I'm never having daughters. Meaning I'm never having kids. Has anyone else come to this realization?
I'm never having daughters. Meaning I'm never having kids. Has anyone else come to this realization?
Mmm that mouth. So warm and wet. Those beautiful young eyes looking up at you as she absorbs your soul through your cock. The tickles and teases you feel while she works you. Finally feeling the point of no return, you pull your spit-dripping cock from her mouth and erupt the vile and corrupt seed that has been churning in your achy prostate onto her face. The thick hot semen completely destroying her innocence an an instant as the wave of satisfaction and bliss grazes over you like a cool breeze.
Unbelievably lazy
I just have other peoples user, done me neighbours the other day, little tart
I did. Having children is sacrificing my life to contribute to a broken society
The jew want me to procreate but I won’t
Daughters can fuck a stupid guy
Sons are more likely to do drugs, kill themselves, commit murder, be a neet, etc.
So sons are worse
IVF costs ~$10,000 and you get a guaranteed son. If you don’t have $10,000 disposable income, you shouldn’t be having children anyways
Sick burn coomer.
If you raise them right they won't be retarded
a few years ago i would argue that weak fathers raise whores and good fathers raise trad waifus, but my optimism crashed by reality, since most girls turn into hoes due to peer pressure and media, which you cant control no matter how good you are as a father figure.
People are mostly sexual beings. Get over yourself faggot.
>I'm never having kids
Then do the world a favor and kys, demoralization shill.
>The jew want me to procreate but I won’t
Ok Jew.
a son is responsible for himself
you are a responsible for a daughter
no thanks, daughters are 10million times worse in every aspect
I'd rather have sons but if I do have daughters I'll just do my best to be a good father. Most troubled whores never had fathers, or if they did they were never active in their lives. As long as they shack down with white men and have white kids everything is well
ok kike
back to israel now you rat
And if the daughter is raised right she might land a decent fellow who will buy you shit and pay for meals all the time.
I'm sure when you're in your 40s you will still be here, posting woman hate threads.
I'm not going to have gay sex, I don't make threads about it.
That's a lie, a very small number of women won't break under media and social programming. But it's very rare and it has to do with how that woman is as a whole.
The men who had daughter can only make cope arguments
>b-but muh enough wombs for everyone!!!
Thank fuck we're in 2020 and technology is progressing fast as fuck. Artificial wombs can't come soon enough
The joy of a man who wishes to make a family is having a boy so he can have fun with him and teach him how to be a man, so he can progress to level you, his father, couldn't, in your lifetime
Just raise them properly.
>Has anyone else come to this realization?
Are you a fucking women?
As a man you need to protect women (your mother, your lover, your daughter and your sister. the rest are whore)
Also if your daughters turn out to be whore, just disown her
As a father I have every right to have sex with my daughter like in the bible.
>I'm never having daughters. Meaning I'm never having kids.
Another retard removed from the gene pool thanks to based natural selection
If you are a cuck that gives that princess complex to his daughters like the 70% of white americans dads, you will have a result like this.
White girls are down sucking anything BLACK
11-teen year olds imitating felatio. Nice. Someones parents dont screen their kids computers. Its definitely NOT the kids fault.
As far as kids thru teens are concerned
>" The Forbidden Fruit ALWAYS taste the best"
Those parents need to be shot.
>t.parent & grandparent
if you’re white, have kids any other of ya fucks. Cut your dick off because you are women
The only post the thread needed.
just face it, you're incapable of reproducing and now your projecting here. It's good that your shitty bloodline ends with you. I hope your ancestors are proud of you.
They're pre-disposed to becoming whores though.
Why not? don't you like your own people? don't you like your own race?
Just learn from us Jews and send her to a religious school and limit her (((media))) consumption time.
you are a fucking idiot
what other stupid motherfucker wants to admit they are an incel also?
So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?
That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)
stop bitching and do something about it, and vote
Bride price now
“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”
Napoleon Bonaparte Quote
Women are nothing but machines for producing children.
