Losing my faith in god because of Asians

Seeing the way Chinks/Gooks treat animals makes me sick. I just saw a video from Vietnam of guy electrocuting pigs, but the pigs were taking a long time to die because the guy kept laughing and taking his time. At one point the pigs all huddled in the corner together, and I had to stop watching. They were visibly scared and trying to comfort each other.

I'm from an Jordanian family, and even though we don't eat pigs, we would never torture the creatures. When we slaughter animals, there's a rule that they can't be slaughtered in front of each other. My mother recalled that growing up, she was terrified of the stray dogs, but would still leave food and water for them at night.

I hate gooks SO FUCKING MUCH. If god is real, why would he let him abuse animals? Why do they have no compassion?

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>Why do they have no compassion?
Mentally ill bug men

>I'm from an Jordanian family
so you think god creating muslims is ok? You lived among them so they look maybe OK to you, but for me they are 10x worse than chinks.

Asians are based and our allies, plus they have the cutest women. They’re the only people on par with us in terms of culture, civilization, IQ, civility, and you’ll never turn us against them sandnigger.

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I’m not one to defend Muslims, but I am positive Arabs, especially Jordanians, are kinder to animals than Chinks.
But you’re probably a chink yourself, so..

>Losing my faith in god because of Asians

What? this is like saying "Losing my faith in god because is raining"

Life is not easy, man, being a man is the hardest thing in the world.
It is man's duty to cope with the difficult situations that the world presents to him.

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post link to video?

Based. We have no tolerance for mudslimes here. Now they’re trying to turn us against Asians. Asians are the only and closest thing to based non-whites there are. And technically Asians are white.

Read the Gospel of Judas, it will all make sense why “God” is okay with this.

>They’re the only people on par with us in terms of culture, civilization, IQ, civility
>this is your mind on burguers

They do it because they are godless.

kys yellow fever fags
>asian girls
hard pass

You have no understanding of the Bible or reality whatsoever

I agree with you. It’s truly sick. Those videos make me cry.
>At one point the pigs all huddled in the corner together, and I had to stop watching. They were visibly scared and trying to comfort each other.
They’re literally more anthropomorphic than those subhumans.

Keep sucking little Asian dicks you faggots

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I want to see it.

yeah good. okay

God is real and we'll bring his wrath upon them soon.

>i want to see animals get abused
either a chink or white trash
I can only hope.

Why would you describe the video in detail if you aren't willing to post it? Fuck off larper, there is no such video.

lol, based. It confounds me how many here will let blatantly degenerate and subhuman behavior slide because of a degenerate fetish.

no, I'm not going to entertain your stupid ass just so you can stroke your tiny dick to pigs getting tortured. fuck is wrong with you?

I have the same feels recently. I even had nightmares of chinks hurting my cat and I woke up wanting to destroy all who would hurt animals in the way I've seen them do.

>we would never torture the creatures
Wrong. Halal is torture. Not as bad as the chinks, but still torture. BOYCOTT HALAL AND KOSHER SLAUGHTER.

>Can't believe in God because of heathens
You don't make any sense boy

I agree with this too.

>Halal is torture
This is how humans killed animals for thousands of years, city boy.

>animal torture videos make me cry
>white men naturally loving the most beautiful and feminine women in the world is a “degenerate fetish”
You have to be a fucking woman.

>thousands of years
No. It's not native to Europe and it's a barbaric tradition that must end.

It's ridiculous to claim that this is a RACIAL thing, because there are plenty of humane and vegan asians. It's a cultural, historical, sociological thing - humans following human traditions of eating animal flesh, or dismissing the suffering or offloading responsibility down the line of production, etc.

God allows suffering for a time being, and then will unleash judgement on all of us, and in defence of the powerless animals.

But thanks for releasing bannerlord early though. I have to commend you Turks on that.

>I enjoy animal torture
you're probably a chink
that's why it made the news. you won't see jordanians torturing dogs and setting them on fire, boiling them alive, etc in the streets.

And? And yes, anything that clouds your sense of basic decency and morality is degenerate.

I hate them too, precisely for the same reasons. Disgusting subhumans

>there are plenty of humane and vegan asians
very few
the most veggie/vegan countries are india, italy, brazil, and israel.
tell me, are you asian or do you have an asian wife? lmfao

Fuck off you pea brained gore faggot

they have free will

I know g*d is real, i'm not muslim btw.Corona is clearly the consequence of animal cruelty.It's just the beginning, g*d is fed up by human behavior and chinese misconduct in particular.

See rules:
Genèse 1:29 ; 7:2-8 ; 9:2-4 ; 32:25-33
Exode 22:30 ; 23:19
Lévitique 3:17 ; 7:23-27 ; 17:13-14 ; 19:23-25 ; 22:18-25 ; 23:9-14 ; 34:26
Deutéronome 12:20-27 ; 14:3-21 ; 22:9

The way to deal with the reality of how Asians behave is to understand that even though they are human beings like ourselves, putting it politely this "shared humanity" papers over a world of differences.

This "sameness" in attitudes and emotions that you expect from them is UNREASONABLE on your part. It's a result of the fact that the human races evolved separately for so long that we literally aren't built to accept other human beings who think and behave so terribly differently.

