Horrible Job, Mr.President

>it’s a hoax
>it’s not as bad as they say
>open it back up by Easter
What the fuck is his problem? Is coronavirus taking too much publicity away from him? Are you gonna vote this dude back in office in November?

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Other urls found in this thread:


My fellow American, now is not the time to grieve. Right now, you have to prepare for the worse.

>orange man bad
>no, orange man good
Before you retards get too deep into it, can somebody reference exactly when he called the disease "a hoax"? I keep hearing people mention this but never see a source.

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He didn't. He called the Democrats caterwauling a hoax.


Looks like you ShareBluefags can work remote. Can't wait to watch you shill swing.

He's trying to keep people from panic and our economy from collapsing thanks to some dirty fucking Chinese bullshit. Dipshits like you don't have to worry about the economy but this shit is gonna be really bad for along time.

this is what I assumed, i'll stick around in case anyone can prove you wrong, but I doubt it. Trump's still a fag, but i'm really getting sick of the blatant lies.


Democrat here!!! I'm voting for Donald J. Trump this November just so I can watch and laugh you brainwashed FAR lefties whine and COMPLAIN!!! OMFG It will be a beauty to watch!!!!!

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Huh. Apparently you don’t know how to use Google. I’m sorry you are so dumb. I found it in like 1 second.

>even the Republican party is openly promoting Socialism
>people most upset are literally Jewish landlords
>international Capital aka globalism has fucked us first with a pandemic and then with chinks buying up all our real estate and medical supplies and shipping defective or contaminated pieces of shit back to us
>only things functional are being nationalized

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Then post it with a link

Up your Chink

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>orange man bad
yes, the (((experts))) were so much better

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Fuck China

Just admit you want the economy to crash because you think it isn't going to hurt your baste demoncrap party like the retard you are.

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>>it’s a hoax
>>it’s not as bad as they say
>>open it back up by Easter
Not a single one of these quotes mean what you think they mean

What do they mean then? Translate it for me you fucking moron

What does it matter if he said he wanted to get the county going again before Easter?
He didn't.

Denail, anger, bargain, depression, acceptation.

Better than ours, who is still in denial.

He spent two solid months calling it a hoax and just a flu. He kept saying most of us are going to be fine to go to work and then later said we should pack churches on Easter. He has consistently lied about the severity of the situation and that is part of why we shot up to having the most infections on the entire planet in such a short amount of time.

The fact of the matter is people in high places knew about this coming down since January. This begs the question what did Trump actually know and when did he know about it? Because the only alternative explanation was that he was completely incompetent and uninformed until March or being lied to by everyone around him.

I think the easiest test would be to see how much he and especially his children and Jared Kushner pulled out their stocks ahead of time like financeanon leaker was saying. If Trump's kids kept all their investments it likely means he was simply ignorant of the situation. If his family did start pulling assets it means that he actually knew ahead of time and lied about it on purpose. We do know that Bezos for example was one of those investors who knew ahead of time.

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>Just admit you want the economy to crash because you think it isn't going to hurt your baste demoncrap party like the retard you are.
Pretty much this, they're not even trying to hide it at this point

So who do YOU want to see in office?
>point and match.

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The video you posted clearly specifies that he is talking about the "politicization" of the virus, not the virus itself. This is the exact same bullshit as the election "hacking" (as if to imply voting machines were literally rigged to miscount votes) claim, you're clearly pulling things out of context to make what he said worse than what it actually was.

Trump is a kiked piece of shit who deserves to be locked up with every other US politician from both parties, but i'm not sure why you people hope to gain by so blatantly bending the truth on things like this.

His response has absolutely been lack luster, you are completely correct, however the implication that any other administration would've "done better" is laughable. If Obama were in charge we'd be in the exact same boat, except he'd be smarter on TV and the media would largely cover for him (like they did with Swine Flu)

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He had allegedly been informed repeatedly by US intelligence.

My other obvious question is the extent to which Jews are using this depopulate us. The most cucked ZOG countries have openly stated plans to infect everybody (like the UK) or are trying desperately to lift the quarantine so it can spread (like Brazil) or just pretended nothing was wrong trying to make sure it would rapidly spread (like the US). The least cucked by ZOG countries in East Asia you will notice immediately recognized the problem, told everyone it was a problem, and took drastic measures to protect their populace from mass infection, like Worst Korea, Japan, and Singapore among others, all of whom are known to be relatively Judenfrei in their politics and all of whom have effectively managed the crisis in their countries.

You can pretty much plot Jewish national influence on a one to one ratio based on infection rates and how disastrous the national policies are. What I didn't even know about until this last month was that apparently Brazil has a sizably huge Jewish population in it, which somewhat surprised me but their national response does not know that I know that.

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The OP is an obvious chink shill. They're so easy to spot. The ching chongs are clearly not sending their best here. Oh well, they can always get work as a tech in some bioweapon lab. Apparently stealing test animals to sell in nearby wet markets is just a perk of the job.

