Who is behind the coronavirus? and what is the master plan? (Serious question)
Who is behind the coronavirus? and what is the master plan? (Serious question)
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Lick my ass, Mutt
typical hippie nigger response
fpwp, neck yourself
Ordo Ad Chao - Order out of Chaos
With a virus as excuse we see
the controlled demolition of social, economic, financial and religious systems to create something new.
A New World Order.
No Nations, only one government, one digital currency, new law enforcement, new social strucures, new everything.
nature abhors a vacuum.
>fag and hole culture takes over
Corona is the right hand of God.
Jews for Jewish purposes. Newfag.
Thank you
And wow
I'm still convinced it came about due to the chinese being filthy animals keeping live wild animals confined in close proximity to each other at their wet markets
that being said, if this was designed it was done so for not super nefarious purposes. it's not a bioweapon designed to kill off all chinks or depopulate half the planet or anything like that. if it was designed, its purpose is to open our eyes to the threat novel viruses pose to our society so we'll be better prepared when something more serious comes around in the future. bill gates has championed this cause for a while, just saying
unless it does turn out that this fucks with men's fertility, in which case it could be a depopulation tool
but like I said, it came about because chinks are savages
What is hole culture?
imagine being such a brainlet
>nature abhors a vacuum
What do you mean by vacuum?
Mother Nature, the Universe, God
>not about population control but increasing awareness and altering behaviural patterns
>dont eat bushmeat
>no nwo but strong and more indipendent nations
>less trafic
>beeing more in nature cause citys dangerous
>increased spiritual awarness through going through infection (I am right now listening to corona-chan beeing positive)
>when I dont listen symtoms get worse
>after halv an hour medidation symptoms nearly gone
>Corona-chan tells me to reaserch Natsoc history
>Corona-chan tells me to visit Yas Forums
Der chink
Have some gold kind stranger, upvoted
Adding them together gives 66.
Corona has 6 letters.
your mama
Israeli Rabbi Shalom Arush corona virus is for non Jews (Goyims)
Serious anwser, most likely it was a chernobyl style situation in the Wuhan virology lab brought on by incompetence to which China tried desperately to cover and made the problem worse.
Unironically think some chink fucked up and sent the wrong test animal to the wet market. Confused the control and test subject for one another and sold the infected one
Or it was just released there by american agency to have the perfect cover.
Covid19 is a naturally-occurring, zoonotic coronavirus. It was not created in a lab, but it might have escaped a lab accidentally, or else really did originate at that wet market. How it came to be is not what matters.
What matters is who has been pushing the virus (both the virus itself and also the panic.) We know the CCP lied about the threat until it had spread globally, and even encouraged its own citizens living abroad to contract and spread the illness. After the initial spread from Chinese communists the next role is the one for western communists (usually but not always Jewish) to both spread panic and shutdown voluntary economic activity with indefinite stay-at-home orders. The stated objectives are “to save lives” but the real objective is to create a new worldwide depression to finally introduce full communism in the west.
tldr; commies are pushing this and Trump and the rest of our “leaders” are the classic “useful idiots”.
Big pharma
confirmed Hyde operation
Alright listen up niggers. The chinese had assets in the US and Canada. They paid off people at the BSL-4 labs to take samples back to China. Some got caught, but some samples made it. They further worked with said material until they broke quarantine twice due to a worker being exposed. Then it got out as it's airborne. Now the fuzzy part is they actually got the virus from us or just part of it. I think they took HIV samples to work on SARS with to make it far more aggressive. Then again idk why they wouldn't just get some aids patient to get the virus from.
Now as far as master plan? I think it was meant for hong kong to stop the protests. Now the whole world is winging it. Some countries are buddying up to China. Those that make deals with China are the most likely to be using the virus for a power grab. They see China as muscle. If their population steps out of line they threaten a Chinese response. You'll see more of this in the coming weeks. This is why trump needs to condemn China. If they are allowed to throw their weight around too much during this we'll be fucked. Xi is seeking greater influence on the world stage by any means necessary.