The same applies to Africans by the way. White people and other non-Africans often act very frustrated and angry at their perceived dullness, impulsiveness and lack of ability, but to react this way is wrong.

It is wrong for the same reason that it is wrong to judge any other creature on God's green earth for its natural behaviour. This doesn't mean that you have to love, like or want to be around them. Hell, it doesn't even mean you have to want them to continue to exist, if you want to go that far.

But again: this is an irrational response on your part. You are angry and feel sick, because you think these Asian people who are much less empathetic and far more calculating than you "should" have the same feelings and instincts that you do. They don't. They can't.

And what about you mutts treating Aryan Iraqis in Guantanamo bay? You guys are on the same boat

I didn’t say that. But my wife is Asian and I won’t stand for roasties like her and shitskins like you tearing Asian women down.

You call having Tyrone’s mutts “decent?” LMAO

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>you mutts
did I not say I was jordanian, you chink idiot?
> treating Aryan Iraqis in Guantanamo bay?
lol what?
I don't care if islamist terrorists get tortured, I care more about innocent creatures.
and most of them aren't "aryan" lmfao. they're usually from pakistan, afghanistan, and saudi.

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If you torture a living being it'll feel pain.
There's no need to seek others explanations, and trying to rationalize this won't make it less evil.

I'm sorry to hear that, user. Yes the asians are sick minded insects, however. If it helps at all, just know that the animals they torture are just as souless and cruel as the asians are.
I know you probably think all animals are like dogs and can learn to hug and admire you, but thats not true.
Animals given the chance will do unspeakable thinks to you and your family regardless of how loud you scream in agony and beg for them tp stop.
This should actually strengthen you faith in god knowing you were chosen as a human to contain the holy ghost and thats why youre capable of feeling whereas the others are not.

>But my wife is Asian
bro asians are just pale niggers. your wife is a pan faced gook, probably with a flat nose and wide lips.
sorry you couldn't find a cute girl of your own race.

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>If it helps at all, just know that the animals they torture are just as souless and cruel as the asians are.
stopped reading.
it appears that only arabs and hindu poos treat animals with kindness.
there's no reason to torture animals.

Why the fuck they cut their legs while they are ALIVE???

I'm not. But is not Chinese fucking kids all over Europe.
go fuck yourself retard. I bet you were shilling hapa racial mixing until January this year. islam is scum. You can solve Chinese problem by stopping buying made in China products. What phone do you have?

When did I say that? Don’t project your IR fantasies and the black men that live rent free in your head onto me you dirty race traitor.

Im not justifying torture. Im just trying to make you feel less awful about animals dying.
Go on youtube and watch a bear get angry and eat its own cub alive. Listen to the cub scream in aginy while its mother tears it apart.
Animals can be good and animals can be awful

>b-but that doesn't disprove god!!!

These seething christfags don't have the stomach to admit to themselves that their god isn't real.
>19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
If christfags really believed in a benevolent god that kept his word, they would keep the churches open and pray away the Shanghai shivers. But they won't, and they're not going to do shit. Such an almighty god brought to his knees by a little chinky dinky virus. The truth is that, if there is a god, it is a punishing god that enjoys the suffering of mortals, there could be no other explanation. Why else would a deity create an eternal hellfire for a finite amount of sins? Why else would babies get genetic disorders that ruin their chance at life before it even really started? You christfags really are the ultimate simps.

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Even if that were true, that’s kinda the difference between animals and humans. You’d think we would be held to a more conscious standard.

Devil's advocate: Cats and dogs torture their prey for sport for example: and I doubt they're the only examples.

People don't expect them to not do so, because it is understood that it is their natural behaviour. People who would literally kill another person for doing the same are at least somewhat more understanding of why these beasts do so (many might shout at and chastise a cat or dog for torturing a rabbit, bird or mouse in order to stop this behaviour, but in a fit of rage would at least consider seriously hurting or even killing a human stranger for the same thing).

What I'm saying is that those who "expect" Asian people not to behave with cruelty to animals (or each other, for that matter) are perhaps projecting their own feelings and attitudes onto this completely different race of people. What lies behind the emotional response is the feeling that "this is a human being like myself (or that should be like myself) that SHOULD not enjoy this behaviour: therefore it is an abomination and should be destroyed."

>not Chinese fucking kids all over Europe.
you know rich chinese men buy young slavic girls, right?
>Animals can be good and animals can be awful
well in the video that I saw, the pigs were panicking and running around, and at one point huddled int he corner. I saw the fear in their eyes. They had more soul than any chink.

Sounds like you’re implying one thing is better than the other. It isn’t. Sociopaths that need to rot in hell partake in both of these activities.

>Seeing the way Chinks/Gooks treat animals makes me sick.

Metoo, user. Metoo

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

Asians arent humans, theyre insects.
Africans arent humans, theyre chimps

meant to reply to

The very people who attempt to justify their behaviors seem to be trying to convince me of that more and more.

what does this have to do with my post about asians being cruel to animals?

see here

*tips fedoras
*unzips panties
*motions direction back to Blebbit

Let’s heckinn go!

Ok, I'll bite.
The legs are tied together on their back
Easier for torture I suppose