are white.

>reading Caesar's commentaries
>get to observe the gauls slowly becoming more and more roman in their organisation to stand up to Rome
>tribes unite under one banner, the tribe leader/clan relationship becomes more and more like the patron/client relationship in rome
>get back up every time they are defated militarily, ultimately "lose" because they become so organized they can be neatly administrated after their final defeat
>germoids are presented as autistic retards that have no hope of ever being civilized
Still true today.

You can filter sure there is way to filter poster as well

And not ban the poo either......
Guess jannies are confirmed to be Jews and poos

>Is there a way to filter by poster?

copy his id

go to the bottom or the top right
click settings
filters and post hiding
paste the id Ds3044TR
select hide
select type ID
save again


meme flags aren't invited. Post your real flag, so we know you're truly European and not an Israeli D&C paid shill.

Holy FUCK can you shut the fuck up?

You are WORSE than American fucking MUTTS and that is the LOWEST bar a person can go

Fucking drown in your own FECES you disgusting poo colored "aryan"

All the BASED Indians seem to move to Canada while you low IQ subanimal TURDS either go to MUTTland or stay there


Based and SPQR pilled.

Attached: IMG_3392.jpg (430x498, 72.96K)

I think its a statue of Wotan

Attached: furorteutonicus.jpg (178x284, 12.75K)

TY bros

European Macau reporting in. Could use some more asians

This thread is completely full of shills. So I'm gonna post some art and other related things to try to help out. Don't get discouraged lads.

Attached: 1584727866772.jpg (480x640, 66.58K)


Attached: IndraBeatsBrownHare.jpg (850x850, 219.75K)

The nose fears the legion.

Attached: Legio Pepe.jpg (1920x1080, 374.54K)

Attached: 1584725227140m.jpg (1024x576, 116.58K)

>said Achmed as he lies about his own race to power trip
Disgusting, you too are the same MUTT made manifest in a different flag

Sympathizing with MONGRELS makes you one too

Kindly SHOOT yourself

You too, you literal Mexican

Go stuff your face in with twinkles you disgusting SLIME

You TORPID sloth

You absolute fucking mess of a "man"

Somewhat legitimate question, but since most people here seem dislike the EU for various reasons: what is the right alternative? How can we ensure European solidarity and prevent our fair continent from plunging into war? Without at least an attempt at an European-wide alliance we're ripe for D&C, so what should be done?

Attached: 1584727342023.jpg (590x787, 77.94K)


Did you guys know that even today jews will newer walk under the Arch of Titus.

Attached: ArchTitus.jpg (1280x720, 264.01K)

Oh I remember this guy. It's the half-Arab, half-white Muslim leaf again, reeling every day from his perennial identity crisis.

No matter how many times you say "mutt," the Europeans will never see you as one of their own. And "white Muslim" is an oxymoron. Finally, this is why mixing is so bad guys. Never do it.

Attached: die leaf.jpg (1024x683, 403.33K)

dude needs to work on his voice lol


>yes, please fellow nonwhites; tell me I'm white
I stand corrected, there truly is nothing more pathetic than an American MUTT

Hahah fat fuck

Attached: 1582677924405.jpg (777x670, 155.74K)

Legit answer, revive the empire.

Attached: SPQR.jpg (564x871, 70.33K)

just use delouser to hide memeflags, it will make your experience here much better.

Attached: delouser.jpg (564x454, 48.49K)

Fuck off kike, Russians won't fall for that again.

Attached: 1582494298189m.jpg (1024x760, 218.19K)

Woah rare.

>what is the right alternative?
revolution, slaughter all those involved in the EU

>How can we ensure European solidarity and prevent our fair continent from plunging into war?
my prefered option would be an european wide federal empire

we should make an artificial ring around the earth and call it the arch of titus then

>tfw the memeflag filter kicks in

Attached: Capture.jpg (992x745, 48.15K)

Oh I know, he has shit mic. Amazing content, but his ummm, mm, hmm and shit mic are big minus. This lecture is good though, its about berserker culture in all indo europeans, when they literary become the animal and go to die in that berserk state.

Attached: Bear.gif (220x320, 3.47M)

So become an American client state? Glad you're finally coming around, Hans.

>Reddit spacing
>I served into countries military

Your English is grammatically wrong, and it should be:
>I served in my countries military
That tells me you're likely to be someone other than who you claim to be.

Lmao stfu shitskin

But anyways I thought this thread got deleted as well. And the poo poster isn’t there anymore so he is banned luckily.

Oh look, it's the MESTIZO copper again;

I have actual European and Scottish heritage, you are an OBESE Mexican who sharts in Walmart

I served in the military, you are a fat ass

I have 4 white children, you are a disgusting subhuman who will NEVER be anything more

You have nothing, you are a nation in DECLINE. Canada is and will he always more white than you

COPE harder by grabbing the ROPE

>a white that won't unite against the Jew

Attached: 1580424948144.jpg (474x328, 12.25K)

Attached: 1580959175552.jpg (958x600, 87.12K)

Peter the Great would not agree with you bro

Attached: Edward Petrovich Hau (1807–1887) Peter the Great (Small Throne) Room.jpg (1134x925, 622.4K)

Fuck off churka. Only whites.

