Virus emerges

>virus emerges
>Yas Forums says this is some serious fucking shit
>normies laugh it off
>cases surge, shit starts to get worse
>normies finally take it seriously
>Yas Forums now says that the virus was never real and is just a leftist conspiracy


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Other urls found in this thread:

kek,its just the flu

gas the chinks rice war now

>Yas Forums is one person

bro it's just a flu

>hahaha stupid happener prepper
Two months later
>holy shit they where right stay home people!

they never have to be wrong if they play both sides. that's who you're listening to here most of the time. 0 knowledge. 0 morals. smug ignorance.

Pol might as well be one person the way it flips its script like a bi polar bitch with schizophrenia

The Kung Flu looked really scary at first, and now after look at more numbers and data it looks far less dangerous.
We're just always a few weeks ahead of the normies.
If Yas Forums is saying "Just the flu bro" now then the normies will start saying it in a few weeks.
We're just a little ahead of that flattening curve.

you realize pol is saying that from their shelters to take revenge

Yas Forums has no real principles beyond sheer contrarianism.

Lmao you people are retarded.
Enjoy perpetual pneumonia, lardass
Your healthcare system will break under the billions of niggers, your US vs THEM politics will prevent proper solutions and racial strife will transform into widespread violence.
A house divided against itself cannot stand

I noticed that too. It's obvious that Americans tried to make China look bad and are now backpedaling, because America is getting anal raped.

Pretty much this.
Having your opinion on something change based in the emergence of new information isn't hypocrisy. It's basic fucking intelligence. Shutting out new information because it contradicts what some kike told you in the first place is retarded.

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I thoguht it was just a "haox' too.

then I received a work e-mail this morning of families contracting the flu, one father even died... this shit aint a joke.

Isn't there only about 5 Italians left in the world at this point?

I'm the jokie baby


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Yes I'm the last of my people heed my warnings or suffer the same fate

This guy gets it. This is the beginning of the end. The cities will become death traps and the niggers, spics, wops, and various other sorts of mystery meat will try to move out into the suburbs and rural areas for looting and what not and the weak faggot jew lackey pigs will make it a priority to make sure the evil White supremacist terrorists don't defend themselves. All )))we((( can do is try at this point is organize self defense forces and neighborhood militias and hope for the best.

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>must subvert Jew by doing opposite of everything anyone tells us to do

how is anything on this site remotely "empirical"

My cousin at Nintendo told me 2 more weeks.

Rely on news from China from Virus, get worried. Virus gets to US realize no one is sick or dying get skeptical. Realize all a scam and 90% of media and government need to be shot. That how it happened for me.

more like this
>virus is real
>Yas Forums sounds alarm
>nobody listens
>it happens
>Yas Forums realizes economic damage is worse than what the virus could potential do
this is what is happening

Also, when something is habbening in super secret oriental chyna with only tidbits of shakey webm’s to go on, things seem way scarier than when it lands here and just kind of drops diabetic puerto ricans.

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It's buttmad Trumptards upset the Orange Israeli fucked up

I believe the opposite of what MSM tells me, until proven otherwise

Operation north woods
Operation big buzz
Operation large surface area

Doesn't stop any of you reading this from lumping all minorities into a monolithic group.

Why can't I treat you the same way?

Oh boy I can't wait. It's what I've been praying for for years now.

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Not an argument.
show me empirical proof that coronavirus is more deadly than the common cold.
Oh that's right. You can't. Because calls for such studies were rejected in favor of sensationalism and "better safe than sorry" bullshit.
And honestly even if the worst case scenario were 100% true. Hell, even if this thing were guaranteed to wipe out half the world's population. I'll take that fucking coin flip before I'd willingly surrender my basic human rights to all this lockdown bullshit. And anyone who wouldn't is a fucking pussy that deserves to die.

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It's real, but its just a cold.

