Eurobro only thread. We must unite and defend our lands from the hordes

Eurobro only thread. We must unite and defend our lands from the hordes

no shitskins, no chinks, no poos, no noses, no niggers, no roaches, and definitely no fucking jannies

sacred guests:
kangaroo shitposters

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Other urls found in this thread:

Based thread, bump for brotherhood and victory

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How is your country handling the Kung Flu?

Salam Alaikum Eurobros I'm just here to ruin this

incredibly based. fuck niggers

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>no shitskins
>no shitskins
>no shitskins

fuck off ahmed

Human is fish and Islam is water
So come to water and be relax

go catch AIDS from a goat and die faggot

Shut the fuck up shitskin.Go back to your country


Absolutely based.
This is now a European culture thread. Dump books and art pieces that every european should know and appreciate. I'll start with an art piece and a book. Pic related.
The book I want to talk about is a pillar of french culture and humour, as well as a good novel to learn how things got around in the 18th century, I of course want to talk about The 3 Musketeers. It was written by a man named Alexandre Dumas. Pretty good novel, subtile humour, nice story, and the historical setting is described simply, yet the narrator makes you understand complex things without having to write 30 pages. It's a must-have in any European-reader's library.

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>Shut the fuck up shitskin
Ironic, coming from a southron. Go back to africa

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You can still get those feels in same old Africa, but why bother?

Fuck you shill, you will not derail this thread.

I'll pick up a copy after the lockdown, thanks Frog bro..

I'm here

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Go away narbonnoid subhuman

Fuck off, shlomo. How about you disconnect from your JIDF terminal and suck some jew penises instead of shilling like a subhuman.

Make babies anons, make babies!

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Howya garn eurocunts?

Based Polak bro

>defending southrons
I wonder who could be behind this post

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Australia is 100% admitted in europe, you are basically an anglo far from his original island.

what did he mean by this?

>We must unite and defend our lands from the hordes
Never going to happen.

Fuck off, kike.

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Thanks for sharing user. I need to learn more French culture so I'll definitely look into this.

Show flag, otherwise go away shill

The based shitcunt has arrived.
What's the weather like down there? How are you handling Chink flu?

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Btw the hordes are integrated and tatarlar are native europeans

Yes he was a nigger, I know that. He was a nigger from Haiti. He was teached by the French our culture and he wrote some good stuff despite being a nigger. Also what the fuck does some amerimuttoid movie has to do with Alexandre Dumas? Fucking mongoloid.

Post architecture, art, food, inspiring people and events.

Pic is graveyard entrance in Zagreb

and this is music by Croatian composer (he and Haydn were close friends, they would send each other their works before they were performed)

Listen to this, hope you like it:

Attached: Entrance-to-Mirogoj-Cemetery-Zagreb-Croatia.jpg (3964x2569, 3.38M)

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Hows the day mate?
One day eurovision will be ours, lad.


Rough translation from Aussie to English: How are you doing Euro cunts (vaginas).

Croat Turk slayer border guard, painting by french bro

Attached: Louis Gallet (1810–1887) Sentinel, the Croat - oil on canvas 1854.jpg (1626x2500, 2.97M)

I'm not talking about Gayvision, I'm talking about uniting with your people once more; that is, cleansing Australia of all the scum and making sure you can come and go in Europe as you please.


Thanks mate. I've been looking for this image ever since I Iost it.

uh, you're welcome

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that's a nice fucking mustache

Chop Fluey spreading at what seems to be a comparable rate to other countries. Hasn’t hit too many outside of city centres. Good thing the average bruce has a natural aversion to the yellow menace.

Better version, based

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meds never were naturally racist against nords. the problem is when nords start imagining meds as an interbred race between themselves and niggers, and not their sister race. and what's more, despite genetics proving meds are purer europeans than nords.

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stop listing to vargtards, they don't represent actually nords

This symphony is beautiful! Croatia truly is a pillar of European culture.

>nords thinks about meds as an interbred race between themselves and niggers
Implying that's not the case. Why were ancient romans blonde and blue eyed, while you look like mulattos?

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I'm phoneposting on the couch with our one year old boy sleeping on my chest. Seeing that gif reminded me of the first few weeks after he has born, so much happiness despite the sleepless nights and fear of fucking up. Eurobros, go have lots of white children.

please let us join your club

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Don't try to get racial tensions up, kike.
Meds and Nords are both brothers of the same continent; uniting is necessary, and it is easier for us because we know each-other better than anyone else. Fuck you.

sorry this thread doesn't have room for LOSERS. Fix your attitude, just because you're letting millions of muslim shits into your country doesn't mean you should give up. REVERSE IT

hordes cannot integrate by definition

that's a cozy pic, thanks for sharing

no temptations to in-fighting allowed user. No more brother wars

I'm sorry amerinon, you technically aren't european anymore.

Am I allowed on this comfy thread?

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Deleting your post because you are a coward. Southron filth
Yes, listen to civic nationalist cucks like this idiot. They totally represent the cream of the crop of the Nordic race

Heh, it's always a memeflag...

I love the Polish and Poland. You have one of the most epic history of all.

I love nords
I love meds
I love slavs
I love celts
I love balts
I love ancient europeans
I love mix of these

I hate anyone and anything that divides us
I hate anyone and anything that works against us or is not good for all us

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If you aren't a gypsy then yes.


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I'm no brother to shit eyed subhumans.
Speak for yourself brown filth

Always remember.

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varg didn't invent the interbred theory. it tracks back to the beginning of the german romanticism, e.g. w. von humboldt. it was never popular among you englishmen because of your scientific-empiricist mindset. but in germany thousand of pages have been written to "demonstrate" some sort of a "special kinship" between the ancient greeks and the germans.

