What will it take for you to Trust the Plan, Yas Forums?
Trump is Q confirmed
Perp walks of household names.
I hope that it's not a larp and I've been a retard calling it one but it's just too unlikely.
It seems to get likelier by the day.
In what way?
Ya'll gonna be say trust the plan all the way to the fucking gulag apparently.
>peak Qtardism
>Holy Shit!!! in our faces the whole time!
Now, who gives a fuck? Q is talk. Talk, talk, talk. Remember when Hillary was suppose to be arrested?
"Q" is supposedly a team of neckbears at gitmo.
Imagine being such a retard
You can only doubt patterns so much.
When shit like this keeps happening this often it's time to get a hint.
You are qtarded
I've been following Q as much as the next guy, and indeed there are some patterns that are hard to explain away, I'm just still not convinced though
>Q is talk. Talk, talk, talk.
What isn't in the USA? Everything there is treated as fandom, spectator sports with a blend of "reality TV"
>Remember when Hillary was suppose to be arrested?
No one remembers "that episode of the show"
FISA warrants, sealed nothingburgers, wall, deportation, etc. etc. etc.
All this was from another season of the show.
>only works if your screen is a specific amount of pixels wide
Twice out of hundreds of tweets is not a pattern.
Do you conclude from your observation that the crucial thing missing from all this Q stuff are tangible outcomes?
This, I thought he was shitposting.
>it seems to get likelier every day
>you being a retard
PROTIP from a developer: Kerning and spacing is a dynamic function of the client's display
I mean, I believe Q is real but most of this shit that you spergs post is just red herring bullshit.
“Trust the plan”
Another good one for my filter
Those hospital ships drawing a q for no reason
>I'm just still not convinced though
It's probably better that you aren't.
It's useful take every possibility into account.
>listens with raised fist
Literally fucking anything happening might be a good start, you absolute faggot.
Q is a leftist psyop to discredit the right and make us look like batshit crazy schizos.
Both in the last 24 hours...
The UK Royal House is particularly suspicious, strange wording.
Bless you Mr. Potus
>other team bad
maybe when the plan starts producing results that are not israel first and White America last.
If that were true, you know damn well Trump would address it outright. No way in fuck that he would let his base be hijacked by some commie faggot psyop when he's a verifiable megalomaniac. Nice try tho, Mr. Podesta.
from the very first air force one pic posted by Q I was pretty sure Q was trump. I'm less optimistic than I've ever been now. it's just taken too long and everything else has fallen apart. trump is getting ready to go underground and kill everyone. it's over
Anyone who says that has not made an effort to learn about the hundreds of proofs between Trump and Q. “How long until coincidences are a mathematical impossibility?” Also, why has the media not asked about one of the proofs? Because it would shatter the conspiracy theory narrative.
>I am QUA
>I am Que
I believe.
You assume that Trump dogwhistling with "q proofs" means that either he or "q team" have actual good intentions in mind. That is a naïve assumption to make when its been 4 years and no proof of such has been provided.
more than a demented boomer rambling on twitter
Dunno who you're tryna fool Rabbi.
Sorry but just because I don't trust the plan doesn't make me a schizo.
But hey, always accuse your opponents of that which you are doing right?
Proofs does not mean results.
What do you retards not understand about this?
Proofs all damn day long don't mean indictments get unsealed or a podesta is sentenced to death.
Can some user provide me with the Obama infographic where it shows all the evil shit he did? Executive orders for psychological experimentation on the public, wars, etc ... Trying to redpill a normie. Sorry for being a faggot and not saving it. Will post rare pepe for you.
I don't care about intentions, I care about whether it's fun or not.
This to be honest with you my family member.
Wasn’t Q supposed to arrest HANX? This is retarded
I have never seen the rumored neckbear. I have heard many chilling stories about them. Post pics plox.
>Proofs does not mean results.
>What do you retards not understand about this?
