/HCQ/ Hydroxychloroquine General

> Areas in Italy now prescribing to anyone with signs of COVID19. Great results

> FDA Authorizes HCQ for use against COVID19 in USA

> France now mass treating with HCQ + White Wizard walks out of government meeting accusing them of being in the pocket of big pharma

> Zelenko has now treated 699 patients with H/A. 100% success rate.

>Bahrain says it is working effectively:

Meanwhile (((establishment))) shills still seething, see picrelated

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The fishtank cleaner wonder cure which had 1 (one) C-19 study, which looked 'promising' - right up until someone noticed, they simply left patients who died out of the results? Trump (rightly) gets shit for espousing random snake oil as he's a literal dangerous retard with zero grasp of consequences, one who starts babbling the first kind of shit he can grasp that might postpone the sky falling on his dumb fucking head for another day

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Wheres martin shrekli when you need him

when your fat ass is dying in the hospital, ask for the $10,000 per dose HIV jew pill then

All I see are angry Chinks and Elite raging that their bioweapon was weak

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>TDS is fatal
People hate Trump so much, they would let people die, rather than give him any credit. The FDA looked at the available data and approved the combo.

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based thread

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Memeflag Bro... Present a factual argument beyond Orange Man Bad. The problem with mixing science with politics is the truth is the first casualty. Trump has already said that he is open to review based on the results. I appreciate his efforts to speed up the process that is designed to elevate the process and its practitioners over the general welfare.

just ignore (((the poster)))

>let people

55% of cases are in NY. Liberals would rather let THEMSELVES die if it pwns orange man. Literally "jump against trump"-tier.

not the same thing. AT ALL. dumbfuck

you say all that but wheres your source?

THIS. And checked.

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Water is h2o. You should drink hydrogen peroxide. Same thing right?

(hydroxy)chloroquine + azithromycin "work" very well on patients with early symptoms. We have been using them both here for a month on covid 19 positive patients with underlying co-morbidity conditions and are getting good results.

They don't work once you get pulmonary involvement. Once/if the patient moves to stage 2 they need immunosuppressants and possible antiviral agents (eg remdesivir which is only on very limited availability) and even with all that, it's a crap shoot. Half make it out of the ICU half die.

The question no one can answer is whether the medication (choroquine) actually works, or it's just a placebo on patients that weren't actually going to get very ill.

In other words if it were widely and easily prescribed to anyone with flu like symptoms happening over in 2 weeks

Guys a fish tank just flew over my house!

Will these people pay for slandering the cure?

>France now mass treating with HCQ + White Wizard walks out of government meeting accusing them of being in the pocket of big pharma
what? Isn't HCQ a cheap as fuck drug that WON'T make anyone billions and billions?


only 1 patient died out of 1291 treated patients and it was a 86yo lady with a full pneumonia

What I am trying to say is that statistically 85% of those infected don't move to stage 2 anyway, even without chloroquine. It's very difficult to prove, medically, that chloroquine increases that 85% to say 90% or whatever, so the drug does indeed have a positive effect.

We are TRYING to do a study in quarantined environment in Thrace (muslim population, a group of students that go to islamic universities in Turkey came back with covid - 19 the whole town is quarantined)

And the reason it's difficult to prove is because it does nothing to virus cells in vitro. So we need large scale studies in a relatively sterile (nobody moving in with covid 19, nobody leaving with covid and getting treatment elsewhere) environments

>muslim population, a group of students that go to islamic universities in Turkey came back with covid - 19 the whole town is quarantined

You should use cyanide as a placebo

>muslim population
please add a drop of pig blood to the syringes

Please come back Shkreli we need you


He stormed out as government ministers were opposing HCQ

>Statistical review of Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID-19: results of an open-label non-randomized clinical trial.


Patients were inappropriately dropped from the analysis

Of the 26 patients treated with hydroxychloroquine, 6 were dropped from the analysis because they didn’t have complete data through day-6 post-inclusion. The authors correctly reported the reasons for the drop outs, and their outcomes at the point they dropped out. Notably, 3 dropped out because they were admitted to the ICU (all PCR positive at transfer); 1 due to death (PCR negative the day prior); 1 due to nausea (PCR positive); and 1 left the hospital (PCR negative).

