Self Hating Jew - Existential Crisis

My ancestry is Jewish on my dad's side and Danish on my mum's. I have been browsing Yas Forums for years and it has slowly changed my whole worldview. My dad isn't a bad person at all, he is very left wing, but he's basically just an honest, hardworking tradie that happens to have been raised Jewish (he is non-religious now). I don't think it is fair to generalise all people within an ethnic group.

That being said, I don't like what is happening to the white race right now. We are under siege but most people are too doped up with left wing politics, drugs, media and consumerism to even acknowledge the threat. Nobody cares about culture anymore, because we are rapidly approaching a post-culture world. This world culture is: memes, capitalism, social media.

Who is to blame for the way the whole world is going? I have come to realise, it's at least partially the Jews. It's also partially the fault of the Westerners who have been happy to make this deal with the devil for so long.

I just don't know where I fit in with this whole thing. If my nature is fixed and I was destined to destroy Western culture through my blood alone. Or if I can trust myself, I know I can do better than that. Or 3rd option still, if I truly believe in my principals of nationalism, perhaps I should move to Israel and contribute to building my own people's nation state, even though I feel completely Australian.

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Number one your not Australian you are a mix bred dog. And number two your not even a jew because of your mother. You are a human mutt kill your self

Christ what are you a twitter leftist?

Don't let your IDENTITY define your SELF

Jew here.
If your father is Jewish, and your mother is not, then Orthodox Jews will not see you as Jewish.
If your father is Jewish, and you were raised Jewishly, then you are Jewish according to liberal movements. If you were not raised Jewishly, you will not really be classed as Jewish.
You can't help your DNA nor birth. Many Jews are trying to destroy the West, yes, but you are not necessarily Jewish. This isn't an ethnic conflict, Yas Forums wouldn't have a problem if there were more Jews who were on the side of the West. Sadly many of us aren't.

Simply try to not be a jew -> problem solved

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Even if the whole (((Jew))) thing was 100% correct, that doesn't mean you should hate yourself for being partly Jewish.

Seriously, just live life the best way that you can. Don't let fucking Yas Forums control you, or your destiny.

Brother Nathanael, born a Jew, is now an Orthodox Christian and fighting to save America.

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I’m sorry user. It’s okay. See this is the effect of race mixing. I don’t know how to help, but there are honorable Jews, and you are only 50%


Who let you out of the gas chambers?

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Why do you want to fit in with people who want to see you dead?

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Be a Christian, or follow in Saul of Tarsus' footsteps and make your own.

two of his many videos:

Satan at the wailing wall (teaches you on how they have sex with their gods and goddesses)
The 4 curses on Judaism

I wasn't raised Jewish at all. My parents were pretty much completely non-religious. I don't consider myself to be a Jew honestly. I just know that a lot of natsocs would definitely consider me to be one if they are completely focussed on blood and ancestry. I look in the mirror though and just see white.


It's always you guys projecting. Because you guys actually want to see everyone else dead or enslaved. That is why you project it unto everyone else.

Do you have any of these features?

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There's nothing wrong with being an ethnic Jew. It's the Talmudic Judaism that is problematic.

Jewish Logic

>I don't like what is happening to the white race right now. We are under siege...
refers to himself as being white
>perhaps I should move to Israel and contribute to building my own people's nation state
refers to himself as being jewish
>Many Jews are trying to destroy the West, yes, but you are not necessarily Jewish.
Yes we are killing you goy, but it is not us that is doing it

You're 50% Danish. Why be Jew when you can be a Dane, and do honor to our ancestors? Much of my near kin have chosen to mix outside our blood group, as did your mother.
And here we see the effect - whether mother or father, the children choose identity with the foreign kin. Culturally, it's understandable; under constant attack for uncounted thousands of years, it would have taken incredible courage to side with the white race when the hordes far outnumber it, knowing that one's children wouldn't become white in doing so (the river cannot be turned back upon itself).