What proofs mean is that this psyop (and yes, Q is a psyop) is conducted by people in close proximity to the president. I agree that without big actions, I'm averse to believing that Q is nothing more than an attempt to keep his base aligned during tough times. But Q is most definitely real and close to Trump if not Trump himself. That is a mathematical certainty at this point.
Now, with that said, give me the shill mental gymnastics you're using to get out of that one. I'll wait.
just as sheepish as the left
I was supposed to arrest you.
Hands up hands up
JFK gravesite? From above?
As above so below.
No it was never said.
He did say that Hillary was gonna be arrested, indictments would be unsealed, etc.
i would also like proof of the neckbear
Listen to this user: Q's goodwill is a legitimate concern. The "how long until mathematical impossibility" argument is stronger every day, but it does not imply that Q couldn't very well be a demotivational "all is good, Captain America is real trust me guyz" psyop... or something even more sinister.
I'd say these "winks" don't work anymore. We need stronger proofs and actions.
Whatever Qtards say, the opposite is true.
Therefore Trump is not Q.
like the whole world sheltering in place?
We all know the Cabal exists, but everyone has a hard time accepting whether Q exists.
If Q is legit, then he and Trump are our best bet at defeating the Cabal. And all you have to do is post some dank memes and vote for him in 2020.
If Q is a psyop then were fucked, which is nothing new.
FPBP. Until something is actually fucking done, Q will remain as a psyop to keep Trump supporters docile.
Jared Kushner is Q
>What will it take for you to Trust the Plan, Yas Forums?
a lobotomy
I dont doubt the link. Just starting to doubt the sincerity.
yes its true i swear. trust me
I believe it's a psyop. There is no other logical path. If you look at how pointless Q has been, this is the only logical explanation.
Q is a pacifier for the naive on the right.
Right- wing populism has been growing for a decade and is only getting stronger.
People still act like jews don't fucking choose the candidates or something.
Or that Hillary and Trump aren't cousins.
Or that all but 1 of the US presidents are related.
it's just a fucking charade. just like the hysteria generated by the media.
im yelling TIMBER!
Anyone? I know one of you fags has it, or multiples. Also something is up with Q way too many coincidences and the amount of shilling is indicicatve that people are scared.
Hanx show Anx
Show his fucking ankles
running short on meds?
Then that would Quadruple the fact trump is just as retarded as his braindead supporters
Meds. Schizo. Boomer. MIGA. Qtard. Drumpf
ah the majestic neckbear, its interesting to note that all three neckbears are alpha males yet somehow tolerate one another
He is Q he just doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about.
That's a nice image. Would you mind if I saved it?
The fact that there is absolutely nothing being done to make me want to trust his plan. If Q is real, then his plan is to string along gullible types and make them think that he will actually do something.
i.e. the movement is fucking fake.
Q = L
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>asking the wrong people
Shills will see this and be like, yeah but it’s just a coincidence
> I am a great friend and admirer of Lizardbitch II
> Prince Harry is living in America
Both of these are seditious. There is no way America should tolerate having a fucking Saxe Coburg Gotha in America. Harry should be executed as an enemy of the state.
i insist that you do
Trump is Chi Long Qua?? Based you guys
>t. faggot
Only weak people care about muh "alpha male"
Namefags get the rope. Go back
This. FPBP /thread
stop taking pictures of me in my office user
Mmmm lloookkkiiinnnn like a doublewide surprise
Holy fuck! Real neckbears, I wonder what their diet consists of? The corpses of commie chink scum? Someone enlighten plax. ALSO CAN SOMEONE POST THE FUCKING INFOGRAPHIC WITH OBAMA AND ALL THE RIDICULOUS EVIL SHIT HE DID IN OFFICE. I'm a total faggot and didn't save it. Fuck sake anons.
beta male detected
Fp absolutely based post. /thread.
Reply with your own cool code name. I am now Captain K.
When has life ever been that easy user
onset of schisophrenia