Why is everyone so obsessed with this guy being a "simp" or whatever? Like I don't see what's wrong with your wife earning extra money for the household by taking pseudo-erotic photos for horny virgins
Why is everyone so obsessed with this guy being a "simp" or whatever...
He's actually a KEK, not a simp. Normalshits and teenagers have ruined the meaning of another word
Good thing this guy doesn't make good videos anymore or I would feel really bad for him. Imagine thousands of people jerking off to your gfs tits and not doing anything about it.
His whole video was a massive cope.
>ITS A PUSSY DUDE! does pussy lose its value the more people see it?
Because Yas Forums can only live vicariously through other people's boring lives.
>People who will never have sex see your wife in lingerie or whatever
>Your household income increases
How is this cucked again
You aren't a man if you find most of a woman's value in her pussy
God damn fuck off with your ecelebrity shit
Because Yas Forums is a bunch of leftover virgins who should be happy ANY women, including women with kids, fat women etc. would give them any attention and thus they lash out at anyone who lives a normal life which does not conform to their ridiculous pseudo-fascist stereotype of how relationships should work per Nazi Party recommendations.
pathetic cucks need to be insulted
quiet roastie
Even completely dolled up she's a 6/10 at best, which I really don't get.
Are people that fucking lonely and desperate? I haven't been laid in about 15 years and I'm still not cuck enough to go pay some cam girl for nudes when I can literally just go to one of countless porn sites (or just browse Yas Forums and /gif/) and jerk off then and there.
Fucking people man.
my my is she disgusting
So where is most of her value?
>it’s just photos
>it’s just another man
>it’s just my wife’s son
If my wife or daughter implied doing this to "help the household" id beat them silly. He sounds pretty degenerate to me.
someone post the leafy image cant remember the exact lines something like tell your gf to upload more nudes or something like that
Women themselves find most of their value in their pussies
I don't understand why some people would pay just to see someone's ass on onlyfans when you can see a lot nicer ones on google images for free
It's pretty much guaranteed that she's going to cheat on him (If she isn't already) if she can't help but look slutty in exchange for the attention of thousands of horny men.
Any woman who is that obsessed with getting attention from all sorts of men, is a slutty ass thot.
His whore gf being the prime example.
kill all simps
I think it's the illusion that you 'know' this person that makes these people (mostly underage) attracted to her.
Imagine buying porn from this specimen. Imagine being with this specimen.
Idubz is both a cuck and a simp.
>become famous on calling people out for their shit
>be generally straightforward and opposite of the Twitter "woke" shit
>suddenly he's okay with his girlfriend doing porn
Unless he's the one fucking her in the videos or spreading her pussy to the camera with his own fingers, he's a cucksimp
Stop dating low quality women then
I have a feeling most of them are younger than 16
what's the problem with doing gay porn to pay rent, user? it's just porn. not like your kids will ever see it
built for bbc
for some talent-less women their only value is their pussies
yeah, thats how life works, right?
It feels so great when your mother/wife/girlfriend prostitutes herself online, its normal you guys!
Whoring yourself, that is sharing your private areas to everyone, is a clear sign of mental illness or extreme poverty.
You have to have coom for brains to believe that sexuality is like papercraft or cooking show, its not.
1. Imagine getting walked up to and someone telling you they saw your wife's pussy online
2. His wife isn't even a real model, they even consider her a sexworker
3. Would you want your daughter to be a sexworker?
that's why its so sad
Yes, it absolutely does.
>I see no problem with my wife being a whore
OP my sister is a single mom with 2 kids from different dads, you want me to hook you up brah?
How do they even love someone who they don't possess? Do women feel the same? Are they like 'Yea you can fuck whoever, i don't care' Or do they actually get jealous? Asking for me, because i'm a fucking loser who should know better.
Pic related - A woman.
If he isn't taking the money she's getting from the OnlyFans nudes HE'S A SIMP
If he's the one hoeing out his bitch and takes all his ho's OnlyFans money and gives her back just a little bit, HE'S A PIMP.
Otherwise he's just a simp or square, nigga.
Bro stop white knighting. She isn’t gonna fuck you.
>I don't see what's wrong with your wife earning extra money for the household
It would be interesting to see their household earnings.
I’ll bet he lost more than she gained.
It takes a certain type of person to pay for porn, nudes, camgirls, etc
It’s not incels/virgins like people seem to think it is.
From what I see it’s a very specific type of lowly form of a normie who gets off on gifting women shit, they’re not incels, they’re just fucking weirdo losers. Incels are just ugly manlets, but being an ugly Manlet does make them a simp, it takes a certain type of person to be a simp, and every simp I know isn’t an incel, they’re just weirdo loser cuck types who are sexually active but just have a fucked up fetish in serving women, which is definitely not something incels do, incels will be the last men on the planet to serve women
She bought him a Nintendo switch if that counts
>I don't see what's wrong with your wife earning extra money for the household by taking pseudo-erotic photos
typical cuck
And that's why you're a bitch
are you sure?
giving money to a female in hopes of getting pussy=simp
whatever the fuck ian does now=cuck
because he is a literal cuck simp an has been for years.
A natural tenet of the world is the weak should fear the strong.
The inverse, and equally true reality is the strong should revile the weak.
Mentally ill people, vulnerable to these ewhores.
He needs to learn to control his woman. Pic very related.
people are paying for this
he's paying for that?
That face looks like tranny to me
rhetorical question, but yes
You obviously wouldn't like it if your girlfriend or wife was a stripper, right?
As a man, the reason you date/court/marry a woman is so you can have exclusivity to her. Her body belongs to you, everything is for your eyes only. However because she is a whore who needs validation from other men, other men can see her bare pussy on the internet for a small fee.
How the fuck is infidelity OK just so long as it's only on the internet? Just because other men's dicks are not entering her pussy doesn't mean "no harm done"
Seriously this is nothing.
She always did cosplay and that's also a form of "whoring out" for attention and gibs. Now she's trying to make money by posting not even naked pictures to onlyfans.
Idubbz doesn't care because he know noone will buy that crap, but that's not something you tell your SO.
Who would pay for this ?
Fucking disgusting. You must be one hideous incel to find that ogre attractive. Yikes.
He's not a simp, he's a cuck. The simps are the retards paying his 5/10 dumpy wife 80k/mo to flash her pussy
The issue isn’t just his girlfriend being a whore over the internet for money. There’s evidence everywhere of her being a hypocrite and an overall cunt towards Ian and others.
>pseudo-erotic photos
nice try faggot
If you told me this was a tranny I would believe it wholesale.
This is like a frankenstein's monster level of fucked up.
>Being so shameless and poor that you can’t understand why it’s not always a good thing to trade your dignity for dollars
>Not understanding the slippery slope/ boiling frog effect
Next it’ll be “I don’t understand why it’s cucked to let another man sleep with my wife when I’m allowing her and she’s bringing in money for the house.”
why does he look a lot more puffy, swollen and pink than usual?
Because his wife is everything he claimed he hated and constantly made fun of.
such nice innocent photos
Is possible to reprogram your brain and not have these fetishes just from abstaining it for a awhile
Mutt's law
Oh look it’s this thread again
It's trashy but in the end he and his GF are making bank off this. The only simps and cucks here are the people paying actual money for semi nude photos of a girl being plowed on the regular by this Chad.
I dated a prostitute before, I really don't see why I should give a fuck about infidelity
I agree with his point that anyone who idolizes him is sad and needs to not give a fuck about his personal life.
That being said it’s fun to goof on him and I definitely think this is going to end badly for him.