noble cause, bump
kill yourself shill rat
Fuck landlords
>landlord buys house/builds a house
>lefty: gibs me dat for free
but then where will you live?
Landlord shoots your poor ass,
No one cares cause coronavirus .
He's going to shoot everyone in the building?
>landlord bad
landlords are literal parasites just like the government
Your perspective is based on ignorance - not your fault since you lack experience. Landlording is actually labor intensive. My tenants keep me busy 7 days a week. Plumbing,electrical work,carpentry, lawn care, and accounting are just a few skills I've had to learn over the years. I can gut and remodel an entire apartment myself, can you?
If I had a good landlord I would have no problem paying my rent like a good responsible person but my landlord is a piece of shit who fucked me over out of a lot of money. When I moved in my electric bill was around $370+ a month for several months because there was a problems with the a/c. I complained and presented these bills to my landlord over the course of months to show how much this was costing me but she did not even care, period! She said that it would not be fixed because it is working. Well one day that a/c broke so they finally had to fix it and after that my bills started to look normal. I wanted to handle this legally and sue but the bitch erased complaints and service orders from the computer. I dont know if I have a case. Now I dont feel the least bit guilty about not paying this bitch. Funny thing is my lease ends tomorrow but I'm gonna make myself cozy for the next few months because there's nothing they can do right now. Payback is a bitch! And if she sues me I'll get a good lawyer since my lease is up and have nowhere else to go right now I might have a chance of winning.
After this fiasco is over there's going to be a lot of losers kicked out of their homes because the landlord just then decided he needed to develop the land or move in his family or renovate the house or something.
Reap what you sow.
You can buy a new AC unit for under 300. Could have replaced it yourself then send her the bill. Even if she never refunded the money, you still would have been out less. World isn't perfect or Fair. Sometimes you have to be responsible for yourself, even if it's unjust.
This but unironically.
shut the fuck up landkike
At the start of this shit I converted several luxury properties I own to section 8
Enjoy your prime real estate trap houses bourjie faggots.
Well now I have the opportunity to stick it to her like she did to me. And I can save my rent money over the next few months to actually buy my own property. Landlords have a responsibility too and they shouldve made it right instead of costing me so much money. This problem wasn't made aware to me before I moved in or else I would never have moved in. When I brought it to her attention she didnt listen and did nothing to make it right because she is a cheap jew and told me it's not her problem, that's not her job. So yeah the world isn't perfect or fair, now she can feel it too.
Some landlords are alright eg the guy who owns a couple of good houses for an income.
Most of them are opportunist shits to be fair.
You remind me of my landlord. Based boomer who bends over backwards to solve every little issue my roommate and I ever had in his place, and genuinely is one of the nicest people. Wish mine had splurged for a better dishwasher when ours crapped out though. Just got the same model as before, and it's awful at cleaning the dishes.
Lets hide your thread.
Who should own the land?
Nobody rides for free. You have to pay for housing, even if it is owned by your government. When you move into government owned or government subsidized housing, the rules you must follow tend to be much stricter than when you rent from a private individual.
In either scenario you get kicked out when you don't pay the rent.
you are an idiot.
>memes away landlords
>becomes homeless
>or complains that government housing is shitty
>or complains about the housing shortage once no one is willing to rent
amd it should be noted that renting/landlording is one of the few ways a normie can elevate his economic class in a generation. This is why shills hate it
Who gets to rent the good properties for free, who has to rent in the ghetto for free?
Simultaneously memes apartment complexes out of existence and a housing shortage into existence.
Fuck off poorfags kys
if they expect you to pay 50 percent or more of what you earn, then yea its not just and fair.
Making sure my tenants are happy benefits me because: they are more likely to pay rent on time, follow rules, and stay put -- turnover is a bitch. It also feels good when 59 family's love/respect you.
go live somewhere else or stop working minimum wage for your whole life, retard.
Trannies of the world, rejoice!
Didn't pay last month, didn't pay today. Told him to come get it. Said he'll do a discount. Said again he can come get it kek
Eye for an eye. Only way some people learn.
You already accomplished this with this one here because I'm going to evict my tenants after all this. That way I'm not a landlord but someone with a weekend home.
Good thread, I can’t stand all the poorfags trying to revolution around FREE RENT BRO. I bought a house so I don’t have to pointlessly toss my cash in the trash, now all the retards want to abolish rent while I still pay my mortgage. Like lmao do you really not have 1 month worth of savings you fucking idiots?
rent is still due tranny
Nice meme my fellow kekistani xDDDD praise kek am i right my boy :333
Seems pretty stupid you relying on her keeping records that would put herself at fault. If you thought it was broken you should have had an hvac technician give you a free quote on repair
If it wasn’t for landlords you’d be homeless. Working a minimum wage retail job at 35 won’t allow you to buy a house. You’re just a loser
Is this just the same faggot hopping proxies or do these discord trannies all just pile onto these threads with one liners trying to astroturf this bullshit?
>Not suing her
>Inb4 Jew lawyer blah blah
It's you against her, no lawyers needed, you could hire a lawyer to do it for you and he would charge her with the bill
You suck at being a landlord. Hire a super, I haven’t been to my building in 2+ years. I hate the smell of poor people.