Yes he literally did and he said it in the most Jewish way possible to guarantee shekels while specifically depopulating Christian congregations

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>What the fuck is his problem?
He's a self-obsessed retard and you made him 'president'

Oh he had been allegedly informed? By who? Have a single name of somebody that may have allegedly informed him? No. No you dont. But if Washington post tells you it be then it must be.

yes lets bring creepy uncle joe in office im sure he'll do a great job

Nobody said or did anything to imply that schizo

>The video you posted clearly specifies that he is talking about the "politicization" of the virus
Oh God forbid to assume it's his job as the highest ranking politician to act politically and in his function to govern over you dumb lot

are you retarded, just a consistent messaging of the seriousness of the situation would be miles better, literally all you need to do is to scream at people "MY FELLOW AMERICANS WE NEED TO WORK TOGETHER AND COMBAT THIS SERIOUS PANDEMIC ITS GONNA TAKE A FEW MONTHS"

fuck you retards the spread in the US is absolutely insane while even third world shitholes like my country have hunkered down because that's the best fucking way to deal with it

Closes borders to china despite media down playingcirona and calling him racist before corona was seen as a big threat by most of the country alomst two months ago.

Hur dur Trump do bad job hur dur.

NYC currently is trying to hoard ventilators in case of a apex while meeting the demand with list of room. Despite other states also needing them.

How the fuck does one hospital even have room for 30k 2x2x4 foot ventilators?

Can't possibly be worse than 'grab em by the pussy' failed casino owner tanned fuck up with no intelligence 'we got it contained and spring time will take care of it' and 'I don' t want muricans infected with the Corona virus to get off a ship because it will drive up the numbers making me look bad' Drumpf

Somebody who isn't a ZOG puppet. I have absolutely no interest in this retarded faggy circus for dumb bydlo or which blackmailed shabbos goy they install, because there literally is no difference because the power has never transitioned from the only party that matters for decades or possibly since Andrew Jackson and that party is the Jewish party. All of this is bread and circuses for stupid people who don't understand that the entire country's politics, media, finance, laws, and education among others are solidly locked under Jewish control. Therefore it's totally irrelevant to me whether Bush or Biden or Obongo or Trump or Clinton is in office. They're just figureheads who are there to take Jewish orders and then take blame from the populace. They have to switch between two sockpuppet constantly because people would wise up eventually if only one party was visibly in power for long, thus forcing the goyim to hate each other over totally fictitious red team blue team lines rather than band together for a real solution like national Socialism.

Honestly what the fuck are you even doing here if you're so low IQ you don't even understand that? Ptg boomers are a bunch of retards who are probably proud of the fact their fathers slammed the final nail in the coffin of Western civilization in WWII.

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By calling out leftist lies, he is acting as a politician. Are you stupid or what?

Yes we will, and your job will continue another 4 years. Cheers m8!

HOW ARE NY RATINGS DOING' was his response instead lol

Magapedes should just drink the fish tank cleaner

never called it a hoax
go back to redit

Did you even read my post faggot? I said he did a bad job, my issue is with the claim that "he called the virus a hoax", he clearly did not do that.

Oh no he is a politician? Guess he should stop being a pathetic whiney bitch like you

good post

Trump is based.

Xi sits down to pee

>the "politicization" of the virus
So any criticism of Trump is politicization?

Whats wrong with saying if your shit is still shut down after easter blame your Governor?

Yeah Joe Biden would never grope women and children, like we have seen in videos of him over and over again. He's also not corrupt when he deals with countries like Ukraine. He also doesn't constantly defend China like his children are being paid by China. Joepedo is a good person.

>His response has absolutely been lack luster, you are completely correct, however the implication that any other administration would've "done better" is laughable.
>Did you even read my post faggot? I said he did a bad job, my issue is with the claim that "he called the virus a hoax", he clearly did not do that.

are you having a seizure? go read your own words again you fag

Someone who isn't a obese Zionist bootlicker

>like his children are being paid by China
Yeah fuck Biden Trumps children only marry Jewish billionaires

Somebody's mad. You stuck inside and can't go get some Muslim cock?

Hoax? Well we all know the Democrats are the hoax masters?

Right comrade, how else could anyone take this joke seriously? Yet Democrats did, Biden was a heartbeat away from running the show. Now Democrats want him to be the show? And bolt that corrupt lardass Hillary?

The state of today's Democrats....

Are we breaking the conditioning?

fuck off back to r*ddit

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Trump is also a literal pedophile who is being blackmailed by Mossad. Like I said it's totally irrelevant to me which blackmailed pedo they install to take the heat and execute their Jewish policies for the next 4-8 years. Ffs I bet you boomers never even read the Protocols of Zion which literary outlines exactly what we see right in front of us every day including vesting all power including power to make war on some figurehead who has a dark stain or some "Panama" in his past which can be used to control him.

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Forgot the links:



But I thought Trumps was a turbo Hitler? Now you say he lets his children marry Jews? Doesn't sound very Hitler to me. What else you been lying about?

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I don't think that the way things going you are going to have an election at all. Situation in USA is FUBAR. I expect you are going to be ruled by some Army general giving orders from Cheyenne, which actually scares me a lot.

You see it all so clearly. Tell us your YouTube channel name.

that's what trump gets for trusting the (((news media)))
luckily he still prepped a corona team and put in place travel bans other wise we be really fucked like new york and other liberal shitholes

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selective outrage.

your orange nigger in chief has multiple credible rape allegations, advocates sexual assault on camera, flew on a notorious pedophiles plane and partied with him, etc

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