>That being said, I don't like what is happening to the white race right now.
>Or 3rd option still, if I truly believe in my principals of nationalism,
You forgot "Become Christian and pray for my brothers".

That's all I want to do. I try to be an upstanding member of the community and I am fiercely loyal to my family and friends. The goal is to be able to start a family of my own fairly soon, my number one ambition long term is to be a good father.

>Why be Jew when you can be a Dane
Probably the best approach.

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Imagine being a hybrid - which people do you call your own, when you are both, and neither?

> pic related
based upon his palm alone, I know for a fact that he's my kin.

My maternal line is Jewish, making me a Jew-Jew, although I wasn’t raised one. I’ve found Chris Langan’s writings to contain enough nuance about who exactly the evil elites are and to what extent Jewry plays a role in them. Basically, I don’t deny being a Jew while at the same time having nothing to do with them including buying stuff that’s obviously from Israel. We all have a role to play in God’s world, for example you can help steer your friends away from hateful, stereotypical thinking. Take inspiration from other benevolent Jews, for example one of the people who exposed monarch programming of US civilians was very obviously Jewish (can’t remember his name).

I can speak Danish

>My dad is not a bad guy
>He's lefty
Vew lad

That's more than I can say.

Do not put geckos into this

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Jew here, from dad's side. Even more weird than you, I'm a Donmeh Jew without any Jewish upbringing.
I always knew but have had no affiliation with Jews at all, and no one but my dad knows so effectively you could say I'm only ethnically Jewish.
I 100% know the feel.
>perhaps I should move to Israel and contribute to building my own people's nation state, even though I feel completely Australian.
Do NOT do this. Israel is a mutt state of corruption. You don't belong there. It was designed to be destroyed as a "burnt offering" of 6 million Jews. I'll explain this part of the Talmud for you.
The number 6 has a special meaning, there are 6 days in a work week, there are 6 books. Six sides on a star of David. and
6 followed by 6 zeroes necessary *burnt offerings* of Jews necessary to bring about the "Messiah". This will be the anti-Christ of course. The population of Jews in Israel has hit more than 6 million.
Stay in Australia, we're Australian now and that's where our loyalty is. We have to protect this land because everything to the North, East and West of us is going to get fucked up very soon.

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That isn't true and it's the same way that lefties look at us, I refuse to buy into that narrative. Your actions are far more important than your politics, views or values. Most of the time people's views are far more influenced by the friends they hang around with, the things they read and their upbringing than they would care to admit. While I don't agree with left wing ideology, there are a lot of left wing people who are very moral and good members of their local community.

He is non canonical, denounced by all orthodox churches, schizo, pretends to be a monk, and probably isn't even able to attend church/ partake in the mysteries

Also I'll just say, don't trust the Rabbinic order. Jews get a bad rep on Yas Forums, but the ones like myself who don't pay attention to the Talmudist satanists and the Rabbinic order are on the side of civilization.
I just want to make cool shit, have a nice family with beautiful white features and make my contributions to society. The shlomos have fucked up women to the point where this isn't possible anymore. Hopefully in the collapse us white males (Jews included) can force this shit out of society and bring back order.

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Then you're not a Jew. There you go.

>I just know that a lot of natsocs would definitely consider me to be one if they are completely focussed on blood and ancestry.
Why would they focus on your ancestry?

>Yes we are killing you goy, but it is not us that is doing it
I'm honest that some are doing it, but many of us oppose it. We are not a homogeneous side.

Technically you're still not Jewish.
You guys are fine, don't worry.

>non canonical
Rabbinic order, Christian edition.
Don't fall for it user. Jesus wasn't a bad guy, he was fighting against them and they killed him for it.
Extended family is so Jewish that I can tell you stories of my aunts/uncles smuggling tonnes of Gold from Arab nations in the 30s-50s. I know technically not Jewish by silly Rabbi laws, but ethnically, I couldn't escape identification from my appearance.

Oh fuck I have at least 2 or 3 of these features.

