Eurobro only thread. We must unite and defend our lands from the hordes
no shitskins, no chinks, no poos, no noses, no niggers, no roaches, and definitely no fucking jannies
Eurobro only thread. We must unite and defend our lands from the hordes
no shitskins, no chinks, no poos, no noses, no niggers, no roaches, and definitely no fucking jannies
Previous thread:
Gas the kikes
I love nords
I love meds
I love slavs
I love celts
I love balts
I love ancient europeans
I love mix of these
I hate anyone and anything that divides us
I hate anyone and anything that works against us or is not good for all us
Portuguese one is 10/10
Russian/Dane 9/10
>no shitskins
you heard the man. ahMEDkikes out!
Hello again, Jew.
Just popping in to say bottom right girl is gorgeous.
I tried to do what Romanon told me but it didn't work. Oh well, I'll wait a few days.
stfu nigger
Is there any hope for us? Pic related is the present state of America
>d&c kike appears
kek, eat shit schlomo shekelberg
You're goddamn right.
Hello shitskin ahMEDkike
Ok, Jew.
Now go take your special shower.
Zeus bless you, user.
Swedish one is a man fyi.
May God be on our side
Lets mix it up, here is some classical guitar, amazing stuff.
Viva Espana!
I even prefer you croatians over the kiked germans.
And a filthy Norwegian man at that
Love you too slavbro
If those of good character come together and form strong communities.
notice how only shitskin ahMEDkikes replied on the previous thread and on this one? You are not white/european. You are just another shitskin who lusts after white women. Nobody cares about that, but dont you fucking dare call yourself white and associate with me as a side effect you fucking shitskin.
They all look bioengineered for bbc
The bottom left is Dutch. The girl with the Spanish flag.
She's half Dutch and half Mexican.
only jews and their victims who think any different.
She used to be a police officer in Amsterdam. Now a YouTuber and fitness trainer I believe.
Nochtli Peralta Alvarez
Why are my women so shit tier?
>associate with me
stop this masquerade at once!!
Why are meme flags always the owners of the most Jewish posts?
Also, why are Jews obsessed with nigger dicks?
mnay german and dutch 'anthroplogists' go to study in Mexico. I always thought that insulting
Nobody likes anything or anyone kiked, based anti kike Germans, yes.
>muh jooooos
little did the swarthoid know that he genetically is the jew (hence his obssession with christkikery).
Who has better food than Europe?!
france and portugal are the best
Ok, Jew.
Last (You).
Savor it.
The irony of niggers; they say that "white people can't cook or season" yet they eat the chicken made by a white man lmao.
That might be so. But putting a Spanish flag on something Dutch is even more insulting.
We fought them for 80 years for independence, only to have some 4channer put a Spanish flag on us!
And they say import shitskins because they bring food, kek
Russian, Norwegian and German are qts. 10/10 would hug.
Made for BBC
I dont give a fuck about your (you)s luigi soprano
Kys Kike.
Spanish are White
Greeks are White
Italiens are White
Portuguese are White.
All MEDs are White.
Yea, don't ever expect niggers to make sense. It's not in their nature.
Take your meds, cuck. Russia was never European and never will be. Fucking dumbass, leave us alone for gods sake.
Hello fellow whaitos! When do we start bbqing the live animals?
For me, it's Italy.
Drowningn shitskins for millennia, based Poseidon, glory to him, may he drown even more.
Are black men NOT NIGGERS welcome in Europe? I don't understand why they shouldn't be.
Good, down to earth, Christian blacks are good in my book. Have you never met a black husband that really cares about his white wife and their mixed children?
God bless Monica
Based Croatbro
>be based Poseidon
>see niggers on my sea
>cast a storm and drown them
How can one be so BASED??
Lets not forget krampus cleaning squads
This part of Turkey has more people than fucking Bulgaria.
Turkey is European.
Fuck you moor
In her bolice uniform
>Have you never met a black husband that really cares about his white wife and their mixed children?
Literally created for large african phalluses
Our our knights, imagine how fucked those shitskins were when they had to face this!
It’s obviously Varg
I'm quite certain that there is a Mutt underneath the meme-flag.
God she is Beautiful
Hello my fellow Europeans.
What the fuck where is this from.
You have an entire continent play-pin for niggies, Jew.
Speaking of armors and art, just WOW
I know bro. Meds are white. Im only talking about (((brown eyed))) swarthy ahMEDkikes.
>Nochtli Peralta Alvarez
I hope that his coalburner mother have alredy pay the toll
>definitely no fucking jannies
You finally won me over with this point.
Dane > Portuguese > Norweggian > Spanish > Russian > French > Swede > Italian > German
I didn't ask to be born a mutt.
portugese is hilariously, ridiculously beautiful
It's no secret most EU memeflags are Mutts.
Fuck off bact to your shithole and away from this thread
My husband is Nigerian, I look closest to French on the OP image. Nothing wrong with them if they’re educated and loyal
Take your pills, Vikernes
somebody replace the italiana in OP with this one
Türk > Dane > Portuguese > Norweggian > Spanish > Russian > French > Swede > Italian > German > Amerikan
Tirol, they interrupted Krampus parade
Post your krampus, usually we all have some similar custom in February to chase away the winter
brit girl looks spanish to be honest
Take your meds ahMED. You are not white.
