Brit/pol/ - Americans are all dead edition

>Coronavirus in UK: How many confirmed cases are there in your area?

>Coronavirus: Boris Johnson reveals 20,000 ex-NHS staff have returned to help fight COVID-19

>Coronavirus live news: UK warned of six-month lockdown as New York state passes 1,000 deaths

>Normal UK life may not return for 6 months

>Coronavirus scare prompts racist attacks on 'Chinese-looking' Indians

Attached: 22% of americans are dead.png (625x490, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi tweeple. Whats your flavour of outrage today?
>The NHS
>The economy
>Staying in (WHAAAA I only get to go out once)
>Clapping for care workers ( days old but still crying )
>Social distancing
>Queueing to get into a shop
>Have to cut my own hair REEEEE

First for are Mozza

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>there might be other reasons
utter spastic

tits or gtfo

Gonna self isolate your nan

Lol give it a rest mate you've posted this in every thread today you mong. I've got a feeling you're a tripfag off trip. I wonder which?

Nobody is clapping for supermarket workers or binmen.
*be's outraged*

>Cummings and BoJo are going to both die of the virus
Now it just needs to kill Raab and all of Momentum and the cleansing will be complete

what makes you think user is a girl

my dick

/cvg/ predicted this

Fuck society!

>/cvg/ predicted this

Morrissey predicted this

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reminder that there will be no vaccine. boris wasted £250 million on research funding.

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Aren't I just?

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Bin "men" get the rope user. Not old school over the shoulder take anything kind but


mozza posting has been known to cause outrage, please be mindful bruv.

>I've got a feeling you're a tripfag off trip.
Disgusting to even think it lad, I'm outraged

Watching out of window waiting for people who look like they are outside non-essentially, gonna boo at them


Why is this painfully obvious question meriting a poll?

Im outraged that women dont respond to me on apps. Is it because pic related is my pfp?

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Can someone do something about this cunt?

jannies are on their union mandated child fondling break

>chippy was closed

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just trying to gauge the mental state of today's bongs

>have minimal bills
>going to get paid 80% until this all blows over
>haven't even checked how much it will be because I don't care
>spent most of yesterday smacking golf balls into field from garden

What a time to be alive guys

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Two fiddy mil is fuck all, we're talking bils and trils now mate

china needs to pay for unleashing this bioweapon

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Game for fags and nonces.

>Can someone do something about this cunt?

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it's a lot when you consider that the presence of ADE and the mutation rate are both widely known by now. /cvg/ has known that a vaccine is impossible since february.

>running the numbers

Sounds about right.

Ello ello ello why do you have four cans of baked beans sir?

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Hey guys we're fine, definitely a shitload of fat and old people at wal mart still

>/cvg/ has known that a vaccine is impossible since february.

Well it's nice to know we have the best minds on the case.

>BrightHouse - the biggest rent-to-own operator in the UK - has collapsed, with administrators now attempting to salvage parts of the business.

>Customers should continue to make the monthly payments required to keep their household goods, with administrators now acting as the collecting agent.

Fuck's sake.

you dont know its impossible, maybe something with nanobots would work or something

Whats /cvg/s current estimate on covid wiping out all life in the milky way, june, july?

Fuck corona both the left and the right are happy with the lock down even the shock jocks on talk radio

>Customers should continue to make the monthly payments
lol that liquidator cope

>Little sister has been working at mcdonalds for around 13 weeks
>Making £120 a week, zero hour contract though
>She rings up and asks anyway if they are willing to sign her up for the 80% wage thing
>They say sure
>She is now getting £96 a week for doing nothing

Honestly kind of seething, Im working full time and have to continue to because I can do it remotely. I moved back in with my parents to help look after them, shop for them etc as I knew from jan this pandemic was going to be huge. Wish my work would fucking close so I could get 80%.

you sound jealous

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You'd think they'd being doing alright, what with people needing appliances while stuck at home.

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>you dont know its impossible
they never made any progress on a SARS vaccine in 18 years. SARS-CoV-2 has HIV-like spike protiens, which can't be stopped with a vaccine.


Should be trying marry her off to a trustworthy friend, lad.

Pretty sure I had/have coronavirus lads

Had literally all the symptoms except fever/vomiting (I also had increased confusion and loose stool)

Spoke to a GP after being told to call 111 by the NHS questionnaire and he said that based on what I was describing and how long it had already been (about a week at that point) that I most likely had coronavirus.

