Fed added $600 PER WEEK to unemployment. That's an EXTRA $2400/month ON TOP of the regular unemployment checks...

Fed added $600 PER WEEK to unemployment. That's an EXTRA $2400/month ON TOP of the regular unemployment checks. I used the calculator and I would be making $1400/month MORE on unemployment than working but I'm an "ESSENTIAL WORKER" and must continue to work and be exposed to the virus while others chill at home.

Oh and guess what the boomervision has not mentioned even once? People like me who have done the math and are PISSED. We can't have THAT situation getting out of hand now can we?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Wagie wagie back in cagie

>the FED

>the fed did this
congress did that you fucking mongoloid

How long does the NEET remain comfy when every wagie decides to be NEET too?

The Federal Government.

the best part is i worked a shitload of overtime so my unemployment was gonna be 50 dollars less than my regular pay so now thanks to coronachan and wolf saying construction is non essential ill be making 6500 a month.

>the virgin essentiallet
>the chad nonessential

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Congress voted and Trump signed it into law. The checks come from the Fed.

I'm pretty jelly. Sounds like we both miss out on that $1200 though.

no because the 1200 is based on 2019 taxes and i made less than 75k that year, or did they change something???

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hey faggot have you receive your check yet?

guess what dumb ass its never gonna come
there putting you to sleep dumbass

humanity really deserve to die to be that dumb!

No you have it right. I was assuming you worked a lot of OT last year too.

I'm not getting an unemployment check but I believe the government has no choice but to make sure they are delivered. Could you imagine if all these people not working never got their precious handouts?

by the time people realise that
the army gonna be on the street,
gonna be funny to see nigger trying to be all ghetto and fuck shit up

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you motherfuckers wont believe this of course, but im one of the rare turbo lucky bastard that happened to initate sales proceedings of my small company before covid hit, and my ach transfer came through last week finally. they couldnt back out of it and my(former) business have now been shut for 3 weeks as a result, it costs $40,000 a month to keep it running at 0 so im really fucking comfy bud

but, no corona checks for me due to my income for 2019. lol who gives a shit.

I don't see a problem it's not like you can choose to get unemployment instead of work. If you quit your job you don't get unemployment.

Same situation here but I only been working for 3 months so my unemployment would be like 100/week lmao

Fun fantasy.

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I know that feel, bro, but at least I can make a little bit more money. The XboxOne X I put on credit a few weeks ago has payments due!

If y'all are out of work: we're hiring. Process takes

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you people really deserve to die

you complain day in day out on how your governement is shit and corrupt they never done anything for us the pleb

oh but now they gonna save you jesus coming from the sky with money dripping is asshole and gonna make rain on everyone

god praise our government who so pure and honest

if you need that money to survive, you dont deserve to survive!

who else /comfy/ and watching SG-1 from the beginning here?

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There's no time for that. There's a nation to be rebuilt. Join your local right-wing santiation squad today!

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The point is those people who were laid off are doing BETTER than those of us who have to keep working. Also there were millions of people already living off handouts who are now getting $2400/month MORE and they weren't even affected by the virus. They shouldn't have made the benefits so high.

>The XboxOne X I put on credit a few weeks ago has payments due!

This is why you are poor and will die in a Walmart

It is Americanism not socialism :D. Fucking kek Burgers are so dumb.

>but at least I can make a little bit more money

I HIGHLY doubt you are making more money working at Walmart than you would on the new unemployment. Use this:


Then add $600/week.

How do I get unemployment checks? I just might qualify under the new rules but I've never gotten unemployment before??

Should I go to an accountant to halp me?

kek, I make almost precisely what I'd take home on unemployment after this in NY. $4400/month with the added $600/week. I take home $4350/month after everything.

>Buying a fucking console on credit
How the fuck can you not afford a fucking console full price then and there?
What the fuck does Walmart pay you in? Company scrip?

I don't even make $600 a week normally.

Oh so this is all a sham. If you are receiving what you were surviving on before chinkrona then you do not need extra money. This is bullshit. This is them literally bribing the whole population to not pay attention to them gutting the country.

No, go to your state's department of labor website and follow the instructions

Lots of cash for worthless wagies but loans for small businesses. Fuck congress.

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Okay so you're a slave that's mad at other slaves for getting a few extra rations a month.

Unemployment checks are every two weeks libtard, so it would be an extra 1200 a month not 2400

>The point is those people who were laid off are doing BETTER than those of us who have to keep working. Also there were millions of people already living off handouts who are now getting $2400/month MORE and they weren't even affected by the virus. They shouldn't have made the benefits so high.

No shit, that's socialism, bb.

$600 per week is $600 per week regardless of how often you get paid nigger


*Have You Ever Seen The Rain starts playing*

if you were fired or laid off through no fault of your own you can file for unemployment. just go to your states government website and find the forms, in PA you can file online in about 20 mins, your state may be different. then theyll mail you and your previous employer paperwork. its really easy at least in pa but the gov employees at the unemployment office are worse than the dmv

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I just wanted to play PSO 2, nigger.

