Why the fuck did the Chinese close all of their takeout restaurants?

I literally just drove by 10 closed restaurants. None open.

Is there a nation wide boycott?

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all the sleeper cells are busy tearing through your nation

Chinese food restaurants are literal fronts for spying operations and sleeper cells.

the one by my house has a sign saying their suppliers were not operating.
not sure if thats bullshit or not.
otherwise i would have kept eating there.



They've probably all fucked off back to Chinklandia.

Fuck now I'm hungry for Chinese.

They are panicking and packing up in case of civil unrest.

Fake news, I work at a Chinese restaurant right now.

Your country is literally a Chinese colony though.

i miss my msg mixed with spring rolls

Muh chitty shirmp!

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id rather eat chinese food than nigger prepared fast food

Counting hoarded surgical masks and toilet paper. It's like catnip to them.

Every restaurant is struggling right now. Chinese restaurants are hurt even worse because everyone perceives them to be a greater risk of infection.

They can't even afford to stay open for take-out, they can't sell enough to justify the risk of buying inventory and paying for staff.

Chinese restaurants are closed? This is a good start.

Yeah but no one cares about Canada

If I had a Chinese restaurant, if would rebrand that shit overnight.

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Most of these places are take-out only. What you talking about?

This is a boycott by Chinese restaurants of Americans.

Probably because you're the only dumbass in NYC that still wants to eat Chinese food. Most people are staying away from Asians and their restaurants. They had to close up shop because their businesses aren't getting customers and they're operating at a loss.

It is because chinase women are fucking with the bbc



You fucking paranoid xenophobic racist bigot! Fuck off to thedonald with that shit.

lol what a retard

Wbat do you mean "chinese food"? Are you implying that this food originates from china?


Question is when did they close. I didn’t even think about it but one by me that’s very popular and been here my entire life closed long before this started back in the fall. Seems kind of suspicious. I only know of a couple other Chinese take outs nearby. One closed because they always close and take a trip to China every year. This year they never opened back up. That was before Corona was big here. The other I know of I see according to google is closed too. This is interesting. All the Thai restaurants are open. So is the Korean/Japanese one. Take out only right now. But I find this suspicious


I haven't ordered Chinese since this shit broke in December. Fuck 'em.

You would have kept eating dog and cat.

The only good gook is a dead gook.

>t. enjoying his estrogen vegetable burger prepared by a nigger with aids.

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my pho dong wong is still open but the owners might be some other kind of asain

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Bump n roll for trips


No, they aren't, most are still doing delivery or even takeout.

Pho is Vietnamese you retard

Fuck Chinese food. The Hong Kong restaurant in my town is still open for take out. They let me sit inside while I wait for my order because I gave them a pomelo. Apparently they're good luck.

>China is waging biological warfare
>Sabotaging medical supplies
>Eat food prepared by sleeper agents.
Hard pass. Internment camps seem more reasonable.

They are always closed on Monday you retard

this right here is completely unhooked to msg


i just ate chinese last week.

really making big moves in the margins there

>all you can eat buffet
>take out
32.95 plus tip

>Imagine ever giving money to the money-laundering scheme known as "chinese restaurants"

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They're all sleeper cells.

Same happened in Chicago, and for good reason!

>t. bat broth connoisseur

Yes is very sad I'm so sorry for them, Villa killed a lot of them here in my city and now we are doing it again, sorry my Chinese friends

Niggers have a bad attitude but they are cogs in a corporate machine that has consistent preparation and quality control standards. With chink food, you have rotten vegetables, a near guarantee you are not being served the same type of meat you ordered, and their bare, unwashed poopy cough hands touching your food directly at several points in the preparation process.

The only correct answer is to choose neither but side by side fast food is a clearly safer choice

Chinks buy expired meat from the neighborhood supermarkets. If all the meat is sold out there's nothing for them to make dishes with and profit off of.

I'm hoping this thing drives all the chinks out of my country. It would go a long way to making this worth it.

Chinese countries don’t count

This. Exactly this. People arent buying corona beer because of this. So obviously people are not going to be eating Chinese food during a fucking epidemic. People are dummies

>sleeper cells
Not realizing it's all the same ching chong shit, noodles rice and squinty eyes.

Chinese restaurant manager here
They hired me because I was bilingual and I studied abroad in Guangzhou
I was told to close by my boss Lee after the Italian cases blew up and we were near a primarily Italian neighborhood

He said he didn't want them coming in for carryout and infecting the staff

Now I'm at home with nothing to do. Was it the right move?

>Niggers have a bad attitude but they are cogs in a corporate machine that has consistent preparation and quality control standards.

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Sure thing chang it’s the Italians infecting everyone aha

>I literally just drove by

Your assusies don't know how to read do you?

They closed all their shops, restaurants included, worldwide.
They follow the orders of CCP, wake up faggot.

No one wants to eat there