Are women really as bad as you guys say?

It’s seems like I’ve read too many black pills on women recently and now it’s all I can see them for. Is my life always going to be like this from now on or will I actually find a decent female out there who is actually a sole sucking whore. I’ve been with few girls in the past but not in the last year and looking back they really were just roasties but I didn’t notice at the time.

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Outliers exist, but it doesn't change the average that is expected. Treat every encounter as an individual, but don't be disappointed when they turn out to be the average.

women are like children, they need to know god or santa is watching them to keep them in line. find a religious grill

in my experience, a lot of women are just little girls living in grown up bodies. They don't have their shit together. Emotionally fragile. They don't take responsibility for themselves. My current gf freaks out about her body but is too scared to go to the gym by herself. If you realize you're actually just dealing with a child with big tits then they're easier to deal with

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Sadly many men are turning into emotionally fragile dependent overgrown children as well.

Why are they like that? Why haven’t they evolved like men did? What sets men and women so a part? I really hate that I’ve realized what they truly are, I can barely have a conversation with my sisters anymore without getting frustrated with the conversation. I want to go back to being blissfully ignorant

Women aren't bad, men are bad.
We need to stop being degenerates and treat women right.

>I didn’t notice at the time
You should find a 2D waifu to stay sane and use as comparative reference.

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Marry one to truly find out what hell is like

>Are women really as bad as you guys say?
they're bad pretending to be men, as women, they'll do just fine

society asks very little of women except to be pretty. Many girls make this the ultimate aspiration. The amount of time and money girls dedicate to cosmetics is incredible. My gf doesn't really wear make up but she has tons of skin products that I'm convinced don't really do anything because she always thinks she's getting results in just a couple days after starting a new one. Women like to spend money on things like make up and bullshit diet supps because the actual path to health and beauty is a hard one of diet and exercise.

Men do that which women don't want to, because they know we want to be with them because they smell nice and have warms holes. This has hardened men and left women to be soft and childlike.

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Centuries of selective breeding with the dumbest and most outwardly docile. The smartest and most self-reliant women were accused of witchcraft.
But as the AUS says, outliers exist. Some women have risen above. And things will get better now that the divorce rate is dropping.

As they should be. Self reliant women are bad for a healthy society and should. E shunned/burned at the stake.

Loser, you can't even get along with your sister, I doubt you even have the confidence to talk with a real woman.
It's as easy as finding out what she's interested in and reading about it.

>Self reliant women are bad for a healthy society and should. E shunned/burned at the stake.
literal brainlet

Women fail because men fail. When the state of men is degraded, women will naturally follow suit.

Think about it this way - even if it was proven that men are superior to women in every way, they are still equal in a sense because men now have the burden of responsibility of proving their superiority.

It's much like being rich. Not only do you have to maintain your wealth you also have to provide a role in society.

Women have autonomy either way, even if they're stupid, catty, and weak. I'd rather have self-reliant, intelligent, strong women with autonomy.

Women are trash


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They arent all bad user
You just hear about the shitty stories more than the good ones. Like how you hear every time how the cops shot tyrone the good boy but you never hear about cops helping their communities
>divorce rates
Yes they are high but I choose to believe its skewed because so many marry when they shouldnt

What purpose do self reliant women have? They're never going to be as useful or productive as their male counterparts. Self reliant children are a sign of poor/non-existent parenting, women are no different

What is a strong woman? One with attitude? Put it in the lens of a toddler, because that's their equivalent. A strong toddler is a poorly behaved one. Yes, there's such a thing as too dependant, but the majority of women won't reach that state

Most genZ White girls don’t even like White guys anymore because internet told them too. It’s astounding

sexist much? not all women are like that you know

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Divorce rates are dropping cause ppl arnt getting married anymore

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>dumb dyed blonde
Funny how this stereotype came about when blonde hair dye became more common

>dyed whore larps as snownegress

Fucking kike sluts, I swear.