Four of these patients had bad outcomes (admission to ICU or death) so it is likely that their omission made the treated group’s outcomes look better.

1290 out of 1291 surviving is a lot higher effectiveness than 85%

This is from the very first test group weeks ago. We now have the NY doctor (docs.google.com/document/d/1SesxgaPnpT6OfCYuaFSwXzDK4cDKMbivoALprcVFj48/preview) who has since treated a further 699 patients with a 100% success rate.

Now Marseille has also treated 1300 patients with a 99.99% success rate.

There is multiple other success stories coming out too, see OP

And those were patients that were symptomatic enough to go to the hospital

Great if it works, but I don't think there is anything wrong with wanting to do more studies before declaring it a cure.

Correct. Watch how the shills deflect this. "Muh clinical studies".

Meanwhile the same people will tell you flu shots work.

Efficacy is not a concern to them, obviously.

>Taking heavy medication without a doctors prescription
Let's be real here the guy was tired of his wife and popped a bottle of pills as an excuse

I don't know how to calculate the probability of having 1291 with 1 death by chance, but there is something clearly going on, even if you don't understant HCQ+Azithromycin.

There were reports Azithromycin working with Zika virus. There may be something else going on that will need further study later. Fighting against bacterial infection might be just a secondary effect.

Hey its that stuff that Trump is going to tell Americans he invented if it works. Half the retards already think so.

Why dont people take the same issue with vaccines and meds that are the big money makers? The CDC recommends the flu shot. Yet it shows no efficacy beyond what a placebo would show.


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Dr Raoult is a great guy and personally I sincerely hope he's right and we can get rid of this whole mess with 5 euro worth of medication per patient, but his studies have been repeatedly brought to question. Patients disappearing, pre selection (not blind selection) etc


So ... we do trust, and since the cost is ridiculously small and we have not seen any adverse effects we use his regimen, but we also need to verify.

Because TV said so I guess. Other than the vaccines forced on me when I was a little kid, I never get it. I don't know anything about this drug, but making it wildly available and telling people to take it could lead to morons taking too much and negative side effects. (if there are any? I don't know)

White Wizard?
Would the White Wizard wear this, retard?

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>2000 patients treated with a 99.9% cure rate
>don't see anything wrong with wanting more studies before declaring a cure
... Except that your average doc is restricted by malpractice insurance that they cannot use a treatment unless it's recommended/approved by the fda, cdc, medical boards, etc.
So delaying any further will cost lives.

>2000 patients treated with a 99.9% cure rate
Like the Greekbro is saying, do you even know what state these patients were in? Was a single one of them in ICU?

If the drug is cheap shit and has no negative effects, then sure, roll it out, but I don't know that.

Its OK m8 we should just write off anyone whose got Covid 19 and start the testing now to approve its use on 'Covid 24. or 25.

Its been used since the 1940s with no negative effects from short term use. Such as malaria prevention.

Your FDA already gave green light as an emergency situation. Insurance companies now will be more than happy to pay $20 worth of medication than pay a very long stay in ICU.

here's another one for you OP
>Antiviral activity of chloroquine against coronaviruses discovered at KU Leuven in 2004

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hcq is safe
azt too
>1 in 8 kek

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None of those people with mild cases were ever going to get sicker anyways. That's the grift. That's why every "study" leaves out all bad outcomes and claims 100% effectiveness.

>Corona chan gets cured
>I have to go back to the office every day

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You just cannot stop hating Trump, can you? You've gone full retard.

Because he's a metal-head?

here is the 2004 study

>Fighting against bacterial infection might be just a secondary effect.
i think it's it primary effect but yes
there are many unknowns synergistic effects, it also seems to induce anti-viral response and works fine with rhinoviruses

I have chortles! Everything's gonna be alright, bros!

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Martin Shkreli the last Pharma Bender

>the last Pharma Bender
top kek

The Chinese study was shit and there was no significant benefit to taking hydroxy chloroquine. Post the French study and then we'll start talking.