Gun Shops are SOLD OUT of ammunition

It’s Over.

You are on your own user

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Now I get to share mine with looters.

Silver lining

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I'm not alone if I have ammo

Time to go African and use machetes instead.

This is why I got a BOW.

If you were so stupid as to wait until you had the urgent need you deserve the result.

>implying that while everyone was raiding TP aisles I wasnt raiding the gun stores

Friendly reminder keeping your mags loaded will fuck up the springs

Funny. My gun store has plenty of ammo

god thing I practiced intense karate


I have
1500 rounds .223
1000 rounds .556
3000 rounds .40
500 rounds .380
1200 rounds .45
2000 rounds .22

Think I'm good

t. Fudd

LOL joke's on you gun normie I have trained and focused my ki for years I am now able to shartmehameha the equivalent of a nuclear explosion have fun with your little bullets baby boy hahahahahaha

wrong, fudd.

If you have an iq over 60 you’ll use this information to make money. ie buying gun stocks such as AOBC then wait till earnings and double your money

zero rounds of 9mm? lol

I'll just make pointy sticks then. :^(

He's all about that 40 cal.

>3000 rounds .40
isn't it comparable?

3k rds of .40 thats a lot. Is that all FMJ or some hollowpoints?


I have a shooting buddy with lots of hardware who has a personal policy of at least 8k rounds per firearm. Started buying more once coronachan started picking up steam. Told me once if he ever has a house fire, his culdesac will be a crater. Lmfao.

>3k rounds of .40 short&weak


10mm master race reporting in

I just bought ammo this weekend. Not sold out here. And production is ramping up. sage


Needle dick identified

Can't wait for Americans to kill each other over TP.

Local gun shop here is fully stocked

just ordered the cmmg 5.7 conversion for my ar pistol. you scurred?

ITT panic buyers are surprised panic buying didn't work out well. Shocking.

OK retad

we buy it to use as body armor

I call bullshit.

stop using chinese springs. I have mags that have been continuously loaded since the 80's and they all still work.

I have 200 9x19mm rounds here, more than enough to become a small king among these no gun cucks after SHTF

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Hey burger, want fries with that?

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leaf here, how do I obtain a self-defense tool in a country where everyone is a helpless transvestite that is not allowed to pursue their own safety without polices help?


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if only. that would make for excellent drama, a dwindling resource that you need to protect yourself but that you must consume, and that you can steal but shooting it destroy part of it. honestly would make a good video game mechanism.

crossbow, or a slingshot. despite what cartoons may portray, a slingshot to an uncovered head is pretty deadly.

This is a myth.

you know whats gonna be funny, when in a couple of months everything goes back to normal and have all these schizos trying to figure out why they bought $$100s worth of ammunition for nothing


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Its called material science.
Plastic deformation or some shit.
Don't use Chinesium mags faggot.
I have a 9 and 50 rounds of ammo,
Bring on the apocolypse.


Then we buy it cheap.

>Don't protect yourself goy

.40 is for lady cops. Men shoot 10mm.

Don't worry, the govt will protect us. We don't need guns anyhow. This isn't the 1800's, gunfags.

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imagine not having a reloading press.

test was successful. we all know you’re white.

Get an old sks, don't clean it & you'll have an auto automatic. It fires itself, very convenient.

>50 rounds of ammo
Lmao you don't need ammo if you can destroy people's sides like this

How much money you spent? That amount of ammunition is fucking ridiculous

>he doesn't know how to make his own ammo
never gonna make it in the wasteland

This is not true. Armslist has plenty of folks selling ammo. It's just a little more expensive now. But is that really where you want to cut your budget? After buying 1000 rolls of tp?

You mean Tyrone is not welcome?

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Based and indigenouspilled

Not just an automatic, but full mag dump automatic lol.

pls stop

>no fusion cells
underprepared faggot

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>50 rounds of ammo
Well, as long as you start off robbing someone with more ammo I guess you'll be alright

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Stop replying to jannies

How much ar500 steel do you have? I might come out and visit you

>https: //www.

Ammo is plentiful tards

9mm is plentiful on luckygunner you yards

Sitting on 2k 9mm myself

say it again, baguette boy

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Nofunz detected.

>broke af
>no gun
>no ammo
>hunting for tp in Lowe’s
>find pic related for $30
Already working on replacing the plastic shaft for wood just gotta finish sanding down the wood I got

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taught my fiance to shoot over the weekend. she liked it, but I wasted a ton of ammo lol

Why no hatchet? If youre implying that is your weapon.

very paulbunyanpilled user

You should have got a machete or a shovel.

10 round burst.good for big target

You'd be better off just using the wood handle than trying to swing an 8# maul in self defense. Or just lay down and cry.