Coronahoax confirmed
>Corona has always been circulating.
>Government turning a flu into a international disaster

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No, I'm going with the biolab leak.

Attached: Zeng Tweet on Yan-Yi Wang Wuhan Institute of Virology biolab coronavirus coverup.png (829x657, 236.48K)

germ theory is complete bullshit

Well they got to be hiding something than with that kind of reaction. I think you're right.

American bioweapon seems more plausible though.
>germ theory is complete bullshit
Lol then what could this be then?

>Chinese media declares Chinese virus didn't originate in China.

Why wasn't the US better prepared than?


The coronavirus was developed by China's illegal bioweapons program, not by the U.S. A couple of days ago, some user posted an article about some Japanese business men who were arrested because they sold equipment to the Chinese, equipment that could be utilized in the creation of bioweapons.

Pathogens have also escaped from some of China's other biolabs.

According to, a contributor to the article about China's recently built biolab, the BSL-4 Wuhan Institute of Virology biolab, China's biolab can serve a dual purpose, doubling as a bioweapons creation program. There's also another biolab in Wuhan, operated by the Chinese CDC.

"But Ebright is not convinced of the need for more than one BSL-4 lab in mainland China. He suspects that the expansion there is a reaction to the networks in the United States and Europe, which he says are also unwarranted. He adds that governments will assume that such excess capacity is for the potential development of bioweapons.

“'These facilities are inherently dual use,' he says. The prospect of ramping up opportunities to inject monkeys with pathogens also worries, rather than excites, him: 'They can run, they can scratch, they can bite.'”

There were also Chinese researchers editing SARS-CoV viruses with HIV to see if they can infect human cells. HIV originated from a baboon, SARS and Ebola originated in bats. What a coincidence that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has an HIV-like mutation that has made it extremely contagious.

"The new coronavirus has an HIV-like mutation that means its ability to bind with human cells could be up to 1,000 times as strong as the Sars virus, according to new research by scientists in China and Europe."

Even Indian researchers said that they found or thought they found HIV inserts in the coronavirus genome sequence.

Here is a YouTube video from Seeker about bioweapons development. I made sure to start the video right when they are talking about the Soviets trying to create a dangerous pathogen, a "plague bacteria that was resistant to antibiotics."

Here's a article about an explosion at a Russian biolab that holds smallpox and other deadly pathogens like ebola.

Here's a paper by Chinese scientists who were putting forth the idea that the coronavirus might have escaped from the Chinese CDC biolab in Wuhan, the same lab that is just a few hundred yards away from the wet market where the coronvirus was thought to have originated from.

However, people keep saying that the virus originated from a wet market in Wuhan where animals are kept in horrendous conditions, then slaughtered for meat. If that's true, this could all have been avoided if China spent a few million dollars training and hiring health inspectors to make sure wet markets are up to code on health safety rules. But what do you expect when factory explosions are common in China.

And what was the point of having a bunch of biolabs near the wet market if it wasn't to detect new viruses and alert the world about the new diseases as soon as possible? Were the Communist Chinese hoping that people from Wuhan would go to the U.S. and spread the disease over there while they were covering it up in Wuhan? So that they can blame the U.S. for a disease that really began in China?

Radio Free China knew about the coronavirus on December 31, 2019 and they probably got their information from journalists and doctors who tried to alert the populace in China but were arrested and the information suppressed.

Attached: Radio Free China reported on the SARS - like Coron Virus December 31,2019.png (693x964, 333.93K)



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Turns out that China probably knew about the coronavirus in November and they didn't alert the world about it back then. The Communist Chinese authorities thought that the coronavirus originated form a wet market back in December. However, some of the early infected in November had not been to the Huanan Seafood market where the virus was thought to have emerged.

"A 55-year-old individual from Hubei province in China may have been the first person to have contracted COVID-19… That case dates back to Nov. 17, 2019, according to the South Morning China Post.

"That's more than a month earlier than doctors noted cases in Wuhan... at the end of December 2019. At the time, authorities suspected the virus stemmed from something sold at a wet market in the city. However, it's now clear that early in what is now a pandemic, some infected people had no connection to the market. That included one of the earliest cases from Dec. 1, 2019 in an individual who had no link to that seafood market, researchers reported Jan. 20 in the journal The Lancet.

"They found that following the Nov. 17 case, about one to five new cases were reported every day and by Dec. 15, the total infections reached 27. Daily cases seem to have increased after that...

"On Dec. 27, Dr. Zhang Jixian, head of the respiratory department at Hubei Provincial Hospital, reported to health officials in China that a novel coronavirus was causing the disease; by that day, it had infected more than 180 individuals. (Doctors may not have been aware of all of those cases at the time, but only identified those cases after going back over the records, the Morning Post reported.)"

Attached: Plague Pneumonia in China November and December.png (2406x1896, 1.49M)

Why was China trying to meme that the US made the virus if they're also going to meme that it was from animals? Doesn't the DNA of it look like it was stitched together from a bunch of other viruses and something like that would highly unlikely happen naturally? Was that just disinformation, too?

