China SAVES New York!

A plane from Shanghai arrived at JFK in New York Sunday morning carrying an extraordinary load: 12 million gloves, 130,000 N-95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units, and 36,000 thermometers.

How are you going to thank based China?

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We New Yorkers are tough and resilient people. When the goin gets tough you bet your bottom dollar were on the front lines taking it head on. Thanks to China for the help, it won't be forgotten. I hope Donald Trump receives a shotgun blast to the face.

130 000 faulty n95 masks that are probably made out of asbestose

you fucking retards built this golem with your globalist kikery, now you have deal with it attacking

toll status: payment in progress

All the gloves and masks are infected.
But thanks, China.
NYC is a blight on our country and needs to be wiped out.


Fuck China, we need to embargo these cunt eyed fucks for spreading this virus.

so what is our favorite propaganda outlet omitting. probably that china didn't give them to NYC for free, probably that reps from the Trump admin had to beg and plead for those items to go here and not elsewhere, and probably that the federal government paid for them.

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China is like an arsonist showing up to a forest fire it created dressed like superman and carrying a bucket of water

This post reminds me of the end of this scene

"You mess with spidey, you mess with all of New York"

I hate this fake idea that NYers are tough.

>inb4 only 3% of the goods works as advertised


Trump said yesterday New York was hoarding and or selling all of ppes.

Cuomo literally hid thousands of ventilators from you and you're mad at Trump? Only a liberal could be so retarded

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Funny how china is so generous yet all their shit turns out faulty and contaminated...

>China lies about the virus spread for weeks until it is uncontrollable.
>VPNs from sweden that its saving NYC from a problem it created

Ching chong chan chin poo

Lmao doesn't none of their shit work? Fuck this trojan horse, sink the plane in the Atlantic

China lied, people died. These fucks ran all over the West and brought up our shit to use and resell to us

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CHing Chong Wu FLu is China fault, fuck china , fuck it right in the ear hole

he also implied that somebody was stealing it lmfao

Ok, and the non faulty products? What about those?

Try zero percent. I get the feeling those swarmy fuckers coofed into the masks we sent them, and then sent them back to us for a price.

Plot twist: most of the supplies are duds.

Pox blankets to keep them warm.

Thank those filthy chinks by nuking a few of their cities and barring them from international travel. Filthy bastards brought and spread this shit, never forget.

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>chinks do whatever to save their countrymen
>this is bad

Lol you globe homo shill, they produce faulty goods and bought our higher quality under the guise all is well. Fuck off lol

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There ain't no one tougher on this Earth than a New Yorker.

lol bullshit

hehe i thought that was a picture of a jello cube
i like jello

New York was tough when it was a bunch of micks and wops fighting in the streets. Now they're just obese Puerto Ricans obeying every law the government throws at them.

China didnt save shit, china wouldnt exist if it wasnt for being handed everything by america. I'll shoot a chink in a few days to repay them. Best thing about random murders is you never get caught unless ur completely retarded.

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I remember when Italians and Swiss threw a fit here on Yas Forums because our authorities seized shipment from China.

You see what happens? You see what happens when you let strangers fuck you in the ass?

Don't need to waste nukes, just take out the three gorges damn, and every foxconn and huawei factory.

Get fucked New York

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The fact we are trusting these masks to not be contaminated really fucking bothers me.

Chinks are the new JIDF on this board.

The CCP is dying under the weight of its own horrific cruelty and corruption. Join the resistance to tyranny and restore the greatness of your civilization.

Except literally every other citizen of any 3rd world city anywhere

Nice of them to "donate" the supplies that they stole from us in January

Race don't matter, Being a New Yorker is a mentality. It's about doin what needs to be done when it's most important. It's about helpin those that are less fortunate and in need. It's about waking up in the morning when you can't even bring yourself to crawl out of bed but you do it anyways because you got people at home that depend on you. Were New York tough, they don't make em like us anymore...

>coof coof
>here's your masks
>coof coof

Prolly all defective.

they better all work.

>12 million gloves, 130,000 N-95 masks, 1.7 million surgical masks, 50,000 gowns, 130,000 hand sanitizer units, and 36,000 thermometers
and none of them work

>36,000 thermometers

thanks chinkscum

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better sniff check those thermometers just to be sure too.

Actual NYer here I lost count the amount of times on a train where a nigger starts a fight with someone and everyone else puts their head down pretending nothing is happening. The only time NYers are "tough" is when they are anonymous on social media when they try to destroy some white person's life over a viral "racist" video.

>america is literally a third world shithole that needs medical aid from china
lmao I'm loving this, this virus has exposed so much rot underneath the surface of this country, hope it burns

Whoops, your nose is showing!

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WTF NYC, Send the smallpox blankets back

They're probably all sabotaged and defective. Possibly even purposely contaminated with covid or other diseases.

And none of them work at all. Imagine thinking the chinks are on our side lmfao.


Stop larping as the c&c bulldozer with your I'll build anywhere bullshit. New york is the epitome of hypercapatlism where greed is not only good but it is also life. Williamsburg street fashions taught me all about you tough sardine can dwellers.

>It's about helpin those that are less fortunate and in need.
Unless they live upstate, then they can go fuck themselves, because we New Yorkers demand all funding and political representation, the rest of the state be damned, and if you try to reduce either our funding or strangle hold on politics, we'll cry like little bitches, NYC strong!

New Yorkers have not been tough for decades. It's all bluster.

Every single item is infected or defect.

>130 000 faulty n95 masks that are probably made out of asbestose
and toilet paper before beeing shipped

Holland just burned I think it was 600k masks from china as they were unusable for said reasons. Skidmarks on all of them

These are contaminated and will get us sick

thanks china

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