Fed added $600 PER WEEK to unemployment. That's an EXTRA $2400/month ON TOP of the regular unemployment checks. I used the calculator and I would be making $1400/month MORE on unemployment than working but I'm an "ESSENTIAL WORKER" and must continue to work and be exposed to the virus while others chill at home.
Oh and guess what the boomervision has not mentioned even once? People like me who have done the math and are PISSED. We can't have THAT situation getting out of hand now can we?
>the fed did this congress did that you fucking mongoloid
Owen Nelson
How long does the NEET remain comfy when every wagie decides to be NEET too?
The Federal Government.
Wyatt Harris
the best part is i worked a shitload of overtime so my unemployment was gonna be 50 dollars less than my regular pay so now thanks to coronachan and wolf saying construction is non essential ill be making 6500 a month.