China. Accidental release of Experimental altered bioweapon altered coronavirus masked as flu symptoms to go undetected. Trying to and still are cover it up. Every powers that be including chinese freaking out cause it is not complete bioweapon so it has no ready to go antigen. It is just nasty altered cross hybridized corona that was not supposed to be outside a lab. Therefore everything locked down and cover story is that it is a natural variant and just bad luck. People like Boris Johnson has tested positive. And is acting stupidily and irresponsibly like a lot others. 1 year child dying from it. This is not under control. But i can understand why you want someone to be in control of it rather than accidental release. Cause then you could Hunt them down and say give us the antivirus. If chinese or others thought someone had it, that person would anywhere in world be kidnapped within 2 hours and forced to tell them. Cause they would make a lot of money and look like global heroes cleaning up their own fucking accident. Bill Gates resigned as CEO of ms and went innawoods. They are scared and are not immune. It’s accident. If they had antivirus and released it intentionally. They would not give a fuck But try to downplay it.
it all makes sense now, so underrated
How deadly do you think the virus is?
Thats the other option. To frame china. But if i say it i get called chinese shill. So i just go with chinese accidental release which is more plausible anyways. I’m tired of the fight i get for entertaining possibility that it wasnt 100% chinese fault. Eventhough i think it Likely is. I get shit if i say it.
Is america just the beta dog of the world reeeing at other perceived competition? John nash wants a word with you retards
isn't it obvious by now?
I think the economic fallout will be far deadlier than covid19. We are shutting down most of the entire world’s economy for weeks or months at a time to try to contain a highly-contagious respiratory virus. This is an experiment that’s unprecedented. The stock market crashes are just the beginning.
Secretly rolling out 5G to gives us all cancer and using the pretext of the virus to get rid of physical currency and replace it with a digital one?
Maybe 10-15% mortality rate. We cant tell due to lack of testing But look at new York it has more already than china alledgedly has in total. And you can imagine what nasty thing ccp has done to keep Numbers low if they are not just lying or both. They could take someone positive shoot them in head and dissapear their family and nobody would know. They control everything in china. It kills toddlers and 20-30 yo too. It can potentially risk killing anyone who gets it. Which if you value your life you must understand. And the biggest problem is how easy and fast it spread. Doctors and nurses getting tested positive. Police getting sick enforcing quarantine. Who is going to be left to fucking treat you. Understand how bad this is if you dont reduce the number of infected.
A bad disease that was frankly overdue. No one planned it, no one designed it.
The master plan is in the response. They have been waiting for something like this since 9/11. Now is the perfect time to start microchipping citizens and stripping away freedoms all under the guise of public health.
Thank you
What you posted is very scary.
Jeepers. Hes coming back soon. .
>If i knew i wouldn't be on Yas Forums
10-20% I agree. I'm more worried about it being a permanent infection like HIV. That and the permanent damage to your organs. You need to realize pandemics come in waves. Spanish flu came in 3 waves. You don't even see the worst of it until wave 2. China is soon to be enter phase 2. That is why cuckmo wants 50 billion ventilators. So he can further bargain with China. If you can't see China is cornering the market on medical supplies you're blind. The cherry on top is china will sdnd other countries tainted and defective equipment once they buy all the legit gear. This is looking more like WW3 every day. You should be scared and very angry about this
Canada is a hostile state to American interests. Annex them immediately or they will be used as a staging grounds for for the UN, China, or whatever unfriendly forces.