This but men can never be superior to women

A strong, intelligent and dominating woman is all a man an ask for.

The purpose of self-development is to be self-reliable and independent.
Self-reliant children are actually a sign of good parenthood, are you stupid? Your post makes 0 sense.

A strong woman is one who can guide men's lives towards meaning and fulfillment instead of a useless and directionless life.

Link to video?

yes, most of them are mentally ill pieces of shit, and society puts no restriction and offers no punishment for when they act like immoral pieces of shit. 9/10 marriages i see are fucking terrible, with the women being a scheming ungrateful cunt. My fucking mom after years of trying to get her help, finally had a psychotic episode a few weeks ago and went off on me and my dad and even tried to fucking stab me all because my dad thought she was back drinking (which she is). stupid bitch finally calmed down and left he family to go stay with her brother and get drunk, while claiming all this bullshit about being abused, even though she’s the cunt that pulled out a knife. Prior to this, she had been a non stop cunt to my dad for years, always putting him down, calling him a terrible father, businessman, and husband, despite the fact he works 60+ hours a week to provide for his family and her spoiled ass. My former boss has a super hot wife and works his ass off too, she drives a $100k car, lives in a nice house, but wont fuck him anymore because of some lib bullshit shit picked up from her friends at yoga. Ive seen countless other examples of women being complete trash and it’s made me fucking hate most of them. It will take a really exceptional woman for me to even consider marriage nowadays, and even then it wouldnt be guranteed. My mom was fine when my folks first met and when i was younger, but after about 12 years of marriage she started becoming a total cunt, and now after 22 years of marriage she has completely lost her shit and left her family.

know a girl exactly like pic related. she got into a crazy car accident and overnight became the most humble person imaginable. roasties gonna roast

Strength has many facets. None of which are covered by the new "stronk woymn" attitude.
Emotionally strong (they don't go to pieces over nothing or feel slighted constantly).
Mentally strong (ambitious, self-determined, resilient).
Bonus: Physically strong.

this non white specimen clearly dyes her hair.

>A strong, intelligent and dominating woman is all a man an ask for.
Fuck off, you're the pendulum swinging the other way.
Men and women should strive for equal footing within relationships. This means equal burden and equal culpability if they fail. Anything else leads one partner to carry the other.

Yes, women are complete trash. Read The Rational Male.

Fine. Birth rates are dropping to match.
Divorce contributes more to the roastie epidemic than any other factor. How many women developed terrible personalities because of daddy issues and the trauma of broken homes?

youre an idiot if you don't already know that men are weak fools who need women to guide them

>If you realize you're actually just dealing with a child with big tits then they're easier to deal with
this. also their loyalties change in an instant.

Most women's main goal in life is luxury and status. Find yourself one that doesn't buy into that and you will be a lot happier.

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That's just men and women trading places. Strength being traded for comfort and weakness, while expecting someone else to carry the burden.

Get a load of this dumb cuck.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it, and vote

Bride price now

“I, (Bride), take thee, (Groom), to be my wedded Husband; to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health; to love, cherish, and to OBEY, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance; and thereto I give thee my troth.”

Napoleon Bonaparte Quote
Women are nothing but machines for producing children.

True. Everyone wonders why women are such whores nowadays. I hate to say it but it’s because men feed into it and give them the validation they want. If collectively guys stopped showing these hoes interest on socials they’d probably stop. Like dancing men lead women follow.

them, gals can get rowdy at times but once they're in my basement they are courteous like a little angel

show tits

DOnt fall for it.
Its a bunch of asshurt cucks that project like mad over getting bruned by some roastie due to their own poor judgement.
You attract what you are, a lot of anons here are psychologically damaged cunts and such end up with women who are as well.
Add to that unironical incels whose only contact with women consist of reading Thot and redfem tweets,and you get the absurd picture of women that many here on this board have.

says the clueless 12yo kid

>expecting someone else to carry the burden
you just described all men

To be honest I think asian women are the best. They still treat a man like a man should be treated

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A man's journey in life is with himself. A woman's journey in life is by following in the footsteps of a man. Women can only be as good as their men and men can only be as good as their desire to be better men. Become a decent man and a decent woman will follow you.

lmao, fuck your platitudes, women are shit and society’s empowerment of them and restriction of men is why they are always acting like the pieces of shit they are at their core. Back when women knew their place, we were all alot better off, that is a fault far beyond the quality of men.