>No more brother wars

Attached: Ya+hafta+go+baaaack+_77013590c79ab4ac689b6ad800837fd8.jpg (960x960, 134.74K)

Hello, based department.

Ofcourse bro, unless you are a jew or gypo

Attached: Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburgsky (1838-1898) Capture of Grivitsa strongpoint near Plevna by Romanians on 30th August 1877.jpg (1600x923, 201.43K)

>Romanian when doing bad things in the West
>Gypsy when not

>basing race on eyes
LMAO. You clearly are a complexed kike with black eyes. You don't belong in this thread. You belong with the other kikes, near your god, that is Satan, in hell. Fuck you.

responging with Ljubljana Žale graveyard enterance
By Slovenian architecht Jože Plečnik

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>I love mix of these

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Poles are based brothers

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I always differenciate races from their kiked counterparts. That is, I call gypsies gypsies because they clearly aren't romanian. I call some americans muttoids because they clearly are mixed low-IQ mutts. etc...

>I call gypsies gypsies because they clearly aren't romanian
Thank you for being based.


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Found the grabbler trying to sow dissent and get whites to infight with each other...

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sorry, amerimutts arent allowed unless you are 100% euro DNA.

yes but we are going to need to measure your nose first. Hold still

thank you based frog. I think about France's mirgrant problem often. I hope you are liberated from that mess soon enough

absolutely based

I forgot to add beavers to the list of sacred guests so you're good (provided you're actually white)

an actualy white supremacist wouldn't debase white advancement. Found the kike

Where are our Maghyar frens? I love the Hungarian parliament building, it's so comfy and nice.

>spergs out about his shit eyes
Called it. Fucking narbonnoids lmao

>oy vey goy you're not white!

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de Gobineau was right

Seconded, I have a one year old daughter and it's the greatest joy

>Gee, I wonder who could be behind this post
The Grabbler.

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I prefer this one, more accurate

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Ignore the memeflag anons. It clearly isn't from Europe or he would be proud of it.

I love pillars in architecture

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my parents both have brown eyes and I have green, guess they're not european but I suddently am

She will grow up to suck black cock. Nice achievement there, breeder



Greeks, italians and the likes kind of are poop skins though. I mean they're obviously better than arabs or indians and stuff but still

I'm mutt of Sarakatsan and Romanian.
>we are going to need to measure your nose first
My nose is big but not hooked. I have my foreskin on. Can I be honorary toilet cleaner?

saved. The OP one is more social media friendly (as that's where I found it)

Indeed. Here's a better version, so there are no misunderstandings.

Attached: o6j43j46jj6iu69ff698f6.jpg (2280x1142, 810.17K)

It is simple, really. When you compare pure Romanian genes with g*psy mutts. I was friend with a Romanian qt. She was blonde and had beautiful blue eyes. Once we were walking in my city together and we saw the must disgusting g*psy couple ever. Fat, loud, digusting. She clearly was disgusted and told me that those people that we call "romanians" are actually the old barbarians from the part of Ukraine that was controlled by the Polish Commonwealth, and that they were basically mixed niggers. She was very sweet and she used to call me "little wolf". You have beautiful women.

It means you had ancient Aryan ancestors before being raped by Arabs and niggers

Never fucking forget who the real niggers are

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He was like quarter nigger only. Same with Russia's Pushkin.

I cant see what they post anyway, since I installed it Im not missing a thing, much better experience in general.

Pic related is traditional summer fun here

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>my parents both have brown eyes

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Very few think like that today, the troll posts here are not serious. We had lots of meds come here for work many years ago and as always there was friction but that's in the past. I've travelled a lot in the south, especially Italy, and I have nothing bad to say about anything I've experienced. I've always been treated politely, even when I've been too drunk and didn't deserve it.

Needs more HDR

I have light-brown eyes with green contours. Very beautiful.

>pic related some gay activities homosexuals do for fun
gay ass niggas

I'm not a euro bro, but 100% of euro stock, roughly 80% nordic, 20% Anglo. Zero chunk, zero arab/Jew, and zero nig. Am I welcome Frens?

>shitalo-turkic rapebaby that praises brown eyed subhumans has to cope with a filter because reality is suffering for him
Do you also cover all mirrors in your home?

>Pic related
I hope this corona madness goes away by the end of spring...

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Dont ever let filthy fucking germs forget who they really are

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I do believe you are mostly right but it all depends on whether or not the first native European tribes had the brown color in their genetic spread which is extremely difficult to guarantee one way or the other at this point.
Every member of my family has blue eyes and has had blue eyes since we can trace back which is about 200 years. We can also trace our family lineage to the Scottish Highlands and furthermore all the way back to Scandinavia. So there must be something to that fact since our family tree was kept pure after all these years and NO brown eyes are present at all.

fuck off

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Based. Greeks are the grandfathers of European culture.

I agree, except Poles
they are subhuman low IQ stealers of work from the working class

QUIZ question!

Who wrote pic related

hint: his favorite music piece is

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No. Fix your country before it makes even more shit.

>I've always been treated politely,
Those fuckers probably spit in your drink and you still praise them. Never trust a southron you stupid swedecuck.

Can anyone tell me where pic related is from?

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Fuck off snowniggers

Me too, did you know the pillar started out as tree trunks placed upside down as pillars on the island of Crete by the ancient Minoans? They eventually built stone/ concrete mix pillars which were then produced in Greece before spreading to Rome and so on so forth.

>the narrator makes you understand complex things

Like what

Says the fag who hides behind his memeflag