i have MSc in biology
you guys believe in theory of evolution, dont you?
i can answer your questions about it
I have MSc in biology
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no, i believe in the second law of thermodynamics
>you guys
Yas Forums is not one person
why can't scientists define what actually is a species?
Does The Theory apply to modern humans?
it doesnt refute evolution
yes it does
The answer is that the second law is only valid in closed systems with no external sources of energy. Since the Earth receives continual energy from the Sun, the second law does not apply.
wow, youre an idiot...like most ppl with degrees in biology
what degree do you have?
mechanical engineering
Daily reminder we are animals and are subject to the same laws of nature and should be classified as such.
The different races are different species or a minimum sup species and don't give me that viable offspring bitch definition of species I want the real shit nigga.
From tigers and lions mating to the different species of lions who can breed etc etc also having us live together us retarded and will end up in tears for all involved.
Undoing the work of nature, which worked its wonders tailoring people to their environment.
Now all possibly undone.
Viable offspring and and oh we share X amount of DNA is not an argument.
As we share 70% of our DNA with a banana.
Pic related should be thrown out of the eurosphere
yes, of course
I don't in that law. That law is crap. Consciousness violates that law. It violates God's will.
god doesnt exist dude
He does, but I can't prove it. I also can't prove that you exist.
thoughts on this ?
How is Cambrian explosion explained by Darwinian Evolution?
Kek, quality bait
Degrees do not mean intelligence. Appeal to authority.
The theory cannot work because it contradicts the 2nd Law. Human evolution is one aspect of evolution. There are several, cosmic being one of them. Cosmic evolution (something from nothing, gravitating into stars and complex organized solar systems) is reverse entropy. And the universe is a closed system, binding the scenario by saying “well we’re referring to earth here” is illogical. Also, Darwinian theory can’t reconcile the inception of DNA information.
Why is it believed that we'll have huge eyes in the future?
is it?
Finishing my ENVS bachelors
Rate my library so far
God is outside of his creation, above it. He is not of our universe and therefore is not bound by the laws of Physics.
why dont you prove fiest, memeflaggot
Redpill me on the Cambrian explosion. What caused it? And why then instead of hundreds of millions of years before or after?
theists please leave this thread
this is a place for ratinoal discussion
>How do you know?
> And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so
They key phrase is
>after his kind
and the Lord stresses that multiple times throughout Genesis ch 1.
Isn’t it amazing how God I’m his omniscience knew some scoffers chasing after their own lusts would deny biblical creation?
Praise the Lord!
Oh well already asked
Is there an evolutionary reason jannies work for free?
>rational discussion
>believing this clearly designed universe didn’t have a master designer
>believing a fish over billions of years turned into a human
Well spake Paul by the mouth of he Holy Ghost when he talked about you
> Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
Your piece of overpriced parchment won't keep you out of hell.
ABC's of Salvation:
To be safe for all eternity:
A: Admit that you are a sinner, who violates the Will of God, and that you need a Saviour. Repent. Turn away from your sin and toward Jesus. (Matthew 4:17; Romans 2:4, 3:10, 6:23; Acts 3:19)
B: Believe that Jesus Christ, Son of God & Messiah, died for your sins and rose again, and that He will come again, as prophesied and recorded in the Word of God. Trust in His finished work on the cross. (Romans 10:9-10; 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Ephesians 2:8-9)
C: Call on His name, ask Him to save you, and confess that He is Lord. (Romans 10:9-10, 10:13, 14:10-11; Philippians 2:10)
>Muh Scientism!!!!
jesus was a schizophrenic
For the lurkers
Additionally, you might find this philotheologian interesting
The Universe can't create itself, can it?
Do you think that mitochondrial dna has some gay DNA that crates the gay energy in gays
And you can help gay people by draining their blood and filtering out the mitochondrions to be replaced with not gay ones?
wasted quads.
I’m landlocked but I’d love to sail one day. I’m working on that goal
Can't we breed bacteria that attracts malignous viruses and encapsulates their DNA but doesn't repruduce the virus so it sort of dies out? Sort of like genetically enhanced anti-viral bacteria.
god cant create itself, can it?
They can you're just retarded
Serious that people are that retarded... The sun produce giga-zillions of power-watts every second, has done that for billions of years and will keep doing more more billions of years. So argument of second law of thermodynamics is pure retardation since we have a source of energy that for us is inextinguishable take human lifespan, civilization, development, etc. We can do that and have spare time afterwards for at least more dozens of species reach the same achievements. You guys have 0 notion, really pathetic. Not only we have energy from the sun but from our planet core and mantle. 2 energy sources and all the necessary chemicals for all the biological molecules (you guys are gonna denied that as well?) until the first RNA form and so. Fuck me, you can go fucking read and use your 2 function neuron's to figure that out.
