if you faggots bought any stock or bought into the bullshit of the stock market recovering, better kill yourself right now. It's about to crash hard today.
>hey goy, virus or no virus, everything goes back to normal in a week or so!
>stock market rises
>jew sells and shorts everything
>goy buys, buys and buys some more, thinking he can cash in a lot once the market recovers fully
>next day: heh, nothing personal kid, lock down will last till first of may
>stock crashes through the floor
If you faggots bought any stock or bought into the bullshit of the stock market recovering...
Why is it not moving, something is wrong here (again).
The Fed has been insanely pumping money in for several days now. The "recovery" last week was purely artificial.
for a change a monday isn't a bloodbath, DAX(Germany) FTSE 100 (England) aren't moving very much and Dow.Nasdaw,S&P Futures are green. that might all change at the bell in an hour but looks like 100,000 dead and lockdown till may appears to have already been priced in
Based Ted already shilling for a phase 4 bill right now on cnbc, hopefully we get another 1200 bucks for giving the banks 1.5 trillion
Thats why.
We had time change yesterday.
Market opens in one hour lol.
that shit was 3 weeks ago kek
retard the fed is never gonna let it fail. i don't think you get it.
I went short last Friday.
I have some puts that will print.
i have bloomberg and cnbc from my iptv, which one is best?
After the 08 crash it stayed there for a few years before going up slowly again.
crashing this survivor with no economies
idk i just started watching this shit because of the virus i like cnbc because of that mad money asshole freaks out sometimes there is always a chance he just screams FUCK on live tv while looking at some graph
i assume bloomberg is probably better
>implying the fed has any power ovet this
How is a 2 month event comparable to 10 years of monetary policy?
Mad money guy got banned from trading for being to good at it.
haven't you heard? debt doesn't matter anymore someone came up with MMT
Took me until now to starting admitting Trump might be full of shit. Guess I'm low IQ after all
yeah, I was wondering if it was some fed trickery as well.
in Europe it was yesterday
futures are up lol!! ahahahahaaha
anyone long is a complete fool
be President: announce 30 days continued quarantine
seclude the brass
be dumb fuck in stonks:
hmmmm now seems like an excellent time to buy
ahahahahahaha fuckin clown world
also: brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
go rake yourself
oh, i just always assume memeflags are american
It was yesterday for the rest of the world
i just remember him having like a real moment on tv back during the 08 thing and calling bankers out on their bullshit that was going to hurt the average joe and being real passionate about it and shit and people made fun of him for it
What is shorting?
Pro-tip: Ask Yas Forums
Rabbi Shalom Arush corona virus is for non Jews (Goyims) @ the 1:07 mark
sell high buy low
tough concept to grasp but it works
betting a stock will go down.
actually don't
Best time to buy is when the market is low.
>be normie
>put what little money I have into the only thing that can produce a decent return on investment thanks to the government
>once the money is in, that triggers some Jew algorithm to lose all my money immediately
Everything is fucked up. Me and my sister went to expensive private schools because my parents didn't want us going to public schools. My parents were barely middle class. They paid off our entire schooling simply with CD returns. Didn't cost them anything. We don't have anything close to this option.
All futures are up. Not saying it won't be down today, but your ability to conceptualize large abstract ideas is probably not up to par = Low IQ.
Europe is level or slightly in the green.
Learn how to market.
Its all priced in.
>crude oil dips below $20
this fucking over sand people and russia makes all this almost worth it, at what price does russia literally have to go to war with someone
>what is dollar cost averaging
My SPY puts about to pay out big.
The quarantine got extended. The market rebound was on the hype of the economy reopening
Sorry you missed the bottom
or they overreacted and priced in martial law and a zombie apocalypse somewhere between now and 8,000 fucking points ago
No the rebound was because italy was peaking in deaths and a full blown million+ pandemic seemed to be off the cards.
Now we actually had a drop in global deaths so we're gonna rally on. At least till 24k
You borrow someone’s stock and they basically rent it to you for a low rate, and you have to give them their stock back later. They think the stock will go up and want the rental fee. You sell the stock immediately and hope it goes down, this way you cash in when returning it at a lower price.
It’s Jewish marketcraft
The only companies I believe going up despite absolute economic fallout will be MRK, ABT, GM, MRNA and CLX. I was also looking at INO but they're in the middle of a class action lawsuit.
Didn’t know
Europe participated in that antiquated bullshit.
Dick wet
It's like vegetal butter but worse.
I made 600 dollars last week by buying at 1800 and selling at 2100. You just have to play your cards right. I sold everything at opening this morning. Now i just wait for it to go down again.
It does look like a deadcat bounce but it will still go up one day.
that german finance guy throwing himself in front of train not tell you what is about to happen? it's over
Lol stocks are up, doomerfags btfo
Just bought some Berkshire Hathaway. Come at me.
Market will continue to tank for probably another year. For long term investors this next year may be the greatest buying opportunity in our lifetime.
You can finally be a value investor again.
My top picks include Disney, 3M and Chevron (or other high yield oil companies with large cash reserves).
there is NO company that is better run than Berkshire Hathaway.
What about that time they fell for a solar ponzi scheme?
The whole world could collapse and the market will be up, they are rigging this shit like China does theirs now.
how much $ did u spend when u bought?
Well this didn't age well
this market is not accurate, it is being propped up on bullshit brrrrrrrrrr
free market? no.
the market is up on the kind of news we have had this weekend and somehow people believe we already hit bottom?
yeaaaaaah... no.
all the fake ass pumpers can blow me,
this shit is a head fake. .02
>brrrrrr meme
Stocks are an inflation hedge. Saying it's artificial is meaningless.
Point and laugh at canadopoor
you gonna get quiet when the market tanks like all longs do in a position that heads south on them?
ever notice how the shorts do the same
shit? everyone pops off when they think they are winning.
if you feel comfy buying right now, have at it..
you're still a beginner at this aren't you?
lurk more
Stocks will grind sideways until something newsworthy happens. It will bounce down and up around these levels, sure it will go lower, and it will go higher. Next big news will be the curve is beginning to flatten, announced tomorrow evening, after that it will get a rally. I haven't been wrong about the market once since this began.