Wow, this really made me think a lot

Wow, this really made me think a lot...

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to make a balloon pop you need to keep pumping air into it

If socialism was so great, why hasn't a single country properly implemented it?

If socialism is so great how come it only works in white countries that evolved to prepare for winter?


If the modern world is so great, why is it rapidly self-destructing?

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every 10 years a bunch of kikes fuck everything up with their greed and thirst for power


>If capitalism is so great how come it needs to be bailed out by capitalism every 10 years?

Because this isn't real capitalism.

Close but no cigar boys. The Feds engineer a recession every 7-14 years to weed out weak businesses and let only the strong businesses survive.

Because repeating jewish buzzwords is for complete retards. The problem was the same in feudalism, mercantilism, communism, socialism, liberalism, neoliberalism, neoconservatism... a lot of jews, other effeminate psychotic leaders and masses of complete idiots following them.


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This. Neckbeards think capitalism never needed looking after & tending, like some sort of magical phenomenon

why are lefties so low iq? It's like economics is to hard for their simple brains to comprehend. When the government forces the economy to stop, bailing out the people and the companies isn't socialism, it's a band aid until CAPITALISM can get up and running again which will allow that money the government spent to bail everyone out to be paid off.

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Feels fucking good to know my services will always be needed

Almost like controlled burning.

If Socialism was so great how come there's no Socialism 2?

Who the fuck do you think "The Feds" is?

If socialism is so great, why did it totally crash and burn in 1991?

If Yas Forums is so great, why does it need to be cleaned out by jannies every few hours?

>which will allow that money the government spent to bail everyone out to be paid off

If diversity is so great, why is it not?

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>muh free market
*A faggy little virus appears*


the absolute state of crapitalism and the "right wingers" defending ((((it))))

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>Who the fuck do you think "The Feds" is?
Why the fuck does that matter?

The treasury now?

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>AOC as a blue eyed blonde.
She legit looks beautiful as a blue eyed blonde. Not gonna lie.

>If socialism was so great, why hasn't a single country properly implemented it?
We are doing a pretty good job

So grenade attacks are properly implemented socialism?

Simple public spending isn't socialism. American leftists have basically bought into what cuckservatives were accusing them of.

And not only that, this isn't even about market failure like in 2008, this is about a macroeconomic shock that would've hit any system.

So no socialism at the side of the state and no flaw of capitalism. Leftists are already stupid to begin with, but American leftists are on a whole other level.

Oh...idk...maybe because I said it was the Jews and you replied that I was wrong. I'm not

True Capitalism has never been tried. America has always been a socialist shithole, just look at FDR and Reagan.

Very happy to see a Leaf as a based Sowell poster. Please move to the U.S. and continue to dab on our entitled and spoiled libtards.

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looks like they made her hideous nigger nose smaller

>Oh...idk...maybe because I said it was the Jews
Yes, the Jews run the Feds - but the purpose of engineering a recession is still the same - to kill small businesses.
>and you replied that I was wrong.
That was another user you faggot.

We don’t actually use capitalism in the west.

We use FIAT banking.

Capitalism requires capital, which when you print off whenever you need it means it has no inherent value.

The world is run by a giant Ponzi scheme it is not capitalism.

They've had it before mass immigration, mutt. So did netherlands. So did 3rd reich before jewish golems crashed it.
Think why your jewish overlords pick capitalism to rule over you.

Can't wait for that European style socialism to fail here like it has so many times in other places. Pic is for you OP.

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>Homeless removed
Pretty clever desu

>We don’t actually use capitalism in the west.
>We use FIAT banking.
All western currencies are backed by the product controlled by that country. For the dollar - it's oil. For Canada - its uranium and various other products. We moved away from the Gold standard because Gold was not always reflective of a country's economic prowess. Now, all currencies around the world are as valuable as the goods and services they can buy.

Ergo, no currency is truly fiat. However, for academic purposes, all modern currencies are considered fiat since they do not have any intrinsic value (as valuable as the paper they're printed on) and are currencies only due to government enforcement (that is, without government regulations, there would be multiple currencies, like bitcoin, in the same nation).
>The world is run by a giant Ponzi scheme it is not capitalism.
More like a pyramid scheme. Not a Ponzi scheme. The difference is subtle, but the two models are different.

christians suck

Sweden is more capitalist than Germany (in terms of economic freedom) and we're definitely not socialist.

Let's just ignore all those socialist countries experiencing hyperinflation....

>The Feds engineer
what nigger..wall street caused 2008 mainly CDOs which exploded after Russia defaulted in 98..more CDOs = more loans. in 99 the Government decided to let banks give bad loans.


Capitalism doesn't need to be bailed out. We need to let the failing businesses, fail. This gives greater opportunity for middle class people to be successful since those customers will want to shop somewhere.

The issue is corrupt political government. They give the bailouts to these companies that donate to their PACS and hire them as board members afterwards.

Capitalism literally does not exist.

The absolute state of pol
Not a single person posting here even knows what Socialism is

This. Bail outs shouldn't happen. The American automotive industry should basically not exist anymore. What happened to Saturn should of been all their fates in 2008, but the govt gave them billions of our money while we got jack shit.