This board is full of incels and CIA agents pretending to be incels. If you genuinly believe anything said here close the tab, take a deep breath, and jump off the nearest building

Islam is right about wahmen.

No they’re angry smelly virgins

tits or gtfo

Part of being a man is understanding that women are a necessary evil that we must put up with in order to propagate the race.

Nah. Some are bad, but so are some men

They are worse. Here has been my experience durring this Quarentine with women what are better than 95% of the female trash out there:
>See the Chinken pox happen in China.
>Explain to female roommate and gf that it's not here but if we get some cases we are going to need to prep
>"Tee hee okay user"
Fast forward to cases in US in feb
>"Hey girls in my life. This is gonna shut down the country. Get your finances in order, stock pile you essential meds, some luxery items, and get some sanitizer, gloves, etc."
>Roommate gets upset and tells me to not update her because it makes her upset.
>Gf is all "muh positive thinking"
Fast forward to stay at home orders
>Roomate is a wreck. She didn't save up. She got furloughed at work. Not only that, she's devolved into stupid eating disorder decisions knowing if she gets hospitalized again its a wuflu death sentence.
>Gf is concerned about her mural commissions and dumb shit despite me telling her none of this shit matters.
I said they are better than 95% of women cause they listened to me saying it wasn't just the flu bro. They both are making and selling masks to health care workers. They stocked up on some important stuff... But women don't know how to cope and deal with real horror. Their response is to cry/break down and let a man fix it for them. When a time of crisis us not present, they will act entitled and spoiled. Its partially men's faults for taking care of them rather than letting them fall into despair. There is a reason beating women into submission used to be acceptable.
As frustrated as I am with the two women in my life, I want them to survive this. However there is a good chance they may end up killing me. Lord knows many good men will die because their stupid daughter had to like party bro or their shitty wife didn't wear a mask cause it didn't match her outfit.
This is why gender roles existed.

>Most women's main goal in life is luxury and status
My gf has this girl on her snapchat and she posted to her story saying "I've always wanted to marry rich." Not rich as in a dude named Rich, but she wants to marry into money. We were both disgusted

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Everyone is different.

I miss Sophie

nice feetshoes

>Are women really as bad as you guys say
>your post
tl;couldn' t read because punctuation muh
Can someone fill me in?

Don't get sucked in to the black pill bullshit. The ones that peddle that shit are either low-life incels that hate all women, or glowniggers trying to sow discord.

Yes, a good majority of women are degenerate and bad, but not ALL women are like that. Improve on yourself, and go and seek those good wholesome women. They ARE out there, and they are having the same problem as you are. They are seeking good men, which are far and few nowadays. The truth about the state of women today shouldn't make you give up on them, but rather inform you on how to avoid them motivate you to raise a family and teach your daughters the right way.

This. If anyone's being stupid right now, it's the average 20-something woman.

>Sister stockpiling only dumb instagram meme foods to try to lose weight during quarantine
>The girls living in the unit above me are having parties every other night and living entirely off of delivery
>Former coworker is constantly going into the city to take selfies at a local park
>Girl in line behind me at supermarket keeps inching closer as I move away from her, gets offended when I keep my distance

Roasties dont get married, user.

Blaming broken homes is a scapegoat. Women were always like this. Men smarter than us turned women into property for good reason.

The cats out of the bag. Society reset is all we got left. Whatever future countries will exist would need to permanately ban women from politics and work

Not a big fan with the clear shoes. Jist wear sandals ffs