Saying that biology is no real is the same as saying that Earth is flat. Or that statistics is a precise science of even science at all. True imbecility.
I don't believe that I read thermodynamics as a excuse.. Dude comparing the power of the sun of the interior of the planet with a fucking ball that loses momentum or some whatever generator that he has on home or something. Pure stupidity.
>god isnt real my heckin duderino!
not an argument
God doesn't have a beginning nor an end. It simply is. I would say "and always has been and will be", but time is not a dimension that applies to it.
Also can't we immunize ourselves with antibodies from patients who recovered from Covid-19? Couldn't we clone or synthesize antibodies?
this is being tried, it is an old method
>you guys believe in theory of evolution, dont you?
Only small aspects of it. But 99% is bullshit speculation passed off as science by presupposing its own claims
>this creature evolved X
>X does/provides for (insert unscientific claim)
>(unproven claim) must be true otherwise it wouldn't exist
>Gorilla beringei
>Homo sapiens
how come, user?
haha typical burger
have you heard about adaptation?
It’s not a matter of belief. This like asking folk if they believe rocks exist.
>being this retarded to think that is what evolution is
Populations adapt individual organisms do not
That's a stupid retort. The population adapts because of shifting individual demographics.
A species is a group of individuals that can breed and have fertile offspring. Down in Africa ppl fuck Chimpanzees and sometimes you get a Human/Chimpanzee ebola/aids baby that is born and lives and does stuff but that thing is then completely sterile meaning it cannot impregnate or be impregnated by a human, a chimpanzee or a human chimpanzee hybrid.
>A species is a group of individuals that can breed and have fertile offspring.
The guy is rambling about ebola aids human ape hybrids, why even humor him with a (You)?
there are many definitions and hopefully there will be more accurate and precise definitions in future
Obviously you're one of those crazy people who believe in evolution, meaning you think Humans and monkeys share a common ancestor. And maybe you go so far to say humans and all living life on Earth share a common ancestor.
Does your crazy understanding of common-ancestry extend back through the creation of the universe, since you need a universe with cosmological constants for arrangements of molecules to create replicating mechanisms?
Could you enhance your theory of evolution to say that not only do you share a common ancestor with the bacteria on your keyboard. But you also share a common ancestor with the spacial fields that govern physics, more specifically the things observed to occur inside stars and inside black holes?
Meaning that the universe is alive and reproduces like we do, just along a totally different mechanism.
Wouldn't then the notion of Jesus Christ, celestial messenger avatar and super star, be not beyond the realm of scientific plausability? Since the universe and the God that made it is our common ancestor, just across a temporal dimension that we haven't dominated yet, but eventually will?
What's your take on group selection, useful as a concept or does it not add anything not already sufficiently explained by gene selection?
Only retards believe in evolution.
>appeal to cosmic watch maker
>ok, ok, ok,
Lmfao dropped. You can make the appeal of "the universe is a carefully crafted world" but the second you appeal to the Christian version, you're a dumbass.
this is incorrect, you must have went to a shit school for an Msc or you have one of those PHD failure degrees that award you a masters when you fail your disertation
species isnt definied by interbreeding groups that result in fertile offspring because that definition does not apply to a majority of organisms that exist on earth
using such a shit explanation immediately removes multiples of kingdoms from existence as special classifications
not only that the definition of a species is highly subjective due to it being defined using a temporal frame of reference using horses as an example a "horse" is multiples of multiples of lines of species or at the same time one single species
it depends on how you are defining it and the context of which you are defining it
and if you actually worked in that field (which you seem to not) youd know species isnt actually a real description of anything definitive
group selection is really a thing but only in particular conditions
wait, what!?!?!? classification schemes are arbitrary assortments for easier commonality associations and communication in language for the field of study? THE FUCK!?!?! I thought they were absolute dogmatic scientific laws!!!!
why doesn't the vast genetic drift of abbos warrant a delination as subspecies of homo sapiens?
an individual cannot adapt by definition because that would imply that if, for instance, a human got cold they would then suddenly become larger, grow more hair, metabolism would increase, and their body would spontaneously generate a new protein to prevent ice crystalization in their blood from severe cold
however, this can happen within a population if enough of these things are generated and then carried on
i think you dont quite understand the real definition of how adaptation is applied in that area of science
this is similar to how general population has no understanding of the significance between a hypothesis and a theory you dont understand the mechanical definition of adaptation
and, user, i'll assume that you don't believe in god... because if you do, you're dumber, and just embarrassing yourself