From 525 to 264. Sorry, kikes. Your world government totalitarian op will fail.
Coronavirus deaths in the US fell by HALF (50%) yesterday
Reminder jews are pushing this as hard as possible to implement NWO and get rich as well
Fuck off jews
It's over kikes
Doesn’t make sense. The math to look at this kind of data is what they use in radio telescopes and gas chromatographs. You don’t get data like this from a biological system. Remember “normally distributed”?
The fuck is this gibberish. The numbers are lower yesterday than they were the day before.
you idiot, the reporting time periods are different. This is GMT+8. USA is GMT-4
Is everybody too stupid here to realize we're being scammed?
How does that make the reporting period different if it's done at the same time every 24 hours?
Normal distribution and the central limit theorem apply to sampling data and descriptive statistics you fucking dolt. This is a bar graph showing data interpolation.
Answer me, turd eater. How are the "reporting periods" different? The reporting period is 24 hours every time.
don't get your hopes up senpai , coronachan will infect 456.000 in 2 weeks
I think you're responding to AI. The level of nonsensical shit posted on here has spiked. They need to improve the captchas.
What a waste of a thought on my part
Funny how it seems to coincide with the use of Hydroxychloroquine in US hospitals.
>everybody panic
Everybody pushing this jew op needs to be arrested at the end of this.
>stops reporting AGAIN
>everything is fine
You dumbass, the US reports 24 hours at GMT-4. This blog reports them at GMT+8. That's a 12 hour lag.
Here's an example. Suppose there are two reportings in the US. The first at 12AM and the second at 12PM midnight.
At first reporting, there are 300 deaths. At second, there are an additional 100 deaths for a total of 400 deaths in the day.
Now this blog is 12 hours ahead of US time. When its noon in NYC, it's already midnight, i.e. close of day in GMT+8. So its total deaths for US is going to be 300, not 400.
Now fuck off back to school dumbass
That jumbled, deliberately nebulous style designed to confuse and mislead is a giveaway
Screencap the jew for exposing later.
reminder it will take months to count the actually number of people because of all the lonely poor people that are just going to die in their home and only get discovered when the landlord send the cops for unpaid rent.
you're a fucking retard
It is called Sunday/the weekend.
Stop putting so much emphasis on a single data point.
This could be an indication that the treatment is working, they started Tues and 5 days later the death count drops. Or it could be an anomaly.
Orrrr, they could just be reporting the US numbers as of whatever time per day, every day, so it's just every 24 hours even though it doesn't correspond exactly with the calendar day. This thread will be dead the next time they update if they are going to change the numbers.
Graph is fake and OP is indeed a faggot
That's new cases. My graph is deaths.
Scroll down from that graph. The daily deaths graph is below it.
This is good news. The sooner we get over this pandemic the better.
I'm more interested in saying how the economic effects play out afterward.
The past two days could also include backlogged tests from the prior few days. Maybe 250-400 is the "norm" right now, hopefully it doesn't go up too much.
>Sorry,Kikes. Let’s go back to making you money
is this where you mine?
There's always a dip on Sunday because of delayed reporting. They fix it later during
The worldometers site updated to show +362 for yesterday. Still lower than the prior two days.
Were you ever graded on a curve?
>There's always a dip on Sunday
Looking back at the graph, there is no evidence of this.
This pandemic is literary a wake up call against globalization you absolute retard.
This graph supports the assertion that the US' curve is flattening out.
>1.5 trillion straight from unaccountable unconstitutional (((Fed))) into jewish pockets, right after the repo market showed signs of freezing up
>government knew credit markets were freezing up and a crash was about to happen, and the US was already destabilized socially, politically, and economically, and a market/economic crash would almost guarantee instability and violence
>there's a plague, goyem, we need (((martial law))), we're tracking your phones and pulling you over to determine where you're traveling from and to!
What a cohencidence, all that!
Told you it wasn’t “biological”.
Since it takes up to 2 weeks to incubate, watching these stats is like looking at a star that is 2 light weeks away. They tell you what happened, not what is happening. People only really started social distancing one to two weeks ago. All of these cases are from before that.
Exactly. #new deaths is some 10 days behind new cases.
Here I thought you fools were all for totalitarianism?
Once Coronavirus realizes it's just the flu , maybe it'll back off #selfawareness
Literally know it won’t.
Yes, but national, not global.
Yep. It appears to be slowing down now. We might have hit the inflection point - we'll see.
You could have made the exact same assertion, but with an even strong trend, a week ago.
This poo is correct
such a fucking leaf. globohomo.
they updated it due to delays from NYC. It was actually 362 deaths yesterday.
tbb it's just statistical noise. Deaths will continue to go up until the peak (which is about 20 days out)
>such a fucking leaf. globohomo.
What is important is that this virus is bad enough to destroy globalism.. hopefully what has happened is enough.
If we come out of this and just go back to normal than it’s all a fucking waste
Nope. A week ago you only had a single day showing non-exponential growth. Currently you have several consecutive days.
You fucking idiot. These are the official
Numbers for March 28 and March 29 for the US.
I wanted an intergalactic indo-aryan imperium with terraforming colony ships going beyond Alpha Centauri bearing the banner of the Black Sun. Not Chinese/UN troops going door to door making sure we aren't leaving our homes lmao
Yeah people did less on the weekend. Derp!
He may or may not be. If they only get one report a day, and that's what's shown as the day's numbers, then the numbers shown on this site aren't accurate for the calendar day, but they do represent a 24-hour period. I don't know how the website works. It could be that there are multiple reports, and then the numbers are changed later. I would guess the latter is probably the case, but if so, we have to wait a bit to see yesterday's final numbers. So put an asterisk on OP.
Any link to a site with official numbers?
you shitskin idiot, the USA is GMT -5