Other urls found in this thread:
I saw multiple
Strange as fuck
Pic not related
Corona Chan does not discriminate. Nothing burgers will perish as well
I was in the hospital last week, saw nothing unusual.
Good good! Deny more, we need hundreds of thousands of dead americans. Your shithole will be exposed as third world.
>Nobody outside
>No traffic
>No sports
>No events
>No fighting
>People do not go to hospitals for bs things
Oh look how quiet hospitals are. Better start a thread.
OP is a retard.
>no activity at hospitals
>during a PANDEMIC
Ok retard
Take your meds.
>media saying how overwhelmed and full hospitals are
>normies go to check it out
>hospitals are actually empty
shill harder, toothpaste
sister is a nurse, confirm nothing unusual in her hospital (which should be full of corona patients in isolation if the statistics are to be believed)
Russia is 100% functioning normally. They are not going with the scrip/psyop. The coup was stopped in Russia
Also check out Jason Goodman on the ground in New York. The hospitals are normal (lower than average). Ambulance drivers confirm no personal contact with corona cases
Freezer trucks are props. They are also offering free tests (this is to photograph the ques) but nobody actually has it
>ICU is all the hospital
they are in full damage control mode
the stats are all bullshit
target small and medium business esp re facts
we need factsheets and infographics to reverse the narrative
ICU full aka people in the hallways
Would then make sense to use other units???
Also they showed lines to ER outside and cars all over, empty parking lots, empty sidewalks
ICU isn't even close to being FULL, tard, yet they're claiming "muh overflow"
I hope JIDF isn't paying you for such shit pilpul, kike
People are waking up
The "pandemic" has not been "overwhelming" a fucking thing.
All this OMG WE NEED MORE MEDICAL SUPPLY GIBS FOR OUR STATE is just more money laundering schemes.
CCP is paying the traitorous governors for it, they're selling most of it off for black market $$$
Idiot shill.
This is one of my favorite #filmyourhospital:
Confirmed marshland-kraut retard.
(from a news network source)
(from a news network source)
WTF is going on?
I am on it third day already
theories, ideas, speculations?
They are sending the corona patients to specific hospitals so the others are emptier until overflow occurs
Yet every fucking news article now is about another hospital having to turn its transgender bathrooms into ICU's and sprawling patients out over the toilets and sinks because they're so overwhelmed. So yeah, right now the entire hospital is the ICU.
Any specific hospital you know of?
>WTF is going on
They are empty. That is what is going on
>All these meme flags
818 here
Sylmar UCLA medical center and West Hills Hospital are ghost towns
Yes but from a bigger pic perspective
I want to believe but that memeflag tells me to not.
crisis actors.
See how it works ?
we have a sixth sense for bullshit
>Let's talk about
No, show me a vid with evidence. If people cant find the corona wards thats good. We dont want them to be easily accessed by the public. This seems full retard.
yeah user, they're just hiding the wards and patients. definitely what's going on here.
hat we are witnessing is a global coup by elites to implement a new world order where they will rule unopposed. While Coronavirus exists it affects only elderly and is a bit more virulent form of flu.The hysteria blown by the mass media and social media agents served to justify extreme measures like lockdown which will NEVER be revoked and will stay with us.
Further measures will include:
Compulsory vaccinations-said vaccines will lower test among certain groups and lead to sterilisation. Scientists will decree that it was a price worth paying and white people were violent anyway.
Digital currency-all your money will stored online and controlled by authorities. As will your expenses and where you are spending money.
Digital ID-to use internet you will need to use a digital id confirming your real life identity. Anonymous posting and usage of internet will be banned in name of fight against "fake news about coronavirus". Without record of your vaccinations in the digital id employers won't hire you and you will be banned from travelling and public spaces. All non-state and non-corporate crypto currencies will be banned.
Carbon Tax-it will be used to stop you from eating meat such as beef to prevent you from having strong body and mind
Ban on growing your own food-in order to make you dependant on toxic shit you will be only be able to buy online.
Ban on free speech-speaking about or doubting coronavirus pandemic hoax will be punishable by prison and cutoff from public services
Spread the word, look behind motives. Do not believe what media tell you.
believe in me, my son
trust in Christ and do not be troubled by this obvious psyop
now go in peace and tell the others what i have spoken to you
I use my recycle bin to specifically drive you crazy
Can you focus on content? Or is it too much to ask
>Yes but from a bigger pic perspective
A coup among elites is in progress. The aim is to accelerate total surveillance state and get normies used to being in virtual prison.
the burden of proof is on ((them))
this shit is nowhere near as serious as originally being reported
>lets do this thing that will empty up the hospitals so they can deal with the pandemic
>omg the hospitals are empty the pandemic isn't real!
for those among you who do not believe meme flags
i, the OP, have cast off my meme flag and revealed myself as a humble potato
no its not, OP has made a bold claim contrary to what is widely reported and all he's presented is a talking head.
Where abouts you at user? North Antrim here. Fuck all happening.
You expect me to read all that psycho jargon you fucking schizo take your meds.
This entire thread is full of flyover hicks preachin' like we give a fuck
lel, that's the kind of shit (((BBC))) would actually say to try and justify this BS
Remember to take your mandatory vaccine when it comes up in 6 months and report uncitizens who refuse
what's widely reported is without evidence and has even falsified evidence user.
He just combined what Bill Gates AMAed recently
muh jargon
This is the kind of shit that happens when the media pushes absolute bullshit as gospel. This is why it's dangerous.
They had an agenda with the Russia crap, didn't care about the damage it was doing because they figured it was worth it to get rid of BLUMPFF.
Now here we are in pandemic and have to deal with the nothingburgers.
Is it as bad as they say? Probably worse.
Will it be used as a power grab? Absolutely, it doesn't mean this shit won't still kill you.
Coronahoax, fuck is wrong with you? Shit like is gonna kill people.
sometimes i wish this thing was real just so idiots like you could contract it
i needed to say that in jest. dont take it personally. I recognize that as a christian it was not the right thing to do
forgive me and go in peace
social distancing is working! corona virus is kil
Nobody is sayn its a hoax but overreporting and blatant lies is obvious. They nevar do it for just fucking with us, they always have an agenda
I live in a metro of more than 7 million, and you and your mother should both stick to sucking dicks instead of posting your bullshit here.
they are getting desperate
in wonder what the next hoax is going to be
zombies ?
Any evidence
>crisis actors
Time to take your meds
Can’t even get rid of maybe 10 death people without making a wild scene with forklifts and a cheap truck. I don’t know either third world or a show.
To be fair Jasons vidya talks about NYC nurse who said no ventilators, which contradicts hospital chief is a specialist in disaster simulations
one of these photos is from Italy, the other is from the US
media lying as usual