Boomer Dad just got fired from his $250k/yr job. Are we gonna start seeing the "consultant/sales" class of boomers that make $100k+ start dropping off from the economy? How much longer until the boogaloo? No one can work, people are losing their jobs, US government isn't doing much at all to alleviate this, and no one is hiring or even open for that matter. Rent's due for a majority of Americans on Wednesday.
Hopefully the entire system collapses. So many fucking boomers and gen x'ers in worthless bullshit jobs making 6 figures can finally be trimmed off the balance sheets.
Daniel Young
>250k/yr to eat sammiches at meetings.
This shouldve come sooner
Ethan Richardson
The (((house))) always wins. Like House of Windsor, you know, jewish mafias disguised as chosen ones and handpicked by Jewsus Kike himself.
Hudson Myers
i make around 300k a year. i hope not
David Stewart
>250k/yr to eat sammiches at meetings. >This shouldve come sooner That's what I'm talking about. When times get tough you start giving incentives to your best people and cut all dead weight. Crisis in opportunity. We in the churn now.
Adam Foster
Based t b h. Those jobs don't need to exist.
>tfw you work in transportation doing actual productive work that helps society
Aaron Morales
Wtf is sales anyways? Some kind of nigerian prince scammer?
Daniel Kelly
I honestly hope the US is fucking annihilated.
Cameron Lopez
Xers and millennials have been waiting for the worthless, overpaid #nonessential "consultant" boomers to GTFO of the job market for decades now. Most do nothing but make phone calls and get coffee with each other, and have been raking in $100-200k for 20 years doing so.
This "virus" is accomplishing more important milestones than we could have ever dreamed off. Finally, the world will be able to see these self-important old fucks for what they are; irrelevant.
This af, i will finally be able to buy a house so i can have a family. No wonder our entire generation is depressed.
Jayden Robinson
What's gonna happen is that I want my tit images or I'll haunt your dad. "Pls no spoop mr ghost" is the message I want you to write too.
If you do it quick I'll spoop his enemies instead.
Ayden Torres
stay mad poorfags
Xavier Diaz
Sometimes it's a jewish "nobility" scammer.
(one more point to my theory of jews being pale niggers)
Jose Phillips
how much do you save from that and how much is spent on what you would consider non-essentials and luxuries. i don't know about swiss tax, is it high?
Nicholas Stewart
I dont hate the U.S but i want all these spoiled brats that live in it to experience hell on earth
Carson Evans
Get sick mountain jew
Adrian Allen
Hopefully they will learn something from this and quit being retarded
Samuel Fisher
For 25'000 CHF a month the income-tax where i live is around 23%. I put away around 10k every month.
Ethan Moore
>Boomer Dad just got fired from his $250k/yr job >spoiled little brat Say bye to upper middle class and your college fund
Ian Lewis
Yeah they really survived here
Matthew Allen
GIS (geospatial information systems) is full of overpaid boomers. My boss still uses arc/info refuses to go to newer systems.
Desktop to him is still a fad and arcgis pro is pointless
Please let them all die so we can finally get into management.
Anthony Murphy
Whoever said I was mad?
I simply want tit images from my targets or I'll spoop and write texts of IKEA and meatballs on your mirrors when I pass on to the afterlife. I'll be the troll ghost, and you are now my target. tit images or I spoop you. Can you even imagine it? Every day, I'll come by and whisper in your virgin ear: IKEA, meatballs and "BIGOT LET THE REFUGEES IN"! I'll also help corona-chan by scaring people by spooping them hard so they huddle together to spread it faster.
Some tits are a cheap deterrent. no?
Mason Morales
Har du tagit droger ensam nu igen?
John Brooks
he could become an accountant overnight instead of being a whiny ass little baby back bitch crying to his adult son im working 80 hours a week from home
Isaiah Thompson
>What's gonna happen lads? The second the businesses reopen everything will go back to normal in a week. Things didn't close because of some system reason, they closes because they were mandated to.
Asher White
Lite öl för att copa med faktumet att jag kommer dö. Är hämdlysten nog att hålla kvar i kedjorna till jorden istället för att gå vidare när det väl är dags. Tuttar eller så spoopar jag. Det är det som gäller.
Kayden Davis
Kanske borde öppna en flaska vin trots allt
Noah Baker
> Implying he'll get that position that pays 250k now
Companies will layoff those boomers that'll either be replaced with:
1) machine 2) millennial 3) pajeet
Machine will automate the job. A millennial will do the job more effective at 80k yearly salary. While a pajeet will do the job for pennies on the dollar.
