What does pol think about artificially changing one's eye colour?

Should it be a mandatory procedure?


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Should be a forbidden procedure.

Plastic surgery needs to be banned, and anyone who has had it who does not need it needs to be killed

lol every last sandnigger on earth would do it.

>Plastic surgery needs to be banned, and anyone who has had it who does not need it needs to be killed
What about cosmetic leg lengthening for manlets who are manlets for environmental reasons and not genetic ones?

fuck ugly """people""" and fuck the gooks.

Pretty stupid, this "surgery" has high complication risks

Only a beta would change his appearance this much to appease their own insecurities.

>Pay Dr. Rosenstein 30k to potentially fuck up your eyes so autistic D+C kikes on Yas Forums cant call you nonwhite
Yeah great idea yid

>manlets for environmental reasons
Such as?
You have a shitty genes desu
deal with it and kys
t. 201 cm

>thinking that only jews can perform surgery

why don't people realize that their eyes are the way they are for a reason instead of thinking" zomg pretty colors"

Someone who has amassed tens of millions of euros should be allowed to do it especially if he amassed it all by himself.

I think changing eye color is ok because brown eyes are disgusting.

that or a poo
such is life in AMA by ADL

It should be an illegal procedure.

I had changed my eyes color with subliminal Audios


just get contacts if you are that insecure lmao

>Such as?
Literally being starved as an infant? Being diagnosed with "asmtha" because of mold in the house I grew up in for 10 years and then put on two asthma medications that fucked me up. Not to mention fuckery from in utero given my mom's horrendous health and the medications she was on AND almost dying when I was born because the doctors fucked up, I inhaled a bunch of feces from stress, and almost died from a lunch infection. Dad was 6', mom was 5'8", entirely of northern European ancestry, but I'm shorter than my mom. Have the head, feet, and hand size of someone 6'1"-6'3". It's environment


haha this is beyond cope. Why the fuck would anyone do such a thing? Just accept that you dont look like a fucking north European and so what?
Whats next? People wanting slant eyes to look like some Korean k-pop faggots?

its awesome. meds can finally be white and europe can bond together!

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yes,and unsuccessful "aryans" (blonde haired,blue eyes or just blue eyes) should be executed for failing to fulfill their potential.

And the frame of average dude that height. In everyway but vertical, I am tall.

>Have the head, feet, and hand size of someone 6'1"-6'3".
This doesn't mean anything. Sounds like you grew just the way you were meant to actually.

Changing eye color just makes it harder to tell whether someone is a threat

Changing your body for aesthetic reasons is gay

>literally malnourished for multiple periods of my life
Nah nigger. I wear a size 13 wide shoe, bust out of "one size fits all" latex gloves while putting them on, and wear a 7 7/8 hat size (62cm circumference head)(when completely bald).

There's literally no way that I have every single trait of someone a head taller than me, except the vertical part.

Grey/Blue/green (hazel is not green) eyes are natural aristocratic. Very embarrassing for brown/black eyed mutants to think they can buy this aristocracy!

Lower class people larping as upper class is degenerate.

It's not vain aesthetics, it's so I don't look like a tolkien dwarf.

Nobody cares about what you deem aristocratic or degenerate though. Is there any reason why someone shouldn't do that? Apart from your opinion obviously

Not to mention, those metrics are used for growth charts all the time and my doctors growing up basically said 5'11"-6'1" when I first saw him and as I failed to grow as much he brought it up once more and then never again. Either I'm a statistical freak or I was fucked over out of a good 8 inches of height.

Is it okay if you are european and already have light brown or even hazel eyes?

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okay to do the surgery

The eternal T50 cope

You can't spend 30k dollars to become a genetic aristocrat sweetie!

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What happened to
>you're right, Spain isn't white, we're better, muh meddicks w-women love brown eyes

But this is not based on anything , are you creating a religion?


>tfw some weird combination of D30, D60, and somtimes A30 or C20 depending on the lighting and if I'm sick or not (other shit)
How are we supposed to standardize lighting and shit to get consistent relative results?

I'm so tired of having to explain this, fuck each and every shill here who thinks whites can't have brown eyes.
>inb4 "brown eyes"
blue, keep coping

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Based on eternal truth and ancient wisdom. But okay you've a problem with that! That's fine for me. I don't care. It's true though.

>Plastic surgery needs to be banned, and anyone who has had it who does not need it needs to be killed
The only acceptable cosmetic surgery is that done to repair damage causes by injury or disease, or to correct birth defects.

So its okay then?

> dostoyevsky had brown eyes

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Why do people believe this?

>by injury or disease, or to correct birth defects.
So, like this:

You probably have bad eye sight if you think your eye colour is changing.

It's probably a D30 you have

It should be outlawed, the racially inferior have no right to live let alone to artificially alter themselves in a pathetic attempt to make themselves appear to have any genetic value.

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>göbbels exist
>people like Davinci or Michelangelo are now subhumans
Really makes you think.

of course it's alright, it's great, you're white. Don't let some autistic shills here tell you you're some subhuman just because you have brown eyes. Your ancestors started the age of exploration! Not to mention basically all Romans had them and they made Europe what it is today. Stop being subverted out of this movement over something as autistic as eye colour. We're all Europeans!