Also the fast rise in deaths that is happening now indicates it being worse than what anyone trying to downplay it thought. You have to understand it can take like a couple of weeks till they get critically sick. So when they start dying in cascades like thousand a day in some cases you start to se oh no. Cause now you start to realize the scope of infection and real mortality rate. Because next wave if deaths in a few days. And how Long is it going to continue and is the Daily Numbers going to increase. And the quarantine is not only to prevent spread of infection. But also how many already have it and are going to die. They had to wait 2 weeks to see that. Because now the disease going critical in their bodies. Incubation and mild stages going into worse stages. So now they die so many a Day which is concerning. Cause the more they infected it is going to be like that Daily or Weekly in waves corresponding with time when the Dead accidentally infected Those around them and then add week or so. It is a serious matter to violate quarantine. Not just for yourself But for others you might infect
I wish it were that easy fren. Americans don't actually hate Canada. Y'all are like a little cousin. If we did that NATO would disintegrate. More countries would run to China and Russia for help as we're seen as the bad guy
if it is indeed a bioweapon, its meant to collapse the economy of target nations, now if the weapon was made by some chaos org like Spectre, its meant to collapse the global economy and bring about.....chaos. another angle is that this is a bioweapon to reduce population (global collapse will also result in population reduction) made by some radical group who believes this is the only option or face extinction. it could also be something that i choose not to mention here (*hint: think The Storm).
I am not trying to scare or freak you out. But if i tell you what you want to hear, that it is nothing to worry about. Then i would be putting you and other people including myself at risk. And you would be angry that i lied to you. So dont panic. But at the same time. Take this seriously.
You're way off re: origins but correct about nearly everything else. Also checkin' Capn' Tripps.
Informed and perceptive.
This appears to be true, but elites with the virus may be bullshitting. They love a good masque.
More like Chao De Ordo lolololololololol
who is behind it? nature
what is the master plan? purge the humankind
natur is fucking cruelpeople just allways vorget it because they life in a wunderfull peacefull happy world
and on top of it we have to fight a virus technical they are not alive
living things have cells, viruses dont have them they just have a a protein coat to protect them
living things reproduce, viruses do not have the tools to make a copy of their DNA
living things use energy, viruses dose not produce any energie
the use energie from host cells
livingthings assemble materials to grow and repair, viruses dont
if you imagine the tree of life you will not find any virus on it, they are more like tendrils that wind around the tree
they use it to grow & reproduce
> Who is behind the coronavirus? and what is the master plan? (Serious question)
Those are two questions
> Who is behind the coronavirus?
No one. It is just a common cold virus on steroids.
> what is the master plan?
In Europe Southern governments are trying to take advantage of the panic to obtain a German-backed eurobond.
Internet companies are also pushing for lock downs indeed
The annexation needs not be a hostile one or even a complete one. The invitation to Alberta and Saskatchewan would be extended first.
Remember evil prevails when good men fail to act. Don't be a fool. You can't be a NEET and ignore the world forever. It will find you.
No one user there microscopic protein and RNA floating around
Thank you. So you don't think the it was created in a Chinese lab and is being used as a bioweapon?
I've gone soft. I've gotten really soft.
>it could also be something that i choose not to mention here (*hint: think The Storm).
>>>has more already than china.....
are you a fucking faggot shill or just stupid cuck loser. NO ONE BELIEVES THE CHINESE NUMBERS AND ONLY SHILLS AND IQ78 NPC abortions repeat them and say things like 'allegedly'. There is no alleged anything. China is lying and you are a fucking bum.
Chinks eating bats. Was something behind the black plague, or SARS, or the myriad of other diseases spawned by Chinamen? The simplest explanation in this case seems by far the most likely -- some chinks ate bats, which demonstrably carry Corona viruses.
If you applied the neopol schizo methodology to GRIDS, you'd likely be forced to conclude it was developed by the white man to keep nigs down. After all, it targets groups that stuffy old white conservatives supposedly hate -- fags, blacks, junkies. So was it developed by Ronald Reagan to maintain white control over the world...? No, a hairless monkey in Africa ate a slightly different kind of monkey raw, raped some people, then queers did the rest. I feel like many anons decide a priori that everything must have a sinister cause, nothing can be roughly what it seems to be. That can lead to some pretty absurd conclusions.
Ching Chong sell bat no refrigerator. Ching Chong 2 eat bat. Ching Chong 3-100 lie about virus. Big master ching chong very happy for virus to spread. The end.
Does there need to be someone behind it other than Chinese people doing dumb shit?