A company can always do without the position as well, depending on its importance.
Matthew King
I'm fully convinced at this point that ancient boomers who refuse to adapt to the new world have grinded human progress to a complete halt over the past 20-30 years. They want to perpetually stay in a 1970-1990 timewarp and anything that disturbs their delusion is met with immediate disdain and dismissal. There's been a complete log-jam in every sector imaginable because these old dipshits JUST. WON'T. RETIRE. Christ, some of them are in their 70s still collecting paychecks to sit on their ass and boss people (who know how to do the job better) around for 5 hours (in-between naps) before they cut out 3 hours early to drive back to their 6bd castle in the only remaining white area of town.
I fucking HATE the "consultant" class, I want them all broke and dead on the side of the road.
>I fucking HATE the "consultant" class, I want them all broke and dead on the side of the road.
How would that improve your life?
Ethan Bailey
Oh, I'm well aware. But to get to that point, we need society to realize that all these jobs are pointless in the first place. The sooner we accept that "jobs" as we know them are already mostly busy-work, the sooner we can move forward with automation.
Zachary Hughes
Personligen så köpte jag bara öl och vodka. Vitt vin hade varit gott men känns onödigt eftersom sötman på min tunga har blivit kraftigt förändrad. Beskt surt och "öl" smaker, smakar bättre. Fine då jävla utvandrare. Jag väljer ett annat target bara för att du engagerade dig med underhållning. Inte ens i döden och potentionellt efterlivet så kan jag hålla mig till det jag säger.
Kommer sluta upp som casper. En cuck som inte ens kan skrämma folk. Just fuck my shit up.
Build a better company. It’s that simple. The leftists in Silicon Valley do it every day. Why is the far right so fucking useless?
Colton Cook
Sverige är komplett förlorat, finns ingen anledning till att stanna kvar för
Blake Roberts
Somebody with an offensive personality and minimal, often extremely outdated subject matter knowledge accosts a client until they sign a purchase contract.
James Johnson
Bullshit jobs like "consultant/sales", or "diversity inclusionist evangelist" or "co council for women in tech manager" are going to end with this disease.
You can only hire bullshit artists like this for so long for meaningless liberal ideals until the money gets tight.
We've had 12 years of prosperity and (((diversity))). It's over. People have to keep the lights on and the business expenses paid.
>tfw you work in transportation doing actual productive work that helps society your job is already automated.
Benjamin Rogers
Troligast, men tror det betyder mer om man tar tillbaka sitt land än att överge det. Det är ungefär som "alla vita flyttar till en nationalstat". Till slut är man omringad av negrer från alla håll. Vad gör man då liksom?
Justin Martinez
>The leftists in Silicon Valley do it every day What they're doing is no different than any other sector. Some of the companies are successful, a handful are incredibly successful, most fail within a few years. Conservatives start lots of businesses too, just not in tech or social media. I guarantee your local HVAC and body shop and trucking companies aren't run by blue checkmark soi creatures.
Jeremiah Morales
Do you work in a field that uses arc gis and arc pro? I'm taking an introductory course and I really like it. I'm doing pretty well too. Should I stick with it if I'm doing well?
Noah Sanders
This >Hey user you'll really like our company theres lots of room for advancement >heres the service manager Bob! Hes been here 25 years! And heres the general manager john. Hes been here 30! >room for advancement kek
Fucking every job I've pretty much ever been to. I'm not working somewhere 20 years of my life for 2 promotions.
Asher Campbell
Teachers/public schooling in the states absolutely BTFO.
Leo Rodriguez
100% this. Old boomers cannot comprehend how they are not just unproductive, they are negatively productive.
Lucas Miller
>JuSt StArT a BuSiNeSs BrO iT's EaSy Brainlet confirmed.
>i make around 300k a year. i hope not Eh not terribly impressive. If you're in a technical field and have been successful at it for 10-15 years, this is a standard consultant income if you're staying busy most of the time. 300k/year is what a 150k/yr position costs a company, roughly, when you factor in all the overhead. When I needed the money, I'd just approach a company with an open position and negotiate a contract where they'd just write me an invoice for that position's monthly cost and I'd perform those services, at will.
Jaxon Morgan
I'm happy to be in IT. people always think of us as not "generating wealth" but we sure are needed when a million zillion boomers are working from home all the sudden.
It's even less impressive when you see his flag and realize that 300k in Switzerland is the equivalent of 80k in the US. Mountain jew land is unfathomably expensive, like twice as much as SF or NYC.