Dude there was outright panic and complete retardation going on in the early stages. People were doomsaying and believing the literal fanfiction that was being spewed in /cvg/ as gospel

I agree with your statement, but if you think pol are reasonable cold rational calculators who carefully weigh each piece of information you are very badly mistaken

/pol will always be opposite of the status quo. when the status quo was christian, poltards were autistic fedora edgy atheist.

atheism "do whatever you want as long as you dont hurt anyone" ideology is status quo?

Poltards become christians

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Hey, I like you OP. You tell it like it is, you don't care that /pol is nothing more than a loose aggregate of often conflicting opinions under constant besigement from seething transexuals, mental feather weights seeking to promote communism, angry mooslims from war torn goat fucking countries, conniving jews, etc etc. No, you cut right through the bullshit and call it black and white. What an amazing heuristic feat, to be able so aptly render the situation into a mere few parsed words. My hat sir, it goes off to you. Just make sure to practice social distancing, you're so edgy other 15 yr olds are liable to be cut to ribbons by your passing!

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Pic is the exact kind of retard id expect to browse here

Theyre no different than a chapo trap house follower, different side of the same coin

Yas Forums never doubted the potential for economic damage. It just never realized governments would be so dumb to act so late and aggressively as to destroy the global economy

Newfags, newfagging. Kys op.


Maga NPCs be like

>trump said that the social distancing and quarantine must end and we should be able to pack the churches by Easter! This whole thing is a joke we must save the economy

Trump releases video saying the social distancing must continue through April

>we must keep social distancing through April our king has spoken


wanna send that to the kid who just lost his dad? he died suffocating.

>Maga NPCs
You mean Qoomers. They're refugees from the closing of 8ch who never fucking left when 8kun went up. Most of Yas Forums hates them too. They aren't representative.

>get called out
>double down

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Mom it's just the flu are fucking seruious like OMG.

>mom dies

OMG mom omg mom!?

>stupid fucking normies

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Social distancing is for Faggot queers like you that can't stop sucking off their gay dads

Did I trigger the Maga npc?

>normies take it seriously
not really, I went for a walk yesterday and there were a ton of people out and about.

Just everywhere is closed so people are more concentrated on trails and open spaces, which is hilarious.

That's because the Yas Forumsfags and the shills are warring over whose right.. i look at it like this.. Yas Forums is always right because Yas Forums is a Schizo with manic depression and Multiple personality disorder. Essentially Yas Forums is precisely like a woman.. it claims it knows and then changes it's mind seventeen or so times before something happens.


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The economic damage is coming either way
Not locking down will make it worse

All the real Italians emigrated to the US 100s of years ago.

I notified discord mate, sorry your honeypot will be shut down

What does the Economy mean to the poor? Nothing the Economy means something to the Rich because the rich invest while the poor scrap by.

>Corona killing a bunch of healthy and young people all over the world, even those without previous conditions
>spreading exponentially even with the lockdown precautions
>every major health agency in the world telling people to take various preventative measures and take it seriously
>numbers are probably underreported
>lmao its just a cold bro

I remember when this started and everyone was “huurr the flu kills 6 gorillion a year”, even though it was January. Now it’s almost April, everything is at the brink of collapse, and retards like you keep braying about “muh freedom” and “muh flu”. top zoz, implying you had any freedom before, fatty. You’re gonna stay put like the rest and never leave home (exactly how you’ve been doing all your life, don’t pretend otherwise)

>cases surge because the US took the lead in numbers of tests administered
>number of cases rises relative to the number of deaths
>mortality rate is in the shitter now and close to 1/10th the common flu thanks to an increase in the rate of testing

FTFY, you dumb shill faggot

That's not empirical proof. Do you not know what empiricism is? Do you not understand why it's important and what role it plays in the foundation of knowledge? Are there actually this many retarded people in this world?

remember those Wuhan videos of people yelling from high rises that Yas Forums presented with dire commentaries?


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No, locking down makes it worse.

>Hurr businesses losing 95% of their customers due to lockdown will not make it worse durrrrr

It's Reddit miga shills.

only glowniggers say miga, glownigger.