I don't know but I woke up this morning thinking about it. Everything about this is fucking weird. We're all walking around in a fog like after 9/11, nothing feels right. No virus has all these characteristics. There's usually an inverse correlation between transmissibility and virulence. Us not testing for a full month. What's going on in Japan? What's going on in China
It most certainly came out of a lab. You have to understand many bsl4s like the one in wuhan have nasty viruses that can mass kill people. As they study viruses. But they could easily hybridize natural viruses to more nasty versions without rna tampering by purpously infecting people and animals with various strains. Something china is in unique position to do. They kill chinese strip them of organs. You have to understand the chinese ccp. Responsible for tens of millions Dead chinese. This is not a free democratic country just because massive economy. ccp elect themselves and are in full control. If you go to china dont say anything bad about ccp. Now about this virus understand a few simple things. It originated near a bsl4 in Wuhan. And when chinese medical doctors try to warn the world and rest of china they dissapeared. So china cover up what happened. The other option is someone spread it there in that location cause it would look like china accidentally released. But if they didn’t why dissapear their own doctors!
It is obvious this got out of some lab. Many nastier ones exist in such places. But nobody is insane enough to on purpose release them. Like usa has nukes. Nobody insane enough to detonate one on purpose.
So it is clear this came from somewhere. Maybe one day we know. I am sceptical of those trying to say this is not a possibility. It is almost such a clear case of it that it almost could not be a better example of it. And ofc china Will not take responsibility for this mess. Neither would probably USa if something accidentally got out of bsl4 in usa and spread to world like this. First they try to clean up their mess pretending it was flu. Now that it spread outside china and ccp control they say it is natural or blame someone else. You might probably have done similar. Doesn’t make it right to do. And now it happen anyways you have assholes trying to profit from it. Truly a Human tragedy the whole thing.
Covid-19 is a distraction. We will get a reprieve from it soon but it will re-emerge as a secondary outbreak. It's a cover for the 5G roll out. When they turn up 5G it will cause massive illness and death. They will blame it on the re-emergence of a secondary outbreak of Covid 19.
I said in same post that china was essentially obviously lying. Stop being unreasonable.
I definitely believe it is a possibility for the reasons you just explained quite well in your post. I certainly would not dismiss it outright as an absurdity or something, it is plausible. However I personally still lean towards what I said here about the origin of the disease. I hate to invoke Occam's razor as so many plebbit-style cucks do, but I believe it is a useful logical device. Absent of evidence I find it safer to accept the hypothesis that requires the fewest assumptions and the least complexity. For that reason -- barring further evidence -- I maintain it was not man-made.
USA fags still believing the media narrative. FYI, billions of people have been eating bats for eons.
the bats. they want to drink our blood
A lot of people ate monkeys and bushmeat for ages before HIV was ultimately transmitted to humans. Would you suggest that is definitive evidence of a human origin? There are numerous examples along these lines. I just don't view that as a particularly strong argument, it is among the weaker ones in favor of a human origin that I've heard tbdesu
rouge masons? typical
>5G roll out
Do you think you personally could die from 5G?
And what is the motivation for the US to release a plague they have no cure for? Your theory is the opposite of Occam's Razor.
Fucking stupid. Millions of years of evolution and this is how you use that brain of yours. Fuck off
Problem is, the disease was released in late October/early November.
(x). 5G has already been rolled out elsewhere in the world as far back as 2018:
> These three South Korean companies collaborated to bring mobile 5G to the country on December 1, 2018: SK Telecom, LG Uplus, and KT.
I am wary of this sort of shit a little bit but your hypothesis that the pandemic is related somehow to that is incredibly suspect
>who's behind it?
Pic related
>what's their master plan?
Population reduction. (((THEY))) are unhappy with mankind's performance, we've become basicly a gigantic bunch of useless eaters.
They want a smaller, better qualified and focused population to actually go on with mankind's progress.
This was not to stop HK protests. They were only going on because of the Chinese New Year, which is essentially a month long holiday for them. The protests were over before the outbreak got significant.
>he thinks corona is the real threat.
>he didn't watch channel 4's Utopia.
there is no other answer
>Who is behind the coronavirus? and what is the master plan? (Serious question)
The devil, separation from God.