I’m bored of Palestinians

Is anyone sick and tired of these faggots always reee’ing about muh persecution. Just hurry along and fuck out off Israeli lands already. While all you do is eat and shit out babies, at least Israel has a functional sciences program.

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Not tired of them yet, I want to see the faces of the gay and SJW community when they realize the Palestinians want most of them dead in accordance with Sharia.

Fakestinians and Kikes are both cancer

>t. Tommy Robinstein

All Arabs are worthless except the Christian ones.

isreali zionist shill detected.

Im pretty sure Jerusalem is a cursed place rather than a holy one. It shits out rats like the kikes and roaches like the Palestinians. Just nuke that place already.

I'm sick of them and israel equally
I'm sick of the entire middle east

>Is anyone sick and tired of these faggots always reee’ing about muh persecution.
No but we're definitely tired of you crying about the MUH 6 TRILLIONS and the holohoax for decades. At lest Palestinians haven't made laws in Europe that makes it illegal to criticise or question them. Fuck off Rabbi.

They get leftists to hate Israel since leftists only care about the plight of brown people, so they are alright by me.

Kill yourself

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Yes. Sandniggers always claim persecution

And we wouldn't have to hear anything at all about them if Israel tried to make any move towards peace. But they've never given any indication they want peace, they've given every indication they want land.

This is my take too. Christian Persians and Lebanese make for good integrated neighbors.

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Is real and Palestine are both just jerking each other off to maintain their own victim status in the eyes of the rest of the world. It’s bullshit politics on both sides. Neither one will fully conquer the other because then they would go from muh oppressed to muh oppressor. Heard just going to keep up this act as long as the rest of the world falls for it.

I'm white so I don't care about about the middle east as long as I can make trade deals with them.

As an Arab, I can confidently say they’ve milked this cause for long enough. Every deal they refuse it turns out worse for them, but they won’t learn.

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But Israel has won against Palestine, they have fully conquered every patch of land allocated to Palestine by the UN.

The last fifty years is how it looks when Israel has won and gets to have their way.

Could you be anymore transparent?

Free Palestine

>fuck out off Israeli lands already.

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Also reminder that this is a kike shill thread.
Ignore and read this book to get redpilled on Israel instead.


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>As an Arab, I can confidently say they’ve milked this cause for long enough. Every deal they refuse it turns out worse for them, but they won’t learn.
Filthy kike detected.

ding ding ding ding ding
and you know whos winning from this shit?
Iran the edgy kid in town who is butthurt that we cucked """"""Al-quds""""""

>they should take the deal!
>because they should know by now that Israel will never ever make any concessions and they'll always make conditions worse for them!
oh good point, what's the deal?
>same as now except Israel stops paying for any humanitarian aid in Palestine
why should they take that deal?
>because they should know by now that Israel will never ever make any concessions and they'll always make conditions worse for them!

Jeruselam and East Germany are the only two cities with walls in the middle of them

Never forget the 6 trillion lice

I wish i could photoshop. Id phot a picture of Ronald Reagan saying
>Netenyahu tear that wall down!

Instead of gorbachov

>t. israel
Whats the problem schlomo, not enough foreskins to eat since the virus started?

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Not even attempting to be subtle with your subversion.

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Fuck you Christcucks. Nobody wants Muslims and you Jew worshippers. Keep your little Jew bullshit in Israel.

>1 post
>UK literally caused this situation because they were ZOG's OG bitch

If you're bored than help them destroy the Jews occupying Palestine so then the whole region can flourish. If you like Israeli sciences, absorb them into the UK.
I'm Palestinian and Christian, fuck your divide and conquer shill shit.

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the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is just a point of view.
no, they back stabbed us

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Show your flag.
Get out of my land.
I'll tell you why you should care. Israel's existence means endless turmoil in the region that will keep causing war and strife that will cause refugees who will end up getting absorbed into Europe. If Israel was destroyed, there would be hardly any reason to continue foreign wars or sanctions on countries in MENA. Without any wars or sanctions, those countries would have a real chance to rebuild their society, which would eradicate the refugee problem.
>b-but they're violent mudslimes who've been warring for thousands of years
not really, since the fall of Rome there's been a lot less infighting than Europe actually. Not only that but Wahhabism and salfism in general is a product of CIA funding to destabilize the region.

My firm belief is that without Israel, the whole region would be far less violent and way less of a blight on this planet. If the Jews want a land where they can be safe from harm, have them get into contact with Russia to get a piece of land in eastern Siberia, far away from anyone who would cause them troubles (or who they could trouble)

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still shizoposting kushnershill?

What a nice post bubbeleh, remember to call me tonight after you get home from your law firm. Also I'm making your favorite latkes with sour cream this Wednesday so you better come! I'm also inviting Rebecca from the chabad school you went to when you were 8. I'm waiting for my grandchildren that you need to have and not with some shiksa! Anyway, I'll let you go now my precious bubbeleh, I know you're very busy. Don't forget to eat well! Remember call me! Oh and just remembered, Rebecca knows how to make a good Reuben! Also she knows how to salsa dance and is a doctor! I know you're trying to go son, just remember to call me later! Your father says hello! I think, or he might just be choking on some gefilte again. Any way, bye bubbe! AND REMEMBER TO CALL ME!

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Anglo's and Jews are one in the same. I mean, you should be able to see the writing on the wall. the existence of the state of Israel in Palestine can't last much longer. There needs to be another place for Jews to live, far away from harm. I suggest Siberia, and I have half a mind to honestly to call the Russian embassy and petition Russia to let this be an option. Sure that may seem laughable, but I want this to be a real possibility so you kikes don't plague another society that doesn't deserve your presence.