Your country is a meme, and from reading your retarded post it seems like your "job" or way of income is being a retarded parasite.
You have lost your rights to post against jews seen as (You) are one. My memeflag doesn't argue against the truth I just wrote.
it’s the same shills in all 30 landlord threads we get everyday. Instead of working a real job they’re shilling for pennies on Yas Forums trying to astroturf their rent free commie dream
Their shill budget just never seems to run out.
I too wish for cities to end.
Im unironically a landlord in real life. Give me your money niggers
>Your country is a meme
>has a meme flag
:^) I bet there is a amerimutt or a beady-eyed briton behind that flag. I am kind of glad that I live where I live. We are not a third world shithole but at the same time we are not overrun by niggers, arabs and beaners
>Evict me
Sure, enjoy this smelly shit stash in the HVAC
>it’s the same shills in all 30 landlord threads we get everyday.
But how many of them is it? It's alll 1 post by this ID, for all we know this is just one loser.
Rent can be free if you build your own house. How hard is that for people to understand?
>be renters
>make agreement with landlord
>this amount for residence
>not like it
>stop paying
>landlord has hard getting you out
>be landowner
>do not make agreement with govt
>govt decides to charge you for your own land
>every year
>if you don't pay
>govt can take your land away
Now, you tell me who is getting screwed? The landowners or the renters?
>destroys private property because he can't use it for free
pure niggerdom
Then move out fucking parasite
Landlords who truly own their property are fine.
Landlords who "own" property due to mortgages and over-leveraging deserve to be wiped out by the banks.
Prove me wrong.
Enjoy prison for willful destruction of property.
Well when I requested copies of complaints and service orders from them she had the property manager deny them from me and then tell me they are no longer on file. They are covering their ass because they do shady business. They knew I was going to pass that information on to a lawyer. Now they can get what they deserve.
Only the laws of this land prevent me from giving you fucks what you deseve.
>complains about the housing shortage
Ironic seeing as how landlord boomers are the primary drivers of housing shortage via lobbying for a ban on new construction in order to maintain their overinflated real estate value.
I have no issue with landlords, their property, their rules. But landlords who do jewish shit like manipulating the free market with government intervention in order to retain the value of their bubble deserve to get all their shit stolen by commies and squatted in. Fuck them.
>deserve to be wiped out by the banks.
You seem to be really keen on banks consolidating wealth. Want to talk about it?
Maybe don't borrow money you can't pay back sweaty? Isn't that the same thing you parasites say to tenants? "Don't sign contracts if you can't keep to the terms"
Imagine not being a property owner in the 21st century western world lol, there has literally never been an easier period for regular working people to buy property. Imagine failing at life to the extent where you are reduced to paying another man in order to have a roof over your head.
Tenants are fortunate landlords even exist, without landlords they would be homeless lol.
t. Chad Landlord
>Ironic seeing as how landlord boomers are the primary drivers of housing shortage via lobbying for a ban on new construction in order to maintain their overinflated real estate value.
That is not even going on you fucking faggot.
you live on premise, you literally just need to take a photo of someone working on it to argue your case to a judge. if she has no records of his visit you win by default
Your wrong. There you go.
That landlord put his shit on the line, all so some shithead faggot like you can fall for (((their))) nuage faggot meme of the month.
Right. Local governments just refuse to zone new residential areas because... why? da joos told them so? Get real, faggot.
Kikes are behind a great deal of evil in this world, but housing shortage isn't one of them. That's a STRICTLY boomer caused problem.
dude, just let your landlord fuck you once every week, so you don't have to pay for rent. You are a fag that can't think clearly. I haven't paid rent in 10 years.
Also it's not that bad since you actually feel pleasure when the penis hits the prostate, just make sure he wears a condom so you don't get aids or something more severe like herpes.
Also, it's not gay when you do it to save money
How about get something other than a shitty bartender job. Plenty of jobs out there right now.
getting people to hate landlords won't convert them to any kind of communism
by all means, stop paying your rent.
get evicted, and taken to court where you'll end up paying more than if you had just been a responsible adult.
I assure you, nobody here cares about your housing's rent/mortgage situation.
but for the love of god...
stop shitting up the board with this retarded bullshit.
>I really, really hate personal property. The post.
how about landlords getting a fucking job?
The eviction lawyers usually do it for free unless you win the case if so the landlord pays which usually they get raped because they didn't file paperwork correctly some states also make them compensate for moving expenses...
If anything the systems of lawyer's and courts are the leaches
damn these lazy faggots to hell
>Simultaneously memes apartment complexes out of existence and a housing shortage into existence.
landlords don't actually built appartment my dude. They just buy them on credit
>deserve to be wiped out by the banks.
>That's a STRICTLY boomer caused problem.
OK, Moshe.
How do you think they came up with the down payment to begin with you envious little shit fuck?
>. That's a STRICTLY boomer caused problem.
No if fucking is not, stop being such a mindless god damn drone.
Jesus christ.
>getting a fucking job?
What do you do for work?
>don't actually built appartment
What do you build?