Independence of Southern Romania

Thread for discussion on independence of Southern Romania (Greater Wallachia + Dobroujea).

Who else is tired of this dirty german president and his dog mongol PM? Who else is longing for independence of Southern Romania? Or at least for the country to decentralize the power towards the historical regions and enable more pariticpatory elements in our democracy.
Let's face it. The CIA & Soros foundation have slowly subverted key institutions in our country and have replaced the leaders with ethnic magyars or transylvanians. The heads of secret services, head of FISC, president, PM, the anti-corruption direction all have magyars or ethnic transylvanians who graduated the same University from Cluj. Cluj - the hot spot of homosexual propaganda in Romania. Now they have their own party. They won't ever stop crushing us romanians.
We have the biggest GDP in Romania and Bucharest has the GDP per capita of Madrid. Imagine what we could accomplish without these fucking scums. Why do we have to carry the weight of the lazy magyar gypsies?

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Based, Vlad Draculesti for national idol of Greater Vlachia

Thanks brother. We are the orthodox greco-roman world. We shall rise again.

chiar crezi ca asta o sa rezolve ceva?

What do you Romanians think of Moldova, do you think of them like we with Cyprus, like brothers or are they completely on their own?

I see them as brothers, I'm fine with Moldo-Wallachia union.
I have a problem with transylvanians, both people and leaders. This independence idea is a reaction to their local patriotism and nepotism. I'm just getting tired of being ripped of by transylvanians and them dictating every policy of this country. They align themselves with the extreme western values, think of themselves as multi-cultural and impose every single one of their ideas unto all of us.

they always have to be the tolerant ones. accepting gypsy culture, accepting magyars, germans, homosexuals, migrants, feminism. and ofc, Wallachia has to pay for it. incidentally, every decision they take lies most heavily on Southern Romania. they hate us and moldovans for not being complete faggots.

nagila hava
nagila venis mecha

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seethe more faggot, im from Wallachia and i dont want this

romania is a wallachian project.
it's basically wallachian imperialism.
without wallachians, the moldoslavs and the erdelyniggers would be second class slaves of other countries.
>The symbol was adopted from the Hindu by the jews from the spiritual symbol Anahata

good luck

Good luck Romania bro. I couldn't stand having a kraut as president either.

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The angles between the spikes are smaller, it's not a Star of David/Seal of Solomon.

Thanks bro! Top picture.

I fully support your ideea, We Transylvanians want autonomy more than everybody else in this country.

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>Independence of Southern Romania
What insanity is this?

>We have the biggest GDP in Romania and Bucharest has the GDP per capita of Madrid
Because we are a centralised country, that means that all our taxes, and big business headquarters must go to Bucharest

>What do you Romanians think of Moldova,
They think they're stupid and uneducated but Moldavian are whiter on average, have less gypsies and the whole education system in Romania is a mess with 40% functional illiteracy, so that point is moot as well.

& btw is that a crow?

transylvania is rightful hungarian clay gypo

I was about to say that.
In this equation the biggest losers are Moldavia and Wallachia.

it's a raven

>GDP per capita of Madrid
Yes the the wages are shit so a few people getting rich big time over there.
A bigger crow then.

>1 paragraph in it already talks about judaism
christkeks are on massive cope mode again

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a bigger and smarter crow.
can't say the same about your mother regarding smartness.

>the symbol doesn't have jewish origins
>it said jew!
>ha ha it's jewish!

>your mother regarding smartness
My mother has nothing to do with this.

she birthed a genetic abomination.

>Crow hold in it's beak symbols of religion ascribed by the same color, a dark reddish color: the cross for Christianity and the star of David for the jews


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>Greater Wallachia
Are Diaspora Walalchians welcome? I can do a DNA test.

>Are Diaspora Walalchians welcome?
it depends on why you left.

Nice argument there.
What's with the vitriol and the bile you troglodyte?

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>calls me a troglodyte
yeah, he mad.

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We'll do the DNA test where we compare my DNA on my cock with the DNA on your tongue.
No I'm not.

I agree, this was you last great leader...

Romania was betrayed

He chased down Codreanu and the gang.


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>it depends on why you left.
Mother's side are Wallachian from Northern Greece that become highlanders in Poland. We had to leave because communists won WWII and the jewish communists burned down barns and harassed us. I don't like how jewish the USA is.

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>Mother's side are Wallachian from Northern Greece
you mean aromanians? every eastern romance speaker is welcomed. do you speak it?

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If you're a mutt fag or drug addict then don't leave the US.

>Wallachian from Northern Greece that become highlanders in Poland

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Sugi pula de bozgor ce ești.

Fuck me from being from a family of nomadic sheep herders, right?
>do you speak it?
I speak Goral. Give me enough alcohol and I'll speak your language fluently instantly.

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Viktor Orban seizes power in Hungary.
What should we do about it?

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Hungary offered Romania into V4. I say we form anti-Cygany peace treaty and push them all into Germany.

Fuck V4 we don't want to be together with those loosers

Wallachia should stay Wallachian. Hungary should stay Hungarian. Poland should stay Poland. Czechs and Slovaks should stay Czechs and Slovaks.

This means expelling gypsies and making sure we don't take in Syrian and Turkish trash. Political blocs are good for making this happen.

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>biggest gypsy shithole regions of Romania
>wanting to be independent
Nothing of value will be lost and Transilvany and Moldavia could live much better without you

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Shithole, yet your dad begs here and your mom is fucking for a cheap price in Red Light District and during weekends you can see her on the highway.

Romania has the best internet. That's something, right?

Cygan are not Wallach. When I am done, they will be exclusively a Western European problem.

Romanians are so based

I support this. Let there be a Wallachia, a Moldova and an Erdély.

It was an offer given only because it was fully expected to be rejected. I would gladly explain the geopolitics but seeing you're a mutt it would be just a waste of time

>let me tell you about your countries

>your dad begs here and your mom is fucking for a cheap price in Red Light District and during weekends you can see her on the highway
you have a vivid imagination.
or are you projecting your childhood memories?


romania has the c4.
suck on that.