How do you cope with the fact your own mother has killed an unborn child? To her it is nothing and her conscience is clear. She is just totally swayed by the morals society tells her to have. But to me this is similar to if she just killed a baby. Which if that was the case I would reprimand her and probably never speak to her again
Found out my mom had an abortion
Who is this person and why do people keep posting him
That's your mom still bro. You only get one. Tread lightly and dont fuck it up to the point that after your mom dies you kick yourself in the ass over stupid shit you said to her.
>too bad she didn't have a 2nd one
it's iCuckzzz
dont you wish you were the abortion
Youtuber being talked about rn for being a cuck
You are the last straw. Any canada poster I see i'm not going to read
just be lucky you don't have a half nigger brother floating around amerianon
I don't know how I'd react. I'd be pretty demoralized by it. But I did forgive her for mutilating my penis. Kind of.
yes i would love her even more and she would be very based yor having done that
>TFW I was born even though it almost killed my mother
>TFW my friend would've been aborted if his parents weren't talked out of it by based conservative grandparents
>TFW literally wouldn't exist if Jews got their way
>TFW 100000s of mes are aborted by brainwashed roasties every year whilst millions of Obongos and Achmeds are shat into this world
Fuck abortion, fuck white abortion.
>a baby
Your mom killed your sibling. Your brother or your sister.
What the fuck would you do if your mom killed a baby, just pretend it didn't happen because she's your mom?!
Aahahaha, classic e-celeb.
i know
>pimps out his gf
I thought a simp is someone who throws cash at these cam whores, if anything that would make him a pimp.
Post her feet.
i agree with your sentiment. i propose an experiment. cut off ties with your mother, and disprove my hypothesis that less than two years from now you will write a reddit post asking how to mend your relationship with your mother. my next prediction is five years later you will write a reflective essay on the experience and shove it up your ass
>used to criticise other YouTubers for their dodgy behavior in an edgy way. Destroyed Leafys career.
>used to make edgy humor videos with Filthy Frank (Joji) and Maxmoefoe
>everyone thought he was based
>turns out to be a cuckold
Was it you? I hope it was.
My mum may have cheated on my dad, gotten pregnant and had an abortion from what i pieced together.
I just accept boomers were the height of degeneracy. Given everything and sold it all out for hedonism. We'll be better.
idubbz, he’s an eceleb that at least used to be funny. now he’s very literally a cuck (his girlfriend does porn)
Don't worry OP, you're better of not having a mixed race half black brother / sister
*though ill add she's still my mother and i love her. She always did right by me and it's unhealthy to resent your parents. They make mistakes but an adult doesn't blame them, they just try not to make the same ones. In time we'll all make our own.
thank you abortion
I grew up as a foster child. My foster family became my real family. They have two biological kids. Our father passed away unfortunately. One night my mother was drinking and it was just me. She spilled the beans when we talked about abortion about how there would have been a middle child.
Kills me to this day. I'm sworn to secrecy. A third child of theirs would have kicked ass just like the other two. She has no remorse.
Sealed my opinion on it.
How are you this retarded?
At what age does a baby develop consciousness or awareness? It isn't really a human being until it does.
>im not going to speak to my mom because she had an abortion
Fucking lol grow up.
hey abortion
you know that if your mom had kept that other kid he would have achieve more in his life then you
ask your mom if you were a mistake and look in her eyes the sadness
I don't really care.
I'm just glad I'm alive, and anyways I stopped talking to my parents in 1992
Do you have any other brothers or sisters?
Imagine she killed them.
Now, do not forget forgiveness. That certainly doesn't mean give it out freely, but should she show remorse and change her ways, you should never give up on family.
That being said, where was your pop in all this?
>No father
>Unremorseful mother
Nigger detected.
You're moms a slut. That rules. I bet she let tons of dudes dump loads in her before she finally had to hit up the clinic and feel like a real feminist.
Niggerfaggot turns out to be a cuck?
It's like nothing he says can be taken seriously anymore.
I'm sorry user, having a killer as a mother must be bad.
Please, report her to the police so that she may pay for her crimes, and then forget about it.
