Half-Life Alyx is garbage

She will not shut the fuck up. Every other comment is a quip or some other retarded remark. She doesn't have the time of day for anyone who isn't helping her find daddy. She's nothing like her original character. Gordon's lack of dialogue in the previous installments was perfect.

The levels are boring and the magic of Half-Life 2 is not there for me. Between this and the Epistle 3 turd I hope we never see Half-Life 3. Sometimes things in life happen for a period in time and are gone.

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>playing as a nigger in a game

is there a non-vr version?

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Gordon freeman was huite

Just watching it was boring. Gunfights were nothing like the trailer nor did they look hard. Was nothing like HL2 fights.


she is asian you absolute negro

Half-Life Alyx is not a game. It is a digital novel told in VR. LITERALLY THE MYST OF HALF LIFE. You will play your diversity simulator and you will enjoy it, citizen.

There's absolutely no reason for HL to suck other than the fact the Game industry is going to push Gamergate bullshit forward even if they lost.

They are looking at the future, and it's not white and it's not male.

Fuck you white boy.

>Was nothing like HL2 fights.
They were good.

stop playing cucked soiboi shit if you want to game play there are designated pol approved vidya

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I can't believe how shit VR games still are. Why the fuck do you need to teleport around the place? Why can't you just walk like an ordinary video game? How fucking hard is it to simply display what you see on a TV or computer monitor inside the headset as you play whatever you want? Absolute dogshit.

No she's both

her dad is a literal black spear chucking nigger

I haven't seen anything. The click to jump into a new area is very disarming. It takes away all the fear of missing the jump or getting into the window. I would hope any mod or feature would re-enable free movement.


Man.... that sucks. I bet she's all witty and stupid shit.. all negro-licious with the snappy slang. fuck

>Why can't you just walk like an ordinary video game?

Because apparently 90% of gaymers have poorly developed equilibrioception so they cannot handle VR movement without vomiting all over the place. It's frankly what is holding back a lot of really food VR develop.

Yes. I'm trying to warn others that may feel the same way.

Play Quake2 with the OculusRift.

Once you get over the seasickness it is pure, absolute, 100% VR kino.

Dwarf Fortress
Cataclysm DDA
Not sure I ever saw Yas Forums not shit on anything else
But new doom is good. And it makes fun of globohomo multiculti

She's kind of a dumb bitch, kinda makes it look like she was simping for Gordon in HL2

half life looks gay, but I am glad to see investment in a AAA VR title.

>I can't believe how shit VR games still are.

there is no such thing as a VR game yet what they have now is just TV/computer screen really close to your eyes im sure its really bad foe you but then again anyone autistic enough to buy those retard googles deserves to die so play away retards

those are all excellent taste what is hol II stand for

> is just TV/computer screen really close to your eyes

You do understand that your visual space moves with your head movements right? It decouples your head from your legs in FPS games.

I went ahead and watched the ending scene since it was recommended by jewtube. Gman comes out and basically says that Gordon is being replaced in his employment by Alyx. So if there even is a HL3, I'm guessing they're just gonna drop Gordon, I mean he is a white male after all, and replace him with a Marvel-style quipping negress because that's culture now weeeee yayyyy

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i do understand that putting a clunky head screen three inches from your eyes is not VR yes call me back when their beaming it directly into your brain

She was like that in 2 though

VR is a forced meme based on really shitty technology. Ten billion dollars in a monkey cage gets you VR.
Sloppy job.

Marc Laidlaw foretold of this marclaidlaw.com/epistle-3/

>im a real gamer i play games that Yas Forums approves

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Was she? Can you point out the scenes? I recall her being friendly and helpful. Nothing like this twatbox iteration.

>Virtual reality
Half-Life 2 was a fun afternoon as a 10 year old. It's absolutely mindboggling that the "gaming" industry is so big, several of the most successful tech startups, now multimillion NASDAQ listed, in Sweden are just these companies who make Candy Crush or whatever, literal fucking ping-pong Pacman tier games and millions of dollars pouring into their autistic pockets lmao
It's fucked mate.

VR is absolute jew tier of gaming, surpasing even 4k gaming and raytracing in games. Gimmick shit that forces you to buy new stuff you dont need to be up tk standard. I laughed at my buddy that have 17inch 1600x900 desktop screen. He got super used to it, regular fullhd screens are too large for his shitty little desk but he can play everything he likes on some 7770 shit or something.

Add SS13 to that list, one of the best games and you can say nigger all you want on half of the servers.
What are those?

