>Coronavirus: Italy becoming impatient with lockdown - and social unrest is brewing
Police descend on a supermarket after reports people have stolen food to feed themselves, as patience turns to desperation.
>Coronavirus: Italy becoming impatient with lockdown - and social unrest is brewing
Police descend on a supermarket after reports people have stolen food to feed themselves, as patience turns to desperation.
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Plural is chimps out
How long before our overpopulated and already filled with crime cities here in the states follow the same path?
I fear this will turn Italy into a shithole country.
based terroni
about a week. the niggers will set their neighborhoods on fire
Thank God the police are there to save the food from hungry people.
You guys weren't joking when you said italians aren't white look at this guy hes practacly african.
No, leaf.
Is it finally pasta la vista time?
>t. shill retard
If they weren't there the hungry people would be killing and eating each other you antifaggot subhuman.
And then we wait for mafia to react?
Why do they have a police midget? Do they intend to toss her at the protestors?
The police aren't going to save you because you simp for them online.
What a idiots
The daughter doesn't have to go hungry. Let capitalism do its thing.
This happens there all year long.
Thiefing and chimping is part of life there
Look at all gross ass porch monkeys, leeching off society, watching the working man protect them from their won.
Filthy scum, welfare niggers are.
Diversity hire shit.
Gots to have muh nigger chief, muh Wamen, muh spics, maybe even a competent White man or two.
This is why our cops are shit. Urban police are probably the worst organizations in America. Maybe even on earth.
Chimps out for Harambe
you have no idea how bad things would be without police and you would be one of the first to die
make a da sauce Guido
This happens everyday in southern Italy. The virus is just an excuse to do it
t. Jews for Hitler
Is no one gonna mention how fucking gay those pants are?
Let's a go!
I hate that cringey sign... fucking communists
keep licking that commie boot bootlicker
The stores are still open this is just niggers acting like niggers
>southern Italy
isn't that like the sandnigger part of the country?
Wish they'd just beat down all those filthy niggers and give houses to upstanding hardworking white people
Terroni terroneggiano, nothing new.
Virtue signalling to the death because attention is more important than safety
How many weeks till this hits the U.S.? I give it 2 weeks after we get our Trump bux.
This will rebirth the mafia.
>American Chimp Out
Scuse me user, you know we're the most militarized and arm nation right? You ok over there user?
That's rich coming from Spain, and your cunt march in March. You reap what you sow.
NYC in 5 days.
They're not dying enough from Covid-19 in Southern Italy to understand why they have to be locked down and lose their livelihood etc. Can't really blame them if they're running out of food. In that situation it becomes absurd for society to be locked down because geriatric people are dying from a virus.
To be honest our local criminal fauna must be pretty desperate:
>people at home
they can't burglar
>closed shops
can't collect pizzo
>deserted streets patrolled by police for quarantine breakers
can't go around much selling drugs/stealing cars/general trafficking
>many business like construction industry/human trafficking from Africa have been stopped or slowed
can't get the flow of cash for bribery and money laundering
And it will get worse for them if they will decide to put martial law or simply more army deployed in the streets.
How long until they will decide to take territories for themselves with the weapons they have?
niggers vs sandniggers vs italians
Once they start shaving each others numbers off they'll move into the suburbs and subsequently into the rural area.
Niggers owe us reparations for housing them in our nations for free for the last 180 years. That and for being filthy criminals and dragging down the rest of us with their greedy, destructive behavior.
Yet we don't even demand that they pay us. Merely that they go back or leave us alone.
Wait, are they not getting rations fr the government? What the fuck are they trying to starve their population?
Imagine saying to a 40 years old father that he need to let his daughter die of starvation because we need to save 80 years old people from a virus that actually kill just 14% of the over 80
>rural areas
Yeah this is a mistake they're going to regret for generations if we leave any of them to tell the story. We have miles upon miles of open land to hide bodies or just find the nearest pig farm, bust them up and dump them in. Let the pigs finish the job. Being devoured alive by a herd of starving pigs sounds like a good punishment for attempting to nig in a nog-free zone.