Ok Chinese government confirmed with this that they made it. Gas the chinks and kikes, race war now.

This reads like more chink cope.

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No virus has ever been isolated from a human subject. Everything we know about viruses is a lie. What are identified as "viruses" are a most likely just one form of a pleomorphic germ created endogenously in the human body, and used to break down diseased tissue to prevent aging. Viruses do not pass Koch's Postulates: they have never even been proven to exist, let alone proven to cause disease. Stefan Lanka's claim that measles has never been proven to exist was upheld by the German federal court. Germ theory is wrong, and Louis Pasteur was a fraud and a plagiarist. Bacteria and so-called "viruses" are a symptom of disease, not the cause. The tests for coronavirus are fake. Every single person who has tested positive for COVID-19 recieved a false positive. The tests are for genes nonexclusive to COVID-19, and we have no reference to validate the accuracy of the tests. Dogs, sheep, pigs, have all tested positive for COVID-19, which is 100% impossible. Viruses are specific to the cells of the species. Viruses cannot mutate across species. It can never happen.

>HIV inserts

HIV is a hoax. All the more reason to be suspicious

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War is peace
Freedom is slavery
We have always been at war with East Asia Virus

Zoonotic transmissions do occur, but it takes a while for it to happen. China has had those wet markets for years and they didn't bother to train and hire health inspectors to make sure the wet markets were clean and following health and sanitation rules.

viruses can mutate to become more dangerous retard

Another user made this infographic thing with the theories along with articles to support his arguments.

Attached: Coronavirus skepticism, conspiracy theories with articles backing it up.png (3200x2100, 1.75M)

Nice try chang.

At least you're not locked man

>China lying to avoid blame

The CCP lied and people died.

Attached: China cover ups allowed virus to spread throughout the world, people in China celebrating the outbreaks in the U.S..png (660x759, 565.24K)

Stephen Chen in Beijing.....

source from 'SCMP ( South china morning post)' owned by ALIBABA. lol

It's never been proven to happen. All viral zoonotic transmissions are based off complete speculation. There is zero evidence. Tens of thousands of nucleotides would all have to mutate perfectly at the same time to match the reproductive system human cells. You'd be more likely to win the lottery 100 times. Bacteria rarely can mutate to survive in a new environment, but with viruses it can never happen, especially because viruses dont reproduce themselves. They are dependent on the host cells to reproduce, which makes the chance of mutation even lower. It would be as if an animal's cell randomly started producing human dna. It's not possible

Attached: 20200325_220939.jpg (720x332, 131.73K)

That is fantasy. Never been proven once.

Chinese scientists writing internal messages for Chinese in English, ok heckin zoomerino.

Fake and gay and stinks of yellow.

Fuck off PLA.

Also, these confucius Institutes, why the fuck are they still up and running. I implore every Yas Forumstard to google these goddamn intelligence agencies in their area.

Your IQ is lower than Koko the gorilla you dumb nigger

This is correct, fellow humans. The virus is a massive overreaction by our top level organizational bodies who don't know what they're talking about and are costing our economy many commodity exchange notes. We should think globally and act locally with our fellow mammals. Go get fast food and deliver it to your neighbors to raise morale in this time of need and conquer fear. The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. Who knows you may even find a female human and transfer your fluids into her. Wouldn't that be nice?

Attached: early corona crab.jpg (891x597, 210.55K)

It's funny that you didn't even read the article, the source is an American study. The theory that this germ has been flying around before the chinks got wise to it has been put forward by several scientists now.

Yes, that was disinfo.

I only buy fast food for people I want to die

>Tens of thousands of nucleotides would all have to mutate perfectly at the same time to match the reproductive system human cells.
Can you explain this in more detail? I know little about biology, but are you saying there simply isn't enough in common between species to allow a "virus" to be effective in multiple species?
>no evidence for viruses
I've seen "photos" of viruses in A&P books. What are those based on?

>Stephen Chen
Surely not a CCP bot.

It was prepared. For genocide.

something I have noticed about pol tards and conservatives in general...

whatever belief you have, you consider to be a solid FACT and it is hilarious to see 2 of you tards battle.
this is why your utopia of white state would fail. you would all shoot each other within a few weeks. lol.

>the source is an American study

Hate to break it to you Hans but there are Chinks in Western countries working in labs writing studies.

Can anyone explain to a biology retard what exactly a virus is? When China "sequenced" the virus, they came up with a string of nucleotides. Is a virus a stand of nucleotides? I was under the impression that viruses have specific structures, at least based on artist renditions I've seen .. so are the nucleotides embedded inside the virus structure?

Go be a nigger somewhere else.