I found out 4 weeks ago my mom killed a baby,
tell her she needs to get right with Jesus, then you have to forgive her and pray for her, there is nothing else you can do. dont ruin your relationship with her. but also if your living with her move out.
My father died when I was young. I'm white
A pimp has control of his ho, not the other way around. iCuckzz is very clearly the one capitulating to his woman's desire to be an attention whore. This makes him a cuck, and the beta in the relationship, not a pimp.
Is your mom (((one of them)))?
It's common for everyone here to get their dick cut up. Mine was and i'm not jewish at all. People are seriously retards, they fell for the hygiene bullshit
my grandma got multiple abortions despite my grandad wanting more kids
in some world where women were beat i would have 6 more cousins at least
Lol Christcuck faggot.
Your mum killed a healthy white baby but it’s okay. Just pray to a Jew and she‘s forgiven.
It’s only common here with boomers. I guess people developed some common sense after that.
well, she already gave birth to a failure of a human being who spends their time questioning their existence on a mongolian basketweaving forum, for starters.
literally who, who and who?
She didnt kill a baby.
She aborted a pile of cells that didnt even developed a heart or a brain.
idubbbz, youtuber
Are you twelve? I doubt abortion was common back when most users of this site were conceived.
>She has no remorse
OK, roastie
Just use a condom or better yet don't have sex with people who you don't want to have children with
I get why him and Chad don't get along a lot better now. I thought it was weird because they seemed similar. Turns out Idubbbz is a feminist cuckold.
Same. I almost got yeeted too so my mom could do meth
My mom and dad tried to abort me. When I found out the scars on my body weren't from a stove accident, and their years of abuse were resentment the Church made them keep me, I divorced them and published the dirty laundry.
Now they're far left radicals on social security and pariahs in the community.
Not your problem
>My mom and dad tried to abort me. When I found out the scars on my body weren't from a stove accident
did they try a coat hanger by themselves?
remind her of it when you stick her in a nursing home and leave her never to come back.
i don't know about you, but i never associate with psychopathic murderers. just a personal preference, i guess.
She didnt. She had 6 kids. I hate her for a hundred other reasons though.
I don't either, i worry that dropping my mother will fuck me up though. probably woudl more if i keep her in my life
>How do you cope with the fact your own mother has killed an unborn child?
Even weirder is the fact that she killed your brother/sister. That's a rough one.
My mom had two miscarriages (hopefully she isn't lying and they weren't actually abortions) before me, also weird feels.
I feel you man, not quite the same but growing up with a single mom who at one point dated a black guy and every time there was a black guy on TV she'd point him out and talk about how sexy he was.
Having a retarded degenerate whore for a mother, or any kind of parent or grand parent. It can be devastating as reality hits you in the face. Did she get molested by a while male who was in a father figure like position as a child or otherwise abused? Mine did, 99% sure that and her turbulent upbringing from her boomer mom (moving around, being exposed to drugs, and going back and forth between cults, druggies, and other shit) was what fucked her up. It's our generation's job to end half a century (or more) of degeneracy, abuse, and neglect by providing for our own children the kind of appreciation for ourselves, our ancestors, and the role we play in the great scheme of things. To be loving but guiding parents. To make the tough but morally right choices and to live with the consequences of our actions and not dump them off on others. To push back against the bullshit.
You need to avenge the death of your sibling, the honor of the family is at stake.
Salt acid in the womb. Done before partial birth abortion was a thing.
Story my aunts and uncles said was they all found I wasn't dead in the womb, news spread in Church and community and they pressured them to keep me.
I have no regrets divorcing or publishing what they did. They did this to themselves and to me; if someone's gonna dance, they gotta pay the Piper.
I honestly wish my mother had aborted me. Poor people shouldn't have kids.
Try a counter argument next time.
Protip: you cant.
>honor killings
Muhammad please. The way OP should fight back against his whore of a mother, have as many healthy kids as he can with a good woman, live a good life, be a good father, and provide a proper stable childhood and base for his kids to prosper.
>unconditionally love your mother
>Salt acid in the womb
i don't understand
Unborn child is a tumor.