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Well I'm not hiding it now that I'm anonymous but why would I want to disadvantage myself?
And why would I want to be affiliated within an order where I'd have to start right at the bottom rung? No thanks. I'll take my chances with the goyim.

What about 666 in Revelation?

Only 5,6,7
I'm glad I got only nice features from good looking Jews and my mother.

stop whining you self-obsessed neurotic dork. you can just blend in like every other poor washout from the Tribe. Glad you're redpilled

You can probably escape it, and it's not like anyone's going to do anything. Look at brother Nathaniel. Your ancestry is not something you have control over, your actions do. It's not like you stick out like blacks.
I don't "look Jewish", as my parents are converts.

>If my nature is fixed
It clearly fucking is. Re-read your own post and notice how much you are watering things down. It's not entirely your fault as an individual but you are still acting like a subversive cunt.

I'm having a hard time believing this isn't just bait or a well made shitpost.

>666 in Revelation?
I'm quite sure that referred to the caesar at the time (Nero). But satanist LARPers like Bill Gates 3rd (in ASCII when you add the 3, 666), attribute to it more than it really meant.

I agree with you entirely friend.
Values are the most important thing, it's one thing I want to instil into mutts on here. As soon as jingoism is activated their values go out the window.

Cheers man, I think that about sums it up for me, I'm going to go back to my life like normal again. But I did need to have this little whine here, given me some clarity.

Adding onto that though you are probably just as confused as any "white" person living outside of Europe unless your family managed to maintain their culture and what not. Mine fucking didn't and I hate them for it everyday. It's bad enough that they picked this skin burning, cancer causing, mutt infested landscape to settle in the first place.

fuck off kike

cringe leaf

Yas Forums is full of retards who don't matter. Unless you go around shouting "I'm a Jew" nobody will know, and if you're not acting like a stereotypical Jew, it's not like they're going to think it. And halakhically you aren't anyway, so you can always say you're not. Jewishness is transmitted through the mother for most and if the father is Jewish but you don't get raised in it you'll not be considered a Jew even by liberal groups, you'd have to go through some affirmation classes or some shit or at least convert.

quiet, shill, having a conversation here

>everyone on Yas Forums is actually a kike
the thread

>>Yas Forums is full of retards

>you'd have to go through some affirmation classes or some shit or at least convert.
With absolutely zero benefits and heaps of responsibilities. No thank you lol.
I do have some sympathy for my own ethnic group of Jews, who were abused for a long time, but I think the pendulum has turned. The only thing that could make me turn is some kind of genocidal movement against my extended family, but that does not seem likely because they follow the Donmeh protocol to this day.

Here's a redpill for you user.

What Yas Forums and the Nazis call "Jews" are actually Semitic Punics who survived the sack of Carthage and vowed revenge on Roma and it's children (that is, Western civilization). They don't worship YHVH like Jews do, but Moloch/Ba'al and use ordinary Jews as an alibi for their depraved rituals and evil designs. All of the atrocities commited across history by "Jews" (well poisoning, child sacrifices, blood libel, pedophilia, extreme usury etc.) was all done by Punics.

Jews, sadly, refuse to self police and excise this cancer from their national body because the centuries of persecution (ironically caused by the degnerate atrocities of Punics to begin with) have given them a strong tribal psychology and they refuse to bend to the out-group.

Once Jews realize they themselves have been swindled by the Punics and start purging, then it's endgame for (((them))) and that's why they push general anti-semitism so hard - to close ethnic ranks around themselves. That's why they had absolutely no issue with letting Hitler eradicate millions of innocent Jews in Europe - why should they care about a people not their own? After all, (((they))) were all safe and sound in London, New York and Moscow.

Stop abusing animals you deranged fuck, poor thing looks terrified

You are welcome in the ethnostate, friend. This board gets so caught up on certain things (are you white, black, Jewish, etc) that it forgets what’s really destroying us (political correctness, laziness, ignorance). People forget, even Hitler had jews he liked. Nazis allied with Italians (which Yas Forums doesn’t think are white) and Argentinians (which definitely aren’t always white).

