** PANIC MODE ** Women Teachers throwing themselves Parades across Country, after only 2 weeks

Women Teachers are in full panic mode, they are considered "Non-Essential" and haven't reported to work in 2 weeks, many school districts won't reopen this year and thus they won't go back to school until September, a 5-month paid-vacation from their school districts.

The problem: These teachers are worried that the general public might begin to ask why are we continuing to pay these fat white women Teachers to sit home and do nothing for 5 months, when the kids can sit home on laptops and teach themselves the school subjects and material.... these Teachers need Attention right away, and are now throwing themselves Parades in hopes of brainwashing the public that somehow their job is important.

So, after only 2 weeks of not teaching, these fat white women are throwing themselves Parades across America, usually Parades were reserved for WW2 Soldiers, National Sports Champions, Korean War Vets, but these fat white women want a Parade for the very fact they haven't reported to work in 2 weeks... and the fat women won't even march in the Parade, they simply just get in their SUV and drive around town...

Attached: Kids line the streets for teacher parade- -I-m glad that they care for us- - KUTV 3-30-2020 8-25-08 AM.png (640x476, 325.13K)

Attached: Photos- Pine Island teacher parade - Photo Galleries - postbulletin-com 3-30-2020 8-27-18 AM.png (626x617, 404.96K)

lmao these 90 iq whales teaching propaganda

70k for 8.5 months isn't enough, we need more!

Attached: Photos- Broadwater Elementary teachers on parade - Local News - billingsgazette-com 3-30-2020 8-28-56 AM.png (729x682, 739.27K)

Attached: Dallas teachers throw neighborhood car parade for cooped-up students - The Washington Post 3-30-2020 8-29-59 AM.png (907x572, 525.51K)

honestly what's worse though is the men who teach in the school and are surrounded by only women and children all day and think they're alphas lol

Are teachers the most useless wastes of space that are treated like royalty for no real reason? Maybe single mothers beat them in that

The real purpose of school is to enforce diversity, feeding and keeping nignogs off the streets for a few hours.

This world is fucked up, but luckely, the west collapse

Attached: Vilonia hosts -teacher parade- featuring 94 vehicles for district students - News - thecabin-net 3-30-2020 8-33-49 AM.png (948x629, 534.51K)

Spread misinformation and lies about knowledgeable people, hoping to discredit education and intellect and make it easier for an ignorant populace to accept your agenda.

I see you working.


parades used to be for showing military strength or celebrating a victory in war but we've stooped to throwing them for a bunch of useless whining boomer roasties

Attached: Local Teachers Visit Students While Social Distancing – NBC 5 Dallas-Fort Worth 3-30-2020 8-36-08 AM.png (745x528, 454.47K)

yes because our education system creates free thinking intelligent people...what an idiot you are

You sound hurt my guy

My next door neighbor is a teacher and she is having a damn meltdown. I got back from a walk the other day and she started freaking out at me about how a dozen of her kids hadn't checked in for non-mandatory online classes. I told her the kids were just treating it as a vacation and if it's non-mandatory, I sure as hell wouldn't have checked in either. She gave me the nastiest look imaginable, she couldn't comprehend that a kid wouldn't want to go to school. Sheesh

Attached: Mountainview Elementary School surprises students with parade in their neighborhoods amid COVID-19 quarantine – Santa Clarita .png (754x733, 648.27K)

the teachers know people will realize they dont need to send kids to school when they can do everything online

1 teacher can create a lesson for a subject that goes towards a entire state

i remember correcting my teachers in 4th grade. and i remember all the disinfo and narratives in history and english class. these people should be the janitors not teaching the kids

Emperors new clothes

Attached: Photos- Johnston elementary school educators spread cheer with a teacher parade 3-30-2020 8-39-02 AM.png (513x736, 335.71K)

Especially when the schools are filled with niggers and spics. Who wants to babysit mongrels all day? I know I would ragequit and bodyslam one to the fucking ground

Shit ass Nissan with a different badge genius.

A pandemic seems like the perfect time to organize a parade. In a few weeks there will be less teachers to worry about.

My mayor said raising education funding is fucking retarded because what's the point throwing money at people who want to leave the state

Lmao, state education is more jewish than staying at home. Teachers are overpaid baby sitters that parrot government propaganda.

Somebody doesn’t own a car lmao

Attached: Photos- Johnston elementary school educators spread cheer with a teacher parade 3-30-2020 8-42-50 AM.png (477x446, 300.39K)

If I was a teacher, I wouldn't worry about anybody ever realizing anything.

