Let's go boys
Reddit/lefty cringe thread
fake and gay
stay fucking furious cucked piece of shit
which one you posted this?
get some perspective seppo cunt
I was a mod of several of those subs, I lost my shit when they got taken down. My account got banned as well.
>hate subs
>subs I don’t agree with delete them now I want a echo chamber/safe space
Cocksuckers fuck every single one of those tranny fucks. The nigger that got me a 1 year IP ban was a British Arab tranny. I told him to kys and he reported me for terroristic death threats.
>This user has deleted their account.
Are there any good subs? My 1 year ban was extended, but I might try to get my account back. Had around 30k updoots. Would have a lot more if libcucks wouldn’t spam dislike everything. I’m shadow banned from posting in the biggest subs because I was outted as a national socialist
Jesus christ. Fucking autistic as.
I actually believe this much more than the "my child blah blah blah about Trump" stories. A grown adult male who cannot grown a bone for his wife is a faggot and this is entirely plausible.
Based user
What is the cure for such disorders? Beatings.
jesus christ
Shit like this proves that most of the “alt-right” is just faggots gaslighting each other on the internet into deeper levels of psychosis.
The white woman fears the backhand
>be gay dad
>try to act masculine to enforce your will on your “son”
>get called a faggot
Lmfao, poetry
He should shower more
>implying that isn't how shit's gotten done since the dawn of time
All he has to do is be himself and just walk up to her and ask for her number. My name is Chet I’m 6ft 175lbs and model part time. It works for me. You just got to have confidence
kek, this one always gets me even though it's gake and fay
>jump thru hoops to get a son as a gay dad
>society fights you every step of the way
>put in 15 years of work
>son calls you a fag
This sums up reddits knowledge of religion pretty well.
Control left does precisely the same, but they can’t meme so CTRL-left is shit.
eternal cucked
I don't have to beat my girlfriend often, but when I do, I follow the law set forth by our ancestors.
aint' this more humiliating, therefore sexier, for this deviant?
>British Arab tranny
Sounds like an apostate. Report him to his local mosque and see the sandniggers do the job themselves.
FWB? Huh? Cuck shit?
This post was my first and last trip to reddit. I couldn't believe what I was reading.
How much of a spineless cunt do you have to be to not call somebody out for leaving shit streaks everywhere?
Kill yourself. Fuck off and never come back.
>Leftist calling anyone a degenerate
> I'm 13
>30 plus
This must absolutely kill the roastie on the inside.
Many are legitimately delusional. I don't use that word lightly. But they really are on a whole other plane of reality. There's some conservatives like that but not as fanatical. I think your garden variety neo-Marxist has a very distorted worldview and doesn't appreciate current life.
holy shit post wall roasties made their own whore subreddit because they couldnt compete with your roasties
I told him his muslim brothers would kill him and he reported me and that combined with be being labeled a “nazi mod” who was banning commies spamming bbc porn got me IP banned for over a year.
Based women are property. Keep her barefoot and pregnant
/r/MDE and /r/ChadRight were the shit
Oh boy 34 years old I wonder WHY is she still single at such an age.
Thank you for your service.
I too have experienced Reddit fascism. I got shadow banned too. One little joke about the "Holocaust" and I got banned from multiple subs.
I just can't imagine someone that wants open and frank discussion banning one side from having a voice. Might as well have only the defendant be able to talk during a trial with no input from a prosecutor. It is the same thing.
to ensure justice she should also read the names of the people who killed them
>why is she reading everyone’s name twice
>I dunno
>can’t become a jannie on Yas Forums
>go to redd it
>become mod and give libs free helicopter rides to the ban chamber
>get banned
>come back
>get told to go back even though my last post was almost 2 years ago
Been here longer than you lol
You have to go back.
this is fucking gold
I find it hard to believe a father would fight that hard for a NSA kid.
Based subs I know of at the moment:
r/politicalcompassmemes (sub where you can say the most far right shit and everyone will upvote you because the whole sub is based around extremists from every quadrant making jokes about each other)
Trump should do that too.
"Steve, John, Adam..."
>I’m not American
Stopped reading after that
What is this photo. Either he's on his knees and a giant, or he's so fucking fat that everything but his head and arms transformed into another gut like some sort of nightmarish real life weeble wobble.
Not gonna lie I banned any annoying faggot who wasn’t a full blown fascist. If the commies can do it so can I
kek, saved
Right after the Bataclan shooting
Anything like MDE? Or Yas Forums in general? If not I’ll just post here