Agreed. Also, I'm willing to bet if we were to stop bailing out automotive industry, you would see greater innovation in terms of vehicles and reduction in cost. Like electric or hydrogen ran vehicles. Wasn't there a guy a number of years back that drove a car he made across the country off water only? Ended up murdered, if I remember right.

none of us will be able to afford capitalism much longer

>Wow, this really made me think a lot...

But not enough, evidently.

Then don't buy it. Either create yourself, or wait for a higher quality and cheaper product to take over the market.

That's kind of the whole point of capitalism. You have voluntarily purchase it in order for it to work.

or maybe it's our politicians that we can't afford

we can't afford the rich

Oi, cool it down with antisemitism

Every western country is implimenting it right now to prop up their economy

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Bailouts prior to any socialism and large government regulation and taxation of workers existing in the United States from 1790 to 1913: 0

Bailouts since adopting these non capitalist market controls and socialist nonsense: a bunch

Yeah looks like socialism is the problem once again.

While technically true because the only effective way for most players to gain oil is by dealing with OPEC which all use the USD, thus they all also use US banks. Step out of line the man come and hit you with a stick, Iraq, Libya. I am aware of this game works, it isn’t capitalism.

They moved away from gold because it didn’t give them the ability to print money whenever they wanted. While you are largely correct in certain things the truth is this is t the first time a FIAT currency has been used and they always end this way. They end up printing more and more money and devaluing the currency through inflation.

Inflation is a tax against future earnings.
When you go to buy a box of cereal and it used to cost $1 and now it costs $2 it isn’t that the box of cereal is worth more, it is that your money is worth half what it used to be.

The only reason this still even has the appearance of quasi working at all is because of the massive amounts of money offshore. If China wanted to fuck the USA, all they would have to do is send the money back. Then you would see the price of rampant inflation. Go buy your bag of bread for $1,000 see how well that works out.

The entire point of a FIAT currency in the modern sense is to bring about banker control of your country. You literally are trading IOUs, so what do you actually owe?

$1USD used to equal 1/35 oz of silver (if memory serves)

Now what is $1USD worth?

>should of
Sorry to nit pick, but I have been seeing this a lot. How do people not know it's should've, or should have? Is it because people don't read enough, or they just aren't corrected in school or something? Do people not actively think about what they're saying and if it makes sense? Are you a minority by chance? I'm genuinely curious as to why this retardation is perpetuated. It's similar to people saying that could care less, when they mean they couldn't care less.

Is America really worth saving when people don't even put in the basic effort to speak English with proper grammar?

>State giving out money == socialism

Capitalism has natural ebbs and flows. Bubbles grow, bubbles burst. It’s all fine in the end if you just let it play out.

A bunch of retards at the Fed can’t accept this and create artificial liquidity with artificially low interest rates during downturns as a sacrifice to their Keysian false god. Then they prop up companies that rightfully deserve to fail. They also never have a proportionate response in the opposite direction when times are good — during booms interest rates are never as high as they should be.

>calling this capitalism

It’s not. Even if you believe in the Keynesian model, there’s no reason why interest rates and liquidity shouldn’t be controlled by a simple and predictable algorithm. Isn’t it ironic how the people that advocate pumping money to ease bear markets are themselves causing the uncertainty themselves with their unpredictable interventions? Just make it a 20 line python script and be done with it.

Better yet, nuke the fed entirely.

>Wasn't there a guy a number of years back that drove a car he made across the country off water only? Ended up murdered, if I remember right.
I posted too early. No, a country with this many retards is not worthsaving. The dumb ass had a heart attack. He patented hisdevice, meaning it's freely available and his schematics are published by the USPTO, so anyone can make it since you have to divulge how to make a device in order to get a patent.

Democracy was a mistake. You should be ignored by anyone with an IQ above 90.

what has a relief bill in times of a pandemic has to do with socialism?

>bailing out companies is keynsian
Keynsianism is demand side economics. Giving everyone $1200 to maintain demand during a crisis is Keynsian. Bailing out banks isn't, that doesn't increase demand, it only increases the money supply.

It's a phonetic thing. Most people speak and hear more than they read and write, and should've sounds like should of.

oh little commie, you will never win, you and your commie friends can all bite it.

>implying what we have is capitalism
>implying corporate bailouts is socialism

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>let only the strong businesses survive.
exactly, which is why bailouts exist

Bailouts will always exist when you use fiat currency, that is the point.

It's not exactly free market, is it? The free market has to adapt and invent new ways to generate profit in a pandemic - not rely on handouts in the form of relief packages.

Yeah but it doesn't make sense. They're not actively thinking about what they're saying. It's like they're on autopilot executing a script.

it's a rhetorical argument really, it's to highlight the hypocrisy of people knocking down socialist policies but aren't hesitant to bailout parasitic big businesses

Socialdemocracy works that way: capitalize profits, socialize losses.
Not real capitalism, but fabian socialism instead.

You cannot argue that only the strongest businesses survive if they depend on artificially manipulating money to stay afloat under stress.

Sweden is an oil state. Sweden is gonna be the next Venezuela is prices stay low for much longer.
Also, how are those record increases in bombings and rapings going?