how the fuck did this 71 nigger survive corona?

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He has Queen Elizabeth genes dumb fuck
He's basically ironman with a funny accent

Jumped the queue and had the best private care in the world.

He didn't. They only quarantined him for 7 days, he's being used to infect someone else. Watch him closely for the next two weeks.

Who says he still doesn't have it

He has noble lineage and this means he has been acknowledge by God as the next King.

fake flu

>coronavirus pandemic

He bowed to israel, charles is the one supporting Palestine.
Watch how he will flip against them soon.

He's a reptile.

who the fucks he gonna infect, not like he's flying anyhwere

Is that George bush?

Our current healthcare advise is to quarantine for 7 if you show symptoms.
14 days for anyone who has had contact with you.

It wasn't ncov19, it was one of the several other coronaviruses people get every year.

Same with the vast majority of people who test positive for "Coronavirus"

good genetics

Babies' blood.

Feeding him foreskins and baby blood every day.

Definitely the batman

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Even for 70yo, the mortality rate is what? 5% It's nothing. You've all been had. Kills nobody unless someone is already terminal anyway.

He never had it, none of these celebs do


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dying in pandemics is for poorfags like you

Blessed by the grace of God

because the whole thing is a publicity stunt

A lizard can lose its tail and it grows back....

For realzies. If this whole thing is a hoax, who the fuck is gonna benefit from it and HOW? inb4 joos

Royal family have good genes in terms of longevity.

young blood transfusions

>mmm grayons

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diet. the food they eat is the best food you can get. organic where possible, mostly from their own gardens, meat comes from their own farm, they don't binge of indulge. small amounts of booze. exercise often, even if it is just walking in shooting party for example, that is still several miles. they are some of the healthiest people you can find.

The stock market alone gave ample opportunity for high sells and cheap buy-backs.

It's a way to not be hated by the country for being high class leeching tax money, everybody else gets sick yet they are unscathed. Member flight 93 on 911? Where was it headed before landing in field?

He never had it. It was only reported he had it to make the retard masses believe the global elite are falling to it just like everybody else.

Non of them will get the virus. It's a low-tier bioweapon meant to further destroy the middle class, crash the world economy so stocks can be purchased cheaply so they can ride the wave back up to the top and consolidate more wealth and power to themselves.

I was arguing with my sis about this shit yesterday. If you have enough money chances are you have your very own health team and equipment right in your own house (or well, castle). I can assure you, no major celeb or politician is going to die because of this.

Did he REALLY have it?
Or is he one of the selected elite to pretend he has it (and cured) so the masses don't rise up in class warfare?

He never had it, he was just LARPing


HIV suppressant drugs
Baby goyim blood injections
>How he couldn't have pulled through?

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Did you mean human trafficking and lying jew instead?

Pretty much this. Who is gonna gain off this? They can argue everybody lost cause of falling stocks but that's just a reflection of productivity.

It's a multi pronged attack. Kills all the retired pensioners, sick drug addicts and prisoners, unhealthy smokers, vulnerable handicapped people that cost hundreds of thousands $$ a year to keep alive.

In short it's a cull and fast way to make alot of money. Alot of rich people cheated the system to get and stay rich.

he never had it, the coward family ran away from fear.

obviously op is a faggot

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The Spanish princess in her 80s died so Im inclined to think this wasnt fake.

Explain the fit young folks with no preexisting conditions who have died. there aren’t that many but there are some.

Fake Corona Chan, just a cover for the rapist brother


Was he even symptomatic?

doesn't this happen every year anyway? They just put heart failure, or undiscovered heart condition

Are you 15?
Yeah you are.

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Three cheers to our Charlie! Defender against Modernist Architecture.
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!
Hip Hip Hooray!

Outliers. Just like the health nut that does of a heart attack while jogging. Shit happens.

>how did this guy with access to the very best medical care possible and probably even secret things plebs don't even know exist manage to pull through???

((((Iron man)))) with androchrome addiction

He took the banned hydroxychloroquine + azithromycine medecine.

He has access to the best doctors in the UK and he's given priority over other patients if he needs drugs, tests or surgery.

>how the fuck did this 71 nigger survive corona?
Probably black arts, ju-ju, black magic, Moloch,satanism, a blood sacrifice, whatever it takes?

What, all 5 of them?