His eyes are described as "light brown" what are you talking about?

What a retarded thing to say, one should be proud of their genetics, and if not strive to make their genetics something to be proud of. Our ancestors are watching.

It's a stupid, dangerous procedures that also doesn't look like the real thing. Just get a pair of contacts ffs

thats the most retarded thing ive seen all day thanks for the laught

The blue eye thing always struck me as odd, sure it's a sign of purity but just calling all brown eyed whites subhumans seems something (((they))) would do to divide us even further.

Stop arguing with tards trying to subvert you, you're white Bromenia, don't let (((them))) tell you any different.

ironically enough,the iris is only influenced by 16 genes and those have an insignificant impact on intelligence. It takes dozens if not hundreds of genes to make a difference and even then,abnomalies are so common that establishing a rule wouldnt be possible. My mother had an IQ of 136-138 (certified) and she had T20-T30 and yet she ended up being pretty high up,my grandpa had the same eye colour and he ended up working for my country's academia so kys.

It should be banned!!! If you are born shiteyed you should die like shiteyed, do not contaminate our gene pool!

Yeah my great-grandfathers had them aswell.It really is pretty autistic.
It's also not like ton of ashkenazis have blue eyes,which Yas Forums despises so much.

I support it. I am a shitskin with muddy brown eyes and I'd take having purple dragon eyes in a heartbeat.

funny how nobody wants brown eyes..

As long as it's stealth and not tacky, it doesn't really matter to me

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Notice how assblasted brown eyed people get when you point out the obvious.

Try it with blue eyed people and notice the lack of reaction. Why is this?

It's always tacky. You can tell they're fake at a glance. They just look fucking weird even when they pick a normal color.

Why would you allow people to falsify their phenotype?


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if you do it your dick must be minced with a doorstop

No thanks i like me the way i am.

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>implying genes don't cluster
Gypsy COPE

No. I will gouge out your blue eyes and replace my own shitskin eyes with them. Then I will use them to contaminate your gene pool. It will take you centuries to undo the damage.

it's just that these literal retards who have no accomplishments brag about their muh irises when what really matters is one's genealogy and by extension,one's facial and physical structure...and I am european
because a literal asian shitskin is trying to claim that 60% of Europe is not european when he's 10% asian himself.

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dont see the point really, my eyes are already the colour of the sky

>implying that blue eyes are an imperative in such a cluster

So we can pretend to be white and contaminate your gene pool, ruining centuries of scientific and literary progress.

Think about it, it's fucking based and redpilled.

Reminder that the green eyes are more rare than blue, and thus overall better.

dios mio....

Shut up animal, we're not even same specie I can't carry monkey eyes

>you can now permanently change your eyes color
We've entered the future and I didn't even realize.

>that pic
Lmao the memes were true.

and what would be that reason?

It's a game for pathetic retards who weren't born with god like genetics in the first place.

Dude you're fucking hot. No homo, but if you are over 18 then I'd like to bend you over and go balls deep rawdog in your asshole. I don't care about your shit being smeared on my dick, you're too sexy for me to care. I'll cum inside of you and then eat your ass out, and then use the cum-shit-spit as lube for me to suck your massive cock.

Absolutely haram. I can already imagine the hordes of dyed blonde roasties lining up for this.
This is more disgusting than makeup and should be banned as soon as possible.

Do you want a timestamp or what? If I give you a timestamp,I want you to go to your social media and say that you're a faggot to your whole circle of friends ,screencap it and send it here.

dostoyevsky's eyes were blue. but i get your point.

Actually most monkey species have either light eyes, light hair, or both. But yeah I agree, we shitskins are like monkeys compared to the intelligent Aryan man, and that is why I must gouge out your eyes and replace my own with them so I can appear human enough to contaminate your gene pool. 1488.

I made the ''gypsy'' comment in jest but you're actually Dravidian what the hell bro??

Bobs in vagina am I right! Lol

>free will
vs... some anonymous faggot on pol

Yes daddy, please give me a timestamp uWu. 1488.

>the average face of "Romania is white"

Pick one and only one.

you're such a bad troll

47 chromosomes is rarer than 46, doesn't make it better

t. greenlet

No he's pure Aryan and pure homo as well. I can tell that the thought of my shitskin cock turns this little faggot on. He'd suck it like there was no tomorrow.

And you're such a bad boy, daddy. Please give timestamp.

>Guys we should make it easier for Pharisees Jews to camouflage amongst whites and latinos! Thatd be so le epic based!

Why are you even here, go follow some instagram nignog degenerates. We should make eye color check mandatory on every Yas Forums log in.

False equivalent, one is simply a visual cue, the other is our bodily makeup with detrimental effects.

Don't stop I'm gonna coom

If you don't look like pic related, give in your ''European'' card.

Pretending correlation isn't real. Cope!!

Let's remember that applies to real green eyes, not ''hazel''. Hazel is common, but often in Muttistan is considered ''green''.

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thanks for reminding me just how fucking dumb and juvenile this board is whenever I get the least bit of hope, bros