>the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter is just a point of view.
No, not really. The Jews were ruthless subhuman immigrant terrorists from the beginning, not fighting for freedom, just slaughtering innocent people in a land that was never theirs and also killing the same British who cucked for the Jews, conquered the land, and let the Jews come there in the first place.

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Israel is almost 100% responsible for creating the current conflicts in the Middle East, but they can't be resolved by destroying Israel.

Israel could finish the conflict from their end without making any concessions, but they still want to annex more land.

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Fuck off Britjew

I'm not Kushnershill, haven't seen him post in a while actually. wonder if he's alright. And you know I'm not Kushnershill because I haven't typed "HAHAHAHAHAHA" like a maniacal fuckwit. Get your head in the game, Hasbara.

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What is palestinian? Is that some british food? Some anime character? A new zoomer pop star?

>Not Rubinstein
One job

Israel can't fix or finish anything. Literally the only peaceful solution to this is if they somehow agree to leave (God willingly). But they hardly hold a military advantage anymore and the Coronavirus is only buying them time. Sure they have nukes, but if they used a single one of them, They would open the door for all out annihilation on their tribe on every corner of the earth, and lose all credibility even among their own ziocuck evangelical fanboys who expect their fatasses to levitate to heaven in the "rapture." No one would ever fully accept israel's peace offerings because they expect way more than they deserve (which desu is nothing) and they still want the right to bomb their neighbors without a reason.

The only solution to the middle east is for Israel to not exist.

Menachim Begin started the etzel group where they bombed british buildings, razed palestinian villages and wanted to annex jordan and call it eretz israel.
his party group later formed the lekud party which is the majority today and don't want to admit that their goal is to dominate the middle east.
palestinians have every right to this land from the valley to the sea, cut off AIPAC and foreign funding for 3 years and israel will be no more

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Israeli jets claim to attack hezboallah bases in damascus and syria all the time to eliminate terror, the real reason for that is to eliminate arab competition not terrorisim, the israeli jets like to fly close to commercial airlines too so that when the country they are interffering in fights back, they have a chance to miss and hit the airliner making them call it a warcrime.


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they should just fuck off to jordan and egypt

I'm sick and tired of kikes being parasites on their host white countries.

>they should just fuck off to jordan and egypt
Nah but I know somewhere else they can fuck off to.

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Palestine belongs to Palestinians. You know jack shit, (((Sven)))

Israel can fix 90% of the problem in the West Bank by removing the settlements.

They can fix 50% of the problems in Gaza by allowing vital supplies to get in.

They can't fix it by leaving the occupation. They have run fifty years of an occupation designed to steal land from Palestinians and prevent the formation of a Palestinian state, it might take another fifty years to undo their damage.

It seems like it is politically impossible for any of this to happen. The Israeli electorate is either incredibly racist, or they have no say over an incredibly racist establishment.

BDS is a good move, Israel might change their policies and start pursuing peace if there were any outside pressure on them.

based and redpilled. Glad that you recognize this.

Israel ethnically cleansed their territory in the Nakba, they sent around a million Palestinians into Jordan and Egypt.

Then they decided to invade and conquer that land anyway. Should they have engaged in a second round of ethnic cleansing? They did expel around 10 - 20% of the Palestinians under their rule at this time, but you think they didn't go far enough? They expelled almost 100% of the people in the Golan Heights, is this the correct model for the region?

its not palestine its Israel

Where are Israel's borders?

Says the person who has no dog in the fight. eat shit kike

Israel has a problem with its citizens too where they put their spheradic, morrocan and arab jewish citizens from north africa and the middle east in the desert and designate homes for the asheknazi jews in comfortable neighbourhoods in the golan and greener parts of the country.
its a huge debate over here, and this time it cant tell em to go back to their own country

Die, kike.

if my only choices are to support mudshits or a haven for international Jewry, fuck the Middle East and everyone in it

sure thing kushnershill
> The Jews were ruthless subhuman immigrant terrorists from the beginning
lol coming from the people who used children as suicide bombers
you’re in no position to call anyone a subhuman.
anyway, it’s not like arabs invaded this land too.
> not fighting for freedom,
again retard, in the eye of the beholder, they fought for their independence
>just slaughtering innocent people
that’s simply false
> in a land that was never theirs
again false and don’t get me started with your pseudo-historical book or one study
>and also killing the same British who cucked for the Jews
cucked to you, you mean. you forgot the 1939 white paper?
>conquered the land, and let the Jews come there in the first place.
lol 1/10 for history

like you personally have anything to do with this either mr. Mutt. I would rather have ten Israelis than one Palestine filled with arab savages

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Gaza and the West Bank together are only 50 percent of the problem. The rest is Israel's belligerent bombing campaigns in their neighboring countries AND the refugee problem that stems back to 1948 where Palestinians who lived in the west of Palestine were displaced and forced into Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and everywhere else. Those Palestinians belong in Haifa, Jerusalem, Jaffa, Acre etc... and they will return when the Israeli's are expelled. All that land is Palestinian, and there will always be a problem until those that have been refugees for the past 70 years can return

hows the golan israeli ?

So more than half of their residents are non-citizens?

The 'occupation' is actually just an excuse to prevent Palestinians becoming citizens or becoming independent.

because Syria failed to retake it?

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They conquered it and ethnically cleansed the territory and then colonized it.

This is how they acquired all of their land in the region.

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Bibi when did Jew start lurking on pol?

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Uh...bong bro...that's not how babies are made. Also 1 post by op.....

so you build your settelments in there even though the druze population strongly dislike israel and wave al-assad posters and syrian flags ?
and since america recognized it its suddenly yours to take ?
and what if syria retakes it in the future ? you expect them to leave the settelments there ?

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