So is this the narrative Yas Forumswill be pushing for the next few weeks? We've gone from a fake democrat hoax to "100...

So is this the narrative Yas Forumswill be pushing for the next few weeks? We've gone from a fake democrat hoax to "100,000 dead Americans is great!"

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Other urls found in this thread:

>We've gone from a fake democrat hoax

Yes the notion that nothing at all was being done was a democrat hoax.

Free market medicine is more efficient and provides better outcomes than socialized medicine.

A society is healthier if everyone can afford medicine. Obviously, we need to get rid of niggers first.

Yes keeping the death count to under that of the normal flu would be good.. Do you not agree?

Yes, which is why we have more Coronavirus cases than anywhere else in the world

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yes clearly from the catalog boogeyman Yas Forums is totally in control of everything.

Its weird seeing people who don't see the pattern of the russia hoax, Helsinki hoax, impeachment hoax, dnc contractor fusion gps setting up the trump tower meeting hoax, trump chopping up the arms dealer at the saudi embassy in turkey hoax and now the TrumpVirus hoax for what they are.

We're the only honest country, everyone else is lying about their numbers.

>A society is healthier if everyone can afford medicine.
This is a socialist lie.
Coronavirus is a fucking cold, m8.

I would argue that a large part of medicines make you more unhealthy. They are designed to cause side effects that require addition medications so that pharmaceutical companies can make more money. Everyone has at least one example of this in their immediate family. More medication is the last thing we need in our society.

No, it's just basic math.
Even you know that it is true, watch;
Which society is better protected against tuberculosis? Nation A or Nation B?
Nation A has 100% inoculation against it and immediately can treat people who supper from it because of socialized medicine.
Nation B has millions of people who don't have access to medicine because it's too expensive and all medical bills cost hundreds of dollars.

And I would agree with you.
My position is not that the current System is good or that this multiculti state (multicultural states are not societies) could handle socialized healthcare. My position is that for-profit healthcare that seeks to create addictions and sell products should be replaced with proactive institutions with long term health goals. Fats should be taxed into oblivion and barred from parasitizing the socialized health system. And the for-profit anti-depression nonsense should be curtailed. Furthermore, I have found that being raised outdoors makes you immune to common allergies. Basic human health should be a priority. Not profit.

Good luck with that.

>herd immunity is a socialist lie
okay retard

>Coronavirus is a fucking cold, m8.
How common is the coronavirus in the environment at all times? If you would have used the tests they are using now like say three years ago in a group of 1000 people who have severe colds and the "just the flu bro" would any of them have come back positive? If this is something new why does it mention coronavirus on bottles of Lysol from last year?

desu if he could containt it to 100,000 that'd be a commendable job. No way he will however.

I recall the Democrats screaming about the racist Trump shutting down air travel. How was that "downplaying the threat" on Trump's part?

You guys were in complete denial. Proves you wrong.

This chart does not take demographic data into account, only the number of cases.
If you want to compare USA to any other country, you need that factor.

>Oy vey the flu kills 50,000 a year can you shut up about a virus that doesn't kill as many as 80,000 an years? To be so anti-semetic as to imply a virus that kills less than the one that kills 100,000 a year how can you be like this out vey it's annudah shoah

When the total numbers of dead for this year of the literal flu are counted up do you think that number will be about average or do you think it will be way, way less? Like Waaaaaay less while the total dead from corona will be in the tens of thousands?

I guess those flu shots are really helping. Make sure you get one.

Yes, and the soul less Democrats will be sniping and bitching every step of the way.

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Nation A is a commie canard
Nation B is a commie canard.
Here's ur sign.
>How common is the coronavirus in the environment at all times?
Coronavirus is among many other types of virus that cause the common cold. All home doctors know this. >why does it mention coronavirus on bottles of Lysol from last year?
because KLEB was last year's meme scare to promote lysol.