At this point I'm just assuming this guy had the virus and it was all intentional
This will test if ruralfags fair against city niggers. I'm sure most have militia organized communities at this point.
Yes, literally.
Chimp outside in the USA during a serious crisis goes a long way in force feeding the masses a redpill.
Gonna need some JunckerBucks soon
The entire EU has been buttfucked by this affair, how are you gonna get the Germans to bail out the absolutely crushed Southern economies?
indeed the chimps are out
the government is trying to give money, but our economy is broken and they don't know what to do anymore
Woah there racist! We can't send police and military into minority areas disproportionately! That's racist! Stop racial profiling, don't send police to diverse urban areas more than rural and suburban areas! Especially the white ones!
They should at least give you food, they should at least be able to manage that
You don't need militias unless you're fighting hundreds of nogs, at which point you need access to a rooftop with a 1/2 mile or further FoV.
Rural residents are infinitely more likely to own multiple firearms. They're also more likely to have more time to customize, target shoot and acclimate to said firearms with either a nearby range or their own personal firing range,
Most nogs lack the basic understanding of firearms necessary to keep them from jamming after 3 shots.
Fuck niggers, kikes, spics, trannies, and jannies.
Imagine thinking anyone is starving to death in fucking Italy when even niggers fresh off a boat get free meals.
Pull your head out of your ass
U sure?
>I fear this will turn Italy into a shithole country.
>implying it's not already
>hurr durr muh mafie homor n virtue th egodpapa etc
fucking an hero now, you babbling baffoon
Just try and chimpout you pathetic goyim our zogbots will crush your heads open. You are out bitch.
well yes infact there are associations wich gives food for those who don't have money. The people in the video probably don't want to go there for dignity or because they don't know that. But you have to know that many of these guys are actually taking advantage of the situation for stealing. Most of those kind of moron are in southern italy
They won't do shit, they are waiting for people who have still some savings to finish them all on food/medicines/bills and then they will probably come boots on the ground to crush any attempt at revolts (I think they might even send here NATO troops or something, if our own soldiers should ever defect).
Then their plan is to probably install some fake deus ex machina government promising to bring food to whoever remain loyal and peaceful.
I dunno man, shit's fucked.
I would sooner trust gangsters than the federal government at least gangsters are honest. The feds could be standing in front of a burning car but they'll still try and lie to you that there isn't a burning car behind them. Fuck em
leaf was talking about government giving food to its own citizens, whilst you are referring to totally private initiatives of charity.
Tick tock
no i doubt they have any plans for tiranny, they're just a bunch of incompetents
yeah well but they're already giving food, I guess that's why the gov is focusing more on money rather than actual food rn
Implying it's not going to happen in any country where the severe quarantaine mesures are in place longer than people have cash. It even happened in Wuhan.
>"...others don't qualify because their employmend is not officially documented..."
oh no muh illegal immigrants
They can't put boots on the ground. Good luck convincing a guy to shoot his own mother
About fucking time now it starts getting fun
>i doubt they have any plans for tiranny
dude you are not paying attention very much, are you?
if they were able to provide helicopter money, they could have been able to not worry about food.
>Hans gibberish
You ok? Need a care package?
>the further you go down into the south the more unemployment you find
kek. I wonder why
hence why they can and will use NATO and US troops eventually.
just a reminder that we are non other than a giant USA military base in the middle of Mediterranean sea.
If SHTF amerilards will have to come here and remind everybody who's boss.
Fuck shitaly. All italians i've ever met were snobby vain fuckers who thinks they're hot shit.
They're saying the same in France, where big hardly controlled zones with open market drug dealing points are closed due to the quanrantaine.
You're fucking stupid, aren't you?
Not even illegals, just southerners working "in black" to not pay taxes
Gimme the Tutti-Fruiti and nobody gets hurt!