Red pilled about China now, thanks Yas Forums

A year ago I wanted to move to China. I saw them as the future. But after seeing tons of videos and photos here, on Ylilauta and on LiveLeak and reading about China online, I've completely changed my mind. I don't want to live there, I don't even want to visit. No. I want them nuked or forced into North Korea-tier isolation. What a disgusting country with the most soulless population possible.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, and Russia too. Communism is cancer.

As much as we can hate the jews, we can't allow tyrants to continue.

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You fell for the China is civilized meme

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I went to china to get the general feel before planning a move, I even went to the city where that picture was taken (chongqing), and after being there for 5 minutes I realized I could never live there long term.

nuke urself then

>that webm

I spent half a year in the same city that your op pic is from and my experience with both the country and the people is positive.
Yas Forums isn't a good place to make opinions about anyone. Most people here get all their knowledge of China out of liveleak just like you do.
Keep in mind that lots of China is still very underdeveloped, it's a country of one billion has more cctv cameras than anywhere in the world, which explains lots of the liveleak footage.
Though the Chinese are cruel towards animals indeed.
Anyway, if you can speak Chinese and treat them with respect they will treat you with respect too, and I made lots of really good friends there during my half a year too.
I loved my time in Chongqing, what did bother you about it, user?

>Only person in the world who dreamed about moving to China

Checks out

China has a bright future.

Attached: China has a bright futurel.gif (500x338, 1.05M)

chinese people always taking pictures and videos of me (there's not many white people in chonging, I saw 3 in my entire time there)
bad air quality, throat was constantly hurting, coughed up black dusty things
chinese people don't keep their dogs leashed, saw one dog get hit by a car
I was there for a month.

Yep China sucks. They have ruined their reputation lying and selling defective medical gear. After this nobody in their right mind would respect them. Then there is the bug eating tenticle shit they do-lol. If only we could send them tons of bbc?

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ok, I'll go build a nuke real fast. Hold your breath.

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Ok kike


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i cannot for the life of me, understand how white men could find Asian insect women attractive. Oh wait, it was the kike's ruining white women which did that.

Indeed very few white people there but that's what I liked about it. People taking pictures or videos is annoying but something you get used to and learn to ignore.
A lot of it is curiousity more than anything.
I feel like this is something that might feel unusual to you as an american but coming from rural Czech village where everyone is a bit racist and xenophobic towards strangers by default I could understand China in that regard, since it's just like people in my hometown.
Nonetheless, especially people in Chongqing are really know to be welcoming and chinese in general are happy when you can converse with them in Chinese.
Don't agree with the quality of air complaint, I thought air in Chongqing was always really fresh.
>chinese people don't keep their dogs leashed
>saw one dog get hit by a car
I saw remains of a person hit by a truck but oh well...
Still rate my time there 10/10, but then again, I'm a Chinkaboo and majoring in chinese studies so..

I'd rather get with a light skinned Latina with Spanish genes

>I saw remains of a person hit by a truck but oh well
>Still rate my time there 10/10
Hory shieet you're in denial

do you recommend any chineese books

Same, it's beyond me.

this. jews are like your smart little brother that your parents treat better. china is like a nigger trying to break into your house in the middle of the night

Why are you posting on a nationalist, anti-globalist board?

>chinese people don't keep their dogs leashed

It's a weird thing where they treat their dogs much like how some people in the USA raise outdoor cats.

Well, that's a part of living in a country with high population density and bad drivers.
聊斋志异 / Strange Tales from Chinese Studio is my favorite, it even has a story about trap foxboy having sex with a corrupt official.
Bored out of my mind during the quarantine, I hate this board not gonna lie.

I got bad news for you

Is she feeding him live tadpoles? The Chinese make hillbillies look like Rockefellers. Even Haitians only ate mud cookies because they were destitute a d the island was bare.

If you want to understand why chinese eat weird shit, just pretend your an alchemist in Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.

>most soulless population possible
And that’s why they are the future while the rest of humanity, especially whiny fucks like yourself who can’t control their impulses, will go extinct
I even wonder how retarded you have to be to unironically complain on Yas Forums about
>muh most soulless population possible
Disgusting christcuck, go kys

Chinks are worse than kikes. Change my mind.

>cooking dogs alive
Wow, it's like they want to be nuked into oblivion.

Jesus fucking Christ. Every Reddit/ResetEra faggot that shills for China should be forced to watch videos like this for 24 hours straight.

For as long as you try, you will never be Chinese. When times get tough, they will eat you first.

Chinks are bad, but we will see them team up with Russia and Saudi Arabia when countries decide to ditch the US dollar.

Don't worry, user, I'm not trying to be Chinese and my home is here in Czech republic.
But hopefully I'll find a job that lets me travel there a lot and if I get lucky another opportunity to short term study there on a scholarship.
Given my country's strong ties to China both of it is quite likely.

>we will see them team up with Russia and Saudi Arabia when countries decide to ditch the US dollar.
Germany will join them

>Don't agree with the quality of air complaint, I thought air in Chongqing was always really fresh.
u sure m8?
>People taking pictures or videos is annoying but something you get used to and learn to ignore.
I still found it very impolite. I've been to non-white countries, and never had as many people shove their phones in my face. I found it very rude.
Didn't mention it, but the spitting was gross as well.

yeppers. we living in end times. Nimrod reborn.

You gonn' learn about China today boi

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USS liberty, lavon affair, WTC, communism, child prostitution, slavery and blaming it on others, refugee crisis, wars on middle east, world wars, bolshevik revolution list goes on

chinks are bad but theres absolutely nothing worse than a jew

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We can't let china become the #1 country in the world

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>red pilled on China

Are you redpilled on the Jews?

Shut up Zionist cocksucking bitch.

Funny how all of these roaches attack China but never say one word about the Jews.

All you ever had to do was google "Chinese learned cannibalism" and you would have had the truth years ago, fren.

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>t. seething chink

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This is a Chinese thread, why would we talk about Jews right now you CCP shill cunt; get the fuck out you faggot.

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>u sure m8?
picrel, it's alright
>Didn't mention it, but the spitting was gross as well.
Maybe, but is that really so difficult to get over?

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close call for them
what current aspirations can you share with us, as you fixate on unrealistic and unexamined fancies to help you through your days here?

>blah blah blah blah
>blah blah blah
>blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
I'm not reading all of that nigger

Here's the video explaining why they made the virus:

That's as good as any a reason not to move there.

As soon as I realised that they're a 3rd world country trying their best to look like a 1st world country, the facade was over.

>but is that really so difficult to get over?
um yes? we have a pandemic because of these unsanitary people.

Chinks are only as bad as jews by virtue of their sheer numbers. If we only had twenty million chinks we would never hear about them

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why do retards still think China is communist?

I can't wait for the German state to fail. Hurry up and die already

lived there for 3 years, can confirm, good choice OP

Beeg goburnment

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This family offers valuable services on the free market that are in high demand, that’s why they’ve rightfully earned every single penny they have
If you’re not as successful as this family then you most probably are a lazy and worthless piece of shit

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Check behind the post, burger.

Lost on Planet China

i was in china last year

>if you overlook their cruelty chinks aren’t so bad

Opinion discarded

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Spoken like a true shill. Fuck you nigger.