The madlad has fucking done it
Orban seizes power in Hungary
gotta need more context
Is he a China globalist cuck?
>rule by decree
>no elections
for how long? is there a sunset clause?
well, if he sucks, he will be eaten alive by the populace
>giving one person all the power
boy like that has worked before
>spreading fake news and rumors
Oy vey don't criticize us. Keep your mouths shut goyim
Hail Victory.
It unironically could have worked if you had chosen your side wisely.
Awesome, I’m proud Hungarian Orbán is the man
pls stop, i can only get so erect
>Enabling Act: Hungary edition
Rev up the rotors
The Guy is a hardcore nationalist. He has personally gone after Soros many times.
t. tankies
This is literally facism, this man has got to go.
btfo cuck
Someone give me the quick run down on Orban
can some magyaranon confirm pls?
>It unironically could have worked if you had chosen your side wisely.
they did. everything germany has ever touched regarding europe has failed. go fuck yourself
Are you fuckin dumb Orban is the most hardcore white nationalist in all the land. He made it so if a woman had 4 kids she doesnt have to pay taxes for life.
Shut up muhammad. You have no say in this.
btw whats your nationality? are you duch or french?
The glowniggers hate Orban all the way back to John McCain
Based Urban
Orbán is seen as having laid out his political views most concretely in a widely cited 2014 public address at Băile Tușnad (known in Hungary as the Tusnádfürdői beszéd, or "Tusnádfürdő speech"). In the address, Orbán repudiated the classical liberal theory of the state as a free association of atomistic individuals, arguing for the use of the state as the means of organizing, invigorating, or even constructing the national community. Although this kind of state respects traditionally liberal concepts like civic rights, it is properly called "illiberal" because it views the community, and not the individual, as the basic political unit.[87] In practice, Orbán claimed, such a state should promote national self-sufficiency, national sovereignty, familialism, full employment and the preservation of cultural heritage, and cited countries such as Turkey, India, Singapore, Russia, and China as models.[87]
Based nationalist, tax breaks/no taxes for HUBGARIANS making babies
Flemish, the germanic part
*looks at the absolute state of Britain*
Oy vey shut it down think of all the refugees who want to come in!?
I dont know any of these people dont bully
I hope it turns out well for ya'll keep the faith bro.
arent the flemish kind of ducht? like NEEDERLANDER? or is it so seperated its a different language all together?
>what is a search engine?
i hope you are a fag on VPN and not a real jap.
Its basically the same here in the JEWSA, Trump didn't send Congress home, but they love him, both sides, as Nana Pelosi votes with the Repubs 70% of the time.
>Orbán has tapped into the "great replacement theory" which emulates a nativist approach to rejecting foreign immigration out of fear of replacement by immigrants.“If Europe is not going to be populated by Europeans in the future and we take this as given, then we are speaking about an exchange of populations, to replace the population of Europeans with others,” said Orbán.
>"This year the Hungarian government introduced a 10m forint (£27,000 and ~$33,000 USD) interest-free loan for families, which does not have to be paid back if the couple has three children."
Based and redpilled. Trump should take a page out of this guy's book.
>*looks at the absolute state of Britain*
yeah, we are fixing this mess. you, however are still destroying europe
Personally I am all for Dietsland (a union of both the dutch and flemish peoples. The language is pretty much the same, just different accents.
Define work?
Because, you know, some dictatorships have historically been quite successful
Hes a HungARYAN who is literally the next Hitler, except he's going to do it right and gas the kikes for real. He's gone after Soros, gave the globohomos the finger and made it so white women who have 4 kids are exempt from taxes.
>this is literally facism
Ok, good.
Not only dictatorships, some empires/kingdoms/nations have prospered with absolute monarchs. So, please, define "work"
isent ducht just a common way to describe friesland, flanders etc etc into a common big one? do you even need "dietsland" for that or am i mistaken?
>against giving one person all the power
>gives one clandestine religious/ethnic minority all the power
gay and burgerpilled
t. Lord Balfour opposed to giving a committee of men and women chosen for their superlative ability at avoiding responsibility for the effects of their decisions and foisting it onto the voters?
it works in china
He's Netanyahus best friend you fucking idiot
Will destroy gorge soros now!
Based fucking mongols
Ya stupid cuck lol
are trad Hungarian waifus provided to white immigrants to help increase the population? Asking for a friend.
Isn’t Orban a Zionist cuck?
We are, I believe the Dutch, Flemish, Frisians belong to the same ethnic group, thus I'd like them to unite under a Diets Ethnostate. Fun historical fact, if the Dutch rebellion against the spanish had fully succeeded, beglium and luxembourg would have never existed. It's dumb luck we got seperated
No they don't, where did all of you fools get this crap. This guy is in Israel's pocket
So Dutch would describe you? would you be fine with simply becoming a part of nederland? just know that im basing all my knowledge from eu4 lol
go lick our jewish prime minister's cunt
based and redpilled
cringe and bluepilled
>Isn’t Orban a Zionist cuck?