Fats being unhealthy is not correct. Taxing them to the point where people dont eat them will. Cause other health issues. Everything in moderation. Also where do you draw the line? Do we tax certain activities because they expose your health to more risk. Do we tax the shit out of faggots and roasties bc they are at higher risk for stds? Should we tax people who take the elevator for not exercising or those taking the stairs because the might fall down them? You're health is not guaranteed in life. I agree about the addiction part of it they should be held accountable. Socializing healthcare isnt going fox these things they are just going to make them more expensive.

tiresome all of it

Trump is absolutely right this time. Every flu season we lose 100-200k fatal. It is natural.

>ur a commie

Also, you know as much as I do that Nation A will be healthier because socialized medicine is superior. That's not a false dichotomy. That is reality and more than that, it is an example. In a for-profit medical industry, millions of people cannot afford basic care.

> Do we tax the shit out of faggots and roasties bc they are at higher risk for stds?
>Should we tax people who take the elevator for not exercising
The line is destructive behavior within reason. There is no universal standard because universal standards are liberal nonsense. However, I suspect that reasonable people can come to an understanding of what is and is not unreasonable behavior. Roasties impose a societal cost. Elevators do not.
Food addicts, niggers, and kikes impose a societal cost. The goal for a nation should be to better the nation, not to help a few oligarchs profit at the expense of everyone else.

>Socializing healthcare isnt going fox these things they are just going to make them more expensive.
This is one of those things that people say. I used to say it myself too, but I am not sure anymore. What if we simply removed niggers, kikes, and fats from the picture? Well, even if we change nothing else, healthcare costs would be statistically less without them. By a lot.
And if we remove degenerate propaganda from the picture as well as the jewish media encouraging destructive behavior, then it stands to reason that costs would go down further.
And what if we encourage people to walk more, redesign cities to make commuting via bicycle more efficient, and all around reducing unhealthy shit that liberalism imposes upon us, then I would argue that health care costs would decline further.

>you know as much as I do
>That is reality
OOF. Got any proof for these statements?
Here's your sign.

>millions of people cannot afford basic care
Gonna need a source on this, your posts are chock full o bullshit, fren.

It is common knowledge.
According to a Keiser institute study, 10% of under 65 year olds are not insured and 26% of people are but are still put off by the high cost of INSURED healthcare.
Now, idk what to say about the 10%. Are they doing so by choice or is it really too expensive? Who can say. But these 26% are insured and still find the out of pocket costs too high.
People who do not go to the doctor for regular checkups are at higher risk of sickness than those who do not.
This is common knowledge, but I have a feeling that you are going to play retard and demand a source for that too.

Now your turn. You claimed here >Free market medicine is more efficient and provides better outcomes than socialized medicine.
Provide a source.

If 100% of people have access to preventative healthcare, there will be less health problems in the nation.
This is so balls in your face obvious that anyone above a room temperature IQ could understand it. Why the fuck wouldn't 100% access to healthcare make people healthier?

All those times trump called it a hoax and pretended it was NBD and dismantled pandemic teams was fake news

100,000 isn't enough

just buy when he says something good and sell when he says something bad

Why do people strawman sociopaths so much? We're people too, and frankly superior people

>$2 TRILLION stimulus
>includes tax breaks for ultra wealthy
>bailouts to corporations
>$50 Billion to Boeing
>$2 Billion to Alaska fucking Airlines
>slush fund that Minuchin get's to dole out candy to whoever he feels like
>one time $1200 payment to some americans
>couldn't be fucked to spend $1 Billion on ventilators
But hey, keep it 100,000 burgers and it's a success story!

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'pull together' by 'staying apart'

This is not a 'good job', and for what pizza?

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>It is common knowledge.
Here's your sign.
>Free market medicine is more efficient and provides better outcomes than socialized medicine.
>access to healthcare
Access to healthcare is the core issue. If we remove the fake shit, everything gets so cheap, all have access. An artificially scarce supply of doctors and artifically complex process of drug development in concert with outright theft from the public coffers by the medical cabal is the exact reason few will have access to healthcare without allowing this cabal to have undue influence over legal matters.
>>Free market medicine is more efficient and provides better outcomes than socialized medicine.
>Provide a source.
Pic related. It's a $20 solution to an otherwise $30,000 problem.