This one's kinda larpy I admit.

Attached: 1583784655217.png (540x876, 970.05K)

>said the literal shitskin
You hide, and you lie. You are the same as the American MUTT you identify with

No true white person will ever agree to americas inclusion; Canada is and always will be superior to the us

They are shooting school, eating McDonald's and voted for a fucking tv personality

They are 56% white, same as you lol

Ok Israeli vassal.

not just the mic, but his voice, his pitch, and the way he speaks too

>Russians won't fall for that again.
wtf are you even refering to

Attached: 1584726326884m.jpg (1024x576, 91.7K)

>coherent spacing and grammar is hard
You are corrupted, CANADIAN English is the closest form to superior British English

COPE harder, go stress eat you absolute MONGREL

Not LARPY at all given the fact that whites invented 99% of the technology required for this very conversation to even occur.
Denying that whites are the birthers of the future is nothing more than a pitifully transparent sub-human cope.
What else would one cope about, if not being racially inferior?
Success breeds jealously.

Attached: 1584725270520.jpg (1024x683, 399.3K)

Israeli is our "vassal." Germany was originally going to fill this role, but they turned out to be enormous pussies that refuse to militarize despite constant pressure from NATO.

Lmao fuck off non white

If all the gold from ancient rome was around today, with interest, do you think it would be about $600 trillion dollars?

And America serves Israel

Hmm, only a person with the surname of PABLO would think this is a good thing

Go die in a hole mutt

Touche I suppose.

Attached: 1581793466348.png (771x1024, 1.22M)

Swap Finland and Italy. Italy needs to keep a safe distance to not infect the rest of the centuria

Hahah, you can't even come up with anything; as typical for the Arabian stock you come from

You will NEVER be white Habib, and neither will the Miguel's that you look similar to as well

Maybe not, but literally every other Russian rulers will. We didn't beat that Napoleon faggot for nothing.
Oh I'm Russian alright. But you're not Russian and will never be again. You're a rootless creature now, a strange thing without home. You have no reason to exist and the mental illness is your only future. Literally and unironically in every side KYS.

If am am 90 % French and 10% Anglo and my wife is 60% German and 40% Norwegian, would we be allowed in the entho state?

Attached: 1584727436944.jpg (800x988, 273.88K)

No, you race-mixed

>Israel is our "vassal."
That's factually incorrect.
The vassal state does not false flag the master state.
You think there is white lobby in Israel??

Attached: 9-11chart.png (5376x5376, 3.76M)

>wtf are you even refering to

Roman recipe for pic related

Mix red wine, homey and rosemary
rub it into the skin
put it on stake

result: best skin you ever tasted, amazing, tried it and can recommend, Romans had good taste.

Yours is already crumbling, in case you haven't noticed.

Attached: groyper roman.jpg (400x400, 57.5K)

Attached: odojak.jpg (660x350, 53.1K)

Snow niggers are not white. Any coalition with Germans in it is doomed to fail.

Attached: 1582897523560.gif (379x213, 678.87K)

Americans keep trying to say they are what they are not

Like how you try convincing yourself that you're "healthy at any size" despite being a FUCKING Lard ass

EVERY us soldier (Israeli MUTT attack dog) I had the DISPLEASURE of serving with was OBESE

Your country is a joke, and you're concept of whiteness is the biggest running one of all, Javier

Meds are not White, that's why you all die from corona while White Nords are unaffected

There are NO whites in America, that is why you are their lap dogs


lower your volume first second is boom

Attached: 1574031258827.jpg (2502x2395, 1.04M)

Yeah nah, we have another couple hundred years before we start experiencing BREXIT level fuck ups. Keep LARPing though.


According to most people. Yah. It's European stock. According to a few faggots and shills in threads. No.

Attached: 1582425150769m.jpg (768x1024, 118.26K)

>There are NO whites in America
Well that's not true. So why are you gay again?

>tfw you get (You)'s from a filtered kike

Attached: 1546915954025.png (819x827, 15.86K)

You neither nigger.
Sure thing Mikheil Bagrationi

There is one thing that US fears and you can see it shilled everywhere.

Its united eurasia

Attached: eurosiberia1.jpg (438x115, 8.89K)


Attached: 1582907503301.jpg (1024x683, 80.23K)

when are you going to rebuild rome

Attached: 1554228663299.jpg (380x276, 72.57K)

You seem like a paid JIDF troll because you nothing nice to even say even to the Nederlander, your true European brother, if that's what you believe.

Attached: 1584850966202m.jpg (1024x1024, 159.49K)

Russia will shit down your throat so hard you won't know what to do

>churkah agrees with le 56% land
Color me fucking SHOCKED

You have zero concept of whiteness, which is why you side with literal mestizos you Khazak swine