Its now been 2 full weeks since I started showing symptoms and I STILL have slight shortness of breath when I do too much. I'm largely better now and think its really on the out (even today i'm feeling much better than yesterday, and yesterday better than the day before, etc.).

My fiancee has been sleeping on the inflatable in another room for the whole time, but even then considering we're in the same flat its likely she's been exposed already and either hasn't developed symptoms yet or is just an even milder case.

Really hoping it was coronavirus. Waiting for antibody tests to become publicly available so I can confirm if it was coronavirus or not.

m8 you want seething i'm self employed they're about to give me a 6k lump sum and that's just the first three months. i'm sat here doing totally fuck all lmao.

>How many confirmed cases are there in your area?
In 3 different towns


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/Cvg/ touched me in the showers at school on several occasions

It's been fucked for a while apparently.

>Failing to make repayments, even now the company is in administration, would lead to extra charges and harm a credit score. Some may find that insurance policies sold alongside these rental agreements may no longer continue as the company has ceased trading.

Repayments BTFO

Corona is a slow happening, we've known this from day 1. THe first wave of infection starts very slow, but ramps up massively after around 4 weeks as all the asymptomatic cases flare up in huge numbers. There is then the fact that it stays dormant in the body and flares up again months after initial infection (China being hit by second wave now) which leads to cytokine storms or just a worse infection. Unless something miraculous happens this thing will be around for a year or longer and its likely it'll never really go away.

Poorfags wising up to the APR jew, perhaps

I had neighbours that had a TV you had to put 50p coins in ffs and this was 2015. Could have just got a £10 CRT from charity shop but no, gonna put a few quid in every day to watch Jeremy Kyle in HD.

DM readers are going apoplectic, chech the best rated comments

who else enjoying cruising around now the roads are empty of retarded drivers?

did they try nanobots?

anyone with any sense would refuse payment and tell the cunts their appliance was broken and to come collect it.

Their target market are people on bennies, everyone else can go out and buy appliances straight up.

Not gonna lie find that quite shocking she had to ring up and ask for it, i work at Mcdonalds too and we had a store conference call with the area manager who told us exactly what was going to be happening with the 80% wages and what we need to do

My factory said they were staying open even though it was obviously non-essential, they found a bullshit reason to keep going, I asked if I could go and get the 80 % and the manager got pissed and said I could go and get my coat and fuck off if I wanted, so I did. It was kind of funny but I have completely fucked myself over lol

Bannerlord is out. I repeat bannerlord is out.

At least you're a more logical happener than the /cvg/ mong who's been spamming Brit/pol/ for two weeks.

>The Black Death lasted 140 years

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No mate, i do heterosexual sports

Based bong

>couldn't collect 80% of nominal salary when offered to continue work at 100%
never gunna make it

I knew a guy who had one of those one. He used to nick a load of the shopping trolley tokens from where we were working and use those instead of £1 coins.

how long before people snap and start just ignoring these rulings?

brits either do as they're told or tell authority to fuckoff.

Fucking loving it, missus lives out in the sticks and the road up there is amazing.

On another note I enjoy the lack of cars and people, reminds me of the sub-urb I grew up on in the 90s where there wasn't constant hussle and bussle.

This town is fucking full since 2010 takes half an hour to drive a few miles.

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How are you guys getting your 80% bucks? Government site says the system hasn't been launched yet.
>The online service you’ll use to claim is not available yet. We expect it to be available by the end of April 2020.

Source on it laying dormant in the body?

I didnt want to be there anyway, but yeah no income is an issue

>full town, teeming with immigrants
>dead high street
many such cases!

it reminds me of my teens when i was ripping down country roads with no license and an unregistered car. oure nostalgia

I haven't really been following it although I don't really go out anyway, if I need to go out for something I've got to go.

april bank holiday if the suns out. we'll be 4 weeks in and everyone will be sick of it.

Load of boomers in masks at the Aldi this morning

>Implying the BIG C isn't going to last for hundreds of years, reoccurring every year

Ho ho ho
He he he
Ha ha ha

The company pays you if they agree to let you go on a furlough, then they have to claim it back

It's the company that claims the money back, not the employee.

Fuck Italy!

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Never thought I'd see a Hornblower meme on Yas Forums

I'm loving it. I'm sat at home on full pay, so they can drag this out as long as they want.

Our men have been emasculated through S O Y, porn and video games. Most people do as they’re told, the ones who don’t will be snitched on. Is there anyway off this island? Is there anywhere left s a refuge?

>dead high street

Only shops are charity, B&M etc, turkish barbers and polish food