What did Stonetoss mean by this?
What did Stonetoss mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
That 4channers are cucks
>tfw nazitoss btfos other nazis
I don't get it.
Seriously, what the FUCK did he mean by this?
that if they were on here long enough they end up becoming part of the culture without realizing it
Fag thought Yas Forums is the only board here and got brainwashed by trannies
Yes. And the culture is a bunch of weeb autist trannies LARPing as Nazis.
Yas Forums is gay and we're spreading internet AIDS/
it means that people who are serious on Yas Forums are massive fags. Which is not far from the truth.
He'll be on the receiving end of a stonetoss
>Only on Yas Forums
/Mlp/, /k/, Yas Forums
I'm not telling you that Yas Forums is the only one, retard
even Yas Forums has trannies these days
>imagine your job is to literally infiltrate a hub of faggotry
Is there a career more pathetic than the FBI?
Being a Hong Konger getting btfoed by China
Traps are our allies, basically
He's trying to spoof it but it's objectively true.
Traps are the last bastion of traditional femininity in the postmodern degenerate clown world. Once cyberwombs are a thing (they will be soon) it's literally (literally) over for femoids.
Why, Hans? ;_;
/g/ too
Seriously. You know your society is fucked when Men are better at being women than women are...
Traps are historical allies of the far right. National Socialism would have never gone mainstream without figures like Ersnt Rohm.
/g/ pipneered programming socks
Yas Forums as well. It may seem predominantly gay; but I tell you that’s a cover up.
The jannies are members of the FBI
>but I tell you that’s a cover u
Nope. Thats pretty gay user.
Just bants bro, I like Hong Kong.
Stay strong
>The jannies are members of the FBI
It sounds crazy but I could believe.
means that you're all a bunch of fags
How can we get the FBI to fuck off?
They seem to hate when people speak Spanish on Yas Forums
Do Glowniggers hate this Image?
I can’t wait for artificial womb
no idea what that is but I hate it.
It's Hitler fucking Penny Fitzgerald from "The Amazing World of Gumball". Penny is 12 Years old.
I wish there was enough traps for every one
A lot of right leaning "individuals" on this site seem to be waifu body pillow, weebs.
>wanting to have any kind of relation with abominations
pathetic omega
Hmmm maybe it's a joke? Nah that can't be it
Kill yourself.
Ever since they deleted a couple of my posts for no reason I’ve known they were comped.
two things. one, the inside joke that tranny gaslighters are actually right wing. to whatever extent that any of them have "fallen for it" and are now adopting natsoc principles, it is irrelevant: we know they are mentally ill to begin with. but it's either completely false, because gaslighting leftist retards, or it's true and the trans "community" has a serious problem because its divided.
the other thing being subtly addressed is that white FBI and CIA who work "white nationalist" cases themselves become white nationalist, because america is a white nation. beyond the memes, beyond the shitposting, beyond all the militia honeypots and the separatists in general, there is truth, a beacon of light on a hill. their names are peter brimelow and jared taylor.
Same. I think a sissy-trap relationship would be fun
most natural language processing software that law enforcement uses works best with english.
they work for free, ofcourse
Too bad English grammar is so simple with fixed word orders, I bet you can throw off the software with certain other languages.
>Tranny jannies
it would be comfy to be snuggling with an ultra feminine boy, always ready to suck your cock.
If you're on Yas Forums and not fapping to qt traps what the FUCK are you even doing with your life?
Using it as a baseline comparsion to show that I haven't fallen into utter retardation.
Wait, is that Agent Simmons in both comics?
Far right wingers tend to be pro-femboy or trans (usually male to female) and to be honest he’s not wrong really. I’ve met some great right wing people which called themselves fascist and natsoc and 60% of them were kinda gay but only twink gay. Tbh kinda based but very gay
That dude on the right is dead.
>Pepsi race
Cola best
Reminder that Hitler executed Ernst Röhm and other SA members because they were openly homosexual degenerate faggots
Only if you let me bottom for you when put on my favorite lingerie uwu
Discord trannies have been slowly co-opting Yas Forums for years. They're in this very thread right now.
there’s the problem
Discord sissy, am here
>right-wingers tend to be gay
Fuck off moishe, go back to Yas Forums with this shit. Yas Forums isn't thirsty and retarded enough to buy it.
damn skippy
There was a roughly 42% chance of that, thanks for clearing it up.
Only cute when nearby tanks.