Brit/Pol/ Clap for our nurses edition

>Coronavirus in UK: How many confirmed cases are there in your area?

>Coronavirus: Boris Johnson reveals 20,000 ex-NHS staff have returned to help fight COVID-19

>Coronavirus live news: UK warned of six-month lockdown as New York state passes 1,000 deaths

>Normal UK life may not return for 6 months

>Coronavirus scare prompts racist attacks on 'Chinese-looking' Indians

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remember to clap this thursday for r nhs

First for are Mozza

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You faggots should be clapping for the garbagemen hauling away truckloads of infectious waste, multiple times a day. You won't though.

Do nurses actually work or are they all busy with taking selfies ?

>clapping for jannies
theyre just dumping it in a landfill, be better of burning waste in the garden

Fuck the queen and fuck the british people

I hate this jew thread. You are all Tories.

I checked that because I didn't think Clown World had got to the point where they wanted us to do it every week.

How are we expected to beat Corona without nurse selfies?
Remember to only wank to nurse porn while in lockdown to show your appreciation of the NHS

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Personally I don't think Volvo drivers get enough hate.

are nhs

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You pretend that you hate the ruling classes. That they are all the same in the end. Destroying Britain with their various anti white policies but when it comes down to it you are just ZOG shills.

Hi tweeple. Whats your flavour of outrage this afternoon?
>The NHS
>The economy
>Staying in (WHAAAA I only get to go out once)
>Clapping for care workers ( days old but still crying )
>Social distancing
>Queueing to get into a shop
>Have to cut my own hair REEEEE
>Other peoples homes
>Working from home and not getting the 80%
>Not working from home getting 100% but wanting the 80%
>Sports cancelled

Checked. I'll give her the clap.

i can smell burning

>Clapping for care workers ( days old but still crying )
>The economy
>The NHS
any of these 3 lad but number one and two isnt on your list, that being curtain twitching whingers and the police tanks chasing dog walkers

government hasn't told us to

For me, it's the control of the international Jewish financial cartel of our economy and the impunity with which they steal from us to fund their Jewish Supremacist state project in Israel. And if that wasn't bad enough, they're tearing up our social fabric to attempt to try to ensure that no effective united force can ever emerge to oppose them, and they can rule forever over a mass of dumbed down, atomised and ignorant mutt hedonists

What's grinding your gears today?

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Carluccio's is gone
Which Deano-tier eatery will be next?

carluccios was shit and had been on the ropes for years. too expensive for deanos anyway, they go to zizzi

You would be surprised how many nurses are into drugs.


Thread full of uneducated workshy neets talking crap about people in jobs working to help the country.

id much rather clap for a garbageman than for a nurse.

No one likes the job, but it has to be done.

So thank you.

Yes i think its a weekly occurrence now

Has Boris Johnson died of Coronavirus yet?

i don't care about the country

I think everyone is in here, fyi

>dyed hair
I'd still clap her cheeks.

but maybe smart to keep this one bumped

I can't unsee that dodgy eye.

A nurse is basically a waiter. I only clap for chefs. Aka, doctors.

Except when it's convenient for you

>t. person who knows nothing about what nurses or doctors do but still has a opinion

Also on AE they regularly pick the stash from the druggies that come to get treatment for overdose or if they have particularly bad comedown.

Plus a hint:if you came to complain that you overdosed on mef or on c and nurse starts asking you "oh tell me how is it to use mef or c, I want to know" and starts smiling that means she is in it as well

I want to know if there is a single day when you are not complaining about something simply because you're a jaded contrarian drunkard?

Why would I. Are they actually doing anything or is it just precaution? I'm not going to clap for someone doing jack shit

I fucked several degenerate nurses

you've been here all day

It seems, on Twitter at least, support for some old judge on at least a million pound pension. Who is annoyed his elite lifestyle is being disrupted by a common illnes. And accusing the government of being a police state."Lord Sumption"&src=trend_click

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please post more qt NHS nurses

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im t total

here have a classic bong faced bird

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Shut up KettleKlapp.

>He's posted this 5 times already

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>classic bong faced
sure enough mate
like my pic related

but where are your bong face's shoes? Surely R NHS would consider that unhygeinic? I hope this infraction has been reported to an appropriate political commissar, oops I mean diversity wellbeing officer?

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Jews are anti-social, destructive, intolerant, foul-mouthed liars who want to destroy the government and kill anyone who gets in their way. To help them get what they want, they have developed a perverse unnatural, destructive evil lifestyle.Even if they live off non-Jews as parasites, they still hate them and want to destroy them.Jews hate nature and the natural order because it is pure and beautiful, and also because it is bigger and stronger than they are, and they feel that it cannot completely control it.The beauty and harmony of nature contrast sharply with their squalid nests and ugliness, which makes them hate them even more.The Jews are the destroyers, they - antihumane.Anti-human Jews hate and want to destroy all non-Jews.He will also destroy even other Jews who are less destructive and evil than himself if they stand in his way.It is obvious that the evil of the Jews is based on genetics, they are destroyers, they are anti-human beings.By the act of circumcision, they show their hatred for nature and the natural order through this bloody, cruel, senseless act. They show their cruelty and sadism, and that they will stop at nothing.They are undoubtedly behind Islamist circumcision, which in this regard serves as a perfect cover and distracts from its own evil.Jews are very selfish, intolerant, and anti-social.Naturally, other Gentiles don't like to be robbed and killed by bulldozers, and sooner or later they will resist.This is where the lies and deceit of the Jews come into play.

RNA Chess

Bitte schön

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Go on, give her a clap

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>BrightHouse goes under
isnt this lockdown going a bit too far now? i fear for rolls royce

Fuck you cunt my green waste isn't even getting collected anymore because of this shit. PICK UP MY SHIT YOU LAZY TWAT.

anymore pics of her

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I can't believe it. She got the clap.

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Might be time to watch Idiocracy again.

Bump for outrage.

No Manchester pics please

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I will be clapping my dick on her face


Might give myself Corona lads

Coincidentally, that's what the girl in the pic is built for.