New evidence confirms FBI is lying again after a former Assistant US Attorney claims under oath that the FBI did examine Seth Rich’s computer.
Previously we reported that after getting caught lying to the Courts and claiming there were no documents related to Seth Rich, emails between FBI Deep State lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page were uncovered by Judicial Watch with the title “Seth Rich” .
Next the FBI claimed the Strzok-Page emails were redacted to protect the investigation they claim never happened.
After bringing in the US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York to argue against an evidentiary hearing on the matter, the judge denied attorney Ty Clevenger’s request for an evidentiary hearing but provided no explanation for the verdict.
Clevenger has now uncovered that the former Assistant US Attorney related to the case admitted that Rich’s computer was inspected by the FBI and that there would be records related to this investigation.
FBI DID Examine Seth Rich’s Computer, Requesting All Documents
You people are so detached from the real world that literally all of Pizzagate and Clinton kill count could be found true in court, with everyone getting off on technicalities, and Americans will still get more upset if they discontinue Cheetos.
Take your meds schizo
The FBI is the most pathetic organization I have ever witnessed.
Seth Rich is only a conspiracy theory!
They man did not exist.
The amount of shills on threads like this
No shit. Look how the 2 guys that had all the evidence on the Clinton Foundation and their crimes got memory holed and nothing else was ever said about them....
The puffy cheetos or the hard crunchy ones? If they stop making the puffy ones I will start finishing off endangered species.
Just read this and nothing registered at all except the words "discontinue Cheetos." What the FUCK. WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW. STORM SHART MART NOW.
it pisses me off the govt will do nothing about this
Time stamp nigga, I ain't watching all that shit.
what was his name again?
Out at the music store buying strings, but the amount of shills in this thread are incredible. If this hasn’t 404’d by the time I get home I’ll post some WL shit I saved from the dump an user did last night.
Justice for seth rich
Eric ciamarshmallow.
So 911 was an inside job?
I don't know if it's all these happenings or what but boy am I feeling sleepy, how about you user? feeling a bit drowsy?
1:31:00 is where they begin they systematically charge the clinton foundation with child trafficking in the hearing and using the foundation as a money laundering scheme.
7-11 was a part time job.
muh Clinton
muh seth rich
Nobody cares, go back to rebbit
Bump for Justice
Remember SETH RICH
He may have been a Bernout but he was one of us in spirit
basic shills get the rope
distractions shills get the tar
You guys are so out of your league. Why do you even bother? Does this work on anyone over 105IQ?
Bump remember ignore slide threads and shills
Ok Eva
cute chicken
Based as F U C K
We have our own too, but the US is at funny levels of detachment. Eva Jinek was propped up by public money and connections through whoring. Now that she has moved over to a commericial network, it was an instant crash and burn.
We all know Seth Rich was behind the DNC leak to Wikileaks, and the deep state covered it up to run the 'muh Russia' hoax. The question is, "When the fuck will Trump do something about it?"
the answer is, never.
Remember FBI user.
Good job pointing them out! We need to give shills like 10 ( you )s each so they stand out even more and are distracted.
I call it doing shill role call, you get to see who will answer and refute the claim, and thus who is likely a bot too.
Remember whose side they are taking.
David/Mike rothschild
Celebs like Hanks and Clintons
Surely these people are genuine haha, it is becoming so obvious every thread is pol humor thread by now.
We must protect the stupid zoomers who were children when this started, they fall for it, think its edgy and copy the jargon.
Zoomers must have some sense spanked into them.
Wikileaks case grand jury being disbanded is a good start
We need primers on this so john doe can use it in minecraft
Drudge sold out last July
adrenachrome eyes
You sure?
If I wanted humor I would look in your pants
Judging by his traffic hes not doing so well.
you cant even spell adrenochrome you idiot
Who is here today?
Not bad, for a 50 post old thread. 7 shill posts, that would equal 42 shill posts at 300 posts.
Almost comparable to a Qanon thread.
Surely all these shills mean it is a nothingburger, and just a case of collective schizophrenia and forgotten medication.
I forgot to take my boner meds this morning
Shill reporting in, please deposit my 0.2 shekels into my account.
Don't forget to mention he died of a "heart attack" approximately 1 year after this.
Isn't that email fake? Link to wikileaks or fucky fucky.
Search for it yourself, wikileaks has a search function.
You might actually be an organic poster after a second glance.
No shekels for you.
You are allowed to have your opinions, and the statement made only looked like a shill post, but does contain a point.
My apologies, so much shilling going on there is a slight risk of confusion.
>heart attack
As did Justice Antonio Scalia, journalist Serge Monast, and David Brock (he lived tho).
forgot link
God damn it.