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2.8 million Americans died last year. It's barely a blip. Everyone is full of shit. Just because a person dies WITH the virus doesn't even mean they died FROM the virus. Everyone dies from complications, pneumonia, heart failure, can't breathe anymore etc. all the fucking Jew labcoats will pretend that 300 pound 92 year old diabetes granny was killed by Trump's leadership. It's bullshit. They're trying to see if they succeeded in fully squashing the human mind and spirit.


Post proof

>gives accurate statistics for flu deaths
woman and shitskins who suck at math reeeee

And a Belize Nabidad to you too

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>Here's your sign.
Okay, you are probably unironically a homosexual. No one actually talks like this.

Since I am correct and you have no response, I'll say again
A community with 100% healthcare is healthier than one with 50% healthcare.
That is as obvious as "touching a hot stove burns your hand"
The fact that you are a retard does not detract from the truth of that statement.
Everyone in this thread understands the truth of this statement.

3/10 for your effort

>Did you hear the new thing that Drumpf said? I am so fucking OFFENDED!

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shitskins get free health care and rich people can afford good health care. people in the seet spot of being fucked should earn more or less honestly

fuck off shill

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You know you smiled.

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Just a coincidence bro
Take your meds bro
shiggy diggy based kek

Here's your sign.
Are you trying to complete the collection of logical fallacy?
>I'm right and ur poopy.
you lose. Never post again.

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Yes, but upside down in disappointment

>artificially scarce supply of doctors
>artifically complex process of drug development in concert with outright theft from the public coffers
Fucking this. In between the statutorily limited number of open residency positions in the US health care system (residency at a hospital is required for practicing as a doctor) and the lack of any meaningful negotiations by the government or the private health insurers versus the pharmaceutical/medical equipment/supply companies, no wonder our health care system is so shit: it is designed to extract cash from people rather than heal them: they've been riding on the backs of relatively consistent and widespread public hygiene protocols and vaccination campaigns. Everything else is just meant to be a giant fucking gravy train until you die, and even then it is possible that your children may be on the hook for your debt.
Solutions are to increase the open residency positions and to allow competitive drug price negotiation, or even create government run factories that create a baseline level of essential generics that keep the prices down once the patents expire: creates jobs and a necessary supply line of essential meds at the same time.

>I am a faggot
I know
Assuming that inoculation against diseases is real, a community with 100% inoculation is healthier than one with 50% inoculation
Literally everyone knows this. Your faggotry is not an argument.

>reddit propaganda
kys, white nigger

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You stupid marxist "liberal," he literally did a much better job than 9/10's of western leaders.

Access != inoculation.
You are resorting to lying far beyond logical fallacy. This discussion has run its course.
De-regulate food and drugs, reform medical tort, all this cuck shit goes away.

If you assume Italy has hit its peak now and total deaths will be about double by the time this is over, the equivalent for a population the size of the US would be around 125,000 deaths.

There is no we.

>Trump personally synthesises a cure
>Trump is showing off at a time of national crisis

>You are resorting to lying far beyond logical fallacy.
You began talking like a faggot, thus proving that you were not arguing in good faith, you disingenuous faggot.
Once again, literally every single person ITT understands that (assuming inoculations are real) a community that is 100% inoculated against the flu is less likely to suffer a major outbreak than one that is only 50% inoculated
You had no response to this, so you began arguing disingenuously and talking like a faggot. Fuck off or argue the point, you worthless nigger.

Its likely an antiviral culture will independently develop in a valley of his fat rolls

100K out of 350 million. That's not even statistically relevant. The flu kills up to 1.9 percent. FUCK I HATE RETARDS

we should make viruses illegal!

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