I ain't making more. I'll be making a hundred and change less.

>How the fuck can you not afford a fucking console full price then and there?
Because I didnt have $400 on hand. No interest. Awaiting on them Trumpbux to pay it off!!!

>What the fuck does Walmart pay you in? Company scrip?
Since this place is the only opportunity to buy stuff: yes.

You gotta take out taxes, child support, garnishments, ect.

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>You gotta take out taxes, child support, garnishments, ect.
Wtf does that have to do with anything?

Started it again a few weeks ago.
I watch it all the way through like twice a year.

Non-essential here. Won't be claiming unemployment. Have savings and wife is considered essential. I'd rather die innawoods than take government cheddar.

I filed in PA last Monday and still haven't heard shit. My brother filed a bit before me and hasn't heard shit. I have a feeling we gonna be waiting a long time.

Because it's monies you will never see after various entities take thier cut.

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>Needing a calculator to go 6x4
You Americans

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same shit here, voting Trudeau next election to see this cuntry burn ASAP
T. Bernier voter

Based and frontier-pilled

Get back in the wagey cage. we'll give you your coworker jamal's latex gloves for protection.

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im still fucking waiting and i filed last sunday, you think if that commie wolf would have thought it out a little better before instantly shutting everything down. i mean wolf tried to close down coal mining but he kept his old company open. i fucking hate wolf

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Low intelligence post

Again, wtf does that have to do with anything?

Yeah it's all fucked. My employer even outright tries to place onus on DHS for us being Essential Workers™. Capitalism has to go

>People like me who have done the math and are PISSED. We can't have THAT situation getting out of hand now can we?
yeah but you wont actually do anything about it except bitch you fucking whiny politician owned slave

Nigger wolf shut down all the car/motorcycle dealers. I literally took money out of stocks to buy a motorcycle right before the shutdown because all I got is a bicycle and now I can't even buy it because they're not allowed to make sales. Like transportation isn't fucking essential? This whole thing is fucking BS. Im about ready to start burning everything the fuck down. Well, you know, within a bicycling radius.

Bought my acreage 2 years ago. 1 case in the entire county. Not too worried.

>$600 PER WEEK t
>I used the calculator and I would be making $1400/month MORE
Why did you need to use the calculator for something like that? Just clicking it open from the taskbar should take you more time than calculating it in your head.

>Capitalism has to go
It will never go away. There's too many people with too many transactions happening every second.

that might explain the random check I got in the mail from the government

what the fuck? that's bullshit.
Maximum unemployment payout in Canada is a little over 2000 a month before tax. And that's shitty leafbucks. Thankfully I'm still employed.

Just be sure not to tell anyone else still working that they're being fucked guys. Wouldn't want to start anything.

That’s Atlantis shithead

... I would now make more not working than I would working. I'd double my income even. The hell.

>Just be sure not to tell anyone else still working that they're being fucked guys.
It didn't take a chink virus to bring this to light.

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How's it feel to be "essential?"

You're a larp. I worked for Walmart in college and the hiring process is at least 1 week of watching training vids before you actually get on the floor. And they only start news hires once weekly

Checked. You're right I definitely won't do anything especially not post about what is going on in an attempt to spread awareness to my fellow "ESSENTIAL WORKERS".

Also checked. Pretty obvious I was talking about the unemployment calculator.

Excellent as I'm getting a grand in bonuses this month alone.

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While the rest of us are getting $2400 to sit on our asses. Keep slaving hard goy so we keep getting our checks. Kek.

Except when a real disaster causes it all to crash.
Corona could be anywhere from a pandemic to just 4x worse than the annual flu season, but it should act as an indicator of how fragile these global economies are.

that suck do you live near a border? maybe you and a family member or friend go on a road trip to a state where dealerships are still open. ive been hiking in state parks all week and i might even go camping for a week in the allgheny national forest

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He and I need to keep slaving to make available to you the sustenance you need. Wouldn't want it any other way!

>You're a larp.
Am I now?

>I worked for Walmart in college and the hiring process is at least 1 week of watching training vids before you actually get on the floor
Yeah, but you didnt have a chinkvirus going amok at the time, goy. I noticed yesterday there were a fuckton of new hires from no where. There is only 1 personnel person now, whom is on vacation for the part few weeks, so management has just been hiring willy-nilly.


Nothing comes from nothing.

What do you suggest? Keep in mind there's millions of niggers on welfare.

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Nobody gives a shit about your first world problems.

Temporary unemployment expansion will last 4 months max according to the legislation.

The number of people applying for unemployment in the last 3 weeks is approaching the 8 figure range.

How do you expect the government to worrt about you when they have potentially 20-30 million people out of work by the end of april?

U srs m8?

I'm about 45 minutes from MD, but idk what their situation is. Plus if I buy out of state I'll have to pay taxes, tags and registration in MD, then have to pay it again to have it transfered to PA I think.

At least you and I will stave off the ensuing incremental suppression.