They have been pushing this VR shit as the next big thing in gaming for 30 years now.

It fails every time.

Yeah you don't get anywhere by making something like HL2 anymore.

Diversity is dead
thank you coronachan

I almost succumbed to getting a headset to play this cuz half life, but then I watched gameplay footage and couldn’t stop laughing. Seriously? Teleporting around instead of just fucking walking? Isn’t the point of VR to me MORE immersive? Looked like shit. I’m insanely disappointed after 13 years and I’m certainly not dropping 500-1000 shekels to do that retarded looking bs. What the fuck is wrong with the old keyboard and mouse? I’m sure someone will make a mod eventually I suppose.

Hearts of Iron II and Command and Conquer II

You can have normal smooth movement. The game literally asks you when you start a campaign what type of movement you want.

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by this logic, the king nog of Hollywood is also a kike.

Please no. These whores are disgusting.

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no, we won't join your dumb ass tranny discord server you stupid nigger

It's getting there for realz this time. Give it another 5-10 years (It's already extremely awesome).

>It's already extremely awesome
but still not for everyone because of, bad resolution and bad FOV - but that will be overcome in the next 10 years.

Oh, right, and Comand and Conquer is more often C&C rather than CC but anyway, user was right, those are great games.

Still not dropping a grand to play one single game. I’m not in the least interested in any other VR game. Until someone comes up with a way to teleport the player physically to an infinite open field so you can run and jump and shit VR is just a gimmick and a meme. Fuck you valve, go make some more stupid fucking TF2 hats and gay ass DOTA shit whatever the fuck is in that weeb game

>VR is just a gimmick and a meme
It's not at all. It's great.

>Fuck you valve
Only releasing Alyx for VR should give them billions of respects. No one else would had the balls.

>Command and Conquer II
Original is better desu

Gabe Newell is literally a smart and tough motherfucker (the likes of Steve Jobs, Elon Mush, George Lucas, Tesla, Newton etc.)

Alyx supposedly takes place years before hl2. In hl2 Gordon is called back up out of some 20 years of stasis. Sounds like Gman is the original simp who finally realized you can’t send a woman to do a man’s job


it doesn't matter because nobody has a vr headset. the game is unplayable to 99% of "gamers" except for VR chat anime dweebs

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Oh, fug
I forgot this (see pic) omg it's AWESOME


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Take the Stronghold: Crusader pill

Sure but he’s also a big fat slob, didn’t even have much of a hand in alyx. Imagine that chungus motherfucker flailing around in some stupid VR headset play testing it huffing and puffing and swilling Diet Coke before getting right back to playing his gay ass DOTA that he loves so much


I'm having a great time with Alyx. Shit's fun, the scale is incredible. This is the game-iest vr game there is.

most of people itt are contrarians or watched a let's play like it's the same experience

Girls can't simp. The sexes aren't the same.

he's worth like 20 billion dollars. IDK why he can't get gastric bypass or a fucking trainer

I can understand random ass fat slobs but with that kind of power it's not excusable

kek, that's just a skit though (and not Gaaaabe)
you know that of course, but just pointing it out for others

of course it is. half life 3 never got released because we're living in it. no half-life game will ever be anything but a clownworld simulacrum of half-life at this point.

So shes a woman then? I mean you ARE playing as her.

Nah. There's a post credits where you're back in Gordon's shoes.

hl3 will never be released. they are probably going to do a few VR episodes like this one.

valve doesn't need hl3. they make so much fucking money off of dota, steam, csgo, and lolhats that there is no incentive to take that kind of risk.

What's wrong with HoI 3? Does 2 have more mods or what

>valve finally releases new HL content
>its not episode 3
>instead iits some meme VR shit
what the fuck is their problem

its like you niggers have never heard of a mulatto.

Mental, it's fucking amazing.

You simps will literally shit on anything popular

This. I think vr looks decent and worth playing but you really need a top computer, good heaset and big room to make the most of it. It's expensive enough that compromising anywhere isn't worth it, like getting a psvr, still expensive but for a much worse experience.

I can play crash racing like an autist all day long for £15 instead.

Question to anyone in this thread who has a VR set?
What is vr porn like?

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Yeah, look it up in real life. Notice any differences?

Valve bought santo campo sjw faggot supreme studio as they worked on alyx, the fuck you expect
Now back to nigger

Chinegro Blasian.

The teleporting movement systems in these VR games look so shitty and un-fun.