All that matters is that you’re on our side. Don’t be a bleeding heart faggot. Embrace aryan values and abandon the new age cuck mentality.

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>Just act like a decent huuman being, not a Jew

>dna doesn't count if it comes fom the fathers side
>muh orthodox jews
Literally doesn't matter, only dna counts. You can still apply for Israeli citizenship with only having jewish heritage from the fathers side.

Travel to Israel user. Perhaps its time to connect to the land of your ancestry. Visit the Old City of Jerusalem. Stay up all night learning and walking to the Kosel in the morning alongside thousands of fellow Jews. Forget the bs.

Pol rarely mentions this, but European Jews are mostly white anyways.

Your blood won't destroy a culture, but following a book of nonsense might.

As a blue eyed 1/4 Jew through my dad's side I say go forth and embrace your increased verbal iq.

What are the protocols?


All Mamzer's hate themselves.

>My dad isn't a bad person at all,
>he is very left wing,

Love seeing Jews begin to worry now their golem is getting sick.

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Maybe the subversive bits are only passed down mitochondrially.
That's what I tell myself, anyway.
t. another paternal half-jew


>Maybe the subversive bits are only passed down mitochondrially.
Yeah looks like the shizophrenia still caught you though.

Be a good boy and the next Hitler may make you a field marshal. Deeds speak louder than blood.

Thé Israelis wouldn’t consider you Jewish.

Judaism is matrilineal

Cope harder goy

Hahaha right on the money

Otto Weininger comes to mind. Ironically killed himself before The Third Reich existed.
>that it forgets what’s really destroying us (political correctness, laziness, ignorance).
I'm just about fucking done with Yas Forums because of this. Everything is so black and white (kek) to Yas Forums it seems, there isn't even room for people who care about the preservation of distinct European tribes it's all just gotta be "white" because new world mutts can't handle it.

That's interesting to me, can you give me more sources on this?
>What are the protocols?
You only reveal to your children their heritage when they are mature enough to keep it a secret. You begin by telling them stories of what happened to Jews around the middle east.
The stories I was told are scarred into my mind forever. The important thing is you practice Judaism in silence and avoid the goyim practices. I never got to that stage, for it was known that I was a militant agnostic/atheist at the time. I kind of want to preserve my family's heritage, but with so many passed on, it's all so far away.

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You do know there's plenty of "whites" that act like stereotypical jews right? Just because you're a jew genetically doesn't mean you should hate yourself for it. It's good that you're aware of other people's flaws and consider them as such because it's a step in the right direction and that's "change". For instance is every black person a 60 IQ subhuman that listens to rap and squats on the streets? No. Doesn't mean they can't be such or act that way but it also doesn't mean they should. It's all about choice. You choose to change for the "better" whatever that "better" may be but you can't choose anything if you don't understand yourself or how things work around you so that which bothers you should be also to motivate you to live on and improve.

As for "fitting in" I wouldn't worry about it. If you don't fit anywhere then be the center which people gravitate around by leading with example in whatever way you like to live or whatever.

Hope this made any sense and didn't come out as my usual gibberish.

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You're either a Jew or not. If they do not see you as a member of their tribe nor were you raised as such, why do you feel the need to identify with them?

You're going to bat for those who wouldn't for you. My father is a left-wing Jewish Boomer and I do not let that define my existence. I have completely different politics and a contrary worldview, and we do not talk.

>distinct European tribes it's all just gotta be "white" because new world mutts can't handle it.
This is important, people who are obsessed with race forget about ethnicity.
"White" is just as much as a mutt goop as the muttified Americans are now.
Family trees, heritage... "muh white" isn't it folks. Find out who you are, no DNA test will tell you that. Talk to your grandparents while they're still with you, believe me you will miss them dearly when they are gone.

>implying christcuckoldry isn't just more pilpul

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so wait, my great grandmother was jewish and she married a catholic which is why she was shunned from her family, then she had my grandmother, and then my grandmother had my mom, but shit i'm not a fucking jew.