Our enemies truly fear the day that we can work together as one. The BBC+BWC is unstoppable
If the ADL says you're white, you're on our side, brother
I am that egyptian mutt from another thread. Would I be considered white according to you. Or this half egyptian girl as well? According to your Logic.
Go kys niggerwhore
anti kike germans are rare. most germans tend to be passive aggressive bitches that will consider jogging harsh training and weightlifting to be aggressive
I personally really love Ukrainian food
this line of thinking is exactly to the point about Christianity, and religions that aren't race-based in general, being cancercerous. Non-whites see it as an opportunity to connect with us, when we don't want them
I don't mind being an American. I do mind having elected officials that openly brag about mass immigration from countries that are in a constant state of cartel warfare.
>let's turn 40% of our population into bean-flavored drug dealers
Nobody. Only Japs come close but all that memes about shitskins having more diverse food is garbage. Every dish over there is exactly the same, the same shit put into the pot every fucking time. It only differs if you travel 1000 km. If I travel 100 km from my point now I will encounter completely different foods.
as much as I'm fine with not being included in your list (after all, Caucasians are something else indeed), this
>I love mix of these
every mutt propaganda (including inter-european) is a result of american brainwashing
love your ethnicity and love allying with ethnicities like you, but promoting mixing is just as degenerate as it is ignorant. You are not American (if you're not American)
I mean, ffs, those Greeks you depict on your pic are closer genetically to West Asians like me (and almost identical to Ashkenazis) than they are to Balts or Nords.
The beauty of Europe (or every other continent) is in its diversity - both cultural and biological. The moment it will become muttland like America, it will fall
fixed for you
Greeks clusters in with other europeans though.
This. Mountain wisdom for you guys.
>I personally really love Ukrainian food
Post something bro, recipe even. Im collecting recipes people give me here, desu every one so far was better than shit I find on google.
>anti kike germans are rare
good things often are, thats why they are more valuable. If you discard a kilo of dirt and you had a diamond in there it will be your loss.
She looks like fucks _____ guys
This girl is white yea what about it?
irrelevant (Sardinians or Basques don't cluster with Euros, aren't they Euroepan?). What matters is genetical proximity + cultural similarity.
I normally only like blondes. But I would make an exception for this interviewer of a Dutch newspaper.
She's asking people their password and they all just give it (except one kid who hasn't reached puberty yet).
found the video from the webm
I need to go to Denmark.
To this Greekboi from the previous thread:
>so,the true macedonians are the romanians
Yes, Macedo-Romans are cousins of Romanians, but you call them Vlachs, even if they called themselves Romanian during the Macedonian Dynasty of the Byzantine Empire aka Romania.
Don't confound Daco-Romans with Macedo-Romans, we may be cousins but not the same people. Romania adopted the name because the former Byzantine Nobility expelled by the Turks became the ruling class in this area (with Daco-Roma approval)
The Spanish one is Dutch. She looks south spanish, kek
I look "white", but am 1/4 injin. Other 3/4 is a grab bag of yurop genes with mostly dutch and irish.
>Every dish over there is exactly the same,
I know, especially for people who are spoiled by good food. All they do is add ton of spices on shit ingredients.
I LOVE YOU TOO, sorry bro, you killed many shitskins. Thank you
Jews are anti-social, destructive, intolerant, foul-mouthed liars who want to destroy the government and kill anyone who gets in their way. To help them get what they want, they have developed a perverse unnatural, destructive evil lifestyle.Even if they live off non-Jews as parasites, they still hate them and want to destroy them.Jews hate nature and the natural order because it is pure and beautiful, and also because it is bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that it cannot completely control it.The beauty and harmony of nature contrast sharply with their squalid nests and ugliness, which makes them hate them even more.The Jews are the destroyers, they - antihumane.Anti-human Jews hate and want to destroy all non-Jews.He will also destroy even other Jews who are less destructive and evil than himself if they stand in his way.It is obvious that the evil of the Jews is based on genetics, they are destroyers, they are anti-human beings.By the act of circumcision, they show their hatred for nature and the natural order through this bloody, cruel, senseless act. They show their cruelty and sadism, and that they will stop at nothing.They are undoubtedly behind Islamist circumcision, which in this regard serves as a perfect cover and distracts from its own evil.Jews are very selfish, intolerant, and anti-social.Naturally, other Gentiles don't like to be robbed and killed by bulldozers, and sooner or later they will resist.This is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into play.
Her bf is white
So are mutts white now?Sardinians and basques are genetically closer to other europeans. Georgians are more closer related to Turks/armenians than greeks
I never really could imagine how deadly swords were until I saw these videos. Only would take one hit with a razor sharp sword wielded by a highly trained warrior and you're minced meat.
The only people with such an eye color here are mixed race people.
Based have a temple destroying emperors Arch, he made them walk under it like slave dogs before killing them
she looks like 80% white. ahMEDkikes dont. I dont even care if they want to go after white whores. I only care that they try to infiltrate and call themselves white so that they can potentially bypass any flak other non-whites get for fucking (((white women))). By doing that they associate with me as a side effect and Im not having that.
This post tells me that Ukraine is not dead. God Bless you and may God, through His Divine Grace free your country from the Jew.
You’re egyptian. That makes you African too. So shut up.
Do you know the history of that racial slur? Stop it
Imagine getting curb stomped by european chad in full plate who trained his whole life. Every part of him is a weapon.