Anime/Manga Must Die

/pol it's time to stop. Throw out your manga and throw out all your anime otaku culture SHIT.. It is anti-social degeneracy and you'd be better off with out it.

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Suck my cock dude

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Think about it. Dwell on it again and then come back.

Fuck off.

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Furry 4 life fuck anime yoyoyo

>(((he knows)))

((they))) want you alone forever

Only if you throw out all your gay porn OP

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I have none. I'm throwing out all my manga though. Nobody is going to buy this shit, It has too much variety. Time to grow up.

Given the stock of western "women" maybe I want to be alone, Nigger.


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>complaining about anime and manga on a website dedicated to animu
lmao at your nigger life faggot

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Something about that shelf feels very early 00s. Especially with the amount of Tokyo Pop.

No you do not want to be alone, you're just coping with fantasies involving 2d fictional characters.

>lmao grow up dude just accept the 48y/o slut with the 3 nigglets
>be a man dude
fuck off nigger

Anime/Manga are fine, just don't let it take over your life, and don't keep reading or watching it exclusively as much when you start becoming a man
I'd much rather any kid of mine watch the Big-O after school, than have him watch a pozzed cal arts show like Steven Universe

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Yes, do all of this and then stop posting on this forum


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nigga do you know where the fuck you are!!??

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I was married for 10 years, had two daughters and my wife left me as I was poor, moved on to another woman and nearly die from freezing to death during a car wreck in the countryside in a bad snow and thoughts of her kept me going. When power is back on she took up with another man and my struggle was for nothing.

I am tired of dealing with them and thier shit and while I may or may not have more money now I won't have a leech with me for it. I'm perfectly content with my Anime as at least it doesn't talk back, it doesn't adopt feminism, it didn't have a dick at one point and reeee's it's a real woman and it will not leave me.

Be happy things like this keeps me pacified enough that I don't reenact a gunfight.

Got some Spice and Wolf coming later this week

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agreed. it's turning men into faggots

>imagine being a used up slut demanding a man that takes responsibility for your degenerate behavior
lma fucking o

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hallo leute ich heise Woldfgang Ich liebe kleine kindern ja

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The influx of barbarians will never understand why this was one of the supercrystallization seeds.

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Every one of you faggots who watch Animus or read Mangoes is a slave of Emperor Hirohito. Animu exists to destroy the fertility rates of the poor slaves who consumed Emperor Hirohito's mind poison. Same thing with Nintendo switch.

>stop liking what i don't like
kill yourself you eternal nigger

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While the degeneracy aspect of anime is not great, the uplifting nature of a lot of anime and the general positivity is a needed counter to Hollywood bleakness/brainwashing and black pills, worth it IMO, overall it's a good force at the current time.

Looks pretty social to me. Look at all the girls unafraid to take their clothes off!

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Both are for cattle anyways

Nah, they are the only forms of entertainment left that still try to push good values. Most animes are about being a good person, respecting others, you know, traditional Japanese values that WE have mostly lost. But i would agree that weebs are fucking disgusting and annoying. If you watch more than one or two 20min episodes a day you are probably a fat neet yea.

> A bunch of things that never happened

Animation is a simplification and distilling of reality. It's uniquely suited to making complex points in an appealing package. There's a very direct connection with memetics. There are legitimate criticisms of truly degenerate aspects of Nip culture, and everyone who's not a piece of shit understands that. But it's an incredibly useful tool regardless.

>shut up faggot

Fair enough.

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Holy based

Fuck off, dude.

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>he doesn't keep his mein kampf copy between an asuka and unit 02 statue

>Today I was successful.

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>telling Yas Forums to forsake anime
You do realize they need it more than they need food and water, right? Anime is why there's so much power here.


>that pic
That guy is fucking LOADED.


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I don't have any manga comics. Only furry porn ones.

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>imagine not having a collection of gay shota doujins in 2020

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I can without anime but come after ponies and we're gonna have problems fren

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>It is anti-social degeneracy and you'd be better off with out it.
ok i'll just keep my pixel hitlers ... NOT
everything stays

Yas Forums is mangaka , kys yourself shill
GET OUT of Yas Forums

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I'm not going to deal with the new "social" culture of this era. Get the gay shit out of anime and manga instead that promotes homoshit and diversity.

top kekked

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absolutely based leaf.

you losers really should wake up. you will be virgins forever if you dont grow up. you are toeing the line of hebephilia. thats disgusting

>durr its just wholesome fun! im just watching my harmless anime man!!

grow up, and stop being a fucking freak.
this is why we should bring bullying back

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>not going the third way

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You have to be at least 18byears old to post here.

>website is dedicated to anime
>what are different boards
kys faggot Yas Forums is not an anime board you stupid fuck

Check out the COPE from these degenerate weeb sickos

i am. you have to be under 18 to watch anime
people who watch this are never going to get laid. ever.

Toonami Ruined A Whole Generation Of Manchildren


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what the fuck does this even mean you retard? fix your house and property up.

wait, you dont have a house or property, because you sit around all day, watching drawings of prepubescent children.
this is why you will never have a house or property.

Looks like someone is insecure of its age, little boy. Actuall grown ups can allow themselves to enjoy different hobbies without trying to impress everyone around like that.

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You are posting on a Mongolian anime board. You have to go back.

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>every person that watches anime is the same
Time to grow up, kid.

I think you don't belong in here jew shill & diaper pooper

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>diaper pooper
THIS is your mind on anime. you are going to die alone

Says the paedo meme flag

this is what broke your mind, kike shills

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>my counter argument is a one word greentext.
Great job. You're really proving your superiority over everyone in this thread.

How is it anti-social degeneracy? It's nice and wholesome a lot of the time.

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Ur the country we’d give a wedgie and stuff in a locker, but if you don’t like animu then we should simply behead you instead.