
Tell me again why I should give a single flying fuck about some obese landwhales dying? Obesity is a choice. You chose to stuff your face like a pig don't fucking expect people to come to your rescue when your diabetus and high blood pressure causes you to die from a flu.

This is fucking outrageous. The entire world is suffering economically because some disgusting slobs can't take care of themselves. Why the fuck should healthy people suffer for landwhales? I say let the fat fucks die.

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Amerifats BTFO!!

Yeah America will by far have the most deaths because they're so fucking fat. We really need a fucking fat tax.

10 pounds over healthy weight? 5% extra to your taxes. 5% more for each 10 pounds over healthy weight.

dont forget drug addicts and gymcel roid frauds, uh i mean celebrities and athletes.

How about I punch you in the head with my 290#s of weight behind it. Guarantee I will bounce your midget brain off your skull.

Enjoy heart failure at 40 fatty

This is why you dont see the victims pictures often. Its always either old granny that was a bad fall away from death anyway or some supremely over weight fatty who had trouble breathing as it was.

I for one welcome the plague that takes both fatties and boomers in one swoop

The more this goes on the more based the virus is.

>unhealthy fucks being purged
>people forced to spend time with their families
>modern degenerate casual sex and alcohol culture put on hold

I hope this last for years.

kek you are not even fast enough to catch him fatty

>Gangbanger niggers
So glad there's no socialized medicine bullshit to pay for right now.


How many obese Chinese do you know?

Nooooooooooooo not the heckin BBWrions

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That's why China had relatively few deaths. Most were just old people. But the number of deaths in places like Italy, UK, USA will be orders of magnitude higher because like 50% of the population is obese.

1 million + deaths in America minimum.

Shitshitshit, I've lost 20kg.over last 6.months, but im still fatfuck

America isnt even in the top 10 fattest countries

China had millions of deaths. They don't have an obesity problem. Stop pushing bullshit.

Look at this. Similar number of cases but Spain and Italy have way way more deaths. This is the effect of obesity

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Read the article you fucking faggot

80% of ICU patients in the netherlands are obese

t. 240 pounds with abs

>We really need a fucking fat tax.
Sounds like Corona-Chan is the fat tax
>And that's a good thing

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i want to fuck her face

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40% of the country is still obese though

The FDA allows corporations to poison American food. In europe most american “food” is illegal

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You better hurry they are all going to die of Corona!

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lol america is going to get fucked

Are you retarded?
It's frequently fighting for top spot with Mexico.

You too you're the fattest large country in Europe

it is proven that fat fucks like you are on average 10-15 IQ points lower than Yas Forums bros due to chronic inflammation

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Obese people will be just fine because they're healthy and beautiful.

>t. 240 pounds with abs
rolls != abs fatty

RIP amerifats.

May just be a bioweapon after all to weaken the west and burgers in particular.

>Tell me again why I should give a single flying fuck about some obese landwhales dying?
You shouldn't. Corona-chan is the cure for this sick civilization we've created:
>aging old fucks that cost 10x what they contributed, just so they can live an extra year or two
>obese sacks of shit
>aids riddled faggots and trannies
>smokers, alcoholics and other types of drug addicts
Sadly the kikes in power will stop at nothing to keep the whole society subservient to these people, otherwise we might have enough time in our hands to take (((them))) out.

But how will we have based sitcoms without fat stupid dads and beautiful, smart bombshell wives doing funny things.

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I thought this would come up. The virus gets to the brain through the blood brain barrier. Fatties have a thinner brain barrier because fat. Niggers have the thinnest brain barrier of any race too and are more prone to be fat in the US.

>low vitamin D from lack of sunlight
>majority of fats in US
>naturally thin brain barrier before being fat which makes it worse

Let the cleansing of niggers from the US commence!

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Mexico in seething...

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Fat cope is the funniest thing. I remember fighting this lard ass in high school. Even after getting him to the ground and bitch slapping him,laughing while I was doing it, he still called me a pussy and claimed he won after.

Hell ya

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you should tell your fat pig of a mother to lose some weight then

So it's a nothingburger unless you are a burger?

Put down that burger, Burger!


Explain this to me, we are told BMI is healthy. Yet my ass is 6ft, 200lbs with 10.8% body fat yet because of lifting, and yet according to BMi im suppose to be 40lbs overweight?


Culling our fatties and forcing the culture to stop coddling fats is an awesome outcome.

Yes, absolutely.
Have you seen Italy? I don't mean their actors and fashion models. Their people.
They munch on pasta all day and get tubby.

BMI only works at normal distribution because muscle is extremely dense.

Same reason I should care whether some 80 IQ gypsy trash who will never accomplish or say anything of worth dies horribly choking on his own spit.

Because youre still a human, and Im not a low IQ sociopath.

I'm a fatass but I don't have any fatty related problems like high blood pressure or the beetus. I had tests and blood tests done in January and I'm in perfect health. Am I still at risk of dying?

BMI is a joke
At my best physical fitness I was "overweight"

Explain that to a crayon eater. I spend my days powerlifting not reading man. Im dumb as fuck.

This tbqh senpai

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>America will by far have the most deaths
Right.. two more weeks haha.

What the FUCK being obese is UNHEALTHY???

Give me burgers or give me death!

BMI is nonsense. Im 194 cm, 220kg and not overweight at all. But my BMI says I am



You will be euthanized by the Swedish state to make room for a migrant (35 yo) and his wives (15, 11, & 9yo)

Are you freakin kidding me? It’s already brave of me to contend with high blood pressure caused by getting fat shamed all the time. Now I have to deal with a virus that Trump probably made to kill off the fat acceptance crowd? No way, Jose. I’m voting Biden

- For persons with severe obesity (BMI ≥40), life expectancy is reduced by as much as 20 years in men and by about 5 years in women.


Oh shit I've been eating so many snacks the past few weeks

U r oke fren :)

Honestly this

Yes - the excess weight stresses every system in your body.

Ultra based and red pilled Day of the Fryer is nearing!

You’re a retard. The sickest die first. You won’t see more than 40k deaths in America. The unhealthiest already got the disease. It won’t go above 40k cap this.

ChinkFlu may or may not be more lethal to fat people, but let me give an alternative theory about why the hospital might be flooded with fats.
What do fat people have a lot of? The need for instant gratification/low impulse control.
They hear about Chink flu. They stress out and panic. Maybe get a mild cold or stress themselves into imagining symptoms and using their low impulse control selfishly rush off to occupy a hospital bed.
Maybe they weren't originally sick, but they go to hospital and pickup a concentrated dose of virus/bacteria and get really sick. Kek.

>haha Americans will die mor-

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they eat pasta al dente. they dont over cook it like you faggots. that metabolises differently you faggot. they're not fat. i literally live right next to italy.

check your recovered numbers fatty

you're currently running at 50% death rate

Death rate is deaths/total cases you retard. It's right now about 1.8% which increased because of NYC.
Plus recovered lags way behind the instant reporting of deaths. It takes at least two weeks for you to even be eligible to be declared recovered.

Cope fatty

More fat is more health. I am so fat I can go half a year without eating food. Just a little water and multivitamins.

Good. Except for women skating by again. Somehow

So is it obese people or overweight+ that are in the ICU in NL? Is this getting lost in translation? People in the thread are talking about obese people, the article as well but the translation also says overweight, so which is it?

INB4 it's all fatties


the majority of fat people here are women so...