Boomer father claimed me as a dependent

>boomer father claimed me as a dependent
>I don't get trump bucks

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neets btfo

Good, don't try to steal from the government.

remove him from life depence

Based boomers

Do you live at home with him? You're probably a dependent?

Do you live apart, pay your own way, and he still claimed you as a dependent? Great, then your option is report him for fraud over 1200 cuckbucks.

Good. Get a job you stupid nigger.

Maybe move out of his basement

you know why he did that? to milk an extra 500 bucks

Why didn't he just take his $500 cut out of your $1200? Is he fucking retarded?

file taxes on a 1040 forum and write down you made 400 dollars. My dumbass bitch of a mom claimed me as a dependant so i might be fucked, but its worth a try.

File your own taxes and get that nigger audited. Simple user. You fucking nigger.

Try getting a job

>I'm a useless organism
>my moms a dumbass bitch

Get out of your parents house you lazy faggot

I know your joking but there are people this retarded IRL. You can tell a lot about somebody by just hearing them talk about theit family.

Fuck boomers. They deserve everything they get. Being audited is a great mercy compared to what they should be getting.

>dumbass bitch of a mom
dont b rude with mamas fren

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>get a job, Mordecai Shekelbergs company can't run itself!!

Get a job you lazy faggot.

Wait can MY dad do that? I haven’t lived with my parents since 2011 and have had my own job since, but it is such a “my dad” thing for him to do .

Fuck you faggot, not everyone had a nice mommy and daddy. If they were cunts they were counts, just because they squeezed out a life doesnt mean they are owed shit unconditionally.

If you still live with your family and youre doing fuckall with your life , then shut up.
Your dad probably has actual bills to pay because of this shit and not waste money on frivolous bullshit .

As opposed to what? What exactly are you accomplishing by sitting at home cooming to 2D traps taking your little stand against the kikes with zero influence on society or money? The wake up call to all the white neets will come when they are disallowed into the same ethnostate they advocate for simply because they’re useless men.

write less than $400 because 400 or more is taxable income.

If you live with them past 18 you definitely owe them, failure

>he still lives with his parents

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If you can legally be claimed as a dependent your life is a joke anyway.

You have no idea how the economy works moose fucker. How old are you and how did you move out at 18 on the dot?

how are the checks being supplied anyways? how do you know if you are going to get one?

>letting him like the faggot you are

>Daddy pays for your health insurance
>Daddy pays your rent

Fuck off leach.

Military, then when I got out GI bill paid 100% of my rent and tuition. EZ

If my child not only ratted on me, but did so without consulting me, I would disown them immediatly. Dont even care how old they are. And i'm a very patient person.

That's nice faggot, don't forget to clock in for Mr. Shekelbergsteinowitz

just stop depending on him you faggot neet

how do i get trumpbucks with no income and no way of filing? Parents did not claim me as a dependent?

>he went into a welfare program of a paid prison system
>he didnt just work at McDonalds and couch bounce for 5 years until walmart came calling

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Thank you for your service to Israel

Imagine thinking that working a job means that you're working for the Jews. Not every single company on earth is Jewish owned, not to mention if you did, you wouldn't be dealing with them directly. Being a good slave it to receive breadcrumbs (welfare) and to do nothing with your life but watch porn/shows/movies and playing Vidya games.

Okay boomer

kek. Let that be a lesson to you from a based boomer. MAYBE GET A JOB AND PULL YOURSELF UP FROM THE BOOTSTRAPS user!!!



>owner is in his ivory tower in Bentonville, Arkansas
I'm just a 9 digit Walmart Identification Number.

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Working for anyone but yourself is slavery, it's sad your faggot brain thinks people with free time only spend it on base entertainment.

>Not every single company on earth is Jewish owned
That's a good joke user.

kill yourself

>it's sad your faggot brain thinks people with free time only spend it on base entertainment.
I'm seeing it a lot since a lot of people are at home with perpetual pornhub tab in thier browsers. Playtime is over. Time to get to work, bud.

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Okay joomer

move out of his home loser

I'm in college
he offered to pay
how could I refuse

Only if he wants to be raped

try not being dependent then you faggot zoomer

ohhohoho zoomer....

when i was a wee lad i used to spend my meager paycheques on groceries "for the family" internet, laundry detergent, toilet paper, etc. including helping with "bills" I'd have maybe 100$ to myself for the week, which mostly went to eating on the go as i was a part time student and transit fare. Doing chinups and hitting my weights & bench almost daily to help me carry more groceries with each trip because i couldnt afford a car because i kept "helping".

my cunt of a mother declared me as a dependent to milk like 80$ on her taxes even though i'd be getting like a thicc wagie tax return.

then she kicked us all out and moved to parts unknown as the first recession crescendo.

And they'll laugh and say stuff like, hah you're young, hah you need to earn it, hah one day you'll have kids and you'll see this isn't abuse.

The tax website said that to do that you have to cost him up to $4200 and that has to be a good portion of your total living expenses.
Either he's lying or you're a cash sponge.
I'm a live with folks disabled and I pay the rent and do my own food. I don't cost them enough for them to claim me.

Don't underestimate the uselessness of NEETs. The funny thing is the $500 per kid doesn't apply to OP assuming he's old enough to be here. Neither OP nor his dad will be getting Trumpbux for his dumb ass.

Look OP, just look . Even ShartMartanon doesn't live with his parents. Consider suicide.

give him the old one-corona

Do i need proof of citizenship for trumbux or just ssn and tax proofs


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It's not like I had much of a choice. Father was lazy, mother was mentally ill, and I was seen as a "bank" rather than thier "son". They will die destitute and I really dont give a shit.

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>lives with his father
fake and gay

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U deserved it user. Now go be a valuable part of society like every normal human beeing

