Jordan Peterson's daughter posts video of him playing with a CR car

He looks like Terry Davis, both in his actual look, and in the vacant, schizo look in his eyes. That's sad.

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this man needs God

He became autistic.

>carnivore diet

Sad because you can't compete with the Chad deteriorated frontal lobe?

Wtf steering from the back OHHH he's a lefty
Poor guy, transmitter doesn't seem reversible

12 cia niggers rules to break now that your in disorder

The world needs his leadership and he's in a Russian cave playing with dolls like a 4channer. Guess he was never more than a flash in the pan.

What is he holding?

this is what happens when a high iq person has their brains turned to sludge by drugs

Anyone have the deepfake of him fucking a chair?

maybe he lost mental capacity, didn't he have a stroke or something?

>that look when you marry a jew and have jew babies then read solzhenitsyn's 200 years together

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Honestly never saw the guy in something other than a suit or shirt/tie. More than anything, helooks strange in regular burgerwear.

It's sad that he went from a well respected University lecturer to a drug addict that can barely function. Hell, even his own daughter tried to profit off of him by switching him to her meme diet and getting him to promote it. The man that helped people get their life together now needs a life coach.

He has some serious neurological conditions, keeping track of a moving RC car without losing it or forgetting about it is probably a part of therapy.

Anyway I really wish him a recovery, as far as one can recover.

Real shame. The Chinese had him lobotomized to keep him from warning us about the Chinese-Aryan androgynes.

>I like cars, bucko. I like racing. Driving 90 miles per hour in the heart of a city is a lot like pinocchio when he gets eaten by the whale. I think Vin Diesel said it best: "It doesn't matter if you win by an inch of a mile, winnings winning."

Thats obvious, he’s canadian

RC car transmitter
Popular style with trigger throttle and steering wheel

My middle aged neighbor and a bunch of his friends meet up to play with those cars every so often. They’re nice fellows.

A remote that controls the dildo that goes in and out of his asshole. It’s a radical new form of therapy

controller for one of those radio controlled cars
he got addicted to a benzo called rivo here in europe, they are extremely hard to kick.

he'll be fine, but it can take as much as 2 years before the brain has reset it self back to normal. It creates these receptors in the brain because the brain generates more to combat it. but after a while those are gone and he will be back to normal

Is he gonna start ranting about the bloody crustacean niggers?

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that happens when you trust the jew
taking benzos for the stuff he has is the worst you can do
I know he is too smart to be able to cope with all that crap, but you have to learn it
Benzos are the devils work, and i knew he will go down this road, when he talked about antidepressants
Promoting it, i knew he made himself dependent
If you say, i cant live like that, i have to take them, things will get worse, and then you will say the same to pregabalin, or benzos
And then your life is officially over
You need to rewire your brain, and that is possible with god, and mental strength
Either way, i wish him luck, may god guide him out of this dark world he is in right now

seeing lot of faggots in this thread. let me help you out.

JP is the GOAT

He looks as fucked up as my dad and my dad has been a degenerate alcoholic for 40 years.

Speeds a hell of a drug

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What's a CR car?

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>He has some serious neurological conditions
he tried to cheat his way out of benzo w/d by having some crazy Russian put him in a k-hole.
I mean yeah he probably does have some serious conditions now but he wouldn't have if he just had some discipline and slowly lowered his dosage over time.
Oh well fuck him. He deserves it for being a puppet of globohomo

didn't his wife get cancer so he turned to highly addictive pain medicine?

This is a job for the architect

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Holy shit he has the Terry Davis aesthetic

He has really shed the pounds with his Emotionally Unstable Drug Addict Diet.

He already is a schizo drug abuser he doesn't need to be worse off.

No he was already on high dose benzos BEFORE she had cancer. Then he upped to the maximum dose and took that for over another full year like an absolute moron and thought he could just walk away cold turkey.

His brains are fried. Sad.

He isn't even smiling. That's the best Photo she has.

It was benzos. Far worse.

Peterson is an extremely arrogant grifting opportunist, but the way he exposed his hypocrisy must be hitting him hard as he's sobering up.


>speaks like a true bro scientist
benzos are pretty helpful in helping the depressed. what you shouldnt do is not consult the doctors when increasing the dosage and the length of the use. usually patients with depression should take em for maximum 1-6 months. afterwards, doctors usually switch to SSRIs

Look at the way his hands move.

Woes is gay tho.

>but he wouldn't have if he just had some discipline and slowly lowered his dosage over time.
that rivo stuff is all over the streets in all of europe and have been for many years, it's the pill you can buy at any corner in any city.

they say this one in particular is extremely hard to kick. I've seen a couple of guys here struggle as fuck to get out of it, and it's fucking hard. They say this one is the worst. Worse than many other types of illegal drugs it seems. They get physical sick for a long time. Getting it from a doctor is obviously no better than getting it on the streets

He had himself put into an induced coma which was an absolutely idiotic thing to do.
Depending on the benzo, I am going to assume something short acting like alprazolam he should have switched over to something longer lasting like clonazepam or even diazepam so he is not having to dose as often and then slowly lower the dose.
Any doctor could have helped him though this over time and would have been happy to help him get off.


>he got addicted to a benzo called rivo here in europe
you're confusing clonazepam with alprazolam. the latter is what peterson took, and it's far more powerful.

his hands look fine. he's pumping the gas on the RC car with his trigger finger and steering the wheel with his other hand. i don't see a problem

>vacant look
To me he just looks like he's concentrating. Also fucking skinny.

he looks like a washed up lame brained benzo addict. oh wait right he is

Why are hospitals even selling this crap. It is not like Benoz are extremly important for survival.

I get a kick out of his suffering lol

He didn't trust American healthcare so he sought treatment in RUSSIA of all places lmao

He won't get better until he addresses the jq

This man is a clinical psychiatrist. He understands benzo tapering well, but he's too arrogant to fix his shit.

> 2 years to recover
Well at least there's no room for his daughter to kill him and inherit his bux. Am relieved that he's not still in a come.

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so it was xanax and not rivotril? Rivotril has been stated many places, haven't read about this in months though.

I don't know so much about xanax, but they are both rather heavy benzos. xanax isn't that avaliable on the streets here as rivo but it's still there

Sheeeeiii, alprazolam is gerber baby shit compared to flubromazolam, fren. Now THAT was a bitch and a half to kick...

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Don't compare this faggot to Saint Terry.

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This. Benzos are dangerous because they're given to people with anxiety and work very well + make them feel great. Their anxiety off them can often get worse if they don't address the trauma etc. So people end up taking more and more all the time. They then don't tell their doc because the docs unhelpful solution is to take them away.

You then get into the danger scenario of benzo withdrawal. Downers cause immense problems on withdrawal, coming off alcohol is worse for you than coming off a furious coke addiction.

For some reason this intelligent guy decided to cold turkey and as a result seemingly nuked his brain. Despite being a gatekeeper i feel bad for the guy.

that's a teledildonic for his thot daughter

Nobody in this thread has even read 1984.

Reading just that book and not being depressed takes a will of iron. This nigga spent his entire life sifting through the remnants of the most depressed philosophers most depressing introspections.

Any of you in this thread would be incapable of handling 1/100th of what the typical jungian has swirling around in their minds.

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I'm a brainlet, can you explain that pic?

No, he it was clonazepam

benzos are very effective for short term usage, that's why I guess. It has it's uses, but ofc people get addicted to it, then they are useless lol

the irony is that many drug addicts even know to be careful with it

obviously not well enough if he thought having a dodgy russian sedate him with ketamine was better option