In 2020 10% of couples were interracial in Briton. Not great but not as bad as you demoralisation Jews make it out to be.
Is anyone afraid they would get a bad kid? Like I know people who are good people who raised their kid well but they still turned out to be a little shit.
says the childless incel
Having children is cucked
Why be a slave to mini people?
>but I wanna fuck other people's daughters
if nobody will have daughters nobody will be fucking the sexy girls you so crave
yep. having a daughter is the most cucked thing ever. you raise her and then someone else puts a dick inside her. cuck i tell you
That's not counting surrogacy.
>I'm never having daughters. Meaning I'm never having kids. Has anyone else come to this realization?
yes.. that is why the future of this country is white and proud. Everyone else is too scared to have kids and raise them correctly.
>have daughters
>always give her what she wants
>max out her self esteem, making her a little brat
>daughter treats every guy like shit
>guys are all broken hearted
>arrange her wedding with a low self esteem cuck programmer who earns a 6 figure salary
>get regular money from her stupid husbando
and those numbers are only going up stop the cope
If it was a boy and is a bad kid then it is undoubtely the parents fault. Either didn't pay enough attention, didn't teach enough or the right things, didn't teach through talking rather than demanding/getting angry at him, etc
One simply can't fuck up with a boy
Just be like King Henry VIII. If your wife fails to give you a son, execute her for her incompetence, and marry another.
Repeat until you have son.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
And your future cellmate will have every right to violate your orifices before beating you to death.
Move flag related where it's not quite so degenerate
i had a son thank jesus
that was another seething kike
Faggot shit
What kind of exercise is that? She working her teeth?
you cant "raise" a retard. only guide them and hide them from the real world.
No, I am having thousands of kids if possible, also having thousands of wives, each from one different race. Also having sex with my daughters too.
>mutts law.
will it end?
>Another retard removed from the gene pool thanks to based natural selection
You don't have any children. Ask me how I know.
Plot twist:
He is gay and you find his "selfie collection" while browsing /gif/.
>those trips
so sorry, user..
How sway?
where's that copypasta about daughters being born and reared just for another man's fucking enjoyment? always found it super funny
This. Of our three daughters, two are whores. Wife is trad. My daughters have no excuse. College ruined my oldest. The kids at church who are public school and bisexual along with their feminist mothers got ahold of the second. Afraid my little girl will do the same. If I could go back, I wouldn’t have kids. Absolute hell.
hes 6 and is all about this girl who goes around farting on people so you might not be wrong
>a son is responsible for himself
so did your dad ever come back or what
Why just daughters tho?
Having any type of children is the cuckest most normalfag thing ever
Well, you're probably devoid of the most elementary skills in leading so you can't lead even children. You're not cut out to be a father. Your kids would probably be losers just like dad. Not even losers putting up a good fight but losers that just get flushed with no resistance. Such is life. Not much point to your thread tbqh. Yes, you're a humongous loser in need of affirmative mental acrobatics from some other sad sack to cope with your own faults. Great.
Love the reverse copypasta of it. Mothers have it way worse
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry? I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole. Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her. As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically
Post the whores.
Nudes from college daughter are ok.
Dad cope
This user gets it
faggot tranny retard
No nudes. I’m sure they are out there but I have zero interest in seeing that. But I know they have each fucked whenever and it’s degenerate. They get what they spread for.
But isn't getting a son cuckcore too? You're raising a man to go fuck other women you could be fucking.
I will not let any other man touch my daughters, they are mine, they are my wives, Only I will have sex with them.
Do you fap to them?
Do you think about their whoreness while fucking wifey?
Found it
Definitely. Paying for a kid who will grow up while you grow old and irrelevant is most most cuck thing ever
> but muh genetic legacy
Nothing matters when you’re in the eternal void
Save your money kids
Don’t be a cuck for the system
implying I will not take my daughters as my wives
Has he ever been refuted?