I would know how rare it is that somebody even stops to think in the first place, let alone thinks through a situation all the way to reaching a conclusion.

Teachers of all people know that that's something that only 1% of 1% of people do.

I swear some people actually forget what it was like to be a kid.

Attached: Photos- Johnston elementary school educators spread cheer with a teacher parade 3-30-2020 8-44-28 AM.png (1032x767, 1.05M)

Holy shit. I live near an elementary school and saw a line of cars doing this Friday. I figured someone retired or a student died or something. I didn't realize it was the teachers patting themselves on the back. What makes it even more pathetic in retrospect is that there were about 10 students.

it's almost like getting paid 60k+ a year with full benefits and months long vacation has drawbacks for these glorified baby sisters. oh yeah and guess what there is a high chance your kid will be raped by these fuckers

>Only 10 students
Would you or your kid want to go see your teacher wave at you from a car? These are just some Astroturfed thing to get the teachers in the local paper

She literally was afraid all the kids were either dead or being abused by their parents because they didn't check in for an optional videochat. These are the people alerting social services that your children are "in danger"


Attached: Monticello teachers say -We Miss You- with parade - Free - hometownsource-com 3-30-2020 8-49-00 AM.png (928x771, 982.9K)

Laughed cuz it’s true

You must be retarded if you don't think teachers can lease/take a loan out for cars that at most cost around 25-30k
That 2005 Chevy Yukon is probably the most expensive car too.

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they did the same thing in my neighborhood in california. fucking insufferable garbage cunts. "don't get to used to hiding in that house little Timmy, I'll have you back in my clutches soon and when I do I'll tell you how Colombus was bad and then I'll chop your dick off!"


Attached: 54C95187-05BE-4BC8-BC97-2375AB24482C.jpg (567x575, 53.9K)

> teachers get upset when you talk in class
> 200 pound "Hill Yes" supporters driving SUVs around town

when kids are out of school for 8 months people will notice

I totally dont understand point of this. To they think they are war heros? Trying to get the nurse sympathy that normies are handing out?

Attached: Tallahassee teachers form -smile parade- to comfort students amid COVID-19 pandemic 3-30-2020 8-53-27 AM.png (985x567, 545.75K)

Why are teachers relevant in this?
Having an SUV doesn’t make you rich you fucking retards. It’s called financing.

>throwing a parade to yourself

Attached: 1551730402633.png (348x301, 74.92K)

> do nothing for 5 months
is US too poor do teleconferencing?

He's the modern Alex de Toqueville
Showing us ourselves better than we know

> smile parade


Attached: Richmond Hill teachers visit students with car parade - WTGS 3-30-2020 8-56-27 AM.png (673x638, 480.71K)

the government here is 20 years behind in tech. our civil servants are all swamp creatures

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no your retarded I teach ms computer science and take home a fair sum after taxes, my wife and I can have any fucking car we want. There are two types of teaches; those with graduate degrees who make money teaching honors subjects; and the others are mentally ill army wife landwhales who look like genetic freaks, have a GED, and make 35k to babysitting tard classes at the subhuman redneck schools.

Another Narcissistic Supply Job (dominated by Womyn).
Kids are stuck in a classroom with an authoritarian figure, have to be nice, listen, agree, and do everything Teach says, to please in order to get good grades.
Like a Cook or Chef, just because you cleaned your plate does not mean you loved the food, it means you were hungry.

Online teaching?

That’s funny. My kids are starting to have those now. We totally blew off the first week, since they’re doing their homework just fine and it’s one more thing I need to coordinate, besides working from home.

Attached: -Still thinking about them-- Spring Hill Primary School teachers parade through neighborhoods to see students - Local News - new.png (961x780, 808.78K)

Attached: qXpDSmsjHmnQm9yAgLMsGC3mk.png (749x920, 848.23K)

How will these women be able to molest young boys? Reopen the schools now!

Faggy kids. I would be all day playing videogames. Who wants to see a cringe parade made of teachers after only 2 weeks?

>being useful

Fat white liberal hog teacher being driven through parade by her black bull lover. Both equally useless to society

Attached: 14C3A97F-06BC-4A5B-82CB-007967C7CAF1.jpg (1536x1000, 779.21K)


there are good and bad teachers everywhere. we all went through the system..we know

That starts at $45k, which is the point. Not the quality