Yeah the thing about this all is no one was testing for this.
A pulmonologist in Germany or some Dutch country mentioned that about 14% of all flus are a form of coronavirus and the media has severally overblown this.
Something like this is also something researchers love since it means more funding

Why even fuck around with viruses like this? You can see how easily they mutate, you'd think any country would institute a ban on them for how easily shit can go wrong.


that guy already said everything you need to know about corona-5g-chemtrail syndrome

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>Why even fuck around with viruses like this? You can see how easily they mutate, you'd think any country would institute a ban on them for how easily shit can go wrong.
Yeah they ban nuclear for less. Nuclear incidents don't jeopardize the entire planets health and economy

Chinese arrogance will not let them admit that they can't handle shit like not having a level 4 biolab. The main thing is to have a lab that is equal in capability to other country's lab. The next is to do cutting edge research for prestige. This being the Chinese, they immediately try to weaponize shit because they believe that it'll give them the edge on others (paranoia). The Chinese always have that gap between stealing shit and implementing shit.

Not surprising then that they fuck this up. All this is due to their arrogance and paranoia.

Wow Chang so you are telling me that the family of viruses known as Coronaviruses have been around for years and therefore COVID-19 has nothing to do with Wuhan. What intense and infallible logic you have there.

>Nuclear incidents don't jeopardize the entire planets health and economy

Counterterrorism police are All over
Comfort Hospital boat in nyc.

It is very well known that corona virus has been a strain of influenza infecting the world for decades. This has to be the dumbest article I've seen today.

>Stephen Chen

Whatever you say, Chang!


>in Beijing
Yeah, I believe that


Suck doors knobs schizo.

Not a biologist but I think your mistaken
I took bio in school. Trust me this man doesn't understand how viruses function. Nor why we even have bad or good bacteria. They do functions that can be beneficial or detrimentally with no thought.
Him even bringing up symbiosis up tells me he doesn't understand that their are different finds of symbiosis. Parasitism is one of them.

Viruses are living organisms. They have DNA or RNA. RNA is a simpler form of DNA.

What? Do you know how many nuclear incidents we've had? And not one of them have jeopardized the world.

>It is very well known that corona virus has been a strain of influenza infecting the world for decades. This has to be the dumbest article I've seen today.
Yeah and you think they've isolated every strain? How are we to know it's origins especially if it could have been fucking around for atleast a year before anyone decided to do some tests and have them analysed by a lab. You think every pneumonia case gets taken this seriously? My mom in her old age used to get pneumonia nearly seasonally.

Cool, get back to me in two years when Japan runs out of space to contain all the radioactive water that is spilling out of the Fukushima power plant that will then need to be dumped into the Ocean. We have been very lucky with nuclear fission accidents so far.

It was originally in Chinese, it got translated.

Attached: Zeng, tweet on China's coverup of pneumonia and biolab research.png (694x684, 263.65K)

Nice try, Chang.

Attached: IMG_20200330_105120_072.jpg (1280x829, 291.18K)

>the source is an American study.
and the WHO is completely independent of China.
Nice try, Chang.

Then why isn't it stronger?


Yeah, okay.

>saying this unironically while supporting trump of all people
the right-wing capacity for double think should never be underestimated

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Even though I hate Foreign Policy, I have to point out their article:

It says that President Trump cut funding for departments and agencies that were dedicated to fighting pandemics and viral outbreaks, he even cut down the number of employees they had. Probably, Trump did that do that he can divert money for his stupid wall that was brought down by strong winds. I think the article says that the departments and agencies are working on plans and probably communicating with each other on how to fight any viral outbreaks that might occur even without Trump's leadership. Basically, Trump sabotaged any ability America has in fighting the coronavirus. You stupid idiots still think Donald Trump is going to save you when he probably killed your chances of surviving the coronavirus years ago.

>memeflag jew still trying to claim the virus is real
Nobody is buying it yid.

What is rabies

>germ theory is complete bullshit
>Lol then what could this be then?

It's a demon.

you forgot about Charles Liebers involvement with the lab and Israel having a vaccine in development before the first case.

The water is diffusing into the ocean. Do you know how big the ocean is and what background radiation is?
It literally means nothing. Maybe slightly more irradiated fish in Japanese waters.

I'm not Jewish, I'm Filipino-American.

sure you are Moshe.


Attached: COMPLETE NOTHINGBURGER.gif (1786x890, 378.45K)

Of course it has, but you weaponized this one chang.

Find it funny how most of Yas Forums keeps ignoring this fact.
Atleast the world gets to learn the hard way and we'll stop skimping on our insurance policies.
>It's a demon.
So our ancestors were right!!

Yeah, there was something about a Thousand Talents program and Lieber was receiving money from the CCP. There were also some Chinese scientists working in the U.S. who were arrested. One of them was actually a military officer in the CCP Army and he was trying to smuggle vials of cells or something from an American biolab so that he can do research on them while in China and publish it under his name. He was arrested at an airport.

>Stephen Chen in Beijing
Go sodomize a Kike, Chang

There was a thread archieved about this in 3rd quarter 2019.