>the guy who hates refugees is somehow a zionist
Every right wing politician belonging to a >1% support party is
>zionism means liking refugees
Yeah, I consider myself to be Dutch, in an ethnic sense. Culturally and linguistically Flemish. It's like a Catalonian calling himself Spanish.
Based af
You're all fucking retarded here.
desu i think orban is playing safe enough so he wont get mossaded while still building hatred of the kikes and stopping the invation
Hehehehe great ahahaha
He is the most based of based
only weak cucks who can't into individualism like fascism
So... Exactly like any other globohomo governments.
Orban is netanyahu's bff, you here suggesting otherwise are illiterate retards
>Fixing this mess
How? By importing more niggers from your Commonwealth
yes, same thing goes there as "spain" is just a title of holding really the entire iberia, so castile should have waited to name itself spain after having taken porutgal
stay mad bitch
Tyrannical regimes are far more effective than democratic regimes. The problem is if you get a turd in power they can also be absolute nightmares.
portugal lol
That sounds a lot like Deutschland
Anschluss when?
implying the commonwealth is a shining gem.
Greater israel implies that, or a genocide.
Absolutely based
Probably cheaper than what it costs to integrate one migrant as well
>Tyrannical regimes
i think you mean totalitarian
tyranny is inherently bad
i feel sorry for hungarians and your mother
brothers brothers, let us not forget who the real enemy is.
no I mean tyrannical as the greeks used it.
>>zionism means liking refugees
You're all fucking retarded here.
>leaf poster
>or a genocide
yes please
You mean all of human history with monarchs?
the anglo?
>I'm a super special individual look at me guys :)
"Tyrant, Greek tyrannos, a cruel and oppressive ruler or, in ancient Greece, a ruler who seized power unconstitutionally or inherited such power"
reclaim Constantinople when?
Der ewige Anglojude
if monarchy was so great, we wouldn't have done away with it...and your country wouldn't exist, retard
only if that anglo is a globohomo. Same with your kikefisted country.
get ready for the anschluss
Have some Dietsland Fashwave
no, you're just mentally weak. no wonder you think jack-booted authoritarianism is alpha, you are a weakling
Didn't you get separated over Catholicism vs Protestantism?
EU army activated ...
Awaiting 'restore democracy' invasion plan ...
You are right and I am willing to cooperate.
fuck Australia, you are a colony of China
jesus christ europe is doomed to bicker amongst themselves until ruin is bought upon us all. Maybe the kikes are right.
>read 12 steps to life like a good goy
Sounds like bullshit but ok
So it's war then
Please do this.
eat shit Achmed
If patriarchy was so great, feminism wouldn't exist.
Or it was so successful that people were wealthy enough to pursue their own greed.
>we wouldn't have done away with it
are you a jewish communist?
>12 steps to life
you don't even know what you're talking about
looks like they are asking for another invasion
man cant wait for this powerangry faggot to eventually get stabbed by the populace when he makes a wrong move
Ok incel
pretty much
funnily enough, catholic church is now the biggest religious denomination here
Nice logical fallacy, memeflag. Read the link and look around you here, none of this makes any sense. He is not based he is a fucking zionist.
Hell yeah, retard liberals on suicide watch
Sic semper tyrannis
>hurr tyranny dictatorship
why dont you go there and live if you think its so godamn good you stupid faggot
That would be an oligarchy and that's not what democracies are. In democracy, the legislative, executive and judiciary powers are usually divided.
Dictatorships/absolute monarchies usually lack this division
Can confirm. To answer other user: Orban does cuck to China, chairman Pooh just sent us 3 planes worth of masks cause he likes the guy.
look at the history of anglo meddling in europe
they are never to be trusted
Purge the infidels, Orban. Purge them all!
Based Węgry keep it up
>giving full power to someone who punishes holocaust denial with prison
Post links fag
don't you think they need a little bit off liberating oh well cant wait for the usavshungary war
And of course most will be useless.
He's benn slobering on xis cock for years now
*Income tax
Also that's just ~50% of what you pay after your income there are also "social contributions" as well
It doesn't matter who leads. Even if they elected someone else and opened the borders not even a bushnigger from the african wastelands would want to move there.
authoritarianism is inevitable
might as well have it be nationalistic and serve the people rather than corporations or some small elite
meh don't take the word of our lefties for what's going on in the country.
addig fog ez neked tecceni amíg nem visznek el rasszizmus miatt. legyél hülye máshol
Yes exactly, the long as span of history whites in europe bred like niggers and had 12 kids and 2 lived to adulthood for one to die in war because society was so poor and shitty. Society works best with divived power. The ruler who leads and the common man as their watch dog that will go viva la france on their ass if they try to stop working for the people.
Holy based
i guess you could say orban was very hungary for power
I wish I lived in an ethnostate with a leader I could trust
Because russia “liberated” the Hungarian Kingdom after the second WW, thats why.
Hardcore white nationalists gets absolute power in his country?
Whitepill of the day.
Based, now assign each hungarian man a hungarian wife and require them to procreate.
You have to go back, Carlos.
>In democracy, the legislative, executive